Welcome to the Family

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Welcome to the Family Page 12

by Caroline F Levy

  To his credit, he looks to me for confirmation, when I give him the nod, he strides off.

  “Now we have lost the bear, it is time for some serious fun.” She looks me over. “Hmm, we need to at least get you out of those trainers, follow me.”

  I trot along, without a clue to what Megan is planning.

  As she glides out of the front door I follow closely behind. There is a car sat outside waiting for us, as we near the car, a driver steps out opening the door he waits.

  “Hi, Fredo.”

  He tips his hat as he waits for us to get in. “The usual, Megan?”

  Looking back over at me she sighs. “Not tonight, Fredo, Archie’s coffeehouse will have to do.” Taking my hand in hers she drags me into the car. “I normally go to Melodies, Jack’s nightclub, but I think I would be skinned alive if I take you there without your protector. Do not worry, Fredo is my protector.” She regards him with love in her eyes and a smile on her face. “But no matter how good I think he is, it is not fair to ask him to take on protecting you as well as me in a place like that.” She leans in and whispers, “He is a were-panther, a damn sexy one to boot.”

  I look up and see a dark set of eyes looking back at me. He has long black hair tied back in a ponytail; his skin is a rich coffee color as if he has been away on a sandy beach for a month.

  “Shame it is against the rules, I would love a little taste of my Fredo.” She peers at me and giggles while fluttering her eyelashes.

  The car pulls out and we are on our way. I have a feeling I should not be going anywhere without Roger.

  Arriving, Fredo pulls up outside and a valet takes the car away. That leaves him free to come inside with us. As I walk past he breaths in deeply he winks at me. Megan does not miss a beat and smiles, but thankfully she tells Fredo to behave himself.

  We are met at the door. It looks different from how it does during the day.

  Megan leans in a little, “Looking a bit different from when you were last here, I take it?”

  I nod.

  “The coffeehouse is open to all during the day, but of an evening it is only open to our kind and our guests.”

  I suppose that makes sense.

  I see a room full of attractive people, all busy having a good time. As we walk in, the place falls silent. I get an uneasy feeling; all eyes are following us. The waiter asks if Megan would like her usual spot. She nods, as we walk through to the back. I notice that no one can come up behind us. Fredo takes his place behind us on a stool. I have a feeling that it is there especially for him.

  “Some vamps make their protectors stand, I do not see the point in that.”

  As we sit we look over a drinks menu. They serve alcohol of an evening, but I have stuck to a latte, as it is my favorite, plus I have never been one to release control to anything, especially alcohol.

  Megan settles in the chair quietly, deliberating. “You have drawn a fair bit of attention. Word has spread about the newest vamp coming home.” She smiles and pats my hand. “How are you settling in? What do I call you, Angela or Angel?”

  I color up slightly. “I would prefer Angela.”

  Nodding she carries on, “They have you locked away in that ivory tower, not letting anyone near you.”

  Eyes widening with surprise and I had not realized people would notice me being gone.

  “You had several visitors over the last couple of weeks, but no one has managed to get past your bear.”

  Curiosity peaked I ask, “Apart from you would want to visit me?” I sigh with disbelief as I get a long list of male names.

  Megan chuckles, “New blood, is rare, expect to be popular. Every male vampire will come to see if the fates have sent them their mate.”

  Shrugging my shoulders as if to suggest I am not interested.

  Megan leans in closer, licking her lips and asks, “So what is Jack like?”

  Sitting back, shocked at her directness. I thought she was joking earlier.

  Megan shakes her head. “You have no idea, do you?”

  Tilting my head to one side, I am a little confused about where this is going.

  “Jack does not let’s say, play with other vamps often. He sticks to humans. He does not do the emotional attachment. So, you can imagine everyone’s shock when he fought off another to be your partner throughout metamorphosis.”

  Speechless. This is becoming more common than I am happy with, I was sure he did not like humans, he said they are too weak. I am so confused.

  Our order arrives, sitting in silence for a moment. Archie is right, it is a good cup of coffee, this place makes the best coffee I have ever had. Sitting and just talking about girl stuff is something I have never had before. Seemingly, we need to go shopping, Megan is giving me that look again. Rolling my eyes, she cracks up. As we are laughing when the place falls silent. Megan’s face drains of all color, Fredo now standing ready to fight. I notice a young man standing with two other vampires, one on each side of him. There is no mistaking, it is him they all watching. Megan hisses and stands, dragging me with her. She barks at Fredo, “Backdoor now,” and we are on the move.

  The car is only a few moments behind us, I notice they have come through the door and are following. Having been forced into the car has me panicking. The door barely having shut, we are speeding down the road at breakneck speeds.

  “Wow, what was all that about?”

  Megan ignores me, telling Fredo to floor it back to the towers. Flipping her phone open she makes a call. It makes no sense to me at all. “Yes, he came into the coffeehouse, he has to be desperate.” She flips her phone shut and leans forward. “Fredo, run the red lights if you need to, we will get it sorted later if there are any problems.”

  Now, I am worried, why is Megan fretting? Anxiety descending, if I am not careful I will lose control and I will be all teeth. Once again, I ask, “I said, what was that all about?”

