Because of You

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Because of You Page 3

by Lafortune, Connie

  Suddenly, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist as I look up to see Hunter staring down at me. He scoops me up, holding me tightly against his chest as my arms circle around his neck. When he’s back onshore he sits down, cradling me in his lap. I can feel him trembling as he lifts my chin with his fingertips. “I gotcha; you’re okay now. ” He uses the pad of his thumb as he wipes away my tears. “I thought you were drowning,” he whispers as he leans his head against mine.

  “I was crying so much I couldn’t catch my breath… I guess I started hyperventilating. That freaked me out.” It feels so good with his arms wrapped around me that I don’t want to move. Then I realize no one has ever held me, comforted me the way Hunter is right now. I feel safe snuggled up in his lap with his arms secured around me.

  “There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. ” My dad says as he makes his way towards us.

  Hunter stiffens at the sound of my father’s voice. When he stands up he places me on my feet as he rubs his hands up and down my arms. “Are you all right now?” I nod my head as he bends down, leaving a warm lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth, now I’m going to faint.


  All I wanted to do was go for a swim and follow it up in the Jacuzzi with a bottle of beer. I’m fucking twenty-one years old and alone on a Saturday night.

  That’s when I see Riley in the water laughing hysterically, then in the same instant this beautiful woman is sobbing uncontrollably. Without hesitating I dove in, reaching her just as a wave crashed over her, ready to drag her under. When I grabbed her around the waist and our eyes connected for a split second, my heart shattered. I know that look very well, because it’s the same one I see every time I look in the mirror—forsaken.

  Suddenly I’m so angry that I want to punch the wall or scream until I lose my voice. I feel my demons about to drag me under again. I need to get the hell out of here. Grabbing the keys to my Jeep I bolt out the door.

  I’m driving with no clue as to where I’m going, destination unknown. A bar or anyplace that requires a shirt and shoes is out of the question because I still have my shorts on. Before all this happened I was going for a swim and I can’t call anyone because I left my damn phone at home.

  After I’ve driven around aimlessly for about an hour, I decide to head home. I’m thinking the only thing that’s going to help me recover from this night is to get shitfaced. My only dilemma is, should I do that before or after the Jacuzzi?

  First I sprint upstairs to grab a six pack before heading back down to take off the cover and start it up. As I slip in I let the heat from the bubbles envelope me before twisting off a cap and tipping it back. When I feel my body relaxing I close my eyes, but all I see is Riley’s sad face looking back at me.

  Hearing a shuffling noise behind me I tighten the grip on my bottle as I whirl around. Riley’s standing there, wide-eyed, clutching a towel to her chest. She turns to walk away.

  “There’s plenty of room in here for the both of us. I don’t bite. ” It comes out desperate instead of teasingly.

  “I don’t mean to intrude. I couldn’t sleep. ” She smiles, walking over.

  “You’re not intruding; in fact, if you’d like to be alone I can leave. ” When I stand up she places her hand on my arm.

  “Please stay; I’ve been alone enough to last me a lifetime. ” Riley leans back as a sigh escapes that perfect mouth before she says, “I wanted to thank you for today but my dad interrupted us. When I came back from my run I was so hot I jumped in to cool off, but it must have been a shock to my body. ” She laughs nervously.

  She’s staring directly into my eyes; there’s so much I want to say but I don’t know her well enough. She’s only been here for twenty-four hours and she’s already crawled under my skin. Her eyes are the darkest blue, like storm clouds rolling in off the ocean. Her hair’s the color of melted chocolate and she has the face of an angel. She’s smoking hot and I’m fantasizing about her body quivering underneath me, screaming my name.

  “You’re more than welcome, but let’s not have an encore performance any time soon. ” When I wink her cheeks take on a healthy blush.

  Riley moves closer. She’s staring at my chest. “I don’t remember seeing that tattoo earlier; it’s beautiful. ” My hand immediately tries to cover it as she pulls my hand away. “Whoever did this is a true artist. The details are incredible. Who’s Brady, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “When I’m working I can’t have any tattoos showing so I use actor’s makeup to cover it up. ” I’m stalling, I’m not ready to answer her question.

