Torque: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Angels MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 2)

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Torque: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Angels MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 2) Page 7

by Sophia Gray

  Torque groaned into my mouth and shoved me against the wall, hard. It felt cold through my thin sweater, and I shivered, wrapping my legs around Torque’s waist, clinging on tight. He shoved his hips against mine, and the familiar erection poked me through his jeans. Moaning, I reached down and undid the snap of his pants. Torque grunted into my ear as he shoved his hand up my sweater and savagely caressed my nipples. I shrieked and he covered my mouth with his, sticking his tongue into mine and caressing my tongue.

  There was a slam in the hallway and Torque dropped me, stepping back as though he’d been burned. My heart was slamming against the walls of my chest and I raked my hands through my hair, trying to calm it. Torque shot me a dark look and threw open the door of the storage room. I watched breathlessly as he sauntered down the hall and out the front door of Dawning Center.

  Chapter Eleven

  By the time we arrived at The Pink Diamond that night, I was exhausted. I sang my set like usual, powering through the songs with only minimal effort. There wasn’t as much applause as usual, but I didn’t even care. All I could think about was going home and going to bed. The past twenty-four hours had wreaked havoc on my body and my mind, and I just wanted to get some rest.

  After my set, Torque was waiting for me outside of the dressing room. “We need to stick around here for a while,” he told me quietly. “I need to check out some of these douchebags over by the bar. You get a drink and don’t talk to anyone, okay?”

  I nodded, pressing my arms together, so it looked like I had cleavage. Infuriatingly, Torque walked away without even looking. I’ll show him, I thought wearily. Being more exhausted than usual was making me feel cagey, and I thought smugly about how angry he’d been earlier when he’d caught me talking to Mark. Mark was cute, but there was no way in hell I could ever be interested in him after Torque. It was so funny that Torque didn’t see that, too.

  Instead of changing into my street clothes, I decided to keep my dress on. It was an emerald green silk mini-dress—a gift from Jackie. One of her clients had bought it for her, but she couldn’t wear it on the job because that would have been too obvious, so she gave it to me. It fit me like a glove, and for once, I actually felt pretty good about the way my body looked. The only downside was that the fabric was so tight around my hips that I could barely walk. So far, I’d been sort of shuffling around. I caught a lot of looks from men, and I felt self-conscious until I realiTorque they were checking me out. Maybe there was something to be said for my shuffling after all.

  “Lily, doll, you were great,” the bartender gushed as I hopped onto one of the stools. “You sounded wonderful tonight. So raw and perfect!”

  “Thanks,” I said, feeling a blush creep across my cheeks. “I’m glad you think so.”

  He nodded and poured me a drink with vodka, lemon soda, maraschino cherries, and grenadine. “Trust me, doll,” he said in a hoarse voice. “You’re better than half the birds that get up there. And not a single man could take his eyes off you in that dress. How come you’ve never worn that getup before?”

  I felt my blush deepen and I looked away, searching for Torque. “I dunno,” I lied. “I felt like something different for a change.”

  The bartender nodded appreciatively. “Keep it up. Let me know when you want another one.” He gestured to my drink. “It’s on the house.”

  “Thanks,” I said with a grin. My life wasn’t very glamorous, but I did always enjoy this perk. The drink tasted sweet and a little tart and I sipped at it, feeling tired. It was late, and I hoped that Torque would be done soon. Another one of these and I’d be asleep.

  “Hey there,” a smooth male voice said. I turned around and saw a pale guy with long dark hair sliding onto the stool beside me. He had gorgeous blue eyes that looked like chips of ice and skin so pale that he looked bloodless. He was possibly one of the only people that I’d ever seen who was paler than I was.

  “Hi,” I said, sounding timid. “Enjoying yourself?”

  “I was,” he replied, grinning at me. “When you were still up on stage, that is.”

  I blushed. “Thanks. I’m Lily. Lily Sanders.”

  I hadn’t offered a hand, but he pried my fingers away from my drink and brought them to his mouth. “I’m Seth,” he said, gazing up at me. “Seth Mullen.”

  “Do you come here a lot?” I asked. When he started laughing, I realiTorque how cheesy I’d sounded. “Ugh,” I added. “I’m sorry. I don’t get out a lot.”

  “You should get out more,” he advised. “And no, I don’t come here very frequently. But if you sing all the time, I’ll be in every night.”

  “Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays,” I told him. He pretended to write down the days on his arm, and I laughed. It was the first time I’d really laughed all day and I was amaTorque at how much better and alert I felt. I knew Torque would be angry with me for talking to someone, but fuck him. I deserved to have fun, too.

  “You’re charming,” Seth said. He kept grinning at me, showing his rows of even, white teeth. “You wanna take a little walk with me?”

  “Uhm,” I hesitated, looking down. “I’m not sure that I should,” I admitted. “I’m waiting for someone here.”


