The Conquest (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 1)

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The Conquest (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 1) Page 9

by Jessie Donovan

  “Isn’t sharing all of this with me violating some kind of law?”

  Kalahn shrugged. “If Kason trusts you enough to bring you on board our spaceship, I trust you enough to share a little about our planet. The more you understand, the easier the negotiations will go.”

  “And the greater the chance your dreams will come true.”

  “Exactly.” Kalahn stood. “Now, do you still want to sneak into Kason’s room or not? Because we don’t have much time before he returns for his evening meditation.”

  Taryn burned to ask more questions and gather information, but seeing Kason and ensuring his protection was more important. She looked to Evaine. “Will you be okay without me?”

  “Do you even need to ask? As long as I can play with one of these tablet things and work on cracking the basic commands, I’m happy,” Evaine answered with a smile.

  Kalahn moved to what looked like a metal wardrobe. “Then hurry up and follow me, Taryn.”

  As Kalahn opened the doors, she moved to the princess’s side. “Are you really going to tell me that you have secret passages?”

  Kalahn grinned. “The room next to a prince’s room always has a secret entrance for both security reasons and discretion.”

  “Princesses too?”

  “No. We’re to be chaste until gifted to a worthy male.” Kalahn shook her head. “Let’s hope I can leave Keldera before that happens.” Kalahn slipped inside the wardrobe, and Taryn heard a click. “Wait until I enter the security code.” The princess quickly disappeared into the other room. A few seconds later, she said, “Come.”

  Taryn climbed inside the wardrobe and was soon inside a sparse room not much bigger than the one she’d come from. The bed, wardrobe, cushion on the floor and the entrance to a bathroom were the only things in the room. Nothing was personalized in any way. She wasn’t sure if it was because of Kason not wanting to reveal information or if it was the way of a high-ranking warrior.

  Kalahn’s voice garnered her attention. “No one is allowed in Kason’s room except him and whomever he shares the access code with. Not even the head of security can access the logs without permission. You should be safe here.”

  She moved back to the wardrobe and Taryn asked, “Are you going to share the code with me?”

  “No. You need to talk with Kason and I don’t want you to back out.”

  Before Taryn could do more than take a step, Kalahn disappeared into the wardrobe and Taryn heard a faint click.

  She was trapped in Kason’s room.

  That’s what you wanted, Demara. Taking a deep breath, she paced the length of the room. All she could do was wait.


  Kason took the least populated route to his room, not wanting to run into anyone until after he’d showered, meditated, and eaten. Challenging a few other males during the practice session had released most of his stress, but Taryn was still on his mind. Her room was next to his, and the longer he ignored her, the more difficult it would be to concentrate on anything.

  It might be considered a weakness, but he wanted to know how her language lessons were going. Not only that, but he also wanted to see how close Kalahn and Taryn were already. Those two together would cause trouble. He needed to figure out how to contain the pair of them.

  He punched in the security code for his room and entered. The lights automatically came on. While there was nothing in sight, the hairs on the back of his neck said something was different.

  Drawing the short sword at his side, Kason examined the bathroom, but it was empty. Since his bed had drawers underneath it, the only other hiding spot was the wardrobe. “Come out.”

  The doors opened. He expected his sister to emerge, but the lithe form of Taryn Demara filled his vision. He switched to CEL. “What are you doing in here?”

  “We need to talk.”

  Confident she wouldn’t try to kill him since he was her ticket to Keldera, he sheathed his sword. “Go back to your room, human. I need to complete my evening meditation.”

  “Why? Will you turn into a frog if you don’t?”

  “I don’t know what a frog is, but meditation is necessary for cleansing my mind after physical activity. I recharge and can be ready for the next encounter or obstacle.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, but somehow Kason resisted looking at her plumped up breasts or he might not be able to focus on their conversation and get the human to leave. “You know, it’s hard to tease you when you can’t understand my jokes.”

  “Or maybe you’re just not funny.”

  “I’m quite funny, I assure you. We just need to work on your sense of humor.” She uncrossed her arms and took a few steps toward him. “But enough of that. You pretty much declared that you were going to avoid me, but we have unfinished business.”

  “Oh? You’re on my ship, heading toward Keldera for talks. You are also safe and won’t be harmed.”

  “But we both know that will only last another six days before you can toss me aside and wash your hands of me.”

  He frowned. “You think so little of me.” He closed the distance between them and resisted the urge to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Besides, you’re the one who said you’d wait before offering your body to me.”

  She placed her hands on his bare chest and the heat of her skin sent a sizzle down his spine. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

  As her feminine scent drifted to his nose, blood rushed to his cock. “You’re walking a fine line, human. If this is one of your little games, then you need to back off now.”

  She tilted her head up, and the heat of her breath danced across his chin. “I want your protection, Kason. And if this is the only way to do it, I will.”

  Her words were like a splash of cold water, and he retreated a few steps. “I said you must come to me willingly. Your mind still isn’t ready.”

  Anger flashed in her eyes. “How do you know what my mind wants? And believe me, if I wasn’t willing, I wouldn’t be waiting alone in your quarters.”

