The Devils Baby

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The Devils Baby Page 11

by Cilla Lee

  “Hello my names Lana, and I'll be your server tonight, would you like to order you drinks now while you go over the menu”

  “Baby what do you want?” I ask her

  “Just a coke please and I'll have a beer” we say

  “On tap or bottle” she asks me


  “Alright I'll be right back” she walks off and I look at Niya (fuck my heart won't stop racin')

  “What you ganna get baby?”

  “Um I could eat it all Colt”

  “Ok the menu with the lot” she laughs and my dick gets hard and I shift to try and get comfortable

  “Ok here you go one coke and a beer have you decided what you want” the waitress says placin' the drinks on the table, would you like to order


  “I'll have a serving of the Buffalo wings with the BBQ sauce for starters than for my main meal I'll have the surf and turf”

  “Any desserts”

  “Yes, the super sundae please”

  “And you sir”

  “I'll have what she's havin'”

  “Ok so that's two orders of Buffalo wings with BBQ sauce two surf and turf meals how would you like your Rib Eye's ma'am”

  “Well done please”

  “And you sir”

  “Medium rare”

  “Ok one well done and the other medium rare all topped with crispy fried prawns, salt and pepper squid, Béarnaise sauce served with Caesar salad, coleslaw and with jacket potato and two super sundaes’”

  “No just make it one, well share the sundae” I tell the women

  “Ok one super sundae is that all for tonight”

  “That will do for now thank you”

  “Ok I'll get your starters” she walks off and I just stare at Niya (man I could watch her all day)

  “You, hungry baby”

  “Colt I'm always hungry” I laugh the amount of times I've caught her in the fridge at all hours of the mornin' it's ridiculous

  “Oh my god Colt this sundae is amazing try it” she holds up the spoon and I lean forward

  “Um nice” I pick up a spoon and we eat the sundae feeding each other, I watch as she polishes off the last bite and my palms start to sweat (it's now or never)

  “Come on baby” I hold out my hand

  “Where are we going?”

  “For a walk” I pull her to me and place my arm on her shoulders and we walk towards the beach

  “Colt take me shoes off” I lean down and unbuckle them and carry them for her, we walk for a while until I stop at the spot I kissed her last time I pull her to me staring down at her, my heart beating so fast and the ring burning a hole in my pocket


  “Yeah” I take a deep breath and get down on one knee and she gasps

  “Niya I have loved you from the moment I saw you, we may not have met in the most happiest of ways but from the moment I touch you my soul was complete, I see tears in her eye's, baby your my one and I love you so much I can't imagine my life ever without you in it, I reach into my pocket baby...... will you marry me” I open the box so she can see it, tears are running down her face and she nods yes

  “Yes, Colt I'll marry you” I jump up and swing her in my arms and she sequels as I kiss her long and softly never wanting it to end


  “Yeah baby”

  “Can I have my ring” I smile at her and step back and she lifts her hand up I place the ring on her finger

  “Oh, Colt it's beautiful where did you get it”

  “It was my Great Grandmother's”

  “It beautiful” I pull her to me again and I kiss her never wantin' to stop

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Yes, Colt just there yes oh god don't stop” he licks my pussy again and my nipples pebble, they ache so much and I reach for them and tug, it feels so good as he licks me out

  “Fuck I love your pussy baby”

  “Colt fuck me I need your cock please” I beg feeling so desperate

  “I fuckin' love when you beg for my dick baby”

  “Colt” he crawls up the bed and lays down

  “Come here baby ride me” (oh god yes) I move fast needing him in me filling me, I slowly lower myself on his cock every inch stretching me, my inner muscles squeezing him

  “Argh fuck baby that pussies fuckin' tight” god I love his cock he leans forward and sucks on my nipple making me scream and a flood of juices makes my pussy even wetter

  “ARGH Colt softly there sensitive” he licks the tip than just sucks the tips softly sending jolts to my pussy making me squeeze him more.

  “Baby move faster”

  “No, I want it slow” I raise up and down feeling his cock pulse, he's so hard his cock filling me perfectly all my nerve ending tingling and I can feel my orgasm building, I lean forward and raise up and then back down my pussy starts to tremble, he's hitting that one spot deep inside the ache building and building. I close my eyes my pussy sucking on his cock my pussy convulsing squeezing him.

