Torque: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Angels MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 2)

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Torque: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Angels MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 2) Page 1

by Sophia Gray

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons--living or dead--is entirely coincidental.

  Torque: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Angels MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 2) copyright 2017 by Sophia Gray. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.


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  Torque: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Angels MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 2)


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Also by Sophia Gray

  Wrench: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Inked Hunters MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 1)

  Torn by the Devil: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Broken Wings MC) (Satan's Outlaw Sins Book 3)

  Ride with the Devil: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Satan’s Riders MC) (Satan’s Outlaw Sins Book 2)

  Ruined by the Devil: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Storm’s Angels MC) (Satan’s Outlaw Sins Book 1)

  Outlaw’s Lust: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Bandits MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 5)

  Outlaw’s Ink: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Metal Monsters MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 4)

  Outlaw’s Ride: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Vicious Thrills MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 3)

  Outlaw’s Kiss: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Raging Reapers MC) (Outlaw Rogues Book 2)

  Outlaw’s Sins: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Violent Spawn MC)

  Exposed: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance (Fury Riders MC)

  Sign up to my mailing list by clicking here:

  Torque: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Angels MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 2)

  By Sophia Gray

  Torque tore me to pieces.

  He’s a killer in a kutte with blood on his hands.

  I’m an innocent girl in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Too bad that won’t stop him from destroying me.

  The only way to survive is to submit.


  Guys like Torque terrify me: big, tattooed, scarred. An ex-con.

  Yet the moment I see him, I feel like he owns me.

  And he feels the exact same way.

  The outlaw takes me into his bed, making me scream until my throat is raw.

  I know he’s a killer.

  I know he’s a monster.

  I know he’s nothing but bad, bad news.

  But that doesn’t keep me from falling for him completely.


  I’m no knight in shining armor.

  I’m too dark and dangerous for that.

  There’s not a drop of romance in my life – just pure, raw pleasure.

  I’ll f**k you for a night and then I’ll hit the road.

  But one look at Lily, one taste, and I know she’s my new drug.

  She thinks I’m a good man. Worth saving.

  She doesn’t know that I’m a b@stard and a sinner with a rap sheet longer than she is tall.

  And when she stumbles down a dark alley at the worst possible moment, she seals her fate up.

  She belongs to me now.

  And I’m gonna use her however I please.



  “And you’re mine,” Torque grunted the words in my ear as he fucked me hard from behind. “I was your first, and now you belong to me forever.”

  Moaning in agony and pleasure, I laced my fingers through Torque’s and squeeTorque hard. He gasped and thrust his cock all the way into my sore pussy. I felt my body quiver and shake with sensations that I’d never felt before. It was like an exploding warmth in my pussy spread all the way out, through every limb, completely dominating my thoughts.

  “I love you,” I whimpered as every muscle in my body clenched up. “And I always will.”

  Torque pulled out of me and grabbed me by the hips, throwing me on the bed. “You’re mine,” he said with a growl again, crawling on top of me and roughly shoving my legs apart with his muscular arm. “You have to give me what belongs to me.”

  He plunged his hard cock deep inside of me, pain flooding through my body; I had no idea that sex would be this painful. But after a minute or two, the pain started to melt into the same warm pleasure that I’d felt before. Torque was thrusting hard and grunting, dripping sweat over my naked body with the strain of it all. He reached forward and caressed my breasts, tweaking and pinching my nipples until I felt tears come to my eyes.

  “Lily,” he commanded, staring me down. “Look at me. Look right into my eyes.”

  A hot blush spread across my cheeks and down my neck as I made eye contact. His piercing green eyes set my soul on fire. I watched as he took his hand and shoved it roughly between my legs, pulling my labia apart and stroking my engorged clit. I was desperately sensitive from having just come so hard, and it was enough to make me arch my back and scream. Torque laughed as he continued his ministrations, bringing me closer and closer to the edge. Just when I was about to come again, he stopped.

  “Not until I come in you, do you understand?” Torque grunted. I whimpered and nodded as Torque dug his fingers into the flesh of my ass and squeeTorque hard. He yanked my hips even closer to his muscular body and let out a low moan.

  “Torque!” I cried out. “I’m coming!” Waves of pleasure shot through my body, and I closed my eyes in ecstasy, throwing my head back and moaning louder. Torque squeeTorque my ass and impaled me as hard as he could. I felt him jerk to a stop, then moan and thrust deeper. Torque growled and tossed his head, opening his piercing green eyes and locking them with mine.