  “Then prove your mind is willing. Lie on the bed.”


  “Lie down. If your body responds to my touch and I can make you forget your name, we’ll complete the claiming.”

  “Fine.” She muttered something he couldn’t hear as she marched to the bed. The sight of Taryn’s flushed cheeks and controlled movements stirred his cock a little more.

  Then she plopped back on the bed and spread her arms and legs wide. The corner of Kason’s mouth ticked up at the sight.

  The human noticed. “What are you laughing at now? Because I assure you I’m not in the mood for you to laugh at how much different my body is than a Kelderan female.”

  In the next second, he stood beside the bed and stared down at her. “I have no other female in mind. You are different, yes. But I’m curious to see how different.”

  She rolled her eyes. “This is definitely not how I thought this would go.”

  He lightly traced her cheek. “What did you expect?”

  “Honestly? Wild warrior sex.”

  His finger moved down the side of her neck and down to the neckline of her dress. He could feel her heart racing. “There are times for wild sex. However, a female’s first time is not one of them.”

  Heat flushed her cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Dipping his fingers below her neckline, he lightly grazed the top of her breast with his nail and smiled when Taryn sucked in a breath. “It was a guess, but your cheeks give you away. You haven’t given your body to any male before me. I wonder why.” He stilled his finger. “Maybe you need a strong male to keep you in line.”

  Taryn rolled to her side and stood on her knees on the bed. “Watch it, Prince. I’m this close to cutting off your balls and living with the consequences.”

  “You won’t. That would endanger your people.”

  With a growl, Taryn smacked his chest. “Stop being a logical asshole.”

e gripped her hands and kept them against his chest. “I’m not the one overreacting. You clearly like the feel of my fingers. Kiss me, and I’ll show you what else I can do.”


  Taryn tried her best to keep her nervousness masked by anger. It was bad enough that Kason guessed she was a virgin, but she wasn’t entirely sure of what she was supposed to do.

  Yes, she knew the basics. However, she didn’t have much in the way of tricks.

  Kason’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Stop overthinking it. If this is how you make all of your decisions, you will probably die untouched.”

  “Yes, because you’re such a spontaneous person yourself,” she drawled.

  “Kiss me and I’ll show you one area where I can be.”

  Between the huskiness of his voice and the heat in his eyes, she was confident he was attracted to her. Kason tro el Vallen may not have been her first choice when it came to sleeping with a man, but she was starting to think he was better than many.

  With that thought, she tilted her head up. It was time to seal the deal so she could protect her planet.

  Kason met her halfway and the second his warm, firm lips brushed against hers, Taryn sighed. Unlike the first time she’d kissed him, Kason didn’t hesitate. His arm circled around her waist and he hauled her against his body as he stroked the inside of her mouth. At the feel of his warm, hard chest against hers, Taryn moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Increasing the fervor of his tongue, Kason gently laid Taryn on her back and covered her body with his. Rather than feeling trapped, his weight on top of her caused heat to rush through her body to between her legs.

  His hand snaked between them and cupped her breasts. As he rubbed his palm against her taut nipple, Taryn groaned, and Kason took the kiss deeper.

  She forgot about her nervousness. Every cell in her body ached to feel Kason’s naked skin against hers.

  However, before she could break the kiss to tell him, there was a loud chime that echoed in the room.

  With a curse, Kason pulled away and stood next to the bed. “You need to leave.”

  His dismissive tone cut through her lust haze. “What?”

  “Go. You can’t be found here.”

  While she knew it was the truth, his manner still stung. Edging off the bed, Taryn moved to the wardrobe. Careful to keep her voice even, she whispered, “I don’t know the code.”

  In a flash, Kason opened the wardrobe and entered a code. The door chimed again. “Go.”

  Not wasting a second, Taryn climbed through the short passage and exited into her room. Kalahn and Evaine both looked up from the tablet they were working on, but Kalahn was first to ask, “So? How did it go?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Taryn murmured before rushing into the bathroom.

  Shutting the door, she leaned against the wall and took a few deep breaths. Logically, she knew she couldn’t be found in Kason’s room. But the efficient, emotionless way he’d dismissed her had stung. The prince clearly saw their dalliance as a transaction, nothing more.

  For a split second, Taryn had wondered if they could have had more in the long run, but that mistake wouldn’t happen twice. She’d sleep with Kason and never think of it again. The last thing she needed was to have her judgment clouded by lust or a hope for a lifelong partner. Jasvar was her family. She couldn’t let them down.

  Chapter Ten

  Kason smoothed his hair and spent another second thinking of war strategies to deflate his cock. He was irritated that someone would force away his willing bride. However, since having a bride in the first place was a secret, he didn’t have a choice.

  Once he heard the door click in the wardrobe, he stated, “Enter.”

  The door unlocked and opened before the tall, golden-haired form of Syzel, his battle strategist, strode into the room. “Sorry to interrupt your evening meditation, your highness. But some information just arrived from Keldera.”

  Kason switched into general mode. “Report.”

  “A fleet of ships has entered the edge of our star system. While they’re still too far away for detailed sensors, it could be the Brevkan. The king has asked for you to contact him as soon as we are in range of instant communication frequencies.”

