A Pox Upon Us

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A Pox Upon Us Page 5

by Ron Foster

  “That’s the spirit! I will do the same on my road. There wont be no big I little u when it comes to eating and protecting around here if everyone makes the effort to pull there own weight. Course mind you it’s my land and my original herd etc so I am THE “Head Cattleman” and what I say goes when it comes to raising and slaughtering them beef cows!’ Jeb said looking about with a ship captain’s stare of warning for any dissenters to his will on his ship.

  “That’s fine and ok by me and I bow to your knowledge and experience raising cattle but keep in mind the division of choice cuts of meat or any profits involved are a decision of the shareholders of the association. Voting rights and such need to be worked out and…” Dennis was saying before Jeb started to stomp his foot in protest.

  “Hell boy you being too political dag nab it. I said everyone would eat beef and I meant it. You all don’t know the first thing about butchering and you already talking good steaks and profits. Why we going to have to break leg bones to make marrow soup as well as dig out the brains and sweetbreads in the carcass as well as put everything including the cows lips and asshole in a hotdog to feed all the hunger that will be seen around here!” Jebediah huffed as everyone tried to get the picture of what Jeb was going to put in his special “hotdogs or sausages “out of their heads and off their dinner plates.

  “Well I for one don’t mind ox tail soup, but I ain`t eating cow lips or a bung hole knowingly if I am supporting the lions share of this communities contribution to paying for something. Now don’t get me wrong, I see your fairness and points Jeb and I still say rank has its privileges the same as a better buy in or larger contributor to this scheme. We best set some ground rules and reasonable expectations on return of investment before we go soliciting the neighbors.” Dennis said not pleased at the problems he was either anticipating or foresaw trouble with in the future.

  “There you go again city boy complicating things. I raise the cows and you be the high muckety muck banker with them … what was it “Bernie Bucks”? Everybody will get some kind of share and everybody will eat. You do your high brow corporate shit and have all the church meetings or ladies porch bean picking sessions you want later to calculate the math. Right now I am going to talk to that muley old Scotsman McFarlane and see what his asking price is before we go any further. Could be he is too expensive, or could be if I convince him all will be lost if he don’t cooperate with me and listen we let him spin in the wind.. Hell he might already have a proposal himself that beats yours for raising his cows.” Jeb said obviously agitated.

  Dennis hadn’t expected this much resolve in the old man and was considering his response when Margo chimed in and asked her daddy if he wanted the rest of her drink as she might not want anymore.

  This gave Dennis the opportunity to reassert to Jeb that they had themselves an ample supply of the booze and let’s all back off and have another as we reevaluated things.

  “Ill take another drink with ya Dennis, didn’t mean to sound so sharp but times a wasting as well as day light. Some other cattleman probably got the same notion you do and might just be beating a path over to the feedlot with his or her own proposition... Why don’t I just go with what we got and see which way the wind is going to blow?” Jeb said thanking Charlene for another drink.

  “Can I top yours off Margo?’ Suzy asked sweetly trying to help Dennis diffuse the situation.

  “I guess you can now Ms Suzy, I thought we were going to talk to the neighbors but it seems them two old badgers have some plan betwixt them to work alone today.” Margo said watching her dad and Dennis in close discussion with Charles and Floyd nodding their heads in agreement like they were all knowing when some unheard hurdle was crossed.

  “Ok, so we in agreement. Five gallons of gas to haul the cattle. $800 cash, 40 gallons of shine plus a half of jug for tasting. 10 ounces of silver backing 500 “Bernie Bucks” A diamond ring worth a few hundred, 10 boxes of 12 gauge buckshot, one brick of 22s. Your promise to me for 40lbs of sugar to be combined with my corn for another load of hooch in two weeks.” Deal.” Shake on it” Jeb said extending his hand.

  “Whatever those men were agreeing too they sure looked happy about” Suzy mused as she followed Margo over to get more details from them and try to apply some feminine whiles if opportunity offered.

  “Ok Floyd, you are now this community’s printing press for money, the treasury of sorts. Go run off a thousand Bernie bucks and don’t be dinking around getting all artistic or complicated making them. You can scan our signatures onto the bills for the sake of urgency and ride with Jeb to help load and unload the whiskey and cows. The use of that shotgun of mine and the shells you toting, minus your labor to print the bills, plus the community debt for my ink, paper, electric power etc. Ah hell, just go help Jeb and we settle the books later.” Dennis said about as put out as Jeb was this shit was entirely too complicated for any discussion when urgency was needed to feed the world.

  “Will do Boss” Floyd said grinning and ribbing Dennis with a fake butlers accent as he went about his duties to try and secure everyone’s future as well as his own avocation.

  “Now then you grumpy old obstinate fools, you forgot I got a deer to track that is if I hit it in that hardwood cover. While you men folk have been giving each other the evil eye, me and Suzy here been working on the home front. By the way Dennis your mom is saying you should put a cork in it.” Margo said as he reached for the big brown stoneware jug he had got Lorraine to pour full of the stump knocker for “ascetics and appearances” in his marketing campaign.

