Bared Desires

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by Mason Lee

  “I'll stay, for now,” he said. He wasn't going to commit to anything. “For now” was ambiguous enough, that he wouldn't be breaking any promises when he left. The guy was smooth; Brent would give him that.

  Riley was still sitting and Brent felt like he was being watched. He looked down and, yes, Riley was openly studying him. He'd finished with his shoulders and upper body and his new boss was checking him out below the waist.

  “Is that all you needed…boss?” Brent's face was hot as he started to walk to the door, turning to try and catch him looking at his ass.

  Riley nodded. He was somewhere else, it seemed, and just before Brent closed the door, Mr. O'Neil asked, “Are you Irish? You look Irish.”

  Brent was pissed at himself for being so easy when he had every right to be a prick. “No, I don't think so,” he said as he closed the door hard behind him.

  Fuck, he thought to himself on his way to the break room, I have to get out of here now. He had been smarter and younger than his last boss and he didn't get the job. Now his boss was smarter and maybe younger than him and had some kind of crazy, hypnotic eyes that could make him say yes to anything. No good could come of that.

  He grabbed a soda from the machine in the break room and overheard Sandra chatting with one of the other secretaries. “God, he's so cute. I could just eat him alive.”

  Brent didn't know the other girl's name, but her face was familiar. She was petite and had long, brown hair and had been rather infamous for a while for having a torrid affair with one of the guys in tech support who had since been divorced and then fired. She appeared to be fine after the incident and on a new hunt. “Right? That accent of his. Oh my God, I get horny just listening to him talk.”

  The girls finally noticed Brent’s presence and both of them giggled. “Sorry, Brent, that's the second time I didn't see you today,” Sandra felt like she needed to remind him that he faded