  Megan focuses on me. “Archie and Roger are waiting for us at the Towers. Archie will fill you in. He wanted to tell you a little at a time to ease you into the life, but it looks like I messed that up”

  Slumping back in the seat. Come on, what the hell? How could my life get any more complicated than it already is?

  Arriving back at the Towers without any further incident. Thankfully, the traffic lights were with us. Fredo is a good driver, but I found the ride hair-raising at times.

  Pulling up outside the towers, Roger is waiting. Getting out of the car, the adrenalin is ebbing away. I know protectors can be a bit overprotective, but this is way over the top.

  Feeling a bit wobbly, I am glad Roger is there. Striding up to me, he gently takes my arm. “Leave you alone for five minutes, and you cause total chaos.”

  He is always able to read how I am feeling and say what I need to hear.

  Turning to Megan he almost growls. “You did not say you were taking her off-site.”

  She looks guilty, “I’m sorry, I did not think anyone from Junta would be stupid enough to come onto a Topline property.”

  Roger thinks about this and nods agreeing.

  Slightly relaxing, “I know I do not deserve it, but will you back me up with Archie?”

  I have no clue what is going on, I have a feeling it is serious. As we enter the towers Archie is there waiting for us, he looks calm, apart from his eyes are glowing a vicious red.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Arriving at Archie’s office; Megan has gone. When I ask why I am told not to concern myself, Megan should have known better than to take me out without permission. On hearing this my temper flares. I let the emotions I have been holding in check loose and my fangs slide. “So, I am not only going through some big changes, I am also a prisoner?” I pace the room, rapidly losing control, now moving so fast I could wear a hole in the carpet.

  Archie coughs to get my attention.

  I stop pacing to face him, tapping my feet and flexing my hands. “Archie, I need space. I cannot do this. I am a free spirit. I feel trappe
d, this will drive me mad.”

  Archie studies me and sighs. “I know, Angel. Unfortunately, this is the way it needs to be for now. I have some information about your brother that I wanted to wait a while longer to tell you. You have had to take on so much. The metamorphosis is enough for anyone to contend with, even when they are ready for it. You have had to deal with the realization that supernaturals exist, your family is alive if split.”

  Stomping over to the sofas I sit down sighing with frustration. “Please, Archie, just tell me. I am so fed up with being in the dark, trust I can deal with this.” Curling myself into the sofa I wait.

  Archie sits down, the weight of the world on his shoulders. He remembers we are not alone. “Can we clear the room, please?” He watches as they all file out. “Wait, Roger. I think you should stay here for this. You are, after all, Angela's protector. You need to know about this as well.”

  The room clears quickly, leaving us in relative silence. The mood has dropped if that is at all possible. Roger comes over and sits by my side, as near to me as he can without touching me. Now I know why Archie asked him to stay. Apart from Roger is my protector, he has a calming effect on me.

  His face solemn. “What I'm about to tell you is in the strictest of confidence. There are only a few of our kind who know that we still exist. I think Roger already knows what I am talking about. I am second in command of the Desory special branch. We are selected for our talents, then trained to hunt down and kill members of Junta.”

  I try to look shocked, or at least in deep thought. Doing anything else would give away I have prior knowledge of the Desory, which would mean giving away the secret of my mother's room. This cannot happen, she asked me to keep it to myself.

  Archie has a suspicious look on his face. “Are you okay? Normally you would be ranting at me by now for keeping secrets.”

  Roger fidgets ever so slightly, schooling his movements quickly, but Archie notices this. “Have you something to tell me, Roger?”

  Before Roger can answer, I ask, “What has this got to do with me then?” Thankfully, this takes brings takes his attention away from Roger, and back to me.

  “Although we have no proof, we are ninety-nine percent sure your father funds Junta. We are not sure if he leads it. We have never been able to get any proof.”

  I am glad Archie is engaging me, as I can feel Roger is uncomfortable with the fact he already knows this and is hiding it from an elder vampire. I just hope he can keep this secret. I am not sure what the consequences would be. If it comes to it, I will just say I ordered him not to say anything, being my protector, he must do as I bid. This should cover him.

  I put on a solemn face. “So, you are telling me that my father, who I have never met. May, or may not be, the leader of a group who has different opinions from you?” I need to play this cool. Fooling an, I do not know how old vampire is not going to be easy. I just hope he is not trying to read my thoughts.

  “I think it is too early to be telling you this. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of time. Your mother is on her way back and will arrive within the week.”

  Feeling as if I have just been sucker punched. This is so much to take in. I know my mother is working for the Desory, but Archie is not to know that. My acting skills had better be up to it. “I thought my mother was in hiding?”

  Shifting in his chair, Archie clears his throat, glancing at me. I could swear he just blushed. “Your mother has been away. This part of what I told you was, in fact, the truth, but I may have enriched the rest.”

  I start tapping my foot. I need to know what Archie has to say. I just think, Keep your cool, Angela. I feel Roger’s hand gently pat my knee, and he leaves it there. I instantly feel his calming presence surround me. I am so glad I have him here with me. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife, I think Roger is the only ataractic in the room.

