Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2) Page 19

by KC Kean

  “Shut up, Oscar,” Roman says through his chuckle. Jess has her face hidden in her hands as her shoulders shake with her silent laughter.

  A knock at the door has us all pause until we can hear the soft murmurs of Luna and Rafe on the other side of the door.

  “Not a word, Aceholes,” Oscar whisper-shouts as he glares at us. “Yeah, I know what she calls us,” he adds, sitting up beside me. “You could have played with my hair you know,” he grumbles, and my hand instantly rakes through his dusty blond hair. I’m surprised by how soft it actually is. The moan that passes his lips takes me by surprise, pausing my stroke, but the grin he gives is supposed to encourage me to continue.

  Dropping my hand, I shake my head at him as Kai holds the door open for our girl and Rafe to enter. She looks lighter but weighed down at the same time. Kai is obviously the closest to her and wraps an arm around her shoulder, placing a delicate kiss to her temple.

  “What did I miss then?” Luna asks, trying to break the little bit of tension in the room. Jess opens her mouth and Oscar sends her a death glare, which just makes her chuckle.

  “Oscar’s Team Damon,” she finally says, pointing at the TV like we have any clue what that means.

  “Err, what?” Luna responds in confusion, which makes Jess roll her eyes.

  “You haven’t watched The Vampire Diaries have you?” It sounds like an accusation, and when Luna shakes her head that just makes Jess frown. “Girl, where have you been? Damon is the bad boy player, who eventually … Actually, no. I’m going to make you watch,” Jess says, nodding to herself as she points her finger at Luna.

  “That still doesn’t explain me,” Oscar interrupts, scratching his head trying to keep up.

  “Whatever it means, you're still my big mouth, okay?” Luna smiles with a playful wink.

  “Agreed, baby girl. As long as I’m your big mouth, I’m yours.” A cheesy grin takes over his face as Rafe fake gags, making this whole thing even funnier.

  I can see the relief in his eyes though, that no one blurted out what we’d just been discussing. I’m starting to notice that his party boy persona is a front for his deeper emotions. I hope Luna can help Oscar learn to be his true self, not this persona he always puts on.

  “I’ve sorted the footage,” Kai suddenly says, shutting the door and the room becomes a lot more somber waiting for the news. “Come, I’d rather show you.”

  That’s never a good sign if he doesn’t want to say it out loud.


  Kai makes us all take a seat on the sofas, as he fiddles with his laptop to get the images to come through the big screen. I remain seated with Oscar, and Rafe leans against the armrest, while Jess pulls Luna down in between her and Roman.

  Roman’s wearing a smug ass grin as he lays his arm behind her on the back of the sofa. So I slyly give him the middle finger. Oscar catches me flipping Roman off and proceeds to wrap his arm around my shoulder. Wagging his eyebrows at Roman, who shoots daggers at him. He should know not to rise to Oscar’s teasing, but he does every damn time.

  Thankfully Kai has the screen working before Roman and Oscar escalate their antics.

  “Okay, so it’s still a little grainy but everything is clear enough. Featherstone’s surveillance system was fully disabled. They must have known there was a chance you’d have your own set up, which is why they must have come in with blockers. With that said, I haven’t been able to retrieve the audio, only the video.” Nobody says a word as he hits play and Luna’s lounge comes into view.

  It’s only a few moments before the door handle wiggles and someone is stepping in.

  Wren Dietrichson. Huh? We thought she’d gone off grid. Clearly she had to make it look like it wasn’t her. They must be confident in their crappy blocker because they’re not even attempting to disguise themselves. Although, it is strange to see her in jogger pants and a tank top instead of her usual get up, skimpy clothes and heavy make-up.

  As she steps further into the room, her mother and a guy follow her inside. I’m sure he’s from Heart’s, but we’d have to check. I recognize him from Tech at least. Barbette Dietrichson has something in her hand which I’m guessing is the blocker Kai mentioned. Wren starts directing the guy around and he pulls the cameras out of his backpack.

  They only spend ten minutes setting up before Veronica steps in. She hands them a duffel bag, presumably containing payment for their efforts, and they leave.

