Shining Armor

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Shining Armor Page 15

by Halle Dean

  When does he not do stupid things? other Warner asked.

  Warner gestured to Sophie, flustered and spluttering a response as Melody glared at him. "She was going to die!" he defended.

  "And what if your stupid idea didn't work?" she shouted.

  "Well, it did work," he said. "So stop yelling at me."

  "I'll yell at you as long as you continue to do stupid things!"

  "Is that so? Then you'll lose your voice," he said. He glanced behind her to see Mason standing in the doorway. James and Layla were nowhere to be seen. Warner sighed. "Wasn't James supposed to be keeping you two out of here?"

  Mason shrugged. "He and the barmaid went off somewhere," he said. "He's very easily distracted."

  "Only by Layla," Warner grumbled.

  See? other Warner insisted. Feelings cause so many problems.

  "Which way did they go?" he continued. "James said he had answers for us."

  "They went in the pantry," Melody said with a slight smirk, seeming to forget her argument with Warner. "I don't think they wish to be disturbed."

  "Don't say that!" Layla's distressed voice said. "It's not as if we—He followed me!"

  James looked pleased with himself and Layla looked flustered and ruffled. Then Layla looked past Warner and raised her eyebrows. Her body language changed drastically, confusing Warner as she sauntered over to him. She glanced over his shoulder, at Sophie, smiling strangely. Then she stood very close to Warner and draped her arms around his neck.

  What is she doing? other Warner asked, perplexed.

  I have no clue, Warner thought.

  He was about to verbalize his confusion when she leaned forward and kissed him, full on the mouth. Everyone stood in silent shock for a long moment. Warner was entirely bewildered. He had no idea what was happening. James was the first one to speak.

  "Well then," he said. "I didn't need that heart. Go ahead and break it. Crush my dreams."

  Layla ignored him, releasing Warner and pushing him aside. "Your name is Cammie?" she asked, smirking at Sophie.

  Sophie blinked a few times, her mouth hanging open. Then her expression shifted from shock to anger.

  "Sophie," she corrected icily. "Who exactly are you?"

  "Layla Parker," Layla said. "I'm friends with Warner."

  Why did she say 'friends' that way? Warner wondered.

  What is going on? other Warner asked.

  Warner was having trouble finding words to say. He wanted to clarify what had just happened, but he wasn't actually sure what had happened. Sophie's hands balled into fists and she stormed out of the room. Warner tried to call after her, but his voice stuck in his throat. When she vanished from sight, he spun around to glare at Layla, who was grinning at him.

  "Soooo," Mason said slowly. "What exactly is happening here?"

  "Did you see the look on her face?" Layla giggled. "That was perfect!"

  "If you were with her—" Melody glared at Warner. "—then why were you leading Sophie on?"

  "I—I'm not—We don't—I'm not sure what's happening," Warner stammered.

  He wanted to run after Sophie, but he was too perplexed to do much more than try to figure out what was going on. Layla waved Melody off.

  "Oh, no, no," she said. "We don't have that sort of relationship. Definitely not. I mean, not that I wouldn't. Look at him. Who wouldn't?" She looked at Melody knowingly.

  Disgusting, other Warner growled.

  "He's my brother," Melody said, crossing her arms.

  "Oh," Layla said, looking Melody up and down. "Of course you are. I suppose you're the exception, then. Not that it matters anyway. He's too much in love with Sophie."

  "Why did you do that?" Warner asked, finally able to speak coherently.

  Layla shrugged. "I was testing to see that she was still in love with you," she said. "Remember? We talked about this."

  "We never talked about you doing that!" Warner exclaimed.

  "Well, it went well anyway!" Layla said. "That, my friend, was jealousy. Exactly the reaction I was hoping for."

  Jealousy? other Warner scoffed. That seems unlikely.

  "Oh," James said, sounding relieved. "That's good."

  "She is not jealous." Warner rolled his eyes. "She's angry because she thinks you and I have some sort of relationship that I didn't inform her of." He glared at Layla. "And, in case you weren't aware, you are the worst friend, ever."