  “Damn...” “Dennis muttered at the withering stares he got when he looked non complainant.

  “It seems a body can’t be happy he is pulling off the deal of the century without someone telling him he is getting too happy about doing it” Dennis remarked as he shoved the cork back in the jug like he was mad at the world..

  “Day ain`t done yet Dennis, she just wants you to keep your wits about you while you negotiating” Suzy whispered to him as he stalked off to help Floyd load Jeb`s truck.

  “I know darling, it is just aggravating to get hen pecked with advice when my wisdom is the only thing getting anything done.” Dennis said giving her a quick hug.

  “Hey sweetie, Charlene put a quart of that boogie juice in a mason jar when your mom wasn’t looking so we can have us another still kick up some dust session later when your mom goes back inside.” Suzy said patting him on his arm with a smile.

  “Ohhhhhhhh…. Nice babies. That is very cool of you all and I will figure out some amnesia for that oversight later” Dennis said hugging her back before happily telling Floyd he should go borrow a few empty mason jars and cut a deal with Jeb to “just see them through to the next batch” as long as they were trading their stash away,



  “Dennis, tell me something if you can. How does water filters measure up to the small pox virus?” Charlene asked.

  “Damn that’s a hell of a question you placed on me and one that is not answered easily. You know that viruses for example by your registered nurse training are not handled by antibiotics, you need an antiviral and they are smaller than most bacteria usually. I tried to do me a bit of research on that subject and got a bit stymied to give you a short or long answer. Now you know personally I put more of my faith in colloidal silver than most other medicines so my judgments to some might be a bit jaded. You remember awhile back I was given a PurifiCup® for review and consideration in the prepper blogs? Well I was really interested in this item because I theorized that my big ceramic water filters had an essential element missing in regards to my safety that I considered necessary if I was dealing with a known virus outbreak. I think it is important for us to note that we define a virus as a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of an organism. My question was academically would there be enough organic residue left in these pores of a quality ceramic filter to harbor a virus? This is an important q
uestion to ask ones self because it is known fact that the smallpox virus, at room temperature, in an undisturbed environment, can remain viable for years if not decades. I know that research has shown that silver kills most viruses on contact so a system such as PurifiCup® that incorporates a patented silver membrane was a no brainer to want to tryout and consider storing in my preps. I contacted the company to explore my assertion and received a very good explanation to why my supposition might be right on target.

  “To “kill viruses”, first we destroy the Cells of the Micro-organism such as Bacteria which the viruses lives in; so the Viruses will not live or replicate since “viruses” can only live inside a “Living Cell of Organisms”.

  In the other word is - Viruses does not live or replicate on its own, it needs to live inside Living things such as animals, fish, human..... and most commonly – Bacteria, pathogen... Therefore, we need to kill the “Vehicle that carries the Virus” which in this case are the Bacteria.

  In short answers to the question: PurifiCup’s Silver Membrane “Kills the living cell of the Micro-Organism that the Virus requires to live in” therefore how small the viruses is, are not the issue. Silver Membrane is - Antimicrobial.”

  This antimicrobial action was certainly a qualifying feature that I could find useful and applicable in adaptation, particularly when I let my fellow survivors read an article I had found that expresses the need for proper burial of victims of this dreaded disease. Maybe that’s what all those FEMA coffins are for because certainly groundwater contamination is an issue to consider here with a huge bioterrorism threat.

  Smallpox is estimated to have been responsible for three hundred (300,000,000) to five hundred (500,000,000) million deaths worldwide in the last century alone.

  Threat of Smallpox Contamination

  at Tom Quick Burial Site

  By Cindy Gibbs, Anthropology Study & Research

  As the subject of smallpox arises in Milford, Pennsylvania, so does the subject arise among governments. The United States is talking about it. They are in great debate as to whether or not they should destroy they last remaining sample of smallpox held in this country. Russia too, has a sample of the virus. Our country fears at least five others have the virus in their possession. This, as we know, is a matter of germ warfare. By destroying what we have, they hope to set an example. The question is what becomes of the ability to produce serum?

  So far, those I have spoken to say that now is a good time to bring up the issue of smallpox. One official even stated that the problem should "really (be) scream(ed) out to the people about it."

  The major concern of an outbreak of smallpox in the Milford, PA area has to do with the remains of Tom Quick, who died of smallpox. What was left of his bones and original casket was dug up in the 1800's and placed in a class jar which was placed in a casket and reburied at the site of his monument on Sarah Street. Contamination is of major concern as you will see as you read on.

  In 1892, a health scientist by the name of Jenner Guarnier documented his research on then called Cytoryetes viruses. One was called cowpox (vaccinia) the other small pox (variola). Although the two were identical in origin and nature, the cowpox was not strong enough to fully infect the test subject. They chose to use the smallpox to find the antibodies used in the serum. The smallpox was able to produce complete bacteriemia that was long lived and could fully infect a large cow within days.

