The Devils Baby

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The Devils Baby Page 14

by Cilla Lee

  “Here’s to us baby” we clink glasses and drink

  “Ooh that's nice”

  “Yeah, it's not bad for non-alcoholic stuff, come here baby and sit back” I'm so horny I need him to fuck me and I rub my ass on his cock


  “I need it Colt and we haven't officially consummated our marriage yet”

  “Turn around than” I place my flute on the side of the tub and turn to face him

  “Straddle my legs” I move forward and sit on his lap, I can feel his cock standing at attention and I rub myself up and down on it he leans forward and sucks my nipple into his mouth and I moan, I lean back so I can move my belly out of the way and I move faster

  “Colt I need you please”

  “You want my dick baby”

  “God yes” I'm so hot my pussy pulsing, he grabs my hips and maneuvers’ his cock so it's at my opening and he thrust forward and I scream from the pleasure

  “Fuckin' hell baby your pussies so hot”

  “Fuck me Colt” he grabs my hips harder and moves me up and down on his cock. I can feel the heat rising in my body, my toes tingle and I move faster

  “I'm so close Colt” he moves forward and leans back and the change of angle has him rubs on that sweet spot with every thrust and my pussy starts to tremble and contract and I explode on him and he fucks me through my orgasm harder and just as I feel my orgasm building again he pulls out


  “Turn around baby” I turn and he pulls me back onto his lap and thrust hard entering me again “Lean back Niya” I lean into him and he pulls on my over sensitive nipples and grinds his cock inside of me

  “Move up and down baby fuck me I want you to come on my cock again” I start to move my hips feeling his cock inside rubbing all my sensitive nerves, every stroke of his cock feels amazing and I grind even slower feeling every ridge “Baby move faster” I shake my head no

  “No Colt I wanna feel your cock in me” I move up and down building my orgasm and he reaches around and rubs my swollen clit and I move a little faster “Argh Colt that feels so good” my pussy starts to quiver

  “That's it baby come on my dick” he pinches my clit and nipple at the same time and I explode, lights flash behind my eyes my synopsis firing goose bumps form on my body and I scream his name as I come on his dick as he pulls my hips up and down two more times and cums

  “I love you baby” he says still rubbing his cock up and down inside of me

  “I love you Colt” we sit in the tub catching our breaths the bubbles loud to me ears and I sit back and relax with my husband.


  We spend the next couple of days laying around the hotel room making love and talking, it was so nice and I never wanted to leave, we've eaten our weight in food. Well I had Colt even came with me when I went down for a day at the spar, it was funny seeing him with his head rapped in a towel his mud mask on getting a pedicure I had to take a photo when he wasn't looking for leverage later, later we had a romantic dinner in a private dining room where Colt eat more than just dinner and took a romantic walk along the pier arm in arm

  “You, happy baby” he asked me and I looked up at him smiling

  “I love you so much Colt, I never in a million years ever thought I would be this happy” he pulls me to him my big belly between us

  “The first day I saw you Niya I knew you'd be mine” he tells me

  “You did”

  “Yeah, your soul called to me baby and I knew we were meant to be”

  “I love you so much Colt” he leans down and kisses me (I can't get enough of his lips) Of course, we couldn't stay in our little bubble forever and eventually we had to check out


  “Colt make sure you grab the bath robes and all the little bottles”

  “What the fuck would you want those for?”

  “Because that's what you do when you stay at a fancy Hotel like this”

  “What strip it bare?” I look at him

  “Yes, now grab the bottles and bathrobes and don't forget the slippers” I yell as he walks into the bathroom.


  “OMG your back” Maggie says pulling me into a big hug

  “Yeah we just got back but I wanted to come and see you before we go to the house”

  “How was the hotel”

  “Oh, Maggie it was amazing the room was to die for and the food, oh it makes my mouth water just thinking about it, it was perfect”

  “Did you strip the room before you left” I smile and Colt snorts and we turn and look at him

  “What?” we both say he just smiles

  “Nothin’” he says shaking his head at us



  “So, motherfucker what's it like being married” Stryker asks me

  “I fuckin' love it man, that feeling of worrying that she's ganna leave again has gone, I feel more content now just having that ring on her finger has my head on straight”

  “I'm happy for ya brother we all are” he slaps me on the back

  “Now get to work I've been carrying your shit all week” I throw a wrench at him but hit the wall

  “Dickhead” he says and gives me the finger and we laugh


  The day goes by pretty fast the boys tellin' me about the party at the clubhouse that I missed and the train all the brothers done with Star. The phone in the office rings and I get up to answer it.

