You and Only You

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You and Only You Page 10

by Young, Brooke

  As they were finishing up, Fareed gently grabbed Berkleigh's arm as the rest of the table walked away.

  “Berkleigh, forgive me for being so forward but your beauty is captivating. When I come back to the States, may I see you again, perhaps take you out to dinner?” he inquired.

  “Mr. Aziz, thank you, I’m flattered,” she paused, “but I am in a committed relationship with someone.” Not to mention your wedding ring!

  “Of course,” he said and appeared to be understanding, “I certainly enjoyed your company last night at dinner,” he smiled, “shall we?” He motioned for her to proceed with the rest of the attendees to the meeting hall in which the comedic professional speaker, hired to conclude the conference, would address them for the next hour and a half.

  Berkleigh walked in front of Fareed, Jack turned and made eye contact with her and the look on her face confirmed that she was clearly uncomfortable.

  Fareed broke away with the other bankers toward the vast conference hall where they would next meet, leaving the two alone.

  “You okay?” he inquired with his eyebrows raised.

  “Yeah, but you called it. Fareed asked to take me out next time he was in the US,” she told him.

  “And?” Curious as to how she responded.

  “I thanked him and told him I was in a committed relationship,” she smiled and blushed a little.

  Jack had a huge grin on his face then faked a pout, “Is that true or are you using me to turn men down?”

  She laughed, “I’d have to say it's true. After these last few days with you, I want no other man. Living in different states can present a challenge but I’m willing to give it a try if you are.” She raised her eyebrows with anticipation, eagerly waiting for his answer.

  “Yeah, I’m willing to give it a try. It’s you and only you, Berk,” he confirmed and gave her a gentle kiss on her nose, not caring if anyone witnessed their public display of affection.

  “Good, I’m glad,” she responded, feeling elated inside.

  “I am too. Let’s head in,” he gestured toward the conference room.

  They listened as the speaker addressed the banking industry about the value and importance of technology and social networking sites. He was skilled at making a subject not typically interesting fun to listen to.

  Berkleigh took notes to bring back to her sales team though she found it hard to concentrate. She and Jack had found two empty seats in the back of the room, which made it convenient for Jack to rub her leg without being seen. Berkleigh tried to maintain a serious face and not react to Jack’s warm hand that was attempting to explore between her legs. Jack kept his eyes on the speaker and remained somewhat stone-faced to not give away his behavior. Berkleigh reached under the table and held his hand, to stop him from traveling further between her legs. He looked at her and pouted. She smiled and shook her head, but Jack observed how heavy her eyelids appeared confirming the effect he had on her.

  The day flew by rather fast and before Berkleigh knew it, she was up in her room gathering her items to depart back to California. As she was exiting her room for the final time, she glanced back and reflected on how little time she spent in it. This caused her to laugh and ponder the whirlwind romance that had taken place between her and Jack.

  Undoubtedly, this was very unlike her, however, she had no regrets.

  Berkleigh knocked on Jack’s door. He opened it, feeling sad that this would be their last time in private before heading out to the airport.


  “Hey yourself,” she replied flirtatiously.

  Jack embraced Berkleigh in his strong arms, he smelled incredible, so masculine. He then lifted her chin and gave her the most sensual goodbye kiss since he wouldn’t necessarily be able to do that at the airport.

  She moaned, “Don’t get me going again, Jack,” she whispered.

  “Can you hold out for two weeks?”

  “Ummm, I’ve held out a lot longer than that, so I think I can handle it. What about you?”

  “I’d wait a whole lifetime for you, Babydoll,” he responded. His voice was genuine, making Berkleigh’s heart skip a beat.

  “You sure know how to say the right things,” she said quietly.

  He gave her one more very passionate kiss. When they finally pulled away from each other, he said, “We should probably get going. The Jeep should be out front by now.”

  “Okay,” she agreed reluctantly.


