Welcome to the Family

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Welcome to the Family Page 14

by Caroline F Levy

  “I know you have my best interests at heart, I just feel so trapped. You need to understand, I grew up alone, always on the run from one foster family or another. I have never let myself become attached to anyone. You learn the only person you can rely on is yourself at a young age.”

  He looks so sad. It has been so alien to have people care, but I have the urge to comfort him. Wrapping my arms around his waist I feel the warmth of our bodies pressed together, it brings thoughts of comfort and safety to mind.

  The commotion down the hall is most unwelcome. I do not want this moment interrupted, unfortunately, the ruckus is heading in our direction. Pulling myself away and stepping to one side, I come face-to-face with someone who looks so familiar. My height, same build, even similar wavy, mousy hair — then I notice the eyes. It is like looking into a mirror; only the woman looking back at me has a hard look to her face. She does not make any sudden moves. It is as if she is waiting for a reaction from me, for me to make the first move.

  Calmness radiates from her. I think she is smiling, and still waiting for me to make the first move. I find myself shuffling over to her. Roger gives me a shove from behind, and I ungracefully go flying towards my mother. It all happens like in the movies where they slow the action down for you to see clearly, what happens? Thankfully, my mother opens her arms and catches me.

  I stiffen in the embrace, but it feels right, her smell, so familiar. It is as if I know her, even though we have never met. Instinct takes over and I hug my mother back.

  I am crying, I try to pull away. Feeling a viselike grip and then a whisper in my ear. “Hello, my darling Angel. Stop crying, people are watching. I would prefer we keep our feelings under control when in public.” There is a cold breeze as she steps away and turns back towards the apartment.

  Being pushed towards my apartment is not something I was expecting. Digging in my heels, it is only slowing us down a little. I hear a grumble come from him, that’s it. Turning to see a red-faced Roger. “We need a conversation; my mother is on her way to my place— or is it hers? Anyhow, I think we need privacy, so it will have to be your place.” Seeing a slack-jawed Roger makes me giggle. “Well, come on. Lead the way.” I needed that, the tension was just way too high.

  “You know that cannot happen. It is not correct etiquette. What would your mother or Archie say if they ever find out?”

  Crossing my arms defensively and pushing my chin upward. “I am a full-grown woman. If I wish to go to your home, I will.” Audibly swallowing, losing some of my steam. “If you will let me, that is.”

  The biggest grin spreads across his face. I take it that is okay, turning I start to march in the general direction of Roger’s apartment. I have never been there, so I am not exactly sure where it is. As it turns out he is only two doors down from me.

  “I moved in while you were going through the metamorphosis. I needed to be near you, so I swapped apartments. It is still a little upside down, so do not judge.”

  “I have stayed in some right dumps over the years, so who am I to judge.”

  Entering through the door, I see nothing. It is tidy, everything in creams and browns, with a little forest-green thrown in. Come on, he is a bear after all. Heading for the living space, to my surprise, I see a wall of books. I expected to see a large screen TV and games console. I need to learn not to prejudge.

  “You like my little collection then?” I see a beaming Roger. “You thought you would walk into a large screen TV and games, didn’t you?”

  I feel my cheeks burning, so there is no point in trying to deny it. “Yes, I did.” I walk over to a comfy-looking sofa and dive in.

  Roger disappears into the kitchen and comes back a steaming hot coffee, which he passes to me. “So, come on, what’s up, midget?”

  Choking on my coffee, I choose not to bite at the midget remark. Once again, I sigh, I am doing a lot of that. A sigh here, a childish tantrum there. It is not a good look. I need to pull out the big girl panties, and soon. “I just didn’t want to go back to my place. My mother – well, I am not sure what I expected. I did not expect our first encounter ending in a lecture from her if I am honest my feelings are a little mixed about her.”

  “Drink your coffee, you cannot avoid it for much longer. You need to face her. We do not have that luxury of time I am afraid. We had Intel that Erick is going to make another move on you, no matter where you are.”

