The Bridal Swap

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The Bridal Swap Page 5

by Karen Kirst

  She was soaking in their surroundings as if imprinting the scene upon her memory. Was this city girl a nature lover or was this intense observation a result of her profession?

  Her expression brightened. “Look!”

  He followed her gaze to a hollowed-out tree trunk where a momma raccoon and four kits lay curled up in their nest, a tangle of gray-and-white fur.

  “What an adorable sight!” she whispered, her smile full of girlish excitement. “How old do you think they are?”

  “I’d say four or five months.” He matched his voice to hers so as not to disturb the sleeping family.

  “To see them in real life is such a treat!”

  “What? You don’t have raccoons in the big city?”

  She appeared thoughtful. “Perhaps in Central Park. The deer are plentiful there, I’m told, as are foxes.”

  The largest city he’d visited was Knoxville. Amid the noise, crowded streets and hectic pace, he’d quickly discovered he preferred country life.

  “You’ve never been there?” he asked, wondering for the first time what she did to pass the time.

  “A handful of times. I wasn’t fortunate enough to see any wildlife.”

  “Well, there’s plenty of it here.”

  Her gaze was drawn once again to the sleeping raccoons. “I’m continually struck by God’s handiwork. His imagination and creativity. Nature reflects His majesty, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Josh was surprised to hear her speak about God. He’d tried on several occasions to engage Francesca in a conversation about faith, but she’d skirted the issue, saying only that she was a frequent church attendee. Was this another area of difference between the sisters?

  “I agree wholeheartedly.”

  Something in his voice must’ve snagged her attention, for she turned and thoughtfully regarded him. They shared smiles of understanding, an acknowledgment that on this important subject they were in agreement.

  Then, before he could get too accustomed to her heart-melting smiles, he resumed walking. She fell into step beside him.

  Crossing the bridge into town, the first business they passed was his friend Tom’s barbershop. Since it was midafternoon, the shop was empty of customers. Tom stood in back, polishing his tools.

  Glancing out the window, he spotted Josh and waved, his brows hiking up when his gaze lit on Kate. He flashed Josh a wolfish grin and a thumbs-up. He must not have heard of Francesca’s defection.

  The tips of his ears burning, Josh slid his gaze to Kate, who appeared unaware of the exchange. Her stiff black bonnet shielded the sides of her face, so it was unlikely she’d seen anything.

  Great. Everyone was going to assume she was his bride-to-be. He’d forever be explaining himself. It’d be easier to call a town meeting and set the record straight once and for all.

  They walked in the direction of the mercantile. Out of habit, his gaze homed in on the empty store for sale across the street, the one he’d been saving up to buy. When he saw the owner, Chadwick Fulton, ducking inside, he stopped abruptly.

  “I see someone I need to talk to. Would you mind if I met you at the mercantile in about fifteen or twenty minutes?”

  “No, not at all.” Curiosity marked her expression.

  He hesitated, suddenly remembering his and Francesca’s outings in Sevierville and her insistence that he stay by her side. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to feel ill at ease, you being new in town. I can put it off until another time.”

  “Don’t worry,” she surveyed the single road of businesses and smiled, dimples flashing. “I’m fairly certain I won’t get lost.”

  Pleased by her response, Josh smiled back. Apparently, Kate Morgan could take care of herself. “Clawson’s is the last business on this side of the street. You can’t miss it. I’ll catch up with you.”

  He waited until she’d gone inside to cross the street and study the storefront. He imagined the words J. D. O’Malley Furniture Company scrolled in large letters across the plate-glass windows. His dream of opening his own furniture store was so close to reality.

  “Good morning, Mr. Fulton,” he greeted as he entered, closing the door behind him.

  Seated behind the only piece of furniture left behind, a scuffed hunk of wood masquerading as a desk, the old man looked up and grunted. “O’Malley.”

  “How are you today?”

  “What do ya want?”

  Fulton’s grumpy response wasn’t unusual. He was an unhappy, crotchety old man.

  “Sir, I came by to let you know that I’ve almost got the money to buy this place. I’ll be paying you a visit as soon as I finish a few more orders.”

  “The sooner I sell it, the better,” he groused, then shook a gnarled finger at Josh. “Remember, I ain’t holdin’ this place for you. Cash talks, and so far you ain’t shown me any.”

  Josh understood it was the way of business, but he didn’t have to like it. Mr. Fulton wouldn’t agree to accept a deposit. “Yes, sir. I understand.” He tugged on the brim of his hat. “Good day.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He waved him out. “G’day.”

  After taking one last look around the space and mentally calculating how many pieces he’d need to fill it, he left. He eyed the mercantile across the street, deciding he had time to stop by the post office and see if he had any letters from his cousin Juliana. He wasn’t consistent in his replies, but so far she’d overlooked that fact and kept the letters coming. They never failed to lift his spirits.

  She’d only been gone a month, but it felt like a lifetime. He took comfort in the fact that her new husband was making her happy.

  Inside the post office, he was surprised to see a line of people. He had time, though. Kate didn’t seem to be the type to fuss if a man was a few minutes late.

