Welcome to the Family

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Welcome to the Family Page 4

by Caroline F Levy

  “And you are?”

  I find myself speechless, standing there with my mouth agape. Archie walks down to join us and introduces me to Dorian as the day receptionist. He is looking at me as if he wants to ask why I am still here. We stand in silence.

  I almost squeak my response. “Megan has asked me to stay over and complete some filing that she will not have time to do.”

  “That is what I like to see. Dedication.” My attention returned to Dorian, and I snap my mouth shut. He smiles at me and holds out his hand to shake mine, introducing himself, then repeats his question. “And you are?”

  My reply is, “Unimportant.” As I swallow nervously.

  He bellows so loudly it echoes down the hall, his head rearing as he does. Just as quickly he stops, holding my eyes in a hypnotic stare. “Your name, please.”

  “Oh – I am Angela.”

  “I am pleased to meet you – Angela.”

  I can feel myself getting embarrassed again. Thankfully, I do not think he notices as he turns to Archie, and without another word walks away.

  I have finished what I am doing, so collect my bag ready to go home. I get to travel home in a taxi tonight, as Archie has insisted on it. He said it is way too late for me to be traveling home alone on a bus alone.

  I go outside to find the taxi, but instead, I find Roger standing there, waiting for me. “Your taxi awaits my lady.”

  Trying to protest is useless, they are Archie’s direct orders if I have a problem to take it up with him. I am too tired to argue, walking to the door Roger has opened for me I slide onto the back seat and he closes the door for me.

  Roger gets into the driver’s seat and catches my eye in the rear-view mirror. “I live down the road from you babes, Archie suggested I could pick you up and drop you off as it is on my way.”

  I start to protest until I see Roger’s face drop. I think I may have hurt his feelings, so I shut my mouth and thank him instead. “That would be lovely.” His smile lights up his face. Looking at him smiling back at me, he cannot be that much older than I am.

  We arrive back at my place. I must have fallen asleep on the way, I wake to Roger opening the door and gently squeezing my shoulder. I come too abruptly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I laugh. “Don’t worry about it.” Thanking him for the lift as I get out of the car, I make sure he has driven away before I walk up to the building.

  Feeling exhausted I walk slowly to the door. As I turn the key the door opens, wrenching it out of my hand. I stand motionless as Shaun stands in front of me, he looks like he is about to blow his top. “An’ hoos’ dat’ jus’ dropped ya’ off?”

  Staring at Shaun I sigh. “I’m too tired for a fight, Shaun. Can we talk in the morning; please?” When he does not move, I answer, “Megan asked me to stop over. I am sorry I did not call, it got busy and then I thought it was too late to be calling. If I had known you would worry so much, I would have called.” I look at him, but he is still not moving. He is waiting for an answer to his question, so just so I can get inside to go to bed I answer him. “That was Roger, one of the security guys. He lives not far from here, so he has offered to car share.”

  I see he is not going to move, so I try to squeeze past. Before I know it, Shaun grabs my arm pulling me inside, and is pushing me towards the sofa. I fall hard, hitting my arm on the coffee table on the way down. Crying out in pain I can feel my elbow start to throb. I just hope I haven’t broken it, unlike the table I just destroyed. I can feel my heart speeding up if Shaun could do this to me, what else would he do out of unwarranted jealousy? Within a minute, he is there next to me, pleading with me to forgive him. He tells me he has been so worried when I had not come home. “I ‘ad been calling ya’ phone loads.”

  I am feeling tired and fragile. I do not need another argument, or for Shaun to return to a volatile state. Therefore, I agree to forgive him, hoping he will back off. I just want to go to bed. I know my arm is going to bruise and will probably seize up by morning. Shaun tries to help me up as bile pushes up my throat. I just about manage to keep it down and let him help me. I do not even bother to take my make-up off. I just shrug off my clothes and get into bed.

