Special Ops Rendezvous

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Special Ops Rendezvous Page 19

by Karen Anders

  Sam’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry.” The gruffness and regret in his voice made Olivia’s heart contract. Feeling raw, at the exchange, she clenched her hands at her side.

  Trey nodded once.

  Then they took Sam away.

  * * *

  Sam couldn’t sit still in the office where they’d placed him. Thad had reassured him that he wasn’t leaving him alone. Even with all that had happened in the past hour, Sam couldn’t help giving his brother a half smile. Just let anyone connected to the Cartel come at him now. He relived that moment when he’d pointed that conveniently placed gun at his brother. Tightening his hold on his emotions, especially the anger that burned in him, he knew how to channel it into something much more productive than railing at the circumstances he was in. That shit wasn’t going to get him anywhere. That moment before he’d aimed the gun away from his brother, he’d never forget as long as he lived. Trey’s eyes held his firmly without flinching. In them he was certain that Sam would win the battle Trey saw him waging inside him. He’d almost overcome the terrible compulsion to resist pulling the trigger, but when Olivia had rushed into the room, reality had overcome his fugue and he’d been released. She’d saved him in so many ways over the few days he’d known her.

  They had tried to trick him into thinking that Trey was the leader of the Cartel so that he would pull the trigger. They had messed him up good, but there was no way he could reconcile what was planted in his head to what he knew about Trey.

  Because those memories weren’t real. Sam knew who his brother was.

  His older brother, Trey, was dedicated to his family, had taken over Adair Enterprises and had handled their family legacy so that Thad could have his rebellion and follow his dream of being a forensic specialist and Sam could go running around the world keeping it safe.

  Trey was a selfless, intelligent, caring CEO and would make a fine senator.

  He wanted to run for office because he wanted to contribute his expertise and time to making a better government and a better America. For that he had been targeted.

  All of this, everything that had been set into motion from the moment that he’d had the hypodermic shoved into his neck, had been about killing his mother and his brother. Mike, another victim, he thought as Sam’s hands clenched at his side, had been tortured and brainwashed, handpicked specifically because he was close to Sam. The Cartel had committed terrible acts, heinous crimes against humanity, and Sam was determined to see the Cartel destroyed no matter what it took.

  But right now he wanted to be by Olivia’s side. She was still in danger from that ruthless organization. Now that their plan had gone terribly off the rails, the Cartel would start cleaning up the loose ends. The leader, whoever it was, still hid in the shadows. All Sam cared about now was keeping his family safe, keeping his Liv protected.

  Liv. That magnificent woman was everything he could ever want. He couldn’t think long-term with her right now. There were just too many obstacles. He didn’t know what the people in charge here would decide, but there was one thing for sure. He wasn’t leaving her until he was certain she was out of danger.

  The door opened and Sam swung toward it, ready for anything. When he saw the serious man enter, Sam relaxed slightly. “Who are you?”

  “Be at ease, Captain Winston. I’m Dr. Collins. Your mother asked me to talk to you. The police and the army are also interested in assessing you and your mental health. They are going to turn you over to me, but the catch is we’ll have to keep you contained until we work through this. The good news is you won’t be held in jail.”

  “I don’t like being poked at, Doc.”

  “I’m sure, young man, but have a seat and we’ll discuss this for a bit and see how we can resolve this.”

  Sam huffed and sat down.

  * * *

  He spent several days relating everything to Dr. Collins at the psychiatric ward of Mercy Hospital. In the meantime, Thad traded off babysitting duty with his partner, Darcy, police protection against any Cartel reprisals. Sam was extremely thankful for Thad’s support throughout his treatment. Being isolated from his other family members and Olivia took its toll. He wanted to talk to both Trey and his mother and reassure them that he wasn’t a homicidal maniac. But Thad assured him they were well aware of that fact.

  After the third day, Sam was ready to get out of there. He missed Olivia more than he wanted to admit to himself, his chest filling every time he thought about how ferociously she’d fought to get to him. Longing welled up inside him. He wanted to give her everything. Be everything for her. He’d come to rely on her support. He chuckled softly to himself, thinking that she’d infused her team spirit into him regardless of his intention to remain a loner.

  After his most recent meeting with Dr. Collins, the good doctor currently sat back in his chair and thought for a few moments.

  “Well, your lady friend, Olivia, isn’t far off the mark. I think your dissociative amnesia was brought on by what the Cartel tried to plant in your head, and it backfired on them. False memories are a tricky thing. In a weaker-minded individual it may have been possible to coerce him into committing the act you have thwarted. In my expert opinion, what you suffered at the hands of the Cartel did indeed break you down, Captain Winston. But your love, your dedication to your brother and your mental acuity put you at such odds with the notion that he was the leader of the Cartel that you forgot everything. Because of that particular struggle, you sought out the excellent services of Dr. Owens. He was the one who started to unravel their plot and was murdered for it.

  “But in all of this, and from what you have told me about Dr. Owens’s sister, Olivia, it tells me that she played a large role in helping you to hold on to your identity.”

  “What is your diagnosis, then, Doc? Am I going to go off the deep end again?” Sam needed to get out of here.