  She looks up at me confused. “Earlier today your tattoo wasn’t covered?” When I shake my head no, she says, “I must have been really out of it because I never noticed it. ”

  This is a good time to leave. When I stand up, Riley reaches out to grab my arm trying to stop me. “So you never told me who Brady is. ”

  “It’s late; I should get going. Do you want me to put the cover back on?” I see the hurt in her eyes as she gazes up at me.

  “You can put the cover on; I’m tired now. ” She starts to walk away.

  Reaching out to grab her hand, my thumb sweeps the inside of her wrist. It feels like silk. “Riley please don’t be angry. I promise I’ll answer all of your questions, but not tonight. It’s too complicated to get into right now. ”

  “I hope you’re not the kind of guy who makes promises he doesn’t keep. ” She lays her hand on my chest over my tattoo. Putting my hand on top of hers I lean into her so that our foreheads are touching. “I never make promises that I don’t keep; I’m not like other guys. ” Why did I say that, because I so am one of those guys! Bending down I lightly brush my lips against hers. “I’ll see you at dinner tonight. ”

  When I watch her walk away I breathe a sigh of relief; it’s only a matter of time before I have to answer all of her questions and I’m dreading it already. The last thing I need is for her to feel sorry for me; I’ve been on my own for three years. However, there’s a difference between need and want. I want Riley Hamilton.

  Chapter Six


  When I try to fall asleep there’s a slideshow being played out on my eyelids. Hunter’s in the Jacuzzi with a beer in his hand, his head’s tipped back, lips parted and he looks like he’s in ecstasy. I felt like I was intruding on a private moment and that had me wondering if he was alone.

  Then I heard him say that there was plenty of room for the both of us, so I joined him.

  As I sat down my eyes roamed over every inch, of exquisite inch, of his tanned and chiseled body. I could never get tired of looking at him. He’s perfection. Then I noticed the tattoo over his heart—a picture of a young boy, and he’s laughing. It’s done in black ink so it makes me wonder what color his eyes are. His hair looks like it would be wavy, not straight. The details are incredible; it looks like a photograph that was stuck permanently to his skin. The name “Brady” is curved underneath. Who could it be and why doesn’t he want to talk about him?

  When I asked him about it, he immediately shut down. One minute we were flirting with each another and the next minute he’s dismissing me. I’ve run into him three times in one day and every time I meet a different Hunter. One is flirty and sexy as all hell, then there’s one who is gentle and loving, and the last one is sad and guarded. I’m not liking that one much.

  The last boy who made me promises he didn’t keep was the one I gave my virginity to, back when I was sixteen. I wanted someone to love me so desperately that I believed anything he told me. I was so gullible. He never told me he was moving to Colorado with his parents, and three weeks later he was gone. It happened all most two years ago and I promised myself I would never be that stupid girl again.

  But when I felt Hunter’s heart pulsating underneath the palm of my hand as his lips brushed against mine, I became that stupid girl again. There’s a connection between Hunter and I; I feel it every time his eyes meet mine, especially when he touc
hes me. It’s like the air surrounding us is electrically charged, like after a storm. His lips brushing mine is the last thought I have before finally drifting off to sleep.

  Someone’s knocking on my bedroom door, waking me up from the best dream I’ve ever had. Now I’ll never know if the girl gets the guy or not. Damn.

  “Come in. ” It comes out kind of raspy.

  Dad walks in looking embarrassed. “Morning Riley, we were worried since we hadn’t seen you since last night. Why don’t you get dressed and Rosie will make you anything you want. I’ll see you downstairs in a bit. ”

  After he leaves I throw on some clothes, brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair. I check my phone to see several missed calls from Ashley. I’ll call her back later when I have more time to talk. Right now I’m starving!