  They pulled into the rental car return and Jack embraced Berkleigh one last time knowing some discretion will be required once they enter the airport. She looked up at him under her long, flirtatious eyelashes and stated, “I have had the most amazing time with you.”

  “Me, too, Berk,” he agreed and gave her one final, passionate kiss.

  They entered the airport, he waited for her to check her luggage and get her boarding pass and they proceeded to the security line together which moved quickly. Having extra time, they went to Stinger Ray’s Bar and Grill to have a beer.

  Despite that fact that neither wanted to leave each other for two weeks, they had a great time together. Berkleigh had laughed so hard, at Jack’s stories and impressions of people that they mutually knew, that her face hurt.

  The intercom had announced that the flight to John Wayne/Orange County was beginning to board. Berkleigh signed heavily and said, “I guess I better get going.”

  Jack reached under the table and held her hand for a few seconds, “I’ll miss your beautiful face,” he whispered.

  “I will miss you, too,” she squeezed his hand tenderly and kissed his cheek.

  As he watched her walk away, his heart felt a gamut of emotions. He really wished he had met her under different circumstances, not recalling ever feeling this way about anyone else.

  After enough time passed that he was confident Berkleigh had entered the jet way to her plane, he paid the bar bill then made his way to his own gate which was empty, except for one gate agent waiting exclusively for him.

  “Good evening, Mr. Ashford, how was your time in Maui?”

  “Hi Jessica,” he responded to his gate agent/flight attendant, “productive and hard to leave.” He passed her, went out the door and proceeded to the private jet his company provided.

  Berkleigh was gazing out the window daydreaming when she suddenly noticed Jack exit a small door onto the tarmac. He was heading directly for a small, private jet. For some reason, that felt strange to her. Perhaps it was because he didn’t mention he would be flying home on a private jet or maybe because it seemed odd that a sales guy wouldn’t fly commercially. She felt the same alarming feeling begin to arise, the night he introduced her to the international guys and seemed to know a lot about her without her telling him the information. Something just did not feel right about this situation.

  “Private Jet?!?” she texted Jack.

  Jack’s phone beeped and when he opened the text, he rubbed his eye with one hand while his heart skipped a beat. He thought he allowed enough time that she would not see him get on the plane. He was hoping to avoid questions and in turn must provide cryptic answers.

  “A perk from my company… remember these international accounts are a big deal. Just a reminder from my boss why I need to get them,” he responded to her.

  “It’s kind of weird you wouldn’t tell me that you were flying home on a private plane,” Berkleigh text.

  “My company offers a lot of perks like this, but I like to be somewhat discreet when it comes to things like flying home on a private jet. Sorry I didn’t say anything.” Jack texted back.

  “Ok. Some things just seemed weird I guess, maybe I’m just paranoid for some strange reason ha ha” she texted him.

  “Paranoid? About what? I thought we just had the times of our lives! By the way, I already miss you.”

  “Maybe just nerves since I initially didn’t want to be here, I already miss you, too.”

  “Until two weeks, Berk…” he texted her.
br />   “I wish two weeks was now” she replied, then texted “doors closing xoxo” and powered off her phone.

  Jack received her last text, leaned back in his oversized leather seat and smiled at their cute little phrase already created.

  Jessica, the flight attendant, handed him a Corona and a lime slice, “You must’ve met someone special,” she observed, “you have quite a gleam in your eye.”

  Jack ignored her altogether. Discretion was important for him, mostly because he was naturally a private guy and because he doesn’t kiss and tell. Unless he is giving John, his boss, a hard time.

  He put his ear buds in and turned on the music he played the night that he and Berkleigh took the walk on the beach. Closing his eyes, he vividly recalled how wonderful her hair smelled and the way her body felt as he held her close while they danced. Dozing off, as the jet pushed back, he thought about how soft her skin felt when he gave her the sensual massage a couple of short nights ago. Knowing the next two weeks would feel like the longest of his life as he anticipated her visit to his home, he tried to get much needed sleep.


