Her Cowboy In Charge

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Her Cowboy In Charge Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I think we should get back inside,” he said, feeling a chill shiver through her. “You’re in bare feet! We don’t want your toes to fall off.”

  “So are you.”

  “But I’m a tough guy,” he said kissing her neck. “Are you ready for somethin’ to eat? All we had was that cobbler.”

  “To be accurate, all I had was cobbler. You had cobbler and apple pie,” she grinned.

  “This is true,” he chuckled. “Best damn apple pie I ever ate.”

  “Glad to hear it,” she giggled, “and to answer your question, yes, I’m definitely hungry.”

  “Do you like beef stew?” he asked pulling her inside.

  “I love it. Let me guess, your mother made it.”

  “She sure did,” he replied, then leaning his head back outside he called to Lucky. “It won’t take long to heat up,” he continued, walking over to the refrigerator and pulling out a saucepan, “and speakin’ of my mom, remember I told you about that dinner meetin’ I’ve got tomorrow night?”

  “Yes, I remember,” she replied, closing the door as Lucky walked back inside.

  “You’re invited if you’d like to come,” he said, turning on the stove and putting the pot on the burner.

  “To a business dinner?”

  “It’s a client we’ve had for a long time, but he’s gonna be samplin’ a new steak I’ve developed. He’s openin’ a string of high-end restaurants and he’s lookin’ for the best beef in the country. He’s bringin’ his wife, and it just felt kinda right that I should have you there too.”

  “Wow. I don’t know what to say. I’m really complimented.”

  “Don’t you say yes if you don’t wanna do it,” he said shaking his finger.

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t dare, and yes, I’d be really happy to come.”

  “You would? I thought you might be a bit reluctant.”

  “I grew up around parties, and my folks were always having friends over for dinner. I’m fine with it. I even have something nice to wear. I brought a decent change of clothes in case we decided to go out one night.”

  “You could wear a sack and you’d still look like a supermodel,” he smiled, then wrapping her up in a hug, he added, “it wouldn’t have felt right not havin’ you beside me.”


  “Yep,” he nodded, kissing her softly. “Really.”

  “What about Lucky?”

  “That’s a good question. I’m thinkin’ we should take him with us.”

  “Your parents won’t mind?”

  “Not a bit. They’re real happy there’s a new dog about the place. I know they miss Trooper.”

  “Your pot’s bubbling.”

  “Damn,” he muttered, breaking their hug and hurrying back to the stove.

  “I’ll get Lucky some more of his food while you do that, and take a quick shower. I’m sticky.”

  “I’m going cook us up some rice to have with this, so take your time.”

  “Okay. Back in a minute,” she smiled, heading towards the door. “That smells great, by the way.”

  As he watched her leave, Lucky padding after her, he suddenly felt oddly giddy, and a wave of something moved through him. He stood, momentarily frozen.

  “What the hell was that,” he muttered. “Was that a deja vu thing? I could swear I’ve lived that moment before.”

  Doing his best to shake it off, he walked into the pantry and picked up a packet of rice, but the bizarre feeling stayed with him, and as he lifted a pot from the chandelier above the kitchen island, he paused, looking around the room.

  “I’m gonna ask mom about that one,” he mumbled, “that was really weird.”


  Clay reluctantly slipped from the bed. He’d woken with a hungry cock, but it was early, and Crystal was sleeping so soundly he was loathe to wake her. He also had a busy day ahead, and if he wanted to get away to have lunch with her, he needed to get to work. He paused to give Lucky a rub, and as he stared into the warm trusting eyes of his new dog he felt a swell of gratitude. God had blessed him with a woman who had touched his heart, and a new canine companion, something he’d desperately missed.

  Standing under the shower, the memory of the strange moment in the kitchen the night before haunted him. It was still with him when he dressed, and stayed in the forefront of his mind as Lucky followed him out of the bedroom and stood by his food dish, panting expectantly. After feeding Lucky and making himself some breakfast, the bizarre incident finally began to fade. A little while later, just as he sat at the kitchen table to write a note for Crystal and head out the door, she meandered into the room. Lucky immediately stood up and walked over to greet her.