  The smells that are coming from that kitchen are amazing! Rosie must be cooking something Italian because the smell of onions and garlic are wafting through the air. As I round the corner I see several pots simmering on the stove.

  “Good afternoon, Riley. ” Rosie calls out from over her shoulder while stirring a pot. “There are last night’s leftovers, unless you would like me to make you something. ”

  “Leftovers are fine. ” Heading over to the fridge I grab some cold fried chicken and pasta salad. After fixing my plate I sit at the island so I can talk to Rosie.

  “So what are you making that smells so delicious?” I ask.

  “I’m making my famous lasagna and garlic bread. Your dad requested it for dinner tonight. ” She looks up at me smiling.

  “Rosie, can I ask you a question?” I hope she won’t think I’m prying.

  “Sure, anything you want, Riley. ” She turns around, leaning against the sink.

  “Do you know the boy who’s tattooed on Hunter’s chest?” I can’t believe I’m putting her on the spot like that.

  “Why don’t you ask him?" Her brows pinch together.

  “He wouldn’t tell me. ” When I finish eating I place my dishes in the sink.

  Why doesn’t anyone want to tell me who Brady is? Now what the hell am I supposed to do with the rest of my day?


  I’m getting ready to head down to dinner with Riley and her dad. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her, but I get the feeling her dad isn’t too happy about it. I’ve never done anything for Scott not to trust me, but I get the impression that I wouldn’t be someone he would pick for his daughter. The look he gave me yesterday when he found us on the beach makes me a little uncomfortable.

  I met Scott three years ago when I needed a lawyer for some personal shit I was going through. At the time I was looking for an apartment, so that’s when he suggested the one above the garage. He knows about the guilt I carry around about my past, but he never judges me. We’ve been friends ever since, but I might be about to put that friendship to the test. I have my sights set on his daughter and there’s no way I’m backing down. I’ve never felt this way about a girl, like I want to be with her every minute of every day and night.

  As I walk into the kitchen I see Rosie on her tiptoes trying to reach something on the top shelf. “Let me get that down; I’m a little taller than you are. ” I reach up and grab the bowl for her.

  “Thank you. I knew there was a reason why we invited you. ” She smiles at me, touching my cheek.

  “Rosie, I would marry you in a heartbeat, but Paul would kick my ass. ” Bending down I give her a kiss on the cheek.

  When I look up I see Riley standing in the doorway, laughing. “I’m trying to picture Paul kicking your ass,” she says before threading her fingers with mine. “Rosie, how much time do we have before dinner?” She asks.

  “Don’t wander too far, it’ll be ready in less than thirty minutes. ” Rosie looks away, and suddenly my stomach bottoms out.

  Riley pulls me out by the pool, setting me down in one of the chairs. Now I’m worried because I’m thinking she wants to talk. I’m not ready for this emotional hell right now.

  “I wanted to talk to you in private. ” She pulls the chair directly in front of me taking my hands in hers; my heart’s beating out of my chest and I’m sure she can see it. “I did a stupid thing today and I wanted to be the one to tell you. I asked Rosie about your tattoo,” she whispers so I can barely hear her.

  My body stiffens as I let go of her hands to run my fingers through my hair, trying to compose myself. “What did she say?” Taking my index finger I lift her chin so she’s looking into my eyes.

  “She wouldn’t tell me; she said I have to ask you. ” She says it so softly as one tear slides down her cheek. I use the pad of my thumb to wipe it away.

  I knew Rosie wouldn’t sell me out; God I love that woman. “Give me some time to get to know you before I dump all my personal shit in your lap. Last night I promised I would tell you and I will. ”

  Cupping her face I pull her up to my mouth so I can kiss her, taste her. I suck on her bottom lip before nipping the tender flesh with my teeth, pulling her onto my lap. She straddles me, clutching my hair in her hands while rocking against me. Fuck, she feels so damn good I’m about to explode. Reality smacks me when I realize I can’t treat this sweet thing like one of my bar girls.