  "Hey, don't forget about me," James grinned.

  "Why would she be angry if she didn't want you for herself?" Layla asked pointedly.

  Warner crossed his arms. "Perhaps because I told her I loved her and promised to help take care of our daughter. She must think I was lying."

  "You have a daughter?" Layla and James said in unison.

  "You told her you loved her?" Melody asked. "So sweet!"

  So stupid, other Warner grumbled.

  James clapped Warner on the shoulder. "I can't believe you have a child," he said. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

  "I didn't know before," Warner said.

  "You have to go explain everything," Melody said. "The longer you wait to speak with her, the more upset she will be."

  "That is true," Layla agreed. "Tell her my reasons. You can even say that James and I are together if that helps."

  James looked hopeful and excited. "You and James are together now?" Warner asked, raising his eyebrows.

  "Oh, heavens, no," Layla said. "But you can tell Sophie that if it'll make her less upset about me."

  James sighed and looked disappointed.

  Warner shook his head. "I won't lie to her," he said. "I'll tell her the exact truth and make her believe me somehow."

  Good luck with that, other Warner said cynically.

  "You might want to use a trap spell to keep her from running or attacking," Melody suggested.

  "No," Warner said. "No magic. No spells. No princess. No sorcerer or fugitive or former knight or whatever I am. Simply two people finally discussing things."

  Forgetting about me? other Warner asked.

  Yes, Warner thought firmly. Stay out of this.

  "Good luck," James scoffed. "Women are not straightforward creatures."

  Layla and Melody both glared, but Mason chuckled and Warner smiled nervously. He was dreading the confrontation ahead of him. It had been so much easier to talk to and spend time with Sophie recently. He didn't want to ruin everything. But he had to make her understand where he stood and he had to find out where she did.

  Twenty Four


  Sophie tried to pretend she didn't know why she was upset, but she understood jealousy well enough. She could not stop picturing that woman pressed up against Warner. Warner, to his credit, had seemed shocked, but Sophie couldn't help but wonder who Layla was to him.

  "Sophie, yes?" a woman's voice asked.

  Sophie looked up, wiping away tears that had fallen without her permission. A woman with a short bob of brown hair stood in the doorway of the small storeroom. Expecting to be asked to leave, Sophie got to her feet.

  "S-sorry," she said. "I w-was—"

  "Is all right." The woman had a very heavy accent that Sophie didn't recognize. "I am friend of Warner. Petunia Lawson. Very nice person. Do not worry."

  "Oh, it's nice to meet you," Sophie said, stuffing her emotions back inside.

  "I am also friend of Layla," Petunia said, making her somewhat less endearing to Sophie. "No. Do not, with the face. They say to me what happened. It is not how you think."

  "It seemed fairly obvious what was happening," Sophie grumbled.

  "No, no," Petunia insisted. "Not obvious. Not real. Layla is unusual in method, but was try to help."

  "So, they don't have something between them?"

  "No thing is between," Petunia assured her. "Layla only wish to see if you will be jealous for Warner. Obviously, yes. Her plan is success."

  Sophie frowned. "That's not a good enough reason—"

  "There you are!" Warne
r's relieved voice said from the doorway. Sophie looked over to see him walking towards her. "I was afraid you might have left on your own."

  "Well, I didn't," she said, crossing her arms as he approached her.

  "Have you been crying?" He reached to wipe some of the wetness from her cheeks, but she knocked his hand away. "I'm sorry. Layla was being foolish."

  "That is prerogative of Layla, yes?" Petunia asked.

  Warner offered a nervous smile. "She was trying to help," he said. "But she didn't go about it very well."

  "No, she didn't," Sophie said.

  "Are you upset?" he asked.

  "I leave now," Petunia said, sidestepping away to another room.

  "Of course I'm upset!" Sophie exclaimed, dropping her arms to her sides and balling her hands into fists.

  "Why?" Warner questioned.

  "What do you mean 'why'?" she asked, bewildered. "Is it not obvious?"

  Warner scratched the back of his head. "I only mean… What sort of upset are you?" he mumbled. "Melody and Layla said that you're… jealous."