  Chapter Eight

  Iroust after a restless night. I know I had nightmares, but I cannot remember what they were about. I am tiptoeing around the flat, trying to be quiet. It is Shaun’s day off and he is sleeping. Creeping into the bathroom I notice my arm has several bruises running along it. There is no way I am going to be able to cover them. I am not going to try. If I do not try covering up, hopefully, people will not bother asking how it happened.

  I manage to leave the flat without Shaun waking, much to my relief. I am still tired, not sleeping well leaves me with little energy. I hate fighting with Shaun at the best of times, even more so when I am feeling as low as I am today. Walking out of the door I notice Roger waiting for me, he is all smiles — until he sees my arm.

  He makes a growling noise, it rumbles up from deep inside his chest. He stops abruptly, probably due to the startled look on my face. Without a word from him, I find myself explaining, “I fell over after you dropped me off last night. I mean, what idiot doesn’t bother turning on the living room light? I lost my footing and tripped. I fell straight into the coffee table.” Well, it was part of the truth.; I just left out the part about Shaun helping me fall over my feet.

  Roger looks at me again and thankfully nods. He opens the car door for me, and as I get in and sit down, he leans in and speaks quietly but sternly. “If you ever fall into a coffee table or anything else, I will be having a chat with that boyfriend of yours.” Standing back up, he quietly shuts the door. I am sitting there stunned. Roger gets in and puts the radio on. He starts to sing along to Abba’s Dancing Queen as if nothing had been said, which makes me smile as I try to forget what just happened. Hopefully, what happened last night was a onetime occurrence.

  My mind is working overtime. Why is Roger being so protective of a girl he has only just met? I mean, no one has ever been this kind to me. Okay, Father Gerald and Annie are always good to me, but they have known me a few years.

  Arriving at work feeling a tad better. Roger has been singing all the way in. I found his singing funny at first, but it helped me to relax after a short while. I have no idea why. There is something about Roger. It is not just his singing making me feel relaxed, I feel safe when he is around. He must have that air of something about him. I cannot describe what it is. Perhaps all the guards train to be this way.

  The day slips by uneventfully. Lack of sleep has made the day seem longer than usual. It has not helped that I have nothing to do but answer the phone. For the first time, it feels as if the day is dragging. I could have been doing the filing today, I cannot understand why Megan thought it needed to completed last night.

  It is about thirty minutes until Megan is due at work when Archie calls me into his office. I did not even know he would be here this early in the day. I make my way into his office. Archie is sitting on the sofa, he asks me to sit. He never asks me to come to his office. Have I blown it, is he going to give me the sack?

  Archie looks at me, a smile on his face, and asks again, “Please sit, Angela, you look troubled. I thought we could have a little chat before Megan arrives.” Waiting for me to sit in the chair opposite him. The smile fades, he looks at me with what looks like pity. “I called you in here, as it has come to my attention that you have had a fall. Is everything okay, Angela?”

  Dumbstruck, my first thought is I will give Roger what-for when I see him.

  My thoughts must be written all over my face, as Archie continues, “Do not blame Roger, I asked him to keep an eye on you, Angela. You two have developed a connection. He was only doing what I asked, even though he has been more than happy to help. All my employees are important to me. We look out for each other, as I said when you met me on your first day. We are like family here, so if you want to give anyone what-for, it will be me you will have
to take it up with.”

  I blanch, shrinking back into my chair.

  Archie surveys me and slides forward on the sofa so he is sitting right in front of me. “Angela, if ever you have a problem, anything. Be it work, or your home life. Please come and see me. If ever you need somewhere to stay, we have employee housing. You are entitled to it. I just did not mention it as you were already living with Shaun.”

  I relax into the chair a little.

  “I will say this once and once only. If that boyfriend of yours ever hurts you again, he will have a few people to answer to.”

  I have perched on the edge of my chair again. I must look like a rabbit caught in a car’s headlights.

  Archie visibly relaxes. “Angela, I did not mean to scare you. Please accept my apologies. It was never my intention. Just remember you have a company flat if you ever want or need it.”