  “Colt I need you to come to the clubhouse now” Razor says

  “Anything wrong boss man”

  “No just get here fast”

  “On my way” I wash my hands and head out to my bike

  “Where you going fuckhead works not over yet” Stryker says

  “Boss man wants me”

  “Anything wrong” I shrug my shoulders

  “No idea he didn't say”

  “Want me to come with ya”

  “Nah I'll see what he wants first”

  “Alright call if ya need me”

  “Will do” I ride over to the clubhouse, when I get they’re there's a cop car sitting at the gates and I have to ride around it parking my bike, I see Razor standing with Cash and a middle-aged woman

  “What's up” I ask him

  “Colt you know Cash” I give him a chin lift


  “And this is Ms. Jenkins, she's a Social Worker” I look at the chick wonderin’ what the fuck she wants with me


  “Colt there here about Niya's sister” I look at Razor confused

  “What? she doesn’t have a sister” I tell him

  “Apparently she does” Razor says and I look at the chick

  “Mr. Wade it's nice to meet you, I know that this must be a bit of a shock. But your wife dose, have a younger sister”

  “I don't understand Niya's mom died when she was four”

  “No, she didn't pass away until just recently and has left Zoey with no other family apart from Niya, now I don't know if you will be willing to take on a fifteen-year-old girl and if you both choose not to take her than she'll be put into the system until her eighteenth birthday”

  “Fuck no she'll come home to us” I tell her

  “Colt” Razor says

  “Razor this is Niya's sister” I look the social worker chick right in the eyes “Make the arrangements she comes home to us”

  “Mr. Wade it's not that simple there's a process to see if your eligible to take Zoey”

  “What the fuck? Niya's her only family and I'm not lettin' her be put into a system, where young girls are taken advantage of from money grubbin’ assholes who only take kids to get a pay check. She's family, Niya and I are married about to have our own kid we own our own house and we both work”

  “Yes, that may all be true but you are affiliated with a motorcycle gang”

  “It's a club” Razor says

  “Excuse me” the woman looks at Razor

  “Where a club and wh
ere completely legit”

  “That may be Razor but some of your members have criminal records”

  “What the fuck has that got to do with Colt and Niya getting the kid?”

  “Unfortunately, it's guilt by association I'm afraid”

  “Look Ms. Jenkins I know that we maybe a small town but I can guarantee that the Devils Soldiers are a reputable club, they do a lot of charity work in the community even the Mayor can give them a reference if you want there's no safer place for Zoey than with Colt and Niya” Cash says

  “I'll need those than if I'm going to get the paper work started and I need to come to your house Mr. Wade to talk to your wife and yourself”

  “Anytime” I tell her and she nods

  “Ok well I'll be in touch in a couple of days I need to contact the office where there holding Zoey and get all the paper work in place if this is all approved”

  “Great get it started as soon as possible” I tell her

  “Ok thank you for coming so quickly” I shake her hand

  “No problem, um Ms. Jenkins how did Niya's mom die” I ask as she's about to walk off

  “She passed away of Breast Cancer”

  “Fuck” I say and she nods



  “Last month”

  “Shit, what's Zoey like” curious if she’s anythin’ like Niya

  “I haven't meet her, but her Social Workers has nothing but great things to say about her, it seems she's taken this case to heart” she tells me

  “Well thanks for lettin' us know”

  “I'll be in touch soon” I watch her and Cash walk to his car and get in

  “Fuck what do you think Niya's ganna say” Razor says

  “I have no idea boss man, but I bet she's ganna be happy as fuck” he slaps me on the back

  “I need a drink” I say and we head into the clubhouse


  “What? I have a sister” she asks confused

  “Yeah baby you do”

  “Oh god Colt, where is she? how old is she? when can we see her?”

  “Baby I only met the Social Worker today” I tell her

  “How? Why didn't she come here?”