  “Hey,” she said sleepily. “How do you get up so early?”

  “Habit,” he smiled. “I was just leavin’ you a note.”

  “Now you can tell me in person,” she murmured, walking over and sitting in his lap.

  “I’m gonna be real busy today. I’ll try and get away at lunch time, but no promises.”

  “That’s okay. I want to get stuck into my novel. It’s been neglected.”

  “If you wanna visit the horses just follow the road down the hill. You’ll see the corral where I keep my horse, Maverick, and Captain, the one you’ll be sittin’ on. There’s another horse in there too, called Storm. Take your car though. It’s a hike otherwise.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  “I’ll let my brother know. That’s John, and if he’s not there one of the other hands will take care of you. Keep Lucky on a leash until you see how he is.”

  “Will do,” she yawned.

  “Why don’t you go back to bed?”

  “No, I’m good. I’ll stay here until you leave, then get myself together and pull out my laptop.”

  “I’m goin’ right now,” he said, gently removing her from his lap. “Call me if you need anything, and I’ll let you know about lunch later this mornin’.”

  “Okay,” she sighed, hugging him tightly. “Have a super day.”

  He kissed her softly, then patted Lucky on the head.

  “You take care of her, ya hear?”

  The dog sat down and lifted his paw.

  “He’s a heartbreaker,” Crystal laughed.

  “He sure is. I’ll see you later, babe,” and kissing her one last time, he headed out.

  “You know, Lucky,” Crystal sighed, sinking into the chair, “I want to wait for Clay to visit the horses. I’m going to make today a solid work day, and take a couple of short walks with you,” she said decisively, then rising from the table she headed back to the bedroom to take a shower and get dressed.

  After breakfast she settled on the couch, and with the view of the spectacular mountains in front of her she worked through the entire morning. The story flowed out of her as fast as she could type, and when her cell phone buzzed, announcing a call, she was so focused she almost jumped at the sound. Glancing at the phone she saw it was Clay, and stretching her arms above her head, she took a breath and answered.

  “Hi Clay.”

  “Hey, babe. How are you?”

  “I’m wonderful. I’ve been writing all morning. It felt so good. I finished a chapter and I’m almost through reading it over. What about you?”

  “Very productive,” he replied. “You didn’t go down to the corral?”

  “No, I decided I wanted my first time around horses to be with you.”

  “I’m glad. I kinda felt that when I left this mornin’. Thanks for waitin’.”

  “You’re welcome. It was a no-brainer.”

  “I’m gettin’ ready to take my lunch break. Why don’t you meet me at the front door and we can drive down there. We can at least have a quick visit, maybe feed them some carrots.”

  “I’d love that. I really am dying to see them.”

  “I’ll be there in five minutes. Wear a pair of shoes you don’t mind gettin’ dusty.”

  “Awesome. See you when you get here.”

  Thrilled by the call, she quickly saved her work, closed her computer, and with Lucky glued to her side she hurried into the guest room to change. Looking out the window she saw passing clouds, and it seemed breezy, so she donned a warm sweat shirt and put on her hiking boots. Quickly putting the collar and leash on Lucky, who became very excited by the prospect of a walk, she hurried to the front door, and stepped outside just as Clay pulled up in his truck.

  “Hi,” he said as he jumped out and ran around the truck to open the passenger door. “Do you think Lucky can jump up in here?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied walking up to meet him. “We can see if he wants to try.”

  Unhooking his leash she encouraged him, but he chose to put his front paws on the side and wait for her help. Lifting his hind end, Clay boosted him up, then Crystal climbed in behind him. When Clay joined them, settling in behind the wheel, Lucky greeted him by licking his face.

  “Ick, but, wow, my first kiss,” Clay chuckled. “You just made my day, big guy. What about you, Crystal, you got a kiss for me too?”