  “Lily, you’re mine. And now, you always will be.”

  Chapter One


  “Thank you,” I said into the microphone with a slight blush. The crowd clapped and cheered, and I dipped into a curtsey. There were a couple of catcalls as I sank down to my ankles and I blushed harder, looking down at my feet in black high-heeled sandals. The crowd at The Pink Diamond n
ever went exactly what you could call wild, but after performing for only a couple of months, it already felt like home.

  “Lily, that was great,” the stage manager whispered to me as I stepped into the wings. “Awesome job!” He clapped me on the back, making me stumble in my precarious shoes.

  As much as I loved performing, the costumes that went with it were a little absurd. I looked down and rolled my eyes; if I’d been on the street, I probably could have been arrested for hooking. Between my red sequin slip dress and spike heels, I felt ridiculous.

  “Thanks,” I whispered back, but he’d already moved on to the next performer. I watched him slap her ass with a grin as she stalked onto the stage with a ferocity that made the audience go wild. A slight feeling of jealousy shot through me; what did she have that I didn’t?

  Frowning, I walked into the dressing room. It wasn’t that I was unattractive, but I never really seemed to catch anyone’s attention for more than a fleeting moment or two. In all honesty, that was fine with me; I felt like between singing, working at the pre-school, and classes, I wouldn’t have time for a boyfriend.

  But it would be nice, I thought as I sat down in front of the mirror. The same Lily Sanders stared back at me: upturned button nose, big gray eyes, small, crooked mouth. My mane of dark hair made my pale skin practically glow. With a sigh, I realiTorque I still looked like I was in high school. I was twenty-one, but no guy would ever really want to date me when I looked fifteen.

  I tore my gaze away from the mirror and closed my eyes before peeling the sequin dress up and over my body. The Pink Diamond’s dressing room wasn’t private, and I knew I only had a matter of minutes before the other singer came bursting in from her set. A loud crash and commotion in the hallway almost made me shriek, but I clapped a hand over my mouth. This nightclub wasn’t in the best part of town, and I always worried about getting mugged—or worse—on the walk out to my car. But, as usual, the sound of scuffling passed after a few minutes and I took a deep breath of relief.

  My naked body was pimpled with the cold by the time I found my sweater and jeans. The material felt cold and rough against my skin, and I shivered as I tugged my pants on. The door to the dressing room burst open just as I was pulling my sweater over my head. The itchy material scratched my skin, but I was glad to be fully dressed in something other than what felt like lingerie.

  “Bye, Lily,” Allison called to me as I left. “Are you coming back tomorrow?”

  I thought about it. “I think so,” I said finally. “I really could use some cash. The holidays are coming up and all.”

  Allison frowned. “No shit. Be safe out there tonight. Stay warm.”

  She blew me an air kiss and stripped out of her bodycon dress right as I opened the door. There was a rousing sound of hoots and catcalls, and I quickly slammed the door shut behind me.

  “Honey, does she want company?” a man from the bar jeered at me as I walked past, but I ignored him. It was getting easier and easier to ignore these creeps as time went on, but I couldn’t deny that I still felt a shiver of fear whenever one of them came onto me.

  There was a big crush of people waiting by the front door, so I ducked through the crowd and went out the side by the alley. My car was parked a couple of blocks away, and I took a deep breath of the freezing nighttime air. I knew that if I didn’t stay alert, I’d look like all the bigger of a target to anyone looking for trouble.

  As usual, the alley was deserted. I looked in both directions and scurried forward. When I came to the next street, I heard voices. One of them sounded like the angry voice from before, and I froze in my tracks, not believing what was happening before my eyes.

  Two big men were standing close together and growling in masculine tones. I watched with baited breath as one of them—a big, burly guy with dark hair and light skin—reached out and tried to slip something in the other’s jacket. A chill of fear slid down my spine when I realiTorque that I was probably watching a drug deal.

  Run, Lily, I thought, but my legs wouldn’t move. It was like they had turned to lead and now, no matter how much I tried, wouldn’t melt. I coughed slightly, and the dark guy whipped his head up at me. Just as he looked away, the other guy threw a hard punch that landed with an audible crack to the dark man’s jaw. He groaned and immediately punched his attacker in the gut, sending him flying to the ground.