  “You are kidding, right? Is he mad? This place is a fortress, plus it is full of families.” The horror of that last statement hits home. This place is full of kids. “He wouldn’t.” Feeling bile rising in my throat at the thought of all the innocents in danger, just because of me.

  “You can pack that in as well! It is not your fault. Your father is somewhat to blame for this. Although we have heard he has placed a price on Erick’s head for trying to take you out the last time. Father of the year, he is most certainly not.”

  Information and emotion overload. I wanted to know what is going on, now I understand why they wanted to drip feed me. I am seeing red. Literally.

  “When did you last feed, Angela?” Noticing the frown forming on Roger’s face.

  “Last night, and it was a super feed.”

  Seeing him physically shudder.

  “Sorry, too much info I take it?” Giggling nervously, he noticed I had said super. With all that is going on, maybe he will drop the subject of describing super feeding.

  “You can fill me in on what you mean by super later. Right now, we have other problems to worry about; it is time to go face the music, and your mother.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  My apartment is mayhem. Archie in the thick of it, with my mother. “It is about time you pulled yourself together, young lady.”

  “Well, hello to you too, mother.”

  Clearing his throat calls my attention over to Archie. “Now is not the time, ladies. I know you have much to discuss, but we have a situation here that will need you to both be on the same wavelength.”

  Watching her, I can see why they say I am my mother’s daughter. I have the same don’t-mess-with-me-look as she does. A familiar hand settles on my shoulder and I relax into a semi bear hug. I see my mother getting the same treatment from whom must be her protector.

  “You and your mother are so similar.”

  “It’s rude to whisper, Roger.”

  I feel a rumbling up my back, I know Roger is amused. “Whispering in the supernatural world is non-existent. I am going to let go now. Play nice with mummy dearest, please.”

  A deathly silence has descended on the room. Ignoring this, I move into the middle of it with Roger at my heels, feeling him stumble into the back of me. It is not like him to trip. On seeing an attractive young girl over the other side of the room looking at me — no, she is staring at Roger.

  I make a beeline for her, holding out my hand to shake hers. “I am Angel, and you are?”

  A firm handshake follows.

  “Good to meet you, Angel. I am Annabelle, but my friends call me Bella. Who is the hottie behind you?”

  I love how direct she is, I know I am going to like her. “The oaf behind me is Roger, my protector.” I see her eyes fall to the floor and she colors up. Oh my, she likes him, and I can feel via our link, he likes her. No, not likes her, he feels something. Not my place to poke. However, I am going to meddle just a little. “Nice to meet you, Bella; so, in what capacity are you here? I take it you are a were-animal?”

  Spluttering behind me, I turn to him. “Are you okay?”

  “I am a were-bear.” Glancing over my shoulder. “Roger, do not worry, I have been informed Angel is new to our kind.”

  I have a feeling I may have embarrassed myself. “Sorry, I need to learn what is right and not okay to ask. I am so not used to is this is ok, and this is not the done thing yet.”

  Archie saves the day by calling me over to the other side of the room. I see my mother there, waiting for me, I am not sure if it is out of the fryi
ng pan and into the fire situation.

  I cross the room to find that everyone else is leaving.

  “Angel, this conversation is for your ears only.”

  I look at my mother calmly. “If this influences anyone within this room, then surely they have a right to know. Look what has happened due to lies and deceit so far.”

  My mother is surprisingly calm at my rebuttal. “Okay, let us fill you in, then we can have an open meeting and let everyone know what we are up against. Would that be to your satisfaction.” I am getting the feeling that was not a question, so I just nod. I need to pick my battles wisely.

  Conversation dies out, as we assemble back to reveal what I now know. I have never seen so many grim faces in the towers, they are usually so upbeat. Not a good sign.