  “Always,” she winked, and leaning over the dog she pressed her lips lightly on his.

  “There ya go,” he declared with a satisfied sigh, and driving slowly forward he started down the road towards the barn.

  “This place is so huge,” she remarked. “How do you keep tabs on everything?”

  “It’s like any business. You have to delegate, then oversee those people and make sure they’re makin’ the right decisions and keepin’ the people under them productive.”

  “And you’re in charge of the whole operation?”

  “Me and my dad,” he nodded. “I kinda inherited the position.”

  “What about your brothers?”

  “John’s in charge of the ranch side of things. The workers, the horses, the cattle, the practical end. I do the business stuff.”

  “And Mark? That’s his name right, your youngest brother?”

  “Mark, well, I’m not sure what to say about Mark. He’s never taken to ranchin’, and he’s on the small side. He was a sick baby, then a sick little boy. I think it’s hard for him. John and I are, well, we’re cowboys, but Mark isn’t. For whatever reason it’s just not in his blood.”

  “That must be tough for him,” she murmured. “He’s in college though, right? What’s he studying?”

  “He’s jumped around a bit. He thought he might like to be a lawyer, so he’s takin’ some pre-law classes I think. Honestly, I don’t keep track.”

  “You know my dad’s a lawyer.”

  “That’s right, I forgot about that. What kinda law does he practice again?”

  “Entertainment. He’s a frustrated musician.”

  “That’s right, but didn’t you say he still plays?”

  “Yep. He’s got a band. They’re really good, but not good enough to go beyond what they do. They’re all professional guys who get together and have fun a few times a month.”

  “Good for him,” Clay said slowing the truck as he neared the barn. “Here we are. See that dark bay? That’s my horse, Maverick.”

  “Dark bay? I don’t know what that means.”

  “That’s the color. Dark bay is a dark chocolate color. Can you see him? He has the patch of white on his forehead?”

  “Yes, yes, I see him,” she said excitedly as Clay stopped the truck.

  “And you see that golden one? That’s a palomino, you’ve heard of them, I’m sure.”

  “Yes. Wow, he’s beautiful.”

  “That’s Captain. That’s the horse I’ll be puttin’ you on. Not today, obviously, I don’t have time, but soon.”

  “And the other one that’s white and brown?”

  “That’s a paint. His name is Storm.”

  “Who does he belong to, or are he and Captain ranch horses.”

  “Captain belongs to my mom, and Storm belongs to dad.”

  “Oh. I get it. The three of you keep your horses together.”

  “It’s just handy to have them next to the barn. We usually ride on the spur of the moment, and don’t have time to bring them in from the paddocks. They go out every few days, especially Captain. My mom doesn’t ride as much as she used to. You ready to meet them?”

  “Definitely. I’m nervous though.”

  “Just think of them as big dogs. These three are real sweet,” he assured her, “and I’ll take Lucky,” he added, clipping the dog’s leash back on to its collar.

  They climbed from the truck, and approaching the corral Clay grabbed some carrots from the carrot bucket and handed them to Crystal.

  “I can’t tell you how excited I am,” she grinned.

  “You don’t have to, I can see it,” he grinned back, then walked up to the fence and whistled. Maverick picked up his head from this hay trough and started walking towards him.

  “Oh, look, he’s coming over to you,” Crystal declared.

  “The other two will join him as soon as they see there are treats to be had,” he chuckled, then looking down at Lucky, he added, “Lucky’s not bothered a bit. Yep, he’s been around horses before, no question.”

  “With all the ranches around here I’m not surprised,” Crystal remarked.

  “And here come Captain and Storm,” Clay said turning his attention back to the corral.

  “You’re right, they’re on their way. I’m supposed to open my hand to feed them, right?”

  “Yep. They’re real gentle. Just flatten your palm and let them scoop up the carrot.”

  “I know it’s crazy that I’m so excited, but I feel like a little kid.”

  “You’re grinnin’ like one too,” he laughed, and as Crystal opened her hand, Clay put the carrot on her palm. “There, now just extend your arm.”

