Desert Son Trilogy: Desert Son, Wayward Soul, Spiritual Intervention (Books 1-3)

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Desert Son Trilogy: Desert Son, Wayward Soul, Spiritual Intervention (Books 1-3) Page 75

by Glenn Maynard

  “Adam…it’s really you,” said his father, Evan, in a broken voice. He was standing back with Carter and Brenda because he already knew how Evelyn preferred to work. Nobody could get in her way and that was her recipe for the best results. Carter looked at Evan and saw the raw emotion in his face. It carried as much emotion as Evelyn. They both missed their son immensely, but showed it in different ways. Evan couldn’t even talk about him. That’s how devastated he was to this day. Carter wondered if that was why he walked over to his house after hearing about Adam’s disappearance. He was the first one there to join the search party.

  Evan walked over and sat next to Evelyn on the couch. She slowly turned her head and looked at her son’s father, and didn’t react to the fact that the family was reunited, momentarily, after so many years. Evelyn and Evan began to communicate with their son as lines were clearer with the three of them together. He never really had that connection, but his parents were here for him now.

  Skippy remained seated next to Carter, and he looked at Evan across the room on the couch. He knew that he had to stay because he was not asked to join his master. He had been trained well enough to know that. Carter reached down and pet Skippy as he continued to see what was happening. He still had to relay the details to Brenda, otherwise, she would only be able to see and hear a one-sided conversation involving Evelyn and Evan.

  Right in front of everybody’s eyes, Lucas Adam disintegrated, but then the smoke and mist reappeared and Adam Spence was now in that very spot. He began to speak, and what he was saying did not appear to be directed to anyone in the room. When Evelyn asked Adam who he was talking to, he said, “I’m talking to Martin.”

  Evan and Evelyn began whispering to each other after they had fully assessed the situation and seemed to be reconnecting in the way they had operated back in the days of their paranormal investigating. They kept shooting glances at Adam and then looking up in the air where he was looking, but it was inconclusive at what they were looking at because they were only whispering to each other.

  Carter pushed back in his seat when a very old couple appeared on the scene. These apparitions shot in from up high and went low to the floor. They seemed to be concerned with the goings on in the room and had to be connected in some way, but Carter did not know them. However, Evelyn seemed to have an idea. This older couple began communicating with Adam.

  Carter wanted to get more connected with their realm without getting caught up in it. He just thought that if he concentrated on the scene before him, he could at least learn the details of what was going on. Returning his son safely was out of his hands, but he needed to know more about what was happening.

  Carter stared at the scene before him, concentrating intently on the discussion that he was having trouble hearing. He knew that he had an advantage over Brenda because of his ability to witness the action. This ability was due to the fact that he had out-of-body experiences before, so he apparently had a lifetime membership. Now he was happy that he did, especially now with his son involved. It was time for him to get involved, and if there ever was a time to do so, it was now.

  He felt the connection as he concentrated and focused on what it was that he wanted, and noticed a slight rise in the volume of the conversation. He continued to progress to the point where he was part of the circle and he had latched onto that realm, but from the standpoint of an outsider. It was exactly what he was seeking. Brenda was asking questions of him, but he was so connected to that other realm that he was unable to register what it was that she was saying. She knew full well why that was happening, so she just stopped asking and sat back, anxiously awaiting the reports.

  “Stay away from the boy,” said Evelyn to the old couple as they moved closer to Adam. “This isn’t about him. This is about your son, Martin.”

  Carter nodded when he learned they were Martin’s parents. The couple turned to Evelyn, then turned back to Adam, eyeing him cautiously, curiously.

  “You have no business with the boy,” pleaded Evelyn. Evan was beside her, but he was now a bystander because this was always the part of their investigation together when he would defer the project to her.

  Martin’s father turned to Evelyn, looking annoyed, and returned his gaze to Adam and said, “Hello, Adam. Tell me why.”

  Adam looked confused, then asked, “Tell you why what?”

  “Why were you visiting us at our resting place?”

  “What do you mean?” asked Adam.

  Martin’s mother took over. “What business did you have sitting on our ground at the cemetery?”

  There was confusion brewing in the air. Carter was unsure of what they were talking about, and Evelyn was further away from an answer. Evan then whispered into Evelyn’s ear, and she shook her head up and down to indicate her understanding of his message to her. There was a long pause and Adam was the one they were all waiting on, but he did not know how to reply. He knew that Martin had taken over his body and moved him to the cemetery, but he didn’t really know why. The only thing he knew from what Martin had said was that it had something to do with his grandparents.

  Evelyn moved into the discussion between Martin’s parents and Adam. She looked beyond them and saw her own son at a distance. She held onto her emotions and began with the mission before her. She now knew the reason why Martin’s parents kept approaching Adam. He kept appearing at their gravesite, but they were unaware that it was really their son Martin who had put him up to it. Martin did this for his own gain, making the poor young boy believe that he was visiting his own grandparents in the grave next to them. He further manipulated the truth by saying that they weren’t his real grandparents.