  My mother stands confidently, waiting to address the group. She is about to tell us what is afoot when her phone chirps. Reading what must be a text message, the color drains from her face. “Okay people, I had a big speech to let you know what is happening. However, something has pushed events ahead. I have received word – the coffee shop has been raided.

  They have taken human hostages – and have murdered all the vampires.” A deathly silence continues, I notice a slight twitch of my mother’s eye as she shuffles her feet.

  “This is a grave day. I have also learned there are problems within the group itself. As you know, we have for years suspected that Gideon Absinthe is the leader of Junta.”

  I am the only one in the room that makes a little gasp. I feel a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder from Roger. Unfortunately, I am not good at disguising what I am feeling.

  Leaning into me, he whispers, “Never change, you are perfect the way you are.”

  My mother continues as if I had not interrupted. “Junta have a problem. One of their own, Erick Absinthe has decided that Gideon has become soft, and is veering away from the way of Junta. Our intel is there are a few in the ranks that agree with him. They have broken away over the last few months, setting up on their own faction. They are calling themselves The Chosen. This group needs stopping at all and any cost, they are not afraid to kill. Which is bad enough, but they also do this in public, leaving evidence for the police to find. They have a belief they are destined to rule the world.”

  Muttering starts in the room. At least it is not just me this time.

  “Quiet people, we are on a tight timescale here.”

  The hush descends across the room once again. I must give her credit; my mother knows how to control a room.

  “We have Intel of where the Chosen are holed up. Instead of waiting for them to let the world see us as monsters — which we are obviously not — we will quash them. I have been in touch with Gideon Absinthe, we have decided that for the good of the supernatural community, we will pool our recourses and crush them together.”

  The ruckus is deafening. Even Roger growls this is all a bit overpowering for me. I feel my pulse quicken all this uneasiness is making me lose a grip on my control. If I am not careful, I will soon be sporting my fangs in public. These feelings filter down to Roger. It is pandemonium in the room.

  All hell is about to break loose when a wonderful calm descends on us. Searching the room, Archie is looking a little strained. Roger calms as quickly as the others and takes my hand in his. The room quietens once again. What the hell just happened?

  “Okay, as I was saying, we are going to embark on a joint operation. I want you to keep your wits about you. We know the Junta is not to be trusted, but unfortunately, their Intel on this matter is more up-to-date. The Junta approached us with this plan. Therefore, yes, I do not trust them. Raiding the coffee shop has pushed our timescale up, so we will have to plan on the run.”

  Assembling into small teams, each taking ordinary-looking cars, of all shapes, sizes, and colors. We have directions to where we are going to meet with Junta.

  On the way out, I notice Jack, as he salutes to me and jumps into a car with Megan and Mac.

  Archie is traveling in the car with me. “I did not think Jack was Desory?”

  Looking surprised at my statement. “I would like to know where you got that information from, Angel. However, you are correct, Jack is not Desory. We asked him and a few other trusted bodyguards to join us. We were spread too far and wide with such short notice to only use Desory members.”

  After about an hour’s drive, we assemble near a warehouse district. I notice there is double the number of cars parked. I also notice a few strange faces; they are keeping clear of the ones I do know.

  Roger leans into my side. “They are Junta. It will be weird for some of the people here, families have broken apart due to their beliefs. It will be the first time some of them have seen each other in many years, some centuries.”

  A handsome man stands at the front of the group. I feel his eyes boring into me. He crosses the car park, heading straight for me. A wall of bodies forms in front of me, blocking my view. All I can hear is him arguing with my mother.

  “What the hell are you doing, Jesaray? You know that Erick is gunning for Angel’s blood. Just hand her to him all wrapped up in a bow, why don’t you?”

  I cannot believe my ears, they are arguing about me as if I am a little girl.

  After about five more minutes of them droning on, I decide enough is enough. Pushing my way through the wall of bodies, closely followed by Roger, I finally come face-to-face with my father. The arguing stops immediately, with both of my so-called parents staring at me.