  I shook my head. “No,” I said after a pause. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  Seth grinned at me again. I felt the little hairs rise up on the back of my neck. I was glad that I hadn’t said yes, but suddenly I found myself wishing that I’d lied about Torque being my boyfriend. Seth slid off the stool with a feline grace and stood next to me. He wrapped his arm around me, and even though he smelled good, I still felt uneasy.

  “I should go,” I said politely. “It’s been a long day.”

  Seth locked eyes with me. I watched as he reached up and knocked his drink over in my lap. It was wet and freezing cold and I yelped, jerking backward but not falling off the stool. Seth grabbed a bunch of napkins and dumped them in my lap, rubbing them in with his hand. There was an uncomfortable pressure on my groin and I tried to push him away, but he kept touching me there.

  “I have to clean up the stain,” he said. “I have to—”

  Suddenly, I watched Seth jerk back as if yanked by an invisible force. A second later, I saw that Torque had grabbed him by the back of his collar and thrown him to the side. In an instant, Torque swooped his arm under my legs and lifted me off the stool. He carried me out of The Pink Diamond and over to Freddie, the doorman.

  “Watch her,” he growled out at Freddie. Torque disappeared back inside and I cringed. Freddie looked down at me sympathetically. He took off his black tux jacket and wrapped it around me and my wet dress. It didn’t do a lot to block the cold, but I felt more protected already.

  “Are you okay, Miss Lily?”

  I nodded with haste, tears forming in my eyes. “I’m fine,” I replied in a shaky voice. “Just some jerk guy, that’s all.”

  Freddie nodded. He kept his hand on my shoulder and stood right next to me until Torque burst out of the building. I watched him shoot Torque a furtive look, but Torque just gave his head a quick jerk to the side. With growing disappointment, I realiTorque that meant Seth had gotten away.

  In the car, I broke down in tears. “I’m sorry!” I wailed. “I’m sorry! He came up to me and started talking and I didn’t think anything bad would happen!”

  Torque softened. “You can’t put yourself in those situations, Lily.” His knuckles were white from clenching the wheel. “You have to be smarter when it comes to your safety.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “I know,” I said tearfully. “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to leave me alone.”

  “I won’t,” Torque said through gritted teeth. “Believe you me, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  That night, Torque slept on the floor of my bedroom. I didn’t even resist when he brought up the idea. Sex was the last thing on my mind at this point; I just wanted him to protect me. Still, when I fell asleep,
I had raunchy dreams about him all the same. I dreamed of Torque carrying me out of the club and fucking me across the hood of his car. I dreamed of Torque following me into the shower and ripping my towel off, having his way with me as the water soaked us both. I dreamed of Torque pinning me down on the couch and fucking me raw with abandon until I cried out and pleaded for him to stop.

  The next morning, Torque was snoring on my floor when my alarm went off. I quickly disarmed it and went into the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror. My skin was flushed and sticky and I realiTorque with horror that I looked like I’d just been making love. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Torque kissing me, Torque spanking me, Torque making fierce love to me. I had to do something to get rid of that mental image.

  Even though it was risky, I decided to go for a run around the apartment complex. Running was the only thing that ever calmed me down, and if I was careful, I could do it before Torque woke up. He won’t even have to know, I told myself. It’ll be my little secret.

  Chapter Twelve

  I ran for about twenty minutes—until my head felt clear and empty. I hadn’t meant to be gone for so long, but the empty sound of my feet slapping the pavement was even more soothing than I’d thought it would be. By the time I rounded the turn and jogged back into the apartment complex, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  The apartment was quiet and, at first, I thought that I’d managed to get away with it. Then, I heard Torque’s booming footsteps.

  “Where the fuck did you go?” His voice was a roaring bolt of thunder that shook the walls. I instantly cowered. Torque came close, his face red with anger.

  “I just went for a run,” I said quietly. “I couldn’t relax. I’m sorry.”

  Torque’s hulking figure leaned over me. “You put yourself in danger, Lily! How many times do I have to tell you; don’t do that!”

  I looked at the ground. “I’m sorry.” Anxiety rose in my stomach, and I thought that Torque was going to keep screaming at me, but silent, angry Torque was almost scarier than yelling Torque.

  He stepped closer and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close. “You could have gotten hurt,” he said, still sounding very stern. “You endangered yourself. Fucking nice way to thank me for watching over you like this.”

  My body couldn’t ignore how close I was to Torque, and my heart began beating faster and faster. I tried to pull away, but he held me fast in his arms. His hands warmed my chill skin, and before I knew it, he was picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder like a rag doll. Torque carried me through the apartment effortlessly. He kicked my bedroom door open and dropped me on the bed before climbing on top of me and kissing me so hard that I thought our heads would merge.

  Anger and desire boiled within me, but after a few seconds of Torque roughly kissing me, desire won out. The stubble on his chin rubbed my face raw as he savagely sucked on my lower lip and caressed my tongue with his own. I moaned into his mouth and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him down on top of me.

  Torque’s weight pressed me down into the mattress, and as he kissed his way down my neck and throat, I felt a bulge poking me through his jeans. I was still wearing my running shorts and sports bra, and Torque reached down and ripped my sports bra in half, exposing my breasts.