  "How could I not be? Wouldn't you be jealous if someone kissed me?"

  "Of course I would," he said. "But that's different."

  Sophie looked at her feet so he couldn't see her blush or the tears that had sprung back into her eyes. "You're an idiot, Warner," she murmured. "It's obvious that I love you."

  They both stood in silence for a very long time. Sophie didn't know why she was unable to make herself look up at Warner. After all they had been through, there was no reason for embarrassment. She wished he would respond, because she had no clue what to do next. After a few more moments, she decided she should say something.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but didn't get the chance before Warner pulled her to himself. His lips were on hers, halting her words, and she couldn't think straight anymore. Before she knew it, her hands were in his hair and his arms were wrapped securely around her. Everything Sophie had ever worried about melted away.

  "Ha! I told you I was brilliant!"

  Warner and Sophie broke apart and looked over to see Layla pointing at them with a huge smile on her face. Petunia, Melody, Mason, and James were standing behind her, wide-eyed. Warner's arms were still around Sophie. She expected him to let go, but his hold tightened. He looked annoyed by the intrusion.

  "Go away." He pointed his finger toward the door and it slammed shut.

  "We have plenty of open rooms if you have need of one," Layla said through the door. At that, Warner's grip lessened and his face turned a bit red.

  Layla pulled the door open again, looking proud of herself. Sophie narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. She pulled away from Warner, who made a sound of protest. She ignored him and walked over to Layla, who smiled. Sophie stared at her for a second, and then slapped her across the face. Everyone stood in shocked silence.

  "It is not prudent to test my emotions!" she reprimanded. "Do not manipulate me and try to make me jealous. If you wish to know how I feel, then ask."

  "Uh, yes. Of course," Layla said, rubbing her cheek as a red mark started to form.

  Sophie shoved past her, but spun back around to add another thing. "And don't kiss Warner again."

  "I won't," Layla said, lifting her hands up in surrender, but seeming like she was holding back a smile. "I promise."

  "Good," Sophie said.

  "Are we friends, then?" Layla asked.

  Sophie glowered up at her. "Perhaps."

  "Hooray!" Layla exclaimed, throwing her arms around Sophie in a very one-sided hug.

  "Hooray for everyone is friends!" Petunia said, clapping her hands.

  "Very well," Sophie grumbled, pushing Layla away. "So, what is going on, exactly?"

  "What do you remember?" James asked. "Sometimes, if life force spells aren't done correctly, memories can be destroyed."

  Sophie thought for a moment. "I remember," she began, "that we went to the Magics Society and I collapsed in The Void. George stole some of my life force and tried to kill me. Then Warner killed him and James dropped us out of the Magics Society house and onto his flying… thing. I fell unconscious again, and then Warner was an idiot. Does that sound correct?"

  "Yes, that sounds correct," Warner sighed.

  "I am so glad to not have your life," Layla said with raised eyebrows. "Magic seems to make everything far more difficult."

  "Only for Warner," James said. "My life has improved a great deal since I began to use magic. I have friends and a magic, flying, circle."

  "Those things came long after you began to use magic," Layla pointed out.

  "Ah, but if I hadn't begun back then, things wouldn't be how they are now," he said. "I I'd never have gone to the Magics Society. And I'd never have met you, darling." He smiled brightly down at Layla and cupped her cheek with his hand.

  She pushed him away. "That would have made my life better."

  "Ouch," he said, clutching his heart. "Why must you be so cruel?"

  She ignored him and turned to Warner. "So, Sophie's all right?" she asked. "And I see you didn't die, so I assume whatever spell you did that your sister was upset about went well enough."

  Warner nodded. "Yes," he said. "I'm not sure what to do next though. James, you said you had some answers for us, did you not?"

  "I did!" James said, breaking out of his heartache. "I got into the secret section of the Magics Society's library."

  "How did you do that?" Warner asked. "I've been trying for years!"

  James shrugged. "When George died, his barrier spell died with him. I took in as much knowledge as I could before coming to rescue you. But only from the part George was protecting. Barry's section is still locked up."