  “No, I don’t believe so. Now that you are aware of what has happened to you, I don’t believe you or your family are in any danger from you. But, Captain, I concur with the mandate from the army. You should go back to Walter Reed, where there are excellent psychologists that can thoroughly assess you. The mind is a tricky thing. You will want to process and work through everything that happened to you now that your memory has been restored.”

  “I’d rather go after the Cartel and kick some asses, Doc.”

  He chuckled. “You are a resilient young man, Captain. Please call on me or have your doctor call me if I can be of further assistance. It has been my pleasure to work with you.”

  “So the mumbo-jumbo period is over now. I can get out of here?”

  “Yes, I will recommend it, but with the stipulation that you are further assessed. Three days with you is not enough to see if you are handling the situation well, but for your health and well-being it’s a trip back to Walter Reed for you.”

  Sam didn’t say anything. He was well aware that getting more therapy couldn’t hurt. His time with Dr. Owens had made that clear to him. He respected Dr. Collins, but there was only one priority now.

  Sam rose and offered his hand and Dr. Collins shook it warmly.

  * * *

  After three days of torture, Olivia paced in the waiting room of Mercy’s psychiatric ward for Sam. She couldn’t sit still. Not until she saw him again, saw that he was all right. She kept telling herself that he was safe. She understood that he needed to be assessed, but she missed him terribly. Missed waking up to him, missed his sense of humor and his gruff ways. She even missed the way he ordered her around. Finally Kate walked out of the ward, looking satisfied. A dark-haired man in a white coat was standing next to her. She spoke to him briefly and he left.

  Olivia rushed over to her as soon as she was alone.

  “They’re releasing him now, but, Olivia, there’s a stipulation. Sam has to go back to Walter Reed and be reassessed.
I’ve consulted with a prominent doctor here in Raleigh. He’s been with Sam since the incident. Sam’s on his way up. They will process Sam out and then we’ll get to see him in about twenty minutes.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.” Her heart ached. Sam was going back to D.C. She didn’t want him to leave, didn’t want to lose him, but she had no choice. Sam had to have help. He couldn’t rely on her lame attempts anymore.

  A studious-looking man came out of the double doors and approached Kate, the Secret Service surrounding her. The agents were on edge. “Dr. Collins.”

  “Mrs. Winston. I’d like to have a few words with you.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Olivia hung back, but Kate motioned for her to follow. Sam’s mother was a rock. Tough, determined. Olivia liked her immensely. She had insisted that Olivia stay at the estate under the protection of the Secret Service until the threat against them all was neutralized. Getting to know Sam’s mother and two brothers only made her fall in love with him more. They were all so different but still had one thing in common. They loved Sam deeply and were willing to do anything in their power to get him help. Olivia had even become friends with Debra and Lucy.

  Once they were inside Dr. Collins’s office and seated, Dr. Collins said, “This is only my preliminary opinion, you understand, but I think the crisis with your son has passed. But I highly recommend that he return to Walter Reed. I talked to the administrator at Walter Reed and the army is very keen to have Sam back. They are dedicated to working with him to help him put all this behind him. They are also sensitive to any publicity for your son and your family and would like to keep this all under wraps. This is for his own benefit.”

  “I understand. We want Sam well, too. And thankful for their intention to be discreet.”

  “I feel compelled to tell you that he is a very fine man, Mrs. Winston. His character is impeccable. He is very resilient and, in light of what he has endured very, very courageous. With the proper treatment and rest, he should weather this just fine. Torture and brainwashing.” He shook his head. “It’s extraordinary. If you need my further assistance, I am at your service.”

  After leaving Dr. Collins’s office, Kate and Olivia waited for Sam. She ached to see him again, to hold him.

  When he appeared her throat closed up. He looked so good. So solid, so gorgeous. She was struck again by the power of Sam, his blatant masculinity, his quiet and intense confidence, even in the face of what he’d gone through. Sam was his own man, a warrior through and through. And she ached because she wanted him for herself. Love and respect, honor and admiration were heavy on her heart as she met his eyes.

  And best of all was their connection. It was silent. It was beautiful as everything he was feeling passed between them. He was thankful for her. He wanted to hold her, touch her. He wanted her to understand he was all right. He missed her. All those things he said to her without words.

  Unable to wait until he got to her, she streaked across the room, slamming into him. His arms came around her, hard bands of steel, and she reveled in the feel of him, the scent of him.

  Letting his breath go on a ragged sigh, he said, his voice thick with emotion, “Babe, I’m sorry for all that I’ve put you through. So damn sorry.”

  “Oh, Sam, none of this is your fault. Don’t internalize it.”

  He cupped the back of her head and pressed a kiss against her temple. “I’ll do my best.”

  Wishing his lips were on her mouth instead of her face, she leaned back, marveling at how well he was handling everything. His chest expanded. “I was worried about you,” he said softly.


  She knew that there was so much more he wanted to say, but it was private, not for the people standing around them to hear, even his brother Thad and his mother. He let go of her and swept his mother up into a hard embrace. She hugged him back and for the first time in four days, Olivia saw the mother in Kate instead of the tough former vice president who wanted nothing more than to protect and care for her son.

  Sam was adamant that they go back to his own house, but the only way Sam’s mother would agree was if Thad went with them.

  When they arrived at the house, Thad headed to the sofa and pulled out his weapon and set it on the coffee table.

  “Do you need anything?” Olivia asked.

  Thad smiled. “No,” he said, glancing down at his gun with a hard look. “I’ve got all I need. Why don’t you two get some rest?”

  Olivia wanted nothing more than to just be with Sam. She grabbed his hand and drew him into his bedroom. Once inside, he pulled her around and pinned her body against the closed door.

  Sunlight from the waning day illuminated the room and the hard planes of Sam’s face as he did nothing but hold her there and stare down into her eyes. His hand came up and, gently, he brushed the backs of his fingers across her cheekbone. His eyes traveled over her features, then lighted on her hair, and he admired the strands with both his eyes and his fingers. He rubbed his thumb across her jaw, his eyes returning to hers. She got a jolt. Instead of the passion and need she had expected to see there, she saw nothing but tenderness.

  She pressed her hands against his chest, her fingers curling into his shirt, the material warm from his skin.

  “There is so much I want to say to you, Liv.”

  “Say it, Sam. I’m listening.”

  He smiled wistfully, cupping her jaw. “Thank you for standing by me and believing in me when I was losing myself. I like to think I’m invincible, but I’m not. I was scared and indecisive. The nightmares affected me more than I knew. Before you came, I had all I could do to hold on to my sanity when I felt like I was fragmenting into the shattered pieces they tried to put together after Afghanistan.”

  “Oh, Sam. You had so much courage. So much. I’m just in awe of how you handled everything.”

  “I handled everything because you were there. Without your brother, I was worried and panicked. But I think if you hadn’t been the dedicated sister that you are and stuck with the job your brother pushed on you for my sake, I would have—”

  “Shh, Sam,” she said, brushing her mouth over his. “You weren’t a job, not after I met you.”

  He closed his eyes briefly at the feel of her lips. He smiled again, his smile warm and genuine. “You turn me on, babe. You make me crazy. You make me hot and out-of-control and I want...I so want to make promises. But there’re so many unknowns. And Rangers do not act on unknowns.”

  She nodded, trying to alleviate some of the pain she saw in his eyes. “I know how you feel. I’m right there with you.”

  He nodded and pressed his forehead against hers. “I can promise that I’ll keep you safe. I can promise that as long we’re here together, I’ll give one hundred and ten percent of what I have to offer, Olivia. I want to do that because, babe, you’ve given me more than can be measured.”

  His heartbreaking words made her throat contract and she let go of his shirt, slipping her hands under the hem of it.

  Sam closed his eyes. “I can’t get enough of you touching me.”

  The feel of his hot, smooth, silky skin over those rock-hard muscles made everything in her clutch tight.

  She ripped the shirt off him and as the dog tags settled against his chest, she smoothed her hands over the symbol that broadcasted he was a fighter, and when she looked up into his eyes, she could see he was her battle-hardened soldier.

  For now.

  And that had to be enough.

  He stripped her down with such ease of movement she gasped at his expert touch. She reached out and grabbed the waistband of his jeans and dragged him against her.

  His eyes fired up as she undid his jeans and pushed the denim off him. As she slid her hands over him, a soft ah escaped his mouth on a heated breath. She knelt and pulled a hard, guttural groan out of him
as she covered him with her mouth.

  Sam pressed his hands to the door and pumped his lean hips. And with smooth strokes of her mouth and tongue, she brought him the pleasure she ached to see on his face. With single-minded determination she disarmed her lethal warrior and made him all hers.

  * * *

  The Suit stood in the shadow of the Winston Estate and tried to breathe around the fear the voice on the other end of the phone instilled in him. Words about failure and incompetence, issuing threats.

  He knew it would do no good to try to placate the ruthless leader of the Cartel. There was nothing the Suit could do to escape his fate. One he ultimately knew was going to take his life. But that didn’t matter. The people he loved would be safe. He had to believe that.

  The leader told him what must be done, how the loose ends had to be tied up. Now that they were exposed, subterfuge was useless.

  As he spoke, the Suit sweated more, his stomach tied up in knots. When the leader was done speaking, the Suit bent down and dropped the phone into the pool.

  He looked up at the house again. He’d been on Kate Winston’s detail since she was in the White House. He’d protected her and her family. In some twisted way, he figured she would understand what he had to do. She would do no less to protect the ones she loved.

  Harris had failed in his mission to take her out.

  Sam had failed in his mission to shoot his brother.

  All that was left was tying up loose ends.

  That included taking care of Olivia Owens and Sam Winston.

  All of them had to die.

  It was the only way.

  Chapter 16

  With Olivia snuggled up against him, Sam felt powerful enough to do anything. They still had some hard moments ahead, but his conscience was clear, even though his heart was heavy. He had decisions to make once he went back to D.C. and worked hard to get his clean bill of health. He couldn’t seem to hold on to any thoughts about whether or not to stay in the army. His loyalty to Uncle Sam had been a bit shaken with all that had happened to him and to his family.


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