  He took one of my nipples in his mouth and bit and sucked as I moaned and dug my fingernails into his back. It felt so good that I thought I was going to explode, and before I knew what I was doing, I was grinding my hips against the bulge in Torque’s pants. I wanted him so badly that it felt instinctual; I’d never had sex, but my hormones were driving me crazy. Torque literally ripping off my clothes was such a huge turn on, and I moaned loudly as he shoved a rough hand inside my running shorts.

  I was breathing so hard that my chest was shaking as Torque stroked my labia with calloused fingers. I squirmed and wriggled on the bed, moaning and spreading my legs to give him better access. Torque plunged his fingers inside of me, and I yelped in pain. Normally, I was so tight that I had trouble putting a tampon in when I was on my period, and Torque’s fingers were thick.

  After a few seconds, the pain melted into pleasure and Torque locked eyes with me as he thrust his fingers in and out of my pussy. I arched my back and moaned louder, writhing on the bed, desperate for more of his touch. And then as quickly as it had begun, it was over.

  Torque pulled his hand away from me and stuck his fingers in his mouth, staring at me as he licked my taste off of his hand. The sight alone was arousing, and I reached down to tug my shorts down my skinny legs.

  Torque got to his knees and crossed his arms over his torso. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, exposing a brawny chest covered in tattoos. His biceps bulged as he leaned down and undid the fly of his pants with one hand. I watched nervously; I’d never seen Torque fully undressed before.

  When his pants were on the ground, he was left in boxer briefs that accentuated the giant erection he was sporting. My mouth was dry as I imagined him popping my cherry with his massive cock. Torque looked down at his erection, then turned to me and grinned.

  Nervously, I got on all fours and crawled towards Torque. He stepped towards me, and I nuzzled his belly. He sighed with pleasure and tangled his hands in my dark hair, pulling it out of the makeshift braid I’d worn while running. He smelled like spicy, masculine, musky man and I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent deeply.

  I couldn’t believe how firm and taut his stomach was; it was like there wasn’t an inch of fat anywhere on his body. Torque pushed his hips against me, and his cock brushed against my collarbone. It felt gigantic, and I rubbed my hand over the front of his boxers and felt the shape of it.

  Torque moaned and reached down, yanking his boxers down and stepping out of them with more grace than I thought he’d be able to muster. His cock bobbed free, and I tentatively licked the head. Torque moaned enthusiastically. Encouraged, I took the next couple of inches into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the head and sucking gently.

  Torque groaned and pushed his hips closer to my face. I had to pull back quickly so I wouldn’t gag, but the force of his body against mine was relentless, and soon his cock filled my mouth. I couldn’t accommodate all of him, though, and soon Torque reached down and grabbed one of my hands.

  He wrapped my fingers around the base of his cock and pumped my hand up and down. When I started mimicking the motions on my own, he grunted and thrust his hips into my mouth. I looked up and saw his piercing green eyes staring at me. He visibly shivered, then screwed his eyes shut and tilted his head back with pleasure.

  I loved that me, tiny little Lily, was capable of stunning a giant man just with my mouth. It was an incredibly powerful feeling, and as I continued to suck on Torque’s erection, I felt myself getting wetter.

  Abruptly, Torque pulled out of my mouth. His cock was so beautiful, glistening wet with my saliva; there was a tiny bead of moisture right on the tip. I leaned down and gently licked it away with my tongue, causing Torque to shudder. He climbed back on the bed and pushed me down roughly on my back.

  I was self-conscious about the way I smelled since I’d just been running, but I watched as Torque closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of my body. It made me shiver with pleasure, and I stretched out my limbs on the bed, reclining on the soft comforter. Every cell in my body was tingling with anticipation, and suddenly, I was nervous about Torque touching me or licking me.

  He ran his tongue down my torso, swirling over my hipbones and going lower and lower until he was right between my inner thighs. Torque looked at me expectantly, and I shuddered. Without warning, he plunged his tongue inside of me and licked furiously. Pleasure exploded in my body as Torque relentlessly licked my clit with his tongue.

  He plunged a finger into my pussy and gently pumped it in and out as he sucked and nibbled on my labia. I was thrashing on the bed and moaning, arching my back and rubbing my crotch against Torque’s face, desperate for more pleasure. The sharp tip o
f his nose rubbed against my engorged clit, and I howled with pleasure, desperate for more and more.

  When Torque pulled away, I practically screamed. I felt like I was on the brink of orgasm, but he merely backed away and grinned at me. I wanted to beg him to touch me, but I thought teasing him might prove more effective, so I rolled on my belly and spread my legs, exposing my pussy.

  Torque sighed. He spanked my ass and trailed his hand down my leg, making me squirm. Not being able to see what he was going to do next made it all the sexier, and I buried my face in the blanket. There was a red flush covering my body, and every inch of my skin was on fire. I felt Torque’s fingernails trailing up my thigh.

  “Do you have a condom?” Torque asked.


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