  “Baby the clubhouse was your last address apart from Razor and Maggie's”

  “Oh right, so what's going to happen now Colt when do I get to meet my sister…oh god Colt I have a sister” she tears up and I pull her to me

  “Yeah baby you do”

  “My mom” I take a deep breath knowing the next bit is ganna hurt

  “She died last month baby”

  “What? how?”

  “Breast Cancer”

  “Oh, Colt all these years I thought she was dead, why didn't she look for me”

  “I don't know baby maybe when we meet Zoey, she might have some answers” she nods her head yes and I pull her tighter to me

  “when do we meet the social worker”

  “She's ganna call tomorrow and well get the process going to get Zoey here to us as soon as possible ok” we sit for a while in silence when she looks up at me

  “Are you sure you want her to come and live with us, I mean we just got married and with....” I put my finger over her mouth to stop her

  “Baby she's your sister your only blood family of course I want her here, this is where she belongs with you me and our son”

  “I love you” she says and I smile at her (I never get tired of hearin’ that)

  “I love you more” we sit back and I feel her relax

  “How are feeling today baby” I rub her belly feelin' my son movin'

  “Good hungry tired like a beach whale”

  “A beach whale”

  “Yeah a beach whale it took me twenty minutes today to try and pick up my shopping list that I dropped on the floor today”

  “Twenty minutes”

  “Yes, twenty bloody minutes it took at least three minutes to get down and another friggin’ seventeen to get back up and none of my shirts fit me”

  “Is that why you’re wearing mine”

  “Yes, absolutely nothing fits me, I couldn't even get my underwear on, so I'm going commando from now until this kid comes out”

  “I like the sound of that” she slaps me

  “You would”

  “Fuck yes I would easy access” I wiggle my eyebrows

  “Err, let me up what do you want for dinner”

  “Anything baby what do you want?”

  “Um I'm not hungry”

  “You’re not hungry” I feel her head “baby your always hungry”

  “Well I don't feel like it today maybe something light”

  “How about I cook us an omelet”

  “That sounds nice Colt I'm so tired today”

  “You stay here baby and put your feet up and I'll start dinner” I give her a kiss and she lays down and turns the TV on

  Chapter Nineteen


  (knock knock)

  “Come in”

  “Good morning Zoey how are you feeling today”


  “I've got some news”

  “Is it about Niya” she nods her head yes

  “It is”

  “Where is she?”

  “she lives in a little town called Coral City”

  “Where is it?”

  “It's in Northern California, we reached out to the department there they traced your father’s name to a fish processing plant but he seems to have moved on, but your sister still lives in the town and your sister says she can't wait to meet you”

  “Did she know about me”

  “No sweetie she had no clue, a Ms. Jenkins from the department of Social Workers is meeting with your sister today and we'll make the arrangements from there”



  “Do you have a photo of her”

  “No, I'm sorry theirs not one in the file”

  “When do we get to meet her”

  “Well your husband provided me with the information that I required and I will have everything processed within the next couple of days, so hopefully everything should be done with in the week. Um I see you use to live with your father is there any way that I could contact him” I look at Razor and Colt

  “No, he left town when I meet Colt and I haven’t seen him since”

  “Oh, that's a shame I was hoping that you knew where he was”

  “Why he was a piece of shit” Razor says and Maggie grabs his arm

  “Why would you say that Razor” she asks him

  “Oh, I don't know maybe because that fucker, use to beat Niya every chance he got” Ms. Jenkins looks at me

  “Is that so” I nod my head yes

  “He was an asshole” I tell her

  “Oh, ok well maybe we shouldn't look for him than”

  “Maybe” Razor says

  “Ok well do you know if you have any other relatives that you know of”

  “There's no point she's coming to live with us” Colt tells her sounding annoyed

  “Mr. Wade”

  “NO, she's coming to live with us and that's the end of it, get the paperwork done and make the arrangements, my wife doesn’t need any stress at the moment if you haven’t noticed she is heavily pregnant and we both want Zoey to live here with us so we can look after her” Ms. Jenkins smiles at us both

  “I'm glad Mr. Wade you'd be surprised at how many children are turned away from their own family, I'm glad Zoey has you both”

  “She'll have more than just those two trust us Ms. Jenkins, Zoey will be in a place where she'll be safe and well looked after” Razor says

  “Ok well I have all I need I'll contact you by Friday and let you know when you can meet Zoey” she stands up and we walk her to the door


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