  “Fuck baby that feels so fuckin' good”

  “Oh god Colt I'm ganna come” my body coming alive with electricity all of my synopsis firing and I exploded on his cock my inner pussy muscles squeezing him and he yells out

  “FUCK BABY” I lean my head on his chest catching my breath

  “Get up baby my turn” I slide off of him

  “All fours baby” I get on all fours and watch him position himself behind me

  “Legs open” I move my legs to either side of his and he nudges them wider open and pushes my shoulders down

  “I fuckin' love this baby, you look amazing from here” he glides his finger all the way down my spine and into my pussy and rubs my juices up to my ass

  “Can't wait to fuck this hole baby” he rubs his wet finger on it


  “Shh baby” he glides his cock into my pussy his finger rubs my ass a little harder and he slips in to the knuckle making me cry out

  “COLT” the sensation weird but good

  “Just relax baby” he moves his cock in and out and his finger goes deeper

  “Colt” he starts moving faster and I feel full, within a couple of minutes I'm coming again and Colt fucks me harder and harder

  “FUCK BABY I fuckin' love this pussy” he slaps my ass hard and I know there’s going to be a hand print there

  “Who owns this body baby?”



  “You Colt, you own me” he pulls my hips up and rotates his hips at a different angle his cock going so deep. He rocks his hips slowly and the building begins again

  “I'm ganna fuckin' come baby” her rocks again and again hitting that magical spot in my pussy and I explode screaming his name and he comes inside me, he pulls me to my side and we lay there “You, happy baby” I lift my hand and look at my ring

  “I'm very happy Colt” I kiss him again and I feel his cock getting hard again and I look down and smile


  As I walk into work the next morning Chelsea looks up at me and I smile “What are you smilin' at” she says smiling back, I lift my left hand and she frowns than recognition hits, her eyebrows reach her hair line and she starts jumping up and down

  “Oh my god oh my god oh my god” Chelsea yells as she grabs my hand

  “Tell me everything” we sit on the sofa and I tell her everything about Colt moving my clothes to how sexy as fuck he looked to the restaurant and his proposal

  “Oh, Niya I'm so happy for you” she pulls me into a big hug and I can't stop smiling. The doorbell rings and we look up as Cuff walks in

  “What are you happy for?” Cuff asks

  “Colt proposed” Chelsea says holding up my hand and Cuff has the biggest smile on his face

  “You Niya girl you are a blessing from the gods” we both look at Cuff

  “What are you talking about?” Chelsea asks him

You my girl have just won me one thousand dollars” he says

  “What?” I ask

  “There was a pool at the clubhouse to when Colt would propose and I had yesterday's date, it was yesterday right” he looks worried for a moment but I nod

  “Yep last night”

  “Yes” he rubs his hands together

  “What's going on?” Socket says walking in

  “I fuckin' won the pool cocksucker” Socket looks at me

  “No fuckin' way” he looks at my hand and I hold it up

  “Ok you two are out to screw us all, are you planning this shit together or what?”

  “Ha-ha motherfucker, just make sure all you, assholes have my money for me tonight, I feel like celebrating” he gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks back to his cubicle laughing


  Where at the clubhouse later celebrating when Pixie comes storming into the main room

  “WHO THE FUCK PUT BLUE DYE IN MY CONDITIONER” she yells and we all turn and she's standing there with bright blue hair and we all laugh


  “Oh, Pixie you’re such a drama queen, just dye it another color” Maggie says and Pixie storms off back down to her room and all the girls laugh harder

  “Ok who the fuck done that” Razor asks us girls and we all look at the floor “Well?” he says but I put my head down and smile but don't say anything “Niya” I look up at Razor


  “Did you do that?” he asks me

  “No, it wasn't me” I tell him

  “Fuckin' women” he mumbles and yells for Jordan to get him a drink. We move outside when Maggie looks at us all

  “So, who did it?” Lena laughs and we all turn to her

  “It was me, I had to come in here last night, I'd forgotten my phone charger in Tank’s room and I’d seen Pixie's bedroom door open, I had the dye in my bag for the last week waiting and last night I put it in” we all start laughing

  “I put testosterone tablets in her vitamin bottle” we all look at Sheryl surprised

  “When?” Maggie asks her

  “Two days ago,”

  “How long do they take to work”