  “I sense there is more to the message.”

  “Yes, your highness. The king’s advisor hinted that we may need to detour to scout the visitors and determine if they are the Brevkan before returning to Keldera. During our journey, we’re to come up with various plans of attack, just in case we go to war.”

  “Has anyone told my father of Princess Kalahn’s presence yet? Or about our Jasvarian delegation?”

  “No, sir. Thorin felt it should come from you.”

  Of course he would. Thorin would face an entire army on his own, but would rather be skinned alive than deal with the king, all because of a past family secret. “How long until we’re within reach of Keldera’s short-range communications?”

  “Two days, maybe a little less if Enishi can boost the engines.”

  Enishi was the chief engineer. “See what he can do. There is much I need to discuss with the king, and it needs to be done on a secure channel. Also, ensure this stays with the top-ranking warriors. If we end up not scouting the ships, I don’t want to build up tension unnecessarily.”

  “Of course, sir. Anything else?”

  “Set up a meeting with yourself, Thorin, Enishi, and Jerrick for tomorrow morning. I want to discuss our options. Dismissed.”

  With a nod, Syzel exited the room.

  So, it looked like the Brevkan might disrupt his life for a second time. First, attacking his planet and killing his mother. And now, possibly threatening the alliance with Jasvar. While Kason accepted death as a possibility in his profession, he wasn’t about to let the Brevkan bastards take his sister’s or his bride’s life.

  Speaking of his bride, he needed to check in next door. Anger had filled Taryn’s eyes when she’d left and he needed to educate her about the importance of keeping their dalliance a secret, especially if Keldera was to go to war. His people would need Kason’s help if they hoped to win and he couldn’t risk losing his position. He would just need to educate Taryn on that fact, and she should understand.

  After quickly cleaning up and changing his clothes to more formal attire, which included synthetic pants and a loose, open-chested shirt, Kason entered the code at the wardrobe and went through the passage. At the exit, he opened the door a fraction and asked, “Are you decent?”

  Kalahn’s voice answered in CEL, “Yes, although enter at your own peril.”

  Curious at his sister’s words, Kason opened the door and searched out Taryn, only to find the bathroom door closed. He met his sister’s gaze. “I assure you that attacking me is not the best course of action, sister, no matter how upset you might be.”

  Kalahn glanced to Evaine and switched to Kelderan. “I can’t fault you for acting Kelderan, but a certain human doesn’t understand it all. You need to explain things to her, brother, or you will lose this one.”

  “Our connection is purely for diplomatic purposes. Neither one of us is disillusioned about anything more.”

  “Are you certain? Because if that were true, you wouldn’t have dressed in your princely clothes for a mere visit with your sister and certainly not for an informal diplomatic meeting.”

  Kason didn’t fidget. “Some of us remember our duties, sister. Any interaction with a leader means putting your best foot forward.”

  “Are you sure it’s your foot?”

  He grunted. “You need to start acting Kelderan or you will never find a husband.”

  The bathroom door opened, and Taryn’s voice prevented his sister from replying, “Is he bothering you, Kalahn?”

  Kason beat his sister to a reply in CEL. “My sister is fine. I came to talk with you. Will you come into my room for privacy?”

  “If it’s about sealing the deal for my protection, I’m going to wait until
we’re closer to Keldera.”

  He raised his brows. “I can wait, but things might be changing soon.”

  “What?” Taryn asked.

  “I can’t tell you the details,” he answered.

  Taryn threw up her arms. “How are we supposed to negotiate an alliance and maybe even cohabit a planet if you won’t share information?” She searched his eyes. “Whatever you share with me will stay with me.”

  He looked to his sister and Kalahn spoke up. “I can keep my mouth shut.” Kalahn looked to Evaine. “Can you keep a secret this time, Evaine?”

  Evaine nodded. “I don’t have anyone to tell in the near future, and by the time we return home, I’m sure the secret will be moot.”

  Taryn chimed in. “All of us will pretty much be confined to the room for days anyway. Who would we tell?”

  Kason looked to each female in turn. “No one must know this or it might cause a panic. Understood?” After each of them nodded, he explained how the Brevkan might be entering their star system.

  Taryn crossed her arms over her chest. “Kalahn explained a bit of the history between you and Brevka. But are you sure it’s them?”

  Kason would have to talk to his sister later about trusting strangers too quickly. “We’ll know soon. But if it is them, the negotiations between Jasvar and Keldera will be delayed.”

  Taryn assessed him a few seconds before asking, “This was the reason we were interrupted?” He nodded. “Then let me know what I can do to help. My strategies may be different than yours, but a different perspective might spark a victorious idea.”

  A few days ago, he would’ve balked at any female claiming to know the first thing about strategy. However, after seeing Taryn’s work firsthand, her offer intrigued him. “I have a meeting with some of my key staff tomorrow. Afterward, we can talk in private.”

  Kalahn added, “Because females aren’t allowed to attend military meetings. Or anything to do with the military, except in the case of healing the warriors when the Barren are overwhelmed.”


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