  They also found during this same time in the late 1800's that smallpox was a filter-passing virus. This is where bone material comes in. A filter passing virus is an ultramicroscopic organism that when passed through compressed earth, bone, unglazed clays and porcelain, concrete, etc. it can remain impacted within small crevices of such material. When water containing the smallest microbe of such virus is filtered and tested, it may show no sign of microscopic particles or bacteria, yet when injected into man or animal, it still causes disease.

  The reason Tom Quick's bones are in glass is to prevent the virus from spreading. Whoever put the bones in glass knew that. It's something they had done in secret and if indeed the jar was properly sealed, the virus may stay contained. But what about the exposure after digging up the body to move it? And then the move itself? Depending on how long his body sat rotting in the original grave at Westfall, body fluids soaking the bones may have created this filter effect and left thousands of microbes in the earth as well.

  As the bones decompose, they burn carbons and hydrogens. This can take years to accomplish given the right environment. Whatever organisms are growing from moisture within the jar are very much alive and aide to the survival of smallpox long after Tom Quick's demise.

  Milford may feel safe having his bones in a jar in a casket under asphalt and concrete, but they are not safe. Eventually, bio-thermal activity (heating and freezing of the ground) can cause damage to the casket and break up the wood. Add the continuous movement of the earth's crust and the people above, (and hitting the concrete surround and digging in the soil of that area), well you get the picture.

  What would cost more, moving the jar to a shelf in a lab, or answering to the United States government as to why Milford, PA suffers from a once extinct virus the United States has no cure for.

  Everything at this site needs to be destroyed. If the jar had any type of rubber seal, it is now probably old and brittle and may allow air to pass through. In some ways it seems as though Milford, PA wants to continue Tom Quick's legacy.

  Should they question the idea of smallpox existing for so long, it's a known fact that astronomers are still testing the theory that smallpox virus has followed Haley's Comet in a cloud of debris for hundreds of years. As far back as 1948, observations have been made.

  More research is being done on this subject and updates will be provided. This matter does need attention.

  Upon examining the Purificup and reading its specs I determined that was an item that a lot of people might want to consider for their preps. The capacity of 12 gallons plus is adequate for a bug out bag or 72 hour kit and its unique in the water filter department because it includes its own cup thus saving space. This contained cup benefit made my mental prepper light bulb go on as this was the perfect solution for pet disaster kits! Hey animals need safe drinking water also even though drinking from peoples toilets don’t appear to have any serious effects on them lol. Seriously now, if I know a virus that remains as viable as Small pox is around I would not risk giving unfiltered water to my pets if I could. Alas though my beasties are country dogs and will drink out of every creek and mud puddle around. I then asked myself can dogs and cats get small pox? My first shocking fact from research was the FDA saying” We don’t know if the vaccine virus can be spread to

  Cats, dogs, or other household pets, or whether pets can spread the virus to other people in the household. Try to keep the vaccine virus from reaching your pet. See “How do I care for the smallpox vaccination site?”

  Well hell! No sense doing anymore research! Damn no I got to worry about a pack of small pox plaque dogs or some shit. No, no, no, not going there today. I will try to control my animals best I can and if they bugging out with me they are getting filtered water.

  The Purificup for this purpose seemed Ideal because its unique filtration system provided some other benefits.

  Exclusive 3 Stage Filter Technology

  Ion exchange resin: Turn hard water into soft water by removing heavy metals (lead, copper, cadmium, mercury, etc) and calcareous (meganesium, calcium icons).

  Activated carbon: Remove chlorine and other organic odor including THM, organic solvent, and pesticides.

  Silver membrane: The membrane eliminates 99.99% of the pathogens in natural water sources such as streams, falls, creeks, and rivers. It is located on the inlet and exit of the filter circulation channel, preventing the filter cartridge from contamination. + Absolute 1 micron filter for additional layer of protection against bacteria.

  The combination of these benefits produces the best tasting Al
kaline water at 7.2ph level thought-out its max capacity. That means fido will love it!

  USE COUPON Code Prepper1 for 10% off and FREE Shipping! @ http://purificup.com

  The need for a much larger less packable more robust system for me to use on a continuous daily basis required me to consider several options. The fact that in my extensive research I found a UV system (Ultra Violet Light) portable but larger water purification system existed that did not require batteries intrigued me no end. I had been very familiar with the famous SteriPEN product line featuring water purification technology that harnesses the application of the ingenious brilliant power of ultraviolet light to make water safe to drink. Dennis had never heard of one of their product models called a SteriPEN Sidewinder Portable UV Water Purifier.

  Ah crank power! Sounds like a Charles job to him. That is quite an interesting use of alternative energy the company came up with and Charles was fascinated enough with the technology he would always volunteer to be the one running the spinner...

  This gadget was an eco-friendly, portable UV water purifier that required no batteries to purify 1L of water in 90 seconds. The 8,000-dose UV light destroys viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Includes BPA-Free bottle and Pre-Filter. Hand powered and perfect for campers or emergency use.


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