  "Perhaps all that we need was in George's section?" Melody said hopefully.

  James shrugged again. "I learned much, but I feel that there's still more you would be interested in," he said. "Barry's section has knowledge on sorcerer magic that no one else knows."

  "That's what we need!" Warner said. "Did you find any knowledge on how to dissolve barrier spells?"

  "Yes, but you won't like it," James said. "It's impossible magic."

  "Oh," Warner said with distaste.

  "So, there's no way to do it then?" Sophie asked dejectedly.

  "No, we can do it," James said. "We just would have to use impossible magic."

  "But if it's impossible—"

  "It's the name of the type of magic," Warner explained. "It's not actually impossible. It is extremely difficult though. And it messes with your mind."

  "It's all right though," James said brightly. "You don't have to do it. Sophie can."

  "What?" Sophie asked. "I don't even know what this magic is."

  "I am not having Sophie do impossible magic," Warner said firmly.

  "She already is," James said. "Not on purpose it seems. Something affected her, similar to a spell. It was passively cast by someone that didn't actually have control of their magic."

  "How is that possible?" Warner asked.

  "It's impossible," James said. "Magic, that is. Impossible magic. I do not know how it happened, but I do know when it happened. That's the only knowledge that had to do with sorcerer magic that George had. It happened the same day that all the sorcerer magic gained a consciousness."

  "How do you know about that?" Melody asked.

  "That's the knowledge that was in George's section," James answered. "It said that someone cast a spell that gave all sorcerer magic a consciousness. Warner, Barry, Aaron, and Katherine all had their magic wake up. And, of course, Melody and a few others that we haven't managed to contact. There was one more sorcerer, but their magic wasn't yet developed, so it didn't gain a consciousness. It was still affected, however."

  "So, they were less than ten years old," Warner said. "That's the only reason their magic wouldn't have developed."

  "Actually, I'm fairly sure they weren't even born yet," James said. "From what I know, sorcerer magic stabilizes separate from the mother's magic a
s soon as they are born. Before that, it's strange and seeps out and affects the mother."

  "What? How?" Sophie asked, worried and thinking of Ella. "What does it do?"

  "Well, normally it won't make much of a difference," he explained. "Even if it's powerful, it only does helpful things, and small things at that. The mother heals faster and won't fall ill as easily. This was strange because the spell that gave the magics consciousness affected it."

  "Are you saying that you think Ella did impossible magic before she was born?" Warner asked.

  "That depends," James said uneasily. "Is Ella your daughter and, if so, was Sophie already pregnant when the sorcerer magic spell was cast. Also, are Ella's eyes the same color as Warner's?"

  "Yes, to all three," Sophie answered. "Is she going to be all right?"

  "Why does her eye color matter?" Mason asked.

  "Only sorcerers have green eyes," James said matter-of-factly.

  "I don't think that's true," Warner said.

  "It can't be," Melody agreed. "Sophie's eyes are green."

  James waved her off. "Oh, that's different. Royal magic users have very bright green eyes. Sorcerer eyes are darker, as Warner's, Melody's, and all the other sorcerers' are."

  "I suppose it does seem that way," Warner said, trying to remember. "George and King Dane both had the same color eyes as Sophie. And I don't think I've ever met someone with darker green eyes that wasn't a sorcerer."

  "See?" James said. "Royal magic users have bright green eyes. Sorcerers have dark green eyes. Magicians' eyes start out regular and then mix with green when they start using magic."

  "I never noticed that," Warner said. "Did you have blue eyes when you were younger then?"

  James nodded. "Look closely next time you see other magicians. You'll see that all of them have green in their eyes."

  "So, this means that Ella is definitely a sorceress then," Sophie said. "And she was affected by the spell."

  "I'm sorry," Melody said, hanging her head.

  "Why are you apologizing?" James asked.

  "I did this," she said. "I was the one who cast the spell on the sorcerer magic."

  James eyes widened. "Why would you do that?"

  "I thought it would make me more powerful," she said, still staring at the ground. "But it didn't. It only hurt people."


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