  “I don't know I noticed Pixie taking some pills last week and I asked her what they were, she showed me them and they look like the testosterone tablets my niece or nephew use to take when she was going through her transition from female to male. I rang him up and he told me what they were and I went and bought them and replaced Pixie’s tables with them”

  “And she hasn't noticed” Maggie asks her

  “I don't think so, I seen her take one this morning” we all burst into laughter again. Maggie nudges me

  “Told you the women was evil” we both laugh again

  “Ok so far we've done itching powder, hair dye and tablets so what's next”

  “I think we should have her declared dead” Jewel says

  “How do we do that” Lena asks

  “You need a death certificate”

  “Yeah I wish” I say

  “Ok so we lie” Jewel says

  “To who?”

  “I don't know maybe we could forge one and get all her cards canceled”

  “Ok you’re over thinking it” Lena says “All you need to do is ring her bank and tell them that her bag was stolen and to cancel all her cards”

  “Oh, that sounds easier”

  “Not really we need her password and all her personal information”

  “Like what” Maggie asks

  “You know birth date her real name that sort of stuff”

  “I can get that” we all look at Sheryl

  “What? Dover has everything on everyone in his office”

  “Ok Sheryl you get that and then we'll cancel everything” we all stand up and put our hands in and whisper

  “HERES TO OPERATION FUCK WITH PIXIE” we all raise our hands laughing again

  Chapter Fifteen


  Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital sucks people looking to find out if their loved ones were ok, it’s depressing I know the fate of my loved one she was at deaths door dyeing of breast cancer and there’s nothing the doctors can do. Mom had been sick for a few months it started as a bad cough than a bad cough than it was Cancer, it progressed so fast throughout her body that it was really too late to try any treatments. I watched as the once happy go lucky women deteriorated to a woman that looked like she was staved she'd lost mostly all of her muscle her face was sunken and her once radiant skin was now dry and leathery

  “Zoey are you ready for what's going to happen” the social worker asks me and I look at her (no I’m not)

  “Yes, she's dyeing” I tell her

  “Yes, she is, is there anyone you know who can take care of you”

  “I have a sister I've never met”

  “Do you know where she is” I shake my head


  “I'll let you get back to your mother than do you know her name”

  “Niya Stevens”

  “I'll look into it”



  As we walk into Maggie and Razor’s, the smell of dinner cooking has my mouth watering

  “Hay Maggie” I call out and she comes walking out of the kitchen

  “Hay you two” she says pulling me in for a hug

  “Razor home yet” I ask her

  “No, he's on his way sit do you want a drink”

  “I'll take a beer Mag's” Colt says and I walk into the kitchen as Colt sits and turns the TV on

  “Ok do you need any help” I ask her

  “You can mash the potatoes for me”

  “Yum mash potato”

  “Dinner ready yet” Razor says walking in



  “Say hello first” Maggie says frowning at him

  “Hello, is dinner ready” I smirk and shake my head

  “Razor you’re too much” I say

  “I've had a hard fuckin' day and I'm hungry woman now feed me” (slap) I turn around to see Razor rubbing his head

  “What the fuck was that for?”

  “Because you’re an ass now sit”

  “So Niya have you thought about setting a date” Maggie asks me and I look at Colt

  “Actually, Colt and I were thinking next month”

  “Next month”

  “Yeah we wanna get married before the baby comes”

  “Well that doesn’t give us much time to plan, where were you thinking of having it”

  “At our house, theirs enough room for a tent and Stryker and Colt are going to build an alter so we can get married and have the party all in one place”

  “Oh, that's sounds great have you chosen colors and flowers oh your dress theirs so much to do how, about we get all the girls over on the weekend and we'll plan it”

  “Sounds good Maggie”

  “Good I'll call everyone and we'll go from there”

  “How have you been feeling”

  “Really good”

  “When's your next doctor’s appointment?”

  “Next week, I can't believe I'm six and a half months already”

  “It has gone fast” Maggie's says smiling

  “Is the babies room already”

  “Yep and I've washed all the clothes sterilized all of the bottles even though I'll be breast feeding and my hospital bag is ready and waiting by the door”

  “Well it seems your all organized than”

  “I am I just can't wait to me this little guy” everyone smiles

  “Neither can we” Maggie says and Colt leans over and kisses my cheek



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