Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2) Page 26

by KC Kean

“Rafe always knew when I was mad or thinking too hard about something, but he would never tell me how. It’s this, isn't it?” I ask dramatically, pointing at the frown line which only makes Maria chuckle at me.

  “One hundred percent. Those two knew everything about each other, and there was always a running joke about that look,” she says so casually, yet it gives me such an insight to their life. The joy and happiness they shared and brought me into.

  One of Maria’s men suddenly approaches the table with a cellphone in his hand and interrupts our conversation.

  “Mrs. Steele, I apologize for interrupting but this is urgent, and I think you need to know what’s going on,” he mutters, handing her the phone. She frowns at him as she looks down at the screen. Lifting the phone to her ear she finally speaks.

  “Hello.” Her tone is measured and cold, not at all like the woman sat before us just moments ago. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach that something is going on, and my legs start to bounce nervously. I glance at Parker, who is looking at me from the corner of his eye and he places his hand on my thigh in silent support.

  “Who authorized this? … No, it’s not fucking okay …” She looks straight at me, and it instantly tells me I’m involved. “You tell that motherfucker I’m going to gut him with a rusty blade, chop his balls off and force them down his damn throat,” she spits out furiously as she launches the cellphone across the room. Luckily not over the balcony, because that would have definitely done some damage with the force she just threw it with.

  There is fire in her eyes, as her shoulders shake ever so slightly. Standing to her feet she smashes her fists into the table knocking some of the food to the floor. Parker grabs my hand and pulls us back from the table, and the movement stops her tirade.

  “I’m sorry,” she mutters, looking to the ceiling as she takes a few deep breaths. “I’m sorry to cut our lunch short, but I think it’s a good idea if you get back to the Academy and begin to prepare.”

  “Prepare for what?” I ask, as my heart starts to race, and the thumping starts to ring in my ears.

  “Because, those cunts have moved The Games to November second,” she growls, unable to contain her fury. Parker’s hand tightens around mine as my blood pumps harder through my veins. It takes me a moment to get my brain in gear and catch up.

  November second? That’s a week from tomorrow. Fuck.



  “Oscar, why do you have to play your video games in my room? What’s wrong with yours?” Roman grumbles at me, but it doesn’t stop him from watching. I don’t know why he still bothers to ask me this every single time, I think he just likes to pretend to be irritated with me.

  “Rome, this is where Luna will come when she gets back with Parker. She’ll expect us to be here, so deal with it,” I answer, not moving my gaze from the screen. He sighs heavily, like he knows it’s more than that, but he also knows I’ll only talk about it when I decide I’m ready to.

  “You know he’ll stop being grouchy when they get back, you’ve only got an hour or two more to deal with him,” Kai teasingly offers from the other sofa, where he’s tapping away on his usual.

  “Fuck off, Kai,” Roman snaps, only solidifying what Kai just said. “We’ve worked out, I’ve eaten and showered. They’ve been gone for ages,” he says, as he goes to look out of the floor-length window again.

  “Are you watching out for them or letting all the girls out there ogle your bod, man?” I ask joking around, but he just scowls at me from over his shoulder. “I’m just saying, before Luna did the whole ball and chains trick, I spent a lot of my time posing naked at the window to encourage the girls, ya know?” I waggle my eyebrows, but his frown only deepens. Spoil sport.

  “Why would I fucking do that, you idiot?”

  He continues to stand there, in only his loose grey joggers, watching the world go by. I go back to ignoring him as my game starts up and I can start shooting shit, I’ve barely landed when Kai distracts me.

  “Holy fuck. Holy fuck.”

  “What?” Roman says, walking towards him. It must be something, because Kai is the one least likely to cuss. I drop my controller to the coffee table, as I watch Kai’s face animated in disbelief.

  “I’ve got some movement in Dietrichson’s office,” he murmurs, and turns the screen around for us to see.

  “Holy shit,” I murmur at the exact same time as Roman. “I mean, I’d call that a little more than some movement, but I understand your lacking knowledge, Kai,” I continue with a grin. “That’s what you call fucking my friend, and more specifically, that’s what you would call Bitch Dietrichson being fucked by Parker’s dickhead dad.”