  Evelyn’s mind was spinning as she slowly made her way to the circle to carry on her investigation. She was having trouble getting in front of Martin’s parents because they kept turning away from her towards Adam. At first, Evelyn believed Martin’s parents had come to take their son away from this world and into their own, but Evan provided pivotal information to her that changed the course of her mission.

  “So you are Martin’s mother and father,” she said.

  Martin’s parents slowly looked at each other and looked at Adam, then their eyes made it back to Evelyn. “Yes,” said Martin’s mother. “Yes we are.”

  “Fine,” said Evelyn. “So you came for your son?” She was attempting to redirect their intensions.

  “We were more connected to this boy,” said Martin’s father.

  “Why?” asked Evelyn, but she now knew the answer.

  Martin’s parent’s looked around and his mother said, “He is the one who kept coming to us and we felt drawn to him strongly to get an answer as to why.”

  “Martin directed Adam to go there,” said Evelyn, “and we thought he was sending him to Carter’s parent’s one plot over. They’re his grandparents. Come to find out, he was really brought there because Martin wanted to be reunited with his parents…you two. He wanted to be a good son. He could not get away from that house, so he needed to ride on the energy of somebody’s back, and that somebody happened to be Adam. He was a good son. He was a good son after all.”

  Carter was all ears as he listened to the way things really transpired, and from what seemed to be a pretty good source. His parents had been buried right next to Martin’s parents, and he wondered if Martin had anything to do with that plan. He wondered if Martin had led the grave diggers to that very spot, and the more he thought about it, the more sure he was that Martin had a hand in it. Martin had mapped out Carter’s whole life to this point.

  The only one missing from this discussion was Martin. He had dragged Adam into this realm for the first time, and then didn’t have the courage to present his spirit when this spiritual intervention was taking place. He had never been faced with
so many spirits vying to take him away. There was a group of them with one goal in mind. This world was not right for Martin. He was no good in it, never was good in it, and everybody knew it but him.


  Details of what Martin had done when he used Adam to get to the cemetery continued to pour in from all angles. All this talk about his spirit made it tough for his spirit to avoid. The more they talked about him, the more drawn he was to those doing the talking, much like Martin’s parents, who were drawn to this spiritual circle when the discussion revolved around them. Their presence was requested, and it worked much like a Ouija Board.

  Carter could see a dark shadow moving in and circling around them. They were beginning to receive their request. Whatever Martin wanted, Martin received, and he seemed to plan everything far in advance. Everything was going peacefully up to this point, but darkness continued to swirl in the horizon much to everybody’s chagrin.

  The swirling motion increased and wind began to pick up within the house. Darkness set into the room as well, making things difficult to see. Evelyn had a frightened look on her face, but she did not appear ready to back down. From what Evan had said, she had handled situations that were pretty dark in the past, so Carter began to pray that Martin would not win this duel with all of them. It was their gang against him, but he did not like it and began doing what he did best, which was creating an evil diversion and knocking everybody off their game. He was nothing but a bastard wishing harm on everybody who was once part of his life.

  “Martin,” said Evelyn. She was rolling up her sleeves and preparing to tackle the winds now before everybody was blown away by them. “You need to go. There’s nothing left for you here. Your parents are here to take you to a better place. You can be with them. That’s where you belong. You’re wasting your time. There’s nothing left for you here.”

  The darkness continued to swirl winds, but a voice came out of it, and it was clearly Martin’s gravelly voice. “Shirley’s here. I will never leave her. I will stay with her until the day I die.”

  “That day has come,” said Evelyn. “It came and went several years ago, but you never moved on. You need to move on toward the light. Your parents can take you there. This is your chance to be with and bond with your parents.”

  “I want to be with Shirley,” Martin insisted.

  “What about your parents?” asked Evelyn.

  “I want to be with Shirley.”

  “Then why were you visiting your parents at their resting place if you didn’t wish to be with them?”

  “I was not. Adam was.”

  “You were with him. You forced him to bring you there.”

  “I sent him to his grandparents,” said Martin.

  “You sent him to your parents, who were next to his grandparents. You set up this chess match long ago.”

  “That’s not true,” said Martin. “Besides, who cares what you say. You’re nothing.”

  “Martin dear,” said his mother, “please don’t carry this on any longer. Your father and I know that you’ve been reaching out to us, and we know that you were being carried around by the boy. We just wanted to know who the boy was and why he was doing that. Stop doing this, Martin. Stop it with Shirley. You two will eventually be together, but now is not the time. The time will come, though, but only if you move on. Come with us. We will bring you where you belong, but if you stay here, there’s not a chance that you will ever reunite with Shirley in the same place. That’s what you really want, but staying here will not allow for that.”

  “I was not a good son,” said Martin. “You always said to me that you wished I was a good son! I wanted to show you that I was a good son.”

  Evelyn looked up and again saw her son in the background. Martin didn’t know who he was, and wondered why he was even there. He was eyeing the little guy cautiously, but bullying everybody else within his world. He wasn’t bullying her young son, though, who was just beyond all of the action, but up and away. There was something menacing in his little posture. There was more than a bit of evil within her son that was preventing Evelyn from getting through to him, but she did not want to give up. She wanted to break through, and believed that she finally had the perfect pieces with which to work.