  Berkleigh settled into her seat as the flight attendants instructed the passengers on the safety features of the plane. She started a new book, one she had intended on beginning while relaxing on the beach in Hawaii, which, of course, never happened.

  Twelve pages in, it occurred to her that she had no idea what the storyline entailed, or which characters had already been introduced. She could not get her mind off Jack no matter how hard she tried. Swearing that his cologne lingered on her from their last embrace, Berkleigh attempted to start the book over and after a few pages, realized it was futile. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to dream about their romantic trip to the waterfall. She loved how sexy Jack made her feel, how he seemed to notice only her when they were together, even though other ladies were clearly hoping for just a glance from her very handsome man. My handsome man, she smiled. Berkleigh fell into a deep, much needed, sleep with a smile on her face.


  “Ladies and Gentlemen, in preparation for our landing, we ask that you bring your seat backs to their upright position and ensure your tray tables are locked. We will be coming through the cabin one last time to pick up any service items,” the flight attendant announced.

  Berkleigh slowly woke and stretched, shocked she had slept through the flight, I guess I was more sleep deprived than I knew.

  Hurrying to her car after retrieving her luggage from baggage claim so she could get home to try to sleep the rest of the night. She pulled into her garage, wearily hauled her luggage into her bedroom and crashed on her bed without changing into her pajamas.

  Hours later she was awakened with a buzzing sound; it was her phone and a text notification from Jack, “Landed in VA, miss you Berk. I can’t wait until I get to wrap my arms around your sexy body again.”

  Heavy-lidded Berkleigh read the text, felt her heart skip a beat and a warming sensation come over her entire body. She didn’t know how she was going to wait two weeks to see Jack again.

  “Hey sexy man, I cannot wait until I see you again...” Berkleigh text him.

  “God, you have no idea, me either!”

  “This is going to be torture! ;)”

  Her phone rang right after she sent her last text, it was Jack, “Hey there,” Berkleigh cooed with a sexy, sleepy voice into her phone.

  “Sorry to call so early, I couldn’t wait until later this morning to hear your sweet voice,” he said smoothly.

  Berkleigh smiled and batted her lashes, “Jack, why don’t you come visit me, I promise that I will make it so worth your while.”

  “Damn baby… are you trying to get me worked up?” he complained.

  “That’s the idea…. you are either going to have to take care of yourself or get your sexy ass out here, so I can take care of you,” Berkleigh flirted. This is so out of character for me, she thought.

  “Keep talking like that and I will get that jet fired back up tonight,” he stated.

  “C’mon out here. I’m working from home all week except for a few local appointments,” she encouraged.

  “I wish I could baby but I have to actually work this week,” he teased, then said more seriously, “I’ve got an appointment with our firm’s biggest client. This is going to be the longest two weeks of my life until I get to see your beautiful face, smell your amazing perfume and taste your sweet kiss.”

  Berkleigh pouted and said with a whiney voice, “I don’t think I can wait that long.”

  Jack stated, “You better wait for me, I will make it worth YOUR while, I promise”.

  She smiled, yawned and said. “I look forward to that…and yes, you’re worth waiting for. As much as I hate to say goodbye for the night because I could listen to your sexy voice all night, I am exhausted and need to get some sleep.”

  “Okay. Text me once you are up and at it. Until later…” he smoothly said.

  “I wish later was now,” she smiled, “Good night Jack.”

  They hung up. Though it took a while to fall back asleep, she eventually did.

  From: Jack Ashford

  Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 4:34 AM (EST)

  To: John Stevenson

  Subject: Wheels are in motion


  I landed back in VA. Let me know when we are heading to TGS headquarters, if possible, I need 2-3 weeks. I am going to catch up on some much-needed sleep. I will probably head into the office around noon and will fill you in.