  Surprisingly Wren doesn’t actually touch anything while she’s there, likely because you can see her mother throwing her arms around aggressively at the two of them. Whereas, Veronica takes a stroll through every room touching every surface before taking a seat at the kitchen table.

  No one has uttered a word as we watch it unfold. When Luna enters the screen, Kai stops the footage and we all finally look around at each other.

  “I’m going to gut them all,” Luna growls, furious at the invasion of her privacy, especially because it was the Dietrichsons of all people. Her hand is gripping Roman’s knee, turning her knuckles white, but Roman doesn’t complain. Jess rubs her other arm, trying to calm Luna’s fury.

  “We need to play this smart, Luna. Let’s assess everything and come up with a plan, okay? I’m sure you’ll be gutting someone at some point,” Rafe says, trying to pacify her, but the pain in his eyes tells me he’s reminded of what we saw at The Pyramid.

  I watch as she runs her hand back through her wavy brown hair, trying to understand that we need a plan instead of charging at them like a bull. She and Roman are too alike.

  “Okay,” she mutters, but it’s clear the request has left a bad taste in her mouth. She looks to Rafe, waiting for a nod, which he gives, before she looks around the room at us all. “Rafe believes Veronica is connected to Totem.”

  Everybody continues to stare at her, likely as surprised as me by her statement.

  “Okay, if that’s the case than she may be more dangerous than we thought,” Kai responds, tapping away on his laptop.

  “Agreed, we need to try and have eyes on her at all times, we don’t want her to go off grid again so easily,” Rafe adds. “Your father called me, Roman. Said you’d called to put some emergency surveillance on her.” Roman nods in response. “Good idea. I had Maverick plant a tracker on the vehicle she came in while Luna was in there with her. So, we are covering as many angles as possible.”

  “She also seems heavily linked to Dietrichson and Rico too. I have nothing set in stone yet, but it’s clear from what she said and how she got in here,” Kai adds, pulling up images on the screen of Veronica with Rico and Dietrichson at different times.

  My father's face fills part of the screen, and my blood runs cold. I despise this man and everything he stands for, which is just himself. He feeds off the pain of others and destroys everyone in his path. After I joined Featherstone Academy, I’m quite sure meeting Roman saved my life. When my father took me from my mother, I never got to see her again. I eventually worked up the courage to tell Roman my story, he had his father find my mother and place her somewhere safe.

  “Parker, buddy. Parker.” A shake to my shoulders pulls me out of my thoughts, and a concerned Oscar is leaning in beside me. “You okay?” He asks, and I nod lightly, looking around the room to find everyone staring at me with concern.

  I clear my throat and try to muster up a half smile. “I’m fine,” I say, but it’s more of a croak. Clearly I’m letting this get the best of me. Within an instant Luna is sitting on my lap, her hands coming to gently hold my face up to hers.

  “You are mine, Parker Parker, and nobody hurts what is mine.” Her eyes search mine, but she must see the slight doubt there. It’s not that I don’t trust her abilities, she just hasn’t seen my father at his worst yet.

  Kai leans over the back of the sofa to squeeze my shoulder in support as Oscar stands for Roman to take his seat. Roman’s thigh brushes against mine as Luna turns a little so he can move in closer. He lifts my hands to stroke my tattooed fingers, an
d I get lost in the motion.

  A chuckle from the other sofa catches my attention. I look up to see Oscar winding Jess up, but she suddenly gets him in a headlock. It forces a little chuckle past my lips, and I feel myself start to relax again.

  “Parker,” Rafe says, and my eyes find his. “I was just explaining to Luna on the way down here that I think it’s a good idea for us to make sure you aren’t alone right now.” Luna rubs my shoulder as she takes over the conversation.

  “I don’t think it’s safe for you to be in your room alone when your father can access it so easily. Plus, you’re the only one of us on the same floor as Wren, and I’d rather you weren’t.”

  I understand what they’re saying, but I don’t want to be seen as the weak one. Roman’s hand squeezes mine as he murmurs quietly in my ear.