  Archie stands, and I follow his lead. Ready to go back out to reception, he continues, “Oh, and, Angela? You impressed the boss last night. Now off you go, Roger is waiting for you outside. It is an early finish for you today, my dear. Go home and rest that arm. Goodnight, Angela.”

  Having so many thoughts and emotions whirling around my mind and heart are not like me. Not knowing what else to do, I leave the room and walk straight into Roger. I had not thought Archie meant literally, I giggle. It seems whenever Roger is around I manage to walk into him.

  Roger peers down at me, bewildered. “I am always walking into you,”

  I explain. I gaze into those big brown eyes, to find him smiling.

  “Anytime, babes,” is the answer I get, and with that, we leave.

  Chapter Nine

  Ihave a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. There is no avoiding it, I need to go in and face Shaun. I am so not looking forward to it.

  Walking in the door to the aroma of lasagna is not what I expected. It is the only dinner Shaun can cook without burning it. Normally when it is Shaun’s turn to cook we have a bowl of cereal. I know he is trying because he has cooked.

  There is soft music playing, and I see fresh flowers on the side. The remains of the coffee table are missing, it even looks like Shaun has cleaned. Dumbfounded, this is the opposite of what I was expecting.

  “Well, don’t jus’ stand there, get in ere’ and sit down. Dinner’s ready.”

  I go to take my coat off, and Shaun is there helping me. I flinch as he catches my arm. Hearing a sharp intake of breath, he loosens his grip, but he does not say a word. We sit in silence and eat.

  Shaun just stares at me. “I’m gonna’ go down the club, blow off some steam, so don’t to bovver’ to wait up.”

  I think he is trying, maybe he does not know how to say sorry. It has never been this bad for us in the whole time I have known him. It is as if we are complete strangers, you can feel the tension in the air. It is almost thick enough to cut with a knife.

  Shaun starts staring again, with what I would have said is a sad expression. I look closer and only a blackness in his eyes. I see his jaw lock and he exhales. I think he is going to say sorry, but instead, I hear, “The next time ya’do sumink’ wivout’ askin’ me first, I will do more dan’ bruise ya’ arm.”

  My blood runs cold.

  Without another word, he leaves for the club.

  Chapter Ten

  Isit on the sofa, for how long I do not know. It must have been a while, as it is getting dark. I pull myself together and pick up my phone. I am calling Megan before I think about what I am doing, no idea why I would call her. I thought I would have called Father Gerald or Annie, but I am on autopilot.

  When Megan answers the phone, all I can do is make a pathetic sobbing noise.

  I hear Megan on the other end of the phone. “Angela? – ANGELA? Is everything alright? Do not worry, Roger is leaving now.”

  I hear hushed tones in the background.

  “Angela, Roger is on his way to get you. Do not worry; it is going to be okay. Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay,” I mumble, “How did you know?”

  “Angela, just get in the car when Roger gets there. I will be here when you arrive.”

  Walking out of the flat a few minutes later as I longer want to be inside. Putting my keys on the sideboard I shut the door, not even bothering to lock it.

  Roger arrives in what seems like mere moments, but he is not alone, he has a few of the other guards with him. I do not notice who they are, or if I know them. They march past in silence and go into the flat carrying boxes. I look at Roger as he ushers me towards the car.

  “Don’t worry, Angela, we will get your possessions. Come on, babes, let’s get you home.”

  I stare at him, and for the first time in my life, I start to cry in front of someone. Not just cry, I break down and sob my heart out. Roger swoops in and I find myself engulfed in his arms. He is like a cuddly bear. I do not know why. I just know he will look after me. I continue to cry, smearing mascara on his shirt. When my sobs subside, he puts me in the backseat of the car. I look at his shirt mumbling an apology.

  Roger smiles, saying, “I will always be here for you. What is a little mascara between friends’ babes?”