  Take Care,


  Jack fell asleep only 10 minutes later, completely exhausted.


  After Berkleigh and her best friend, Laura, got settled in at their local hangout place, Berkleigh told her all about Jack. Even though she missed him, she was second guessing her choice to go visit him.

  “You have to go, Berkleigh. This guy sounds amazing!” Laura was practically pleading with her as she looked at the photo of Jack and Berkleigh with the waterfall in the background. “Does he have a brother?”

  Berkleigh sipped her wine, “No, unfortunately for you, he only has a sister. I know I should go. Everything about him is perfect, almost too perfect. He’s a gentleman- romantic, considerate and sweet. But then he gets this look in his eye like he wants to ravage me, and it takes every ounce of self-control he has to take it slow and easy…”

  Laura interrupted, “Ummm…why the second thoughts? I’ll go!” She winked as she brought her wine glass to her mouth.

  “I just don’t know if we should let what happened in paradise be just that. A romantic fling in Hawaii. After I caught Nick in bed with that woman, you know I decided I was done with men. My biggest downfall when it comes to any relationship is I don’t trust them and I’m afraid of letting them in, learning about the real me.”

  “Firstly,” Laura gave her a look of frustration, “Nick was a boy, Jack sounds like a man. Stop comparing Jack with your past. Let this good thing happening to you-happen!”

  Berkleigh sighed, “I guess you’re right. I just am so afraid of getting hurt,” then she smiled, “but he is a-ma-zing.”

  “Look, if he is as crazy about you as it sounds, let him in. It won’t change how he feels. It’ll probably bring you two feel closer.”

  “I don’t know. Only you, my mom, dad and counselor know. Well- and my brother because he was there that night.” For a moment, her brain took her back that summer night when she was seven. “I’ve never liked the idea of sharing what happened when I was seven with a guy I’m interested in. I worry he will look at me and see trunk loads full of baggage surrounding me and that will immediately change things between us.”

  “I get why you didn’t tell Nick. He was a douche and you weren’t going to last. You were at least two social classes above him and about ten years more mature than him. But this guy Jack, sounds freakin’ amazing. If you want to dive deep into love with him, be honest with him. I bet he can take it.”

  “Whoa, slowdown, who said anything about love?”

  “If you were watching you from my eyes, you would see capital L-O-V-E written all over your face.”

  Scrunching her nose, Berkleigh pondered her feelings about Jack, “You may be right. I’ll see how this visit goes. If the mood feels right, I’ll tell him.” She thought about the couple of times that she wanted to talk at a deeper level with him while in Maui but elected not to.

  Laura clapped her hands excitedly, “Yea! So that means you’re going?”

  “Yes, I’m going to go. Thanks for the pep talk. I might’ve considered backing out if I didn’t get a chance to talk to you. You now I don’t typically rush into any relationship.”


  Two weeks after drinks with Laura, Berkleigh boarded her flight to go visit Jack in Virginia. She could hardly contain her excitement to see him again, she was glad Laura talked her into going. The last two weeks comprised of major flirting via text and sexy conversations that got them both worked up without an outlet to release the built-up sexual tension. As Berkleigh settled into her seat; her phone chimed indicating a text, “Only a few hours until I see your beautiful face, Babydoll.”

  Berkleigh’s face beamed with a bright smile, “I can’t wait! Oh, what I am going to do to you, Jack, you have no idea what is in store for you! ;) Doors are closing. See you soon. <3”

  “Have a safe flight! <3” Jack replied.

  She read his text, and then Berkleigh turned her phone to airplane mode. She put her earbuds in and listened to the playlist she made that had the same songs that Jack played the night they enjoyed wine on the beach. As the song Feels Like Home played, Berkleigh closed her eyes and returned to the memory of their beachside dance. Her body felt like it was melting into the airplane seat as she felt a warming sensation inside of her thinking about Jack’s kiss, the smell of his cologne and his sensual massage.


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