  “I can see your brain working overtime, Parker. This is us trying to protect you. We would be doing the same for anyone else. Family, remember? You can stay with me, it’ll be like high school all over again.” I hear the smile in his voice and it eases some of the tension from my body.

  At Featherstone High School, the blocks were still the same, but the buildings were slightly different, and even in Ace we still had to share rooms. It was never an issue for us then, so I shouldn’t make it one now.

  “Alright,” I say loud enough for everyone to hear, and they all visibly relax around me.

  “Good,” Rafe says, as he stands fully pulling his phone out. “I’d also recommend we don’t piss Rico off right now. No offense Parker, but I want to kill him myself. Nobody tries to watch my little girl, let alone touch her without her permission,” he growls as he finishes his statement, and Oscar pipes up.

  “Err, that might be an issue,” he says, as he stands and glances between Luna and I. Yeah he’s right about that. I’m not telling Rafe that I joined Oscar in tag teaming Luna in front of one of the cameras. No fucking way.

  “That might be a problem, because I may have shot down the camera in Luna’s bedroom,” Roman grunts, “Accidentally on purpose of course.” He gives Rafe a wide cheesy grin, which just has him shaking his head at us.

  “Okay, well pissing him off is a little too late then, but I still call dibs on killing him. Agreed?” Rafe looks directly at me, nowhere else. His eyes trained solely on mine, as though my opinion matters the most.

  “Whatever it takes to protect our family,” I say and my voice is surprisingly clear and strong. Luna kisses my cheek then stands from my lap.

  “Okay, so I think we need some form of trap for Wren. She clearly knows more than we do, but we can’t just grab her in the middle of the afternoon. We need some form of disguise, like a party or something.” She rubs the back of her neck as she thinks for a moment. “Does Trudy usually host a Halloween party?”

  She looks around at us and we all nod in answer.

  “She does, they’re usually pretty epic too. So, everyone goes,” Oscar adds. I hadn’t realized he’d stood up.

  “Okay, I’ll speak with Trudy. We also need to set a plan in motion for our second assignments, because I need to get that agent on record before the six weeks runs out. I’ve been too distracted lately. I’d rather not give Dietrichson any excuse to chop off my head.”

  “I can help with that, princess. I almost have his routine airtight. I can go over everything with you one day this week. I’m not adding to today’s stress,” Roman says with a clap of his hands, encouraging that conversation to an end for now.

  “Thanks, baby,” she says with a soft smile and an appreciative look in her eyes. I love how she looks at each of us differently. Like she shares herself between us, but only offers a small part of herself to us individually. I can feel the electricity between them from here.

  She’s so beautiful when she smiles.

  “So, Maverick is going to help work on the tracking of Veronica, and I also advised him that Jess needs some extra training. Luna, I know you’re putting the poor girl through her paces, but you need to tighten up your lessons to prepare for The Games. Maverick has agreed to come up with a training plan.”

  “What?” Jess squeals, as she jumps up from the sofa. “That’s not necessary, one of these guys can help me, right?”

  “Everyone else in this room is also entering into The Games, Jess. It’s best for everyone to up their training. Besides, Maverick is the Combat tutor because he’s the damn best,” Rafe offers. She just gawks at him for a moment, before slamming her mouth shut and crossing her arms over her chest.

  “I’m getting tired, can I go back to my room and lay down now?” She looks to Luna with pleading eyes, who nods in response and walks out of the front door with her.

  What the hell just happened? I think we're all sitting here wondering the same thing. Who knows, but Red’s room is only next door so Luna is back quickly.

  “So, I need to set a plan in motion with Trudy for her Halloween party to corner Wren and get answers. Roman’s going to help me with the agent, and Maverick is going to work with Red while we train our asses off. That just leaves West with the details he’s been gathering for The Games,” she summarizes.

  “That’s right, Sakura. I’ll also keep up surveillance on Dietrichson’s office too. We may need to possibly try and hack her phone because there is no activity today on her computer at all,” Kai answers, from his spot on the floor next to his coffee table. His fingers working like crazy over his laptop.