  “Your mother is away, but she is one of our top hunters. In fact, she heads the special unit in the Desory.” He waits for me to react, but I sit with a grim look on my face, so he carries on. “When your mother had to give you up, she swore she would make our world a better place for you to come back into. After she left you, your mother had two choices. She could run and hide from your father, or I am proud to say, she made the choice to train and become a member of Desory. She was a natural and rocketed up through the ranks in record-breaking time, and now, she is in charge.”

  I whistle. “You mean my mother is your boss?” Giggle at the thought.

  Roger squeezes my knee and I stop.

  “Yes, your mother is my boss.” Archie beams, all I see is pride. “I disagree with Jesaray coming home, but she wants to meet you. I would never get in the way of a mother wanting to be with her child. Your mother is a formidable woman. I see so much of her in you, stubbornness is one of the traits you share,” Chuckling. “As I have said, your mother will be home within the week. She is not the woman who left you on the church steps, although her love for you has never changed. I would say everything else has, so when you meet her, please take this into account.”

  Confusion clouds my face.

  Archie gets up and closes the small distance between us. He kneels on the floor, taking my now clammy hands in his. Holding my eyes with his, I see sadness. “Your mother had to change dramatically to get to where she is today. We, as a species, have heightened senses and emotions. What I have not told you is we can switch off our emotions. It is not something I would recommend. If we do this for a longer length of time. We forget what it is like to feel and eventually we do not remember how. This includes love and compassion.

  I have warned your mother many times over the last few years that she is risking so much, but it is the only way she has been able to stay away from you.”

  I pull my hands out of Archie’s cradling myself at his revelation.

  I always had this dream of a family waiting for me. I never believed it would happen. I sit quietly rocking, realizing both Archie and Roger are staring at me concern plainly visible on their faces. Nervously, I babble, “Hey, why so glib, I am all right.” Sighing. “I had this dream as a kid, of this loving family who would come and whisk me away.” Laughing. “Bit different from what I had imagined, but it is wonderful to know I have a family, and extended family.”

  Grabbing Roger’s hand, I squeeze. There is an intake of breath, so I squeeze a little more, thinking it was because of what I had said, but he moans. Realizing he is in pain I release his hand.

  “Damn, girl, that is some grip you have developed.”

  My cheeks flush with color as I rub the backs of Roger’s hands, feeling bad I have hurt him. However, at the same time, it is funny that a big, burly bear of a man like Roger can be hurt by a slip of a girl like me.

  The noise of a throat clearing reminds me Archie wants my attention. “You need to go rest, Angela. I have given you a lot of information to think about. Come see me in the morning, nine am sharp, for training, if you think of any questions we can discuss them then.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Feeling wiped out, it has been quite a day. All I want to do is go to bed. I cannot believe Roger has agreed to go home. As I arrive at my door I realize why — they have posted a guard. I see it is Harvey and he seems a little more relaxed from when I last saw him.

  “Evening, Harvey, how are you and Melanie doing?”

  He is all smiles. “We are fantastic. We found out today that we are expecting our first child.”

  Jumping up and down, I give him a hug.

  He goes stiff at first, but he soon relaxes and even hugs me back. “We have been waiting so long for this. We thought it would never happen.”

  This is just what I needed, some good news, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. There is so much turmoil going on right now, happy news is what we all need. Grabbing Harvey’s hands, I wish him all the best and ask him to give Melanie a hug for me.

  Quietly I go into my place and shut the door. The wonderful news has given me a
spring in my step. Wandering into the kitchen my stomach rumbles reminding me I have not eaten. Opening the fridge to find something to eat, I hear a rustling paper. Grabbing a chicken leg, I shut the fridge. I am tired, and I have a guard outside. I must be hearing things. Just as I bite into the chicken I hear the rustle of paper again freezing where I stand. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves I call out. “Who’s there?”

  A tall male stands up from my sofa and walks towards me. I make a grab for the intruder. He is a lot taller than me, and a hell of a lot stronger.

  Seeing a set of purple eyes looking down on me. I immediately let go of him and start to apologize. I hear a nervous laugh coming from him.

  “My lady, it is I who should apologize. I have entered your home without an invitation.”

  I take a step back after noticing I am stood in his personal space.

  “I should have waited for a more convenient time to call on you and should not have bullied your guard into letting me in here. Please do not chastise him for not telling you.”

  The thought had not even entered my mind, although thinking about it now, maybe I will have to tell the guys to give me a heads up if I have any more surprise visitors.

  I snap out of my thoughts as Dorian Winters clears his throat and reminds me he is stood there. “I have made this intrusion on your privacy at this late hour, in the hopes of not being seen coming into your quarters.”

  Feeling leery about his comment, I take another step back.

  “Oh, that did not come across as I intended.”

  I stop and gaze at him; he looks as uncomfortable as I do. “I am a man holding a high position within the community, as you are aware, and I am a bachelor. If I am seen slipping into a beautiful woman’s quarters, late at night – well, this is how rumors start.”

  “Oh,” is all I manage. Remembering, we are still standing. “Would you care to come in and tell me why you would risk coming to see me?”


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