  Maverick lowered his large head and picked up his treat with his lips.

  “Oh, my gosh,” she breathed. “Clay I just love this, I absolutely love it. Can I go in the corral and pet them?”

  “You want to?”


  “Sure. Hey, Kelly?”

  A young cowboy who had been leaning against the barn wall watching with a wide smile, straightened up and walked over.

  “Hey, boss.”

  “Kelly, this is Crystal.”

  “Nice to meet ya,” he said with a welcoming smile. “Looks like it’s your first time around horses.”

  “Nice to meet you too. Yes, it is. It’s absolutely wonderful,” Crystal said enthusiastically.

  Taking in his bright blue eyes, and the dirty blonde hair peeking out from under his cowboy hat, she caught herself wondering if all the cowboys on the Parker ranch were drop-dead gorgeous.

  “Hey, Kelly, this is my new dog, Lucky,” Clay said. “Seems like he’s been around a ranch, but could you hold on to him while I take Crystal into the corral?”

  “Sure, be glad to. What a cool dog,” Kelly remarked, bending down and making a fuss of him. “Lab ya think?”

  “Probably, but he’s got a real long coat,” Clay remarked. “The vet had to clip it all off.”

  “He’s super chill. I like him,” Kelly grinned.

  “You ready, Crystal?” Clay asked, turning his attention back to her.

  “I’m so ready.”

  “They’ll surround you, and if you feel nervous just raise you hand and they’ll back away.”

  “They will?”

  “Yep. Not all horses will do that, but the ones on this ranch will. They’re trained to respect your space.”

  “This is so much fun,” she said grabbing his elbow as they walked through the gate.

  As he’d warned, the horses circled them, and Crystal clung to Clay’s arm for the first minute to two, then gaining confidence she slowly reached out and began to pet them.

  “They are amazing,” she breathed. “Absolutely amazing.”

  “You’re doin’ real good for someone who’s never been around a horse before.”

  “I feel so comfortable. All my nerves, they’ve just evapo
rated. I could stay here all day.”

  “It shows, and they feel it too. Look at how they’re relatin’ to you.”

  “Clay,” she said staring at him, “what have I been missing my whole life? This is incredible. I have to learn to ride. I have to.”

  Her face was so earnest, and her eagerness so real, he put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her next to him.

  “Then you will, and I already know you’re gonna be a natural.”

  “You think so?”

  “Nope, I know so. I wish this week wasn’t so dang busy. Thursday I might have some time in the afternoon. In fact, I’m gonna write it in my calendar. Crystal, ridin’ lesson, 2 p.m.”

  “Really? Oh, my gosh, I can’t wait,” she beamed, “and I’ll be on Captain?”


  Captain was the furthest away from them, and walking past Maverick and Storm she approached him and gently stroked his neck.

  “It’s going to be you and me, you gorgeous thing,” she said softly. “Look at how beautiful you are. I wish I could take you back to the house with us.”

  Captain sniffed her, then dropped his head against her chest and gave her a gentle nudge.

  “Oh, my gosh,” she muttered, turning around and looking at Clay with wide eyes.

  “He likes you,” he nodded.

  “The feeling is mutual!”

  “You can come down here any time,” Clay said walking over to stand next to her. “If Kelly or John aren’t here, someone else will be. You can spend as much time here as you want.”

  “Wow, thank you. I’m sooo happy. I can’t tell you how much I’m loving this.”

  “You don’t have to. I can see it,” he smiled. “Shall we go and have some lunch now?”

  “I hate to leave, but yes, I guess we should. I know you’re pressed for time.”

  As they walked out the gate, Kelly handed Lucky’s leash to Clay, then looked at Crystal.

  “You’ve got a way about you,” he said soberly. “Clay’s right. You’re a natural.”


  “Yep. Wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true.”

  “Thank you, thank you so much.”

  They climbed back into the truck, and as they headed up the driveway Clay looked across at her, and reaching past Lucky he took her hand.


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