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll see what I can do too,” Rafe adds.

  Luna looks around us all with her hands on her hips, with a small smile on her lips.

  “Perfect. Well, I just got cornered into watching some chick flick with Red.” She rolls her eyes, but no one is surprised by how easily she gives into her. “So, Roman is going to get the debris on my bed cleaned up while I spend the night at Red’s.”

  She chucks her keys towards Roman who manages to catch them midair.

  “Princess, that wasn’t the plan. I said …”

  “Baby, I know what you said, but we’re a little more used to this level of crazy than she is. Big Daddy are you staying or heading back?”

  Rafe turns towards her with his eyebrows raised. “Nope. No. Definitely not that one,” he says with a chuckle, confusing us all, but neither of them explains their inside joke. “I’m going to head back, darling. Okay? I’ve got a lot going on at the shop and the gym at the minute, so it’s probably best. If you need me for anything though you call.”

  They embrace each other, and the newfound love for one another is clear. It warms my heart to see, and I’m not the only one watching.

  What was it Oscar asked before?

  I think we’re all starting to develop feelings, in our own way.



  Monday morning arrives too quickly, and as I step back into my room I'm surprised to see both Roman and Parker asleep in my bed. When they’d brought the key to Red’s last night, I thought that meant they’d left.

  They look hot as hell in just their boxer shorts, sprawled out across the California king. Parker is lying on his back with one arm flung over his head and the other hand nestled in his boxer shorts. Whereas Roman is lying on his front, with his head half under the pillow and his left leg hanging off the side of the bed.

  I’m a little disappointed that they’re not snuggled up together, that would have been amazing. Taking out my phone I sneak a picture of them together, before tiptoeing into my closet to get dressed.

  As much as I’d love to climb in and join them, I want to see Trudy this morning to plan for the Halloween party. This is her chance to show me we can really work together. Slipping into my blouse and skirt, I get my make-up done quickly. A light covering of foundation, a touch of bronzer and coat of mascara and I’m good to go. Slipping my heels on, I grab my blazer and lip gloss and step back into my bedroom.

  “Holy shit, how long have you been here?” Roman shouts, still half asleep and making Parker jump awake. I can’
t help but chuckle at the pair.

  “Good night's sleep?” I ask, walking over to Roman’s side of the bed. We have a free first period this morning, so they’re obviously taking advantage and sleeping in. Red has L.F.G. (Laundering, Fraud and Gambling) so I left her room when she went to class. I had Ian drive her early, otherwise she’d be riding with Wren, and I refuse to let that happen.

  “Err, yeah,” he grunts, rubbing at his eyes. “You want to join us?” He grins up at me, not offering me any form of explanation as to why they’re lying in my bed and not his.

  “I would love to, but I’ve got Trudy coming over in thirty minutes to help with Project Ruin Wren.” I lean over and plant a kiss against his lips, as his hand wraps around my wrist.

  “Stay, princess,” he murmurs against my lips, and it’s oh so tempting.

  “Yeah, angel. Come snuggle with us,” Parker adds, and it takes all my strength to stand up straight again. Parker leans further over Roman to get closer to me and I chuckle at their antics.

  “How about, you get your asses out of my bed, and come have breakfast with me before she gets here.” Taking a deep breath, I look between them. “Yesterday was a complete cluster fuck, of epic proportions...and I’m still a little sore,” I murmur the last bit, feeling slightly embarrassed even though I know I shouldn’t be.

  Parker instantly sits up in bed, swiping a hand through his hair.

  “Angel, are you okay?” Concern in his eyes. I nod my head but he’s still not sure. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “I’m fine, Parker, I swear. I’m aching in the best possible way.” Searching my face he must see the truth in my eyes.

  “Move Roman, let’s give our girl what she wants,” he says enthusiastically, and it makes me smile. Roman jumps to his feet beside me, wrapping me in his arms and grinning down at me.

  “My princess, wants to spend quality time with me, huh?” Parker lightly punches his shoulder, taking me by surprise as I feel his heat at my back.


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