  Bent over her desk with Rico slamming into her from behind, Dietrichson looks like she’s having a good time, or at least pretending. We’re all so surprised with this revelation, that Roman doesn’t even smack me around the head for trying to get a rise out of Kai.

  “You can turn it away now Kai, her saggy tits are going to burn my retinas,” I say as I fake gag, and Roman actually chuckles.

  “Try having to listen to the audio too,” Kai responds with a cringe, pointing to the wireless headphone in his ear, and I can’t help but laugh.

  Turning off the Xbox I stand, stretching my arms over my head as I catch a glimpse of a familiar red sports car. I still can’t believe Parker somehow convinced her to go in that thing.

  “Hey Rome, they’re here,” I say pointing out of the window and Roman hurries over.

  “Why are they back already? It’s too early for them to be here,” he rushes out, confusion written all over his face.

  “I don’t know, quit whining. You should be pleased, all the moping you’ve done, but we need to be careful. Rico’s on campus and we don’t know what for. Well apart from the obvious,” Kai adds, waving a hand at his laptop with a grimace and slight gag.

  I look at Roman, but he’s already moving to the door. “I’ll meet them down there, something isn’t right,” he mutters, and slams the door behind him.

  “Should we have mentioned he’s shirtless and screams ‘look at me’, which is the complete opposite of being careful?” Kai murmurs, but I shrug in response.

  “I think the slam of the door is a no, Kai.”

  “It’s odd that Rico’s here and they’re home early, but don’t stress we’ll figure it out, Oscar. We always do,” Kai says trying to calm me, but I’m fine. Totally fine.

  Although my heart is beating a little faster and my forehead is sweating, it is completely unrelated to all this here. Rubbing the back of my neck, I head for the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Gulping it down, I place the empty bottle on the counter and look for something heavier.

  “It’s okay to worry about others, Oscar,” Kai murmurs from the doorway, catching me by surprise. I didn’t even hear him approach.

  “I’m not worrying, Kai,” I say with a sigh, as I come up short on the alcohol front. Not even a fucking beer, absolutely useless.

  “Hey, we’re a team, remember?” He says as he steps towards me and squeezes my shoulder. “One day, you’ll drop your persona you hide behind, long enough for someone to actually see you Oscar. I hope it’s Luna,” he says softly, before patting my shoulder and walking back into the lounge as I hear the front door swing back open.

  “Where’s Oscar?” I hear Luna ask, and she almost sounds frantic. Resting my palms on the kitchen counter, I look down at my feet and take a deep breath.

  “Oscar get out here now, it’s urgent,” Parker shouts. I shake my head as I move to the door, it’s all going to shit I can feel it.

  Stepping into the lounge, Luna whips her head around to me and her shoulders relax when she sees me. Damn, why does seeing her calm at the sight of me, relax me in return?

  “Hey,” she murmurs as she steps towards me. “Are you okay, big mouth?”

  I am now.

  “Of course, baby girl. What’s all the shouting about?” I ask as I wrap my
arms around her, resting my hands at the bottom of her back, while her hands stroke against my chest.

  I glance down at her hands on me, and my heart beats rapidly in my chest. I know this is real now between us. She is ours, and we are hers, no matter what. I straighten my back as I push my worry aside. I want to be here, present and accounted for. Whatever she needs, I’m in.

  “Oscar, they’ve moved The Games up,” she whispers. I don’t get a chance to answer her because Roman interrupts.

  “We know that princess, that’s what we’ve been trying to …” The shake of both hers and Parker’s head cuts him off, as she looks back up into my eyes.

  “The Games start in eight days.”

  Well, fuck me.



  Oscar’s arms tighten around me as I rest my forehead against his chest for a moment. As soon as Maria told us we were out of there. I didn’t want to tell them over the phone, I needed us to deal with this together, in person.