  Kate strolled along the boardwalk carrying the small brown sack of hairpins and hand mirror she’d just purchased. Though not a large store, she’d been pleasantly surprised by the variety and quality of goods. The proprietor and his wife had been friendly and helpful without being overbearing. And customers greeted her with either a nod or a smile.

  The overall atmosphere of the town was one of easygoing charm. People back home seemed to be more formal, keeping to themselves as they went about their business.

  Glancing up and down the street, she searched for Josh. She wondered what could be keeping him. He’d certainly been intent on some task. Perhaps it had taken longer than expected.

  She decided to head in the direction of the shop he’d disappeared into. Waiting for a wagon to pass, she lifted her skirts off the dusty ground and hurried to the other side. She didn’t notice the two men standing outside the post office until she was almost upon them.

  The shorter of the two elbowed his companion in the ribs and muttered words too low for her to hear. That man, whose face had been obscured by his hat’s wide brim, lifted his head and stared hard at her. She recognized him at once. Tyler Matthews.

  Her feet slowed as his hungry gaze devoured her, looking her up and down as if she were a slice of pie to be savored. Feeling violated, she stopped, unwilling to go any nearer. When he advanced a step toward her, Kate whirled and walked as quickly as she could in the opposite direction while trying not to attract attention.

  Glancing back to see if he still followed her, she collided with a muscled chest and her sack slipped out of her hands. It hit the weathered boards with a thunk. Hands came up to steady her.


  Josh. “I’m sorry,” she panted, “I didn’t see you.”

  “What has you upset?” Holding her steady with a gentle grip, he gazed down at her with concern.

  “I saw Tyler. He started to follow me.”

  Lips compressing in irritation, he scanned the boardwal
k behind her. “I don’t see him. He must’ve ducked in between the buildings. Where did you first spot him?”

  “Outside the post office.”

  Slowly she became aware of his thumb lazily stroking her arm, an unconscious gesture meant to soothe.

  His brows came together. “You okay?”

  “Yes, just a bit unnerved. This is something I’ve never experienced before, having someone fixated on me.” She shuddered. His fingers flexed in response.

  Josh was near enough for her to feel his body heat, to see the leap of his pulse in the hollow of his neck. The dark shirt complemented his tanned skin and brilliant eyes. Her gaze fell to his mouth, noting that his lips looked warm and generous. What would it be like to be kissed by Josh? she wondered suddenly.

  Had he ever kissed Fran? Her sister had been surprisingly coy on the subject, never hinting either way. Jealousy gripped Kate’s heart, startling her. She had no business entertaining such thoughts!

  Tearing her gaze up to his, she sucked in a breath at the confused interest in his eyes. With an almost imperceptible shake of his head, as if to clear his thoughts, he swallowed hard.

  “I want you to be careful.” He bent and picked up her sack. “Stay alert to your surroundings, especially when you’re alone.”

  “Of course, I—”

  “Josh!” a female voice trilled. “Aren’t you gonna introduce us to your fiancée?”

  Chapter Five

  Two young ladies stood watching them, eyes wide with curiosity.

  Kate flushed with embarrassment. No doubt they were drawing their own conclusions to what appeared to be an intimate moment. What would they think when they realized she wasn’t Francesca?

  “Girls, I’d like you to meet Miss Kate Morgan.” Josh put distance between them. “Kate, these are my cousins. Megan and Nicole O’Malley.”

  Like Kate and Francesca, the O’Malley sisters did not resemble each other in the slightest. With her dusky-blond curls and angelic countenance, Megan radiated a sweetness not present in Nicole, who was a striking beauty with raven hair and china-blue eyes.

  Megan’s friendly smile put Kate instantly at ease. Nicole stared at her with undisguised awe, her gaze taking in every inch of Kate’s attire. Compared to their comparatively simple dresses, she supposed her ensemble was a bit much.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Welcome to Gatlinburg, Kate,” Megan said.

  “Kate? But I thought—” Nicole began, only to stop when Megan nudged her shoulder. “Uh, it’s nice to meet you.”

  Hating that Josh had been put in the position yet again of having to explain this horrible situation, she saved him the trouble. “My sister, Francesca, isn’t coming, I’m afraid.”

  “We’ll discuss it later,” he said firmly, searching the street for onlookers.

  That was one advantage of living in a large city, she thought—a person could blend in with the crowd. No one knew your business, and no one cared.

  It was obvious the girls respected Josh, for they dropped the subject like a hot potato.

  “We were on our way to Plum’s for tea. Would you like to join us?” Megan asked, her eyes hopeful.

  “It’s our town’s very first café,” Nicole gushed. “Mrs. Greene, the proprietress, says one day soon we’ll have loads of people coming through here looking at our mountains and that they’ll all need a place to eat. Ma thinks she’s lost her mind—”

  “Nicole, please.” Megan shot her an exasperated glance.

  She waited for Josh to reply, who deferred to Kate. “It’s up to you.”

  After the near run-in with Tyler and her disturbing awareness of Josh, a cup of hot tea might help her to relax. “That sounds like a splendid idea.”

  “Wonderful.” Megan beamed her pleasure.