  My father is the first to break the deadly silence. “Oh wow, Jesaray. We made one gorgeous looking vamp, didn’t we?”

  I snort. I am not sure if it is the nerves of meeting my oh-so-bad-to-the-bone-father or just the lunacy of all that is happening. I end sat on the floor in hysterics. The wall of people back away.

  Leaving just Roger, my parents, and me. I am so glad Roger did not leave with the others. As I compose myself I get up, Roger stands protectively behind me. “Angela will be fine if the two of you just back the hell off. Do not – underestimate her. If you had been the parents, you are supposed to be and had been around when she first returned to the family. You would know what an extraordinary and fearless person she is, with talents that no other as young has shown for many years.”

  I feel his pride, which gives me a boost. I love the protector-vamp link. Although if I feel this, it is a two-way street, what can he feel? Feeling my cheeks burn, it happens.

  Hearing Roger’s voice in my head. Have I gone mad? “Yes, I have felt the other feelings you have had, Midget, but I knew this would happen so don’t sweat it.”

  I see the surprise on both my mother and father’s faces.

  Roger fixes a look at them squarely in the eyes. “Now you see what I mean.”

  I am a little confused. The talking in the head is a bit weird, but surely, it is something all vampires and their protectors can do.

  Hearing his voice in my head will take some getting used to. “We are not supposed to be able to do this. It takes many, many years of practice.”

  Responding with a nervous giggle. “Please tell me only you heard that.”

  “Nope, Midget, that was out loud.”

  I lean into him and whisper, “How will I know you are talking out loud, you sound the same?”

  “Midget, come on, would I dare call you that in public?”

  “Oh, okay, Cuddly bear.”

  With what my parents just witnessed, they back off, leaving us to return the now mingling group of people.

  The plan is to storm the place. They have taken a warehouse just two streets down. Their numbers are small, but they have children inside. We have agreed to return the children to the Junta, as that is their home, we cannot legally take them from their families. Unless they are human, we will try to return them to their homes.

  If that is not possible there are vampire family’s happy to foster them until they are grown. They will not be going back to the Junta to be used as slaves.

nbsp; Leaving the cars, we make our way on foot towards the warehouse. There is such a large group of us, but we blend in.

  Then I hear the first scream. Ending abruptly with a gurgling sound.

  “It looks like they have were-animals protecting them. This is going to be messy, Midget.”

  Archie comes running towards us, fights break out all around, the noise is deafening. How is it the police are not coming to investigate? Archie answers this for me before I even get to ask. “Witches have cast a spell so any humans in the vicinity will not hear the noise or see what is happening. Keep within the parking lot to stay covered by the spell”

  I hang back a little, I have no clue who are the good guys. My job is to collect the children and get them to safety, but if someone attacks, then it is simple. No matter who they are, kill them.

  All is going to plan when I see a man creeping up behind my father. My gut reaction is to dive in, sliding along the floor taking the guy out by his ankles. My father salutes to me, I have given him the advantage in the fight and he soon subdues the vampire he is fighting and restrains him. Roger yells at me to get out, but it is too late. I am in the thick of it now, and Erick has spotted me.

  He looks like a madman. Covered in blood, some of it may even be his. Time freezes as he screams my name, Jack turns at the sound of my name echoing around the place. Both Jack and Erick move towards me at breakneck speeds. I know Roger must be close by, I can feel him struggling, but Erick’s men have him cornered. I turn to see them with large hunting knives, Ice fills my veins. Roger has turned into the biggest grizzly bear I have ever seen. He is so powerful and majestic. I notice another grizzly running across from the other side of the warehouse. It must be Bella. I can feel her. I feel my heart race with theirs. Is she Roger’s mate, I feel her yearning to protect him.

  I see Jack fighting Erick, only Erick is overpowering him. I need to save Roger. I send up a silent prayer that Jack will be okay.

  I am on the opposite side of the warehouse from Roger, I go to make my way through as I notice Bella has arrived and they are now working as a team.


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