  Leaning back to look at Oscar, my hands lift to his neck, gripping him like a lifeline. Parker drove us home with his hand in mine the whole way, I need to feel connected to them right now. To know we are the team they say we are.

  I feel a body press in behind me, as arms wrap around my shoulders. Which leads to being blocked in from all sides in the best group hug EVER. I feel Kai behind me, his gentle hands caressing my tummy soothingly. While Parker and Roman squeeze us in from the sides. I can’t help the soft smile that takes over my lips as their presence alone comforts me. A kiss to the back of my head, one to each cheek and Oscar’s to my lips, eases the stress from my body.

  Pulling back, Oscar peers into my eyes with a gentleness I’ve not seen before. I won’t say anything more of it, not wanting to rock his boat. I’ll let him come further out of his shell when he’s ready.

  “We’ve got this, baby girl, but first I think it’s best if we move this to your room. We have some news too, and your room has the best security,” he says, and I hear Kai and Roman agree with him. Oscar’s making sense? Something is definitely wrong, either way, I am liking this new side of him.

  The others step back, as Oscar takes my left hand and leads me out of the room. His thumb stroking my fingers in a relaxing motion, as he grins down at me. He grabs my room keys out of my grip with his other hand, and let’s us in, throwing the keys in the dish by the door like it’s completely natural for him.

  “Do you want something to drink?” He asks, walking me over to the sofa.

  “I would not say no to a coffee right now,” I answer, pressing my fingertips into my temple.

  “I’ll do it,” Parker calls out from behind me, making Oscar look at him for a moment and nod in response. What was that about? I turn to see what he was doing, but his back is to me as he steps into the kitchen.

  Oscar takes a seat and pulls me into his lap, and I won’t decline him. I’m a little worried about how he’s acting right now, but that only makes me hold him closer.

  “So, what’s this news you have?” I ask, wanting something else to talk about before we have to get heavy into The Games.

  “Err, it’ll be best to wait for Parker too, princess,” Roman says, taking the spot beside us.

  Without moving his gaze from mine he lifts my feet up into his lap and starts to undo my heels. Yes, please. I’ve had enough of those demons. The pads of his thumbs slowly start working into the balls of my feet, and I’m in heaven right now.

  Kai places his laptop on the coffee table, and takes a seat next to it, waiting for Parker who strolls in with a steaming black coffee in his hands. Before I reach out for it, Kai blocks my hands and takes it from Parker. I can’t help the whimper that passes my lips as I keep my arms outstretched for the cup.

  “You’ll want to hear our news without a burning hot drink in your hand,” he mutters in response to the confused looks on mine and Parker’s faces.

  Roman shuffles closer to Oscar beneath me, keeping my legs over his thighs, and pulls Parker down in the seat next to him. Looking between the three of them, they clearly know something we don’t, but none of them want to say what’s going on. Before I can blurt out for them to get on with it, Kai sighs.

  “We had some live footage today from Dietrichson’s office.” Nodding for him to continue, he braces his hands on his knees and taps his fingers nervously. “She had company,” he mutters. Why is that a big deal? It’s certainly not worth missing out on my coffee for.

  “Okaaay, but what’s the news?” I ask, frustrated it’s taking them so long to spit it out.

  “She was being banged from behind by Rico,” Oscar blurts, rushing the words out as quickly as possible. I almost get whiplash as I spin to see his face. He’s not lying.

  “Holy shit,” I mutter under my breath, but clearly not quiet enough.

  “That’s what we said,” Oscar whispers in my ear, turning my face to Parker.

  He stares at Roman, who nods in confirmation as he squeezes his thigh in comfort. This explains a lot, like how the Academy has been able to make sure that Parker doesn’t find out his bloodline. Fuckers. Well screw them, he doesn’t need any of this shit anymore.

  “He’s here on campus?” Parker finally says, paling a little as he speaks. He visibly gulps a few times, as he rubs his hands nervously over his knee caps.

  “Yes,” Kai answers, “But Oscar was right, being in Luna’s room is the best idea. We’ll all stay here tonight, drag in the mattresses and all that.” I smile at his efforts to make Parker feel better. I may be the one they’re in a relationship with, but it’s clear they care for each other, and that’s what makes this feel so much better.