  “Riley we have to stop, shit. I don’t want your dad coming out to see me humping his daughter. ” When she gazes up at me I see the hunger in her eyes, her lips are swollen, and her cheeks are flushed. Our eyes lock as we stare at each other until we catch our breath.

  When we walk into the kitchen I see Scott look from Riley to me. He looks pissed. “Hunter, I invited you to have dinner with us tonight so I could introduce you to Riley, but since you two have already met there’s no need for you to stay. ” He says this so calmly it takes me a second to comprehend.

  Riley’s head snaps up as she glares at him. “Dad, are you joking?” She keeps looking from him to me.

  Scott’s fuming. I’ve known him a lot longer than Riley. I need to leave now before this goes any further. “It’s all right, Riley. You spend time with your dad and I’ll see you soon. ” The whole time I say this I’m staring at Scott; I want him to know that this is far from over. As I head out the door I hear her say, “If he can’t stay for dinner then I’m not eating either. This is bullshit. You haven’t told me what to do for the last twelve years and you’re not about to start now. ” She storms out of the room.

  As I’m closing the door I hear Scott say, “Well it’s about time someone takes care of you. ”

  That didn’t go quite the way I expected it. Now what am I going to eat?

  Chapter Seven


  I’m so mad at my dad right now; he embarrassed me in front of Hunter by treating me like a child. I’m eighteen years old, a legal adult and he can’t tell me what to do. I’m so angry I want to scream.

  I need to call Ashley. I never returned her calls from yesterday. She picks up on the second ring.

  “Riley, I’m so glad you called; I thought you would never talk to me again. ” I hear her sniffling.

  “I’m not mad, in fact I’m wondering why I came here myself. My dad just pissed me off so bad. ” Touching my lips I think of Hunter.

  “Didn’t I tell you going there would be a mistake? Come home so you can live with me and mom. ” I hear music playing in the background.

  “Ash, I met a guy. His name’s Hunter. He lives in the apartment above the garage. He’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen and he likes me—me! He was supposed to have dinner with us tonight, but for some reason Dad asked him to leave. He was mad but I don’t know why. Ash, I like him so much and I don’t know what to do. ” By the time I’m finished, I’m crying.

  “It sounds like you need to go have a talk with your dad, let him know how you feel. Then you can ask him why he doesn’t want you hanging out with Hunter. ” She sounds hesitant.

  That’s when I hear a knock on my door, “Ashley I have to go, I think my dad’s here so we can talk. ”

p; “Call me and let me know how it goes, and next time I want to hear all about Hunter. ” We say our goodbyes.

  When I open the door, Rosie’s standing there with a plate of piping hot lasagna. “I didn’t spend my day cooking for nothing. ” She brushes past me as she sets the plate on my desk.

  “You didn’t have to go to all that trouble. ” Sitting down I blow on it several times before taking a bite. It’s delicious. “I feel bad that I’m eating and Hunter was invited to dinner. ”

  “I brought him some before I came up here,” she winks as a grin spreads across her cheeks.

  “How’s he doing?” She pats my shoulder, and sighs.

  Rosie sits on my bed. “He’s fine; he wants me to tell you not to be mad at your dad. ” She studies me as I take another bite.

  “Too late because I’m furious with him. ” I look up at her as she meets my gaze.

  She shakes her head. “You have to realize that you’re a beautiful young woman and Hunter is an attractive man. You’ve only known each other a few days and it’s obvious there’s chemistry between the two of you. Your dad’s worried it’s happening too fast; that’s all I’m going to say. ” She throws her hands in the air. “The rest is up to the three of you to work out. ” Rosie takes my plate when she walks out the door.

  Now my belly’s full and I’m exhausted, so I decide to go to bed and talk to my dad in the morning. I have to figure out a way for him to understand that I’m going to see Hunter with or without his permission.


  Scott told me to leave so I did, only because it’s his house and I didn’t want to make a scene. I don’t know what it is about this girl that makes me want to wrap my arms around her and protect her.


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