  I see the other car leaving, full of boxes. That was quick! I must have been crying for longer than I thought — then it hits me. How long has Shaun been gone? I have a feeling of dread that he will come back and find me about to leave with Roger. We set off, much to my relief there is no sign of him.

  When we arrive at the Topline offices we come in via a door around the back. I have never noticed this part of the building before. Although, I am still getting to know the place and getting lost regularly. Stretching in front of us is a long corridor with elevator doors for as far as the eye can see. I glance over at Roger, about to ask why I have never been in this part of the building, but he explains before I can ask. “This is the entrance to the employee accommodation. Welcome to Topline Towers, babes.”

  We walk down the corridor passing about nine lifts. I can see Megan waiting for us at a lift with Archie. They stand with their arms crossed. A look of worry etched onto their faces, it does not match their body language. I manage a weak smile. We enter the lift and it goes down, stopping on the tenth floor. I wonder how far this place goes down. Note to self; I will have to investigate that later.

  I feel bushed. This crying is tiring. As we exit the lift I stumble. Finding myself wrapped in Rogers’ arms, much to my embarrassment this time. “Relax babes, enjoy the ride.”

  Megan shoots him a glowering look making me giggle. I need to lighten my mood.

  Seeing another long corridor, I find myself relaxing into the embrace. We stop at flat 1010, Megan opens the door for us to enter. Roger mumbles something about the threshold, which makes me snicker once again. He receives yet another glare from Megan. He must think better of it, as he gently puts me down.

  I immediately feel the loss of his protective arms. It feels like being pushed out into the cold. It felt safe wrapped in his arms. It is hard to describe, it is not a sexual nice. It is like a cocoon of warmth and love, but mostly safe. A no-one-can-get-me feeling.

  I am lulled from my thoughts by the sheer size of the room we are standing in. Palatial is the only way to describe it.

  Megan hands me a key, hearing Archie coughs to gain my attention. “Welcome home, Angela.”

  Staring at Megan and Archie; I am starting to feel overwhelmed. My brain is working overtime. However, am I going to pay the rent on a place like this? My whole apartment could fit into this one room. I search for a sofa bed. Surely, it must be a one-room place. Or have I got to share? Where are the facilities? My attention comes back around as I notice them studying me. I try to wipe the – I have never been in a place like this look from my face.

  Megan tells me we will talk to tomorrow, but not to bother coming into work in the morning. They have it covered, so I can take the day off. They both wish me good night and leave.

  Roger is still waiting for me to take in my surrounding
s. The absurdness of my situation is starting to bubble inside. The surreal feeling of what is happening overtakes me, a blast of hysterical laughter escapes before I can stop it.

  Frowning at me. “You okay?”

  I remain for a moment, taking in the room. This is a palace compared to what I have lived in. “Am I okay? Is this for me?”

  Chuckling he replies, “This is one of the higher-level flats. You should see the ones down below, babes.”

  Still in awe of the place. He grabs my hand and starts to guide me around. We start at the back of the flat, the bedroom. I smirk at Roger as he shrugs. “You have to start somewhere.”

  Stopping in my tracks. This is the room from my dreams. Right down to the black silk bedcovers. I need get out of this room. I can feel my skin starting to glow.

  Roger sees me beginning to flush and thinks I have the wrong idea. He gets a little embarrassed himself. I see his cheeks start to color up as he turns. Still holding my hand, he walks me into the bathroom.

  It is a beautiful room. The tiles are black marble, and the suite is white. The bath is level with the floor, and on closer inspection, I notice it has a Jacuzzi.

  Next, we go into an empty room. The rest of the place is furnished. “Why is the room empty?”

  “We have an empty room to do with as we please, mine is a bar with gambling tables. I have heard rumor Archie has a playroom.” Grinning at me. “You get to do as you wish with this space.”

  We end back in the main living room. Taking a closer look, it is lovely, different shades of cream everywhere, a deep pile carpet that must have cost a mint, and sofas you see in the big showrooms. They look comfortable but tasteful. I still have my shoes on, feeling guilty at being so careless I remove them.


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