  “We’re a team, Parker. He doesn’t get through that door,” Roman growls, and Parker relaxes. A little color coming back to his cheeks. Wow, the trust he has in Roman, and the effect it has on him blows my mind.

  “Red,” I murmur, my back stiffening, but Oscar strokes a hand down my arm, relaxing me.

  “Don’t worry, baby girl. I already spoke to her on the phone, and she was adamant she was okay. I can go and get her if you like?” I consider his words, and as hard as it may be, I have to trust her to tell me if she wasn’t okay. She clearly wants her own space, and I have to respect that, begrudgingly.

  “No, it’s okay,” I say quietly, my attention going back to Parker.

  “Let’s talk about The Games then, distract me.” Parker says, determination visible in his eyes. Reaching over Roman I squeeze his arm.

  He lifts my hand to his lips, squeezing my fingers in his. Parker places our joined hands in between us on Roman’s lap, who places his on top.

  “The Games have been moved to November second, which gives us the next seven full days to train as hard as we can. I still want to grab Wren at the Halloween Party though. I sent a text to Trudy on the way over and we’re still good on that front.” Thinking over what little information Maria was able to give us I push on. “Maria said it would be public knowledge tomorrow, so I’m glad we grabbed the weapons yesterday.”

  The others nod around me, my palms are sweating again. Not from fear, but the unknown. I’m not in control when these fuckers are making the rules.

  “She also mentioned that a lot of rules have been broken to make this happen, but she didn’t have time to explain what,” Parker adds, and I nod in agreement.

  “Now I need to hope Agent Dominic Bridge keeps his word, because when we survive The Games, it’ll literally give me a day, two at most to track him down. If not then Featherstone will take great pleasure in killing me for that instead.” I frown at this shit.

  Someone in Featherstone Academy clearly wants me dead while Veronica wants me to join some new movement. All I want to do is spend time with Red, and my Aceholes while I draw my art on people’s skin.

  Oscar surprises me with a kiss to my cheek, “I’m pleased with your confidence, baby girl. We’re going to tear these bastards down,” he growls in my ear.

  No truer words have ever pa
ssed his lips.

  Game on, Motherfuckers. Game on.



  Tuesday morning it’s pouring down rain outside as we make our way towards the waiting Rolls Royces parked at Ace. Ian has an umbrella raised above his head as he waits by the doors. Without a word he walks beside me covering me with the umbrella too, as he murmurs quietly.

  “Miss Steele, they’re going to officially announce that The Games will start next week.” He glances down at me and the searching in his eyes tells me he has more to say. Although, he doesn’t seem surprised that I’m not stunned by this information. I nod and he continues. “Can I give you my honest opinion, Miss Steele?”

  “Always,” I answer, as we come to a stop by the car.

  “I’ve worked here for many years, and this feels different. I can’t put my finger on it. I know they’re pushing the date through earlier which is strange enough, but there is more going on I can feel it.” I offer him a soft smile, appreciating the fact that he’s coming to me with this information, even if I do already know.

  “Thank you, Ian. I always appreciate your insight, I’ll bear this in mind.” He sighs in relief and holds the door open for me.

  “I also just wanted to mention a really nice drive for the next time you’re out on your motorcycle, Miss Steele. It’s about an hour up north called Beechwood Hall, you’ll love it.” I nod in thanks, before glancing over my shoulder to where Kai stands patiently behind us getting soaked by the rain.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Fuse, I…”

  “No need to worry Ian, as long as my Sakura is taken care of, it’s all that matters,” he says with a smile, as he pats him on the shoulder.

  Parker and Roman are riding together today. Leaving Red and Oscar to travel together, which I’m sure will be fun for them both.

  We both climb in quickly, and Ian is suddenly at the open door with a towel for Kai, who takes it with a nod in thanks. He quickly wipes his face, ruining the visual I had watching the rain drops trickle down his neck under his shirt. I could totally be a raindrop all over him right now.


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