  While Martin’s black swirl was wreaking havoc on Carter and Brenda’s house, Evelyn noticed that her small, yet imposing son, certainly commanded Martin’s attention. Evelyn’s concern abated as if she possessed the knowledge of what she needed to do, and the confidence that everything would work out okay. That was an enormous transformation coming from someone who was having trouble breaking through to her son, while he had been consumed by a satanic world.

  Martin’s black swirl began to lighten and the speed with which he swirled subsided a couple of notches. He was being obnoxious in his usual way, but Evelyn and Evan were not batting an eyelash. Carter’s eyes were glued to this scene, but Brenda was still only a spectator who could see and hear nothing.

  Carter was somewhat intimidated and took a step back. Evan and Evelyn were no longer taking it lightly. Adam Spence was still part of the other realm and standing shell-shocked. Martin still thought that he had control of the room even though his presence seemed to be waning. He didn’t seem to like it, either, and began getting frustrated because he was so used to getting his way. The tide was turning.

  Evelyn called out to Martin, who still appeared as a swirling dark cloud moving about the room. He was not as frightening, and nobody was intimidated by him anymore. She began talking to Martin in a monotone, and she was also speaking to Martin’s mother and father. Martin’s voice was not pleasant. It had a wicked sound to it and his words came out with spikes. He was hearing words from Evelyn in her attempt to return him to a reasonable appearance, and soon that moment arrived.

  Martin’s darkness began to fade some more, and his apparition identified his face. It was an apparition, but it was clearly old man Martin, so Evelyn began calmly working with him.

  “Martin,” she began. “What do you have to gain by being here? What are you trying to accomplish?”

  Martin seemed to be taken aback by someone who had the gall to question his authority and stand up to him. He was not used to that sort of behavior and did not appreciate it one bit. However, his darkness had subsided and morphed into an apparition, a mere pittance of himself, so his fearlessness was taking a hit. Everyone could feel the slight wilting of his spirit. He wasn’t exactly deflated, but it seemed that he was headed there.

  “I’m here for my wife, Shirley,” said Martin. “I’ve made that clear in the past and nobody seems to get it.”

  Suddenly, Brenda had been summoned spiritually by Martin and she was pulled in and now a part of the realm where all of this action was taking place. Martin hadn’t lost it yet. She looked around and saw everybody that Carter had been telling her about. She saw Martin’s parents for the first time that she could remember. She was now with her son, Adam.

  Martin, Evelyn and Evan had access as well. Everybody wanted to convince Martin to give up his hostage, Adam Spence, and just go away with his parents. Lucas Adam was still looming in the background, and Evelyn wanted to reconnect with him, but needed to clear the air first.

  Evelyn leaned in to Martin and said, “What don’t you get? This is Brenda you’re trying to get to. Shirley is no longer. She is dead and has been dead for a while now. If you wanted her so badly then you shouldn’t have killed her. You can’t kill someone and then get them back. Life doesn’t work like that. Now I ask you to get the hell out of here because you’re not welcome. Nobody wants you here!”

  Martin began to get angry. Evelyn had thought that she had him against the ropes in his moment of weakness, while his parents were pleading with him to come back to the famil
y. He never listened to anyone since he passed away, and wasn’t about to start now. He was stubborn. He wasn’t going to go away easily, and as Evelyn continued to watch her son loom in the background, she wondered if she would ever be able to contain Martin enough to make amends with her son. However, she did notice that her son was getting a little antsy with the situation before him, and he did not look like he was any more pleased than Martin.

  Evelyn believed that Martin had suddenly reverted back to his evil, dark swirl right before her eyes. He was in a bad place, and even as an apparition, he was not nice. She then noticed that Martin was still in apparition form, so it was actually her son swirling around in the darkness. The tornadic activity came in and around Martin and then moved back into the distance. Martin was getting more pissed off than before. He didn’t like what was happening. He didn’t know he had competition, but he did know that it was not welcome and he did not want it.

  It became apparent to everybody in the room that Evelyn’s son was now the darkness swirling around. Evelyn had been trying to communicate with her son the whole time, in between discussions with Martin, and she was hoping that something got through to him. He was not an easy sell, nor was Martin, and everybody caught in-between them was hanging on for dear life.

  It appeared to Carter that there was a challenge going on in front of his eyes. Martin began to spin around and transformed into a dark swirl as well. Both dark swirls were not nice. One was an old man and one was a child, and there was not an ounce of advantage for either side from what Carter could see. They both could become a more peaceful apparition at the drop of a hat, and both of them had proven it.

  “Martin,” screamed Evelyn. “You need to get out!” The chaos ensued in the living room, but everybody involved was where they were when it all started. Even the apparitions of Martin’s mother and father stood by and watched. They were continuing to support Martin returning with them to the afterlife, and Evelyn continued to encourage that movement. Adam Spence was also speaking to Martin about how his being here was pointless, and that taking over his body to visit his parents and reclaim Shirley was a bad idea. His sentences, although spoken like a child, still packed a punch on Martin.


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