  Kate hadn’t always been the best judge of character, but she got the feeling Megan O’Malley would make a good friend. And she didn’t have many of those. Most of the young socialites of her acquaintance were like Fran, interested only in the latest fashions, the finest parties and, most importantly, finding a rich, suitable husband.

  While she liked nice clothes, she would much rather take photographs than spend hours poring through Harper’s Bazaar or standing for fittings. Parties among her set were overrated. Same food, same music, same people. Different setting.

  As for a husband, she did want one of those. Longed, actually, for someone to love who loved her heart, mind and soul. But after what had happened with Wesley, well, she worried no man would want her—a used woman.

  He certainly hadn’t wanted her. Once had been enough for him.

  While she’d been sure he would show up the next day with a ring and a proposal, he’d boarded a ship for England instead.

  Shoving the remembered pain and humiliation aside, she crossed the dusty street with Josh, the sisters walking ahead of them. They were chattering and laughing, seeming as close as sisters could be, and Kate experienced a familiar twinge of regret. She and Fran had never shared such a close bond, not even as children. Now that her sister had a new husband and a home of her own, Kate doubted they ever would.

  Plum Café was an unexpectedly charming establishment. Mauve tablecloths covered the round tables, and matching curtains edged with gold ribbon adorned the windows overlooking the street, softening the harsh glare of sunlight.

  An assortment of tantalizing aromas hung in the air. Voices and the clatter of dishes could be heard coming from the kitchen in back. Only one of the tables was occupied—an elderly couple who smiled and nodded but otherwise minded their own business.

  Josh pulled a chair out for each of them and once they were seated, lowered his tall form into the one beside her. He took off his hat and hooked it on the back of his chair, then ran a hand through his hair. It was impossible to judge his mood by his closed expression. Was he thinking of his canceled wedding?

  The proprietress, a meticulously dressed, middle-age lady, appeared and took their orders.

  Nicole leaned eagerly forward. “Kate, you must tell us about New York. Have you been to Macy’s? What’s it like?”

  Kate smiled. “Macy’s has the most amazing window displays. The staff is attentive and knowledgeable. There is so much to see, you could spend days browsing the aisles.”

  “Is there a library in the city?” Megan looked hopeful.

  “There are two—the Astor Library, used primarily for research, and the Lenox Library, which has mainly rare, religious books. I don’t visit either one, since our estate houses a grand library with both classics and recent works.”

  “What a treat to have all those books at your disposal. Why, I doubt I’d get much else done if I lived there!”

  “What type of books do you like to read?” Kate asked. “I brought a crate full with me. You’re welcome to borrow as many as you’d like.”

  “Honest?” Megan seemed pleased with the offer.

  “All she reads are love stories.” Nicole rolled her eyes. “Nothing else.”

  “That’s not true,” the other girl protested. “I like adventure stories, too.”

  “If I have to hear about Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennet one more time,” she exclaimed, “I think I’ll be sick.”


  Kate dipped her head to hide a smile. Their drinks arrived then, along with a plate of gooey, pecan-sprinkled cinnamon rolls.

  Josh held up a hand. “We didn’t order these, Mrs. Greene.”

  “Consider it an engagement gift.” The lady’s smile encompassed Kate and Josh. “Congratulations.”

  Before they could correct her, she disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Oh, dear.” Cheeks burning, Kate lowered her gaze to her lap.

  When she
felt his touch on her shoulder, she looked up and got lost in his impossibly blue eyes. “Forget about it,” he said quietly. “It’d be a shame to let these go to waste. I’ll clear things up with Mrs. Greene later.”

  “Here you are.” Megan set a roll in front of her. “That woman is an amazing cook. You have to try one.”

  Nicole was already biting into the pastry, an expression of rapture on her youthful face. “Mmm.”

  She supposed she could set aside her self-imposed aversion to sugar-laden treats just this once. “Fine. But just so you know, I don’t normally do this.”

  All eyes were on her as she lifted the first bite into her mouth. The rich, cinnamon pastry melted on her tongue. She stifled a moan of appreciation.

  She attempted a stern expression. “Now I’m in trouble. I will have to make a point of avoiding the Plum Café from now on and maybe even this entire side of the street.”

  The sisters chuckled. Even Josh managed a smile.

  “Want to know what I think?” He set down his coffee mug. The teasing light in his eyes was unexpected, stealing her breath. “Now that you’ve tasted them, you won’t be able to resist.”

  “I disagree,” she challenged with a lift of her chin. “When it comes to sweets, I happen to have unwavering willpower.”

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. His eyes darkened, all emotion hidden. “You, um, have a spot of cinnamon.” He indicated the corner of her lips.

  Self-conscious, Kate used her napkin. “Better?”

  “Yes.” Shifting in the chair, he addressed Megan. “I was at the post office just now and picked up a letter from Juliana.”

  “Oh?” She exchanged a pointed glance with Nicole. “What did she say?”

  Nicole giggled.

  “I haven’t read it.” He stared hard at them. “What’s up?”

  “Juliana’s expecting!” Nicole blurted.

  “You weren’t supposed to tell,” Megan admonished in a hushed whisper.

  Beside her, Josh went very still. “Why keep it a secret?”


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