  The dark guy started punching and kicking the prone body. I winced at every impact; he looked like he wanted to kill whoever had punched him. My chest seiTorque up with panic as I watched the attack, screwing my eyes closed and willing it to be over.

  After what felt like an eternity, my legs finally kicked into motion, and I spun before running down the alley, breathing hard. I heard footsteps behind me, but they gradually faded away as I ran back within sight of the club. I slowed to a stop.

  “Miss Lily, are you okay?” The doorman, Freddie, spotted me and waved. I was hunched over with my hands on my knees, breathing hard.

  “I’m fine,” I replied through ragged breathing. “Sorry.” I flashed him a smile, then straightened up and tried to look normal. It was harder than I thought; every time I closed my eyes, I saw the dark guy attacking that man on the ground.

  “It’s a rough city,” Freddie told me with a rueful smile. “You got to be careful, Miss Lily.”

  “I know,” I said, smiling as sweetly as I could. “Sorry to worry you, Freddie.”

  He gave me a little wave, and I steeled myself before walking down the street, away from the club. It would take me more time to reach my car this way, but there was no way I could risk running back into those guys. The longer I thought about it, the more I realiTorque that I was lucky this hadn’t happened before now. In fact, it was almost a miracle that I’d been working in this part of Detroit for as long as I had without seeing anything worse. My best friend, Jackie, was a stripper and she’d seen people get murdered while she was working.

  My car was freezing cold as I slid inside, rubbing my hands together and blowing on them in a feeble attempt to warm up. As I slid the icy-cold key into the ignition, I watched clouds of my breath coat the inside of the windshield in a dense condensation.

  The drive home was quiet. I lived in a pretty bad part of town because that was all I could afford, but at least there were some families in my building. Jackie had always offered to let me move in with her, but I had a feeling that she did some sex work on the side, and I didn’t really want to be around for that.

  To calm my nerves, I turned the radio onto my favorite 80s station. They were playing “A Flock of Seagulls”, and I sang along and beat my hands on the wheel to the rhythm of the bass. The only good thing about my apartment was that it was a five-minute drive from The Pink Diamond, and I pulled into the parking lot just as the song ended.

  As I was getting out of the car, headlights from another vehicle bounced into the parking lot and washed over me. A guy jumped out of the car and ran towards me. I was too stunned to move, but I felt a new chill of fear wash over me as I realiTorque it was the burly guy from outside of the club.

  “Come with me.” He growled out the words. “We’re going to have a little talk.”

  I shivered. “Here?” I whispered. The man shook his head.

  “No. Inside.” He grabbed my elbow and guided me up the steps and down the hallway. “In your apartment,” he said in a gruff voice. “Now!”

  With trembling fingers, I pushed the key in the lock and turned the knob. Taking a look outside at the parking lot, I realiTorque it could be the last time I saw the grounds of my apartment complex.

  “Come on.” The man grunted under his breath. “I haven’t got all fucking day. Move your skinny ass!”

  Chapter Two

  Earlier that day…

  “Bye, Miss Lily!” Andrew screamed as his mom picked him up in her arms. “See you tomorrow!”

  I grinned. Andrew was one of my favorite kids, even if he always talked at ear-shattering volume. His mom gave me a tired smil
e as she carried him out to the car, shushing him as she walked.

  “Lily, can you help clean up?” My coworker, Anne, raised her eyebrows at me. “The kids made a real mess today.”

  “I know,” I said, rolling my eyes. “But they loved the finger painting so much. I wish I’d had that idea before.”

  “I don’t.” Anne laughed. “This is going to be a nightmare to get out of the rug.” She gestured towards the brightly-colored rug that took up most of the floor space in the playroom. It was covered in wet splotches of green and blue paint, and I giggled. Even though I’d probably have to stay late to clean, seeing the kids happy had made it worthwhile.

  Anne and I chatted while we cleaned, keeping a watchful eye on the two charges left. Peter and Shaunna were both good kids, but ever since their mom died, they’d been a handful. I watched with a wary eye as they played with the same blocks and puzzle pieces, knowing that the moment could turn in an instant. Just when I thought they actually might get through the day without a fight, Peter threw a block at his sister’s head.

  “Peter!” I cried out. “No! No, we don’t do that. Go sit in time-out!” I pointed to the corner of the room covered with clock cut-outs. Peter sniffled, and I felt myself soften, but a bruise was already starting to form on Shaunna’s cheek. “Go,” I repeated, staring at Peter until he slowly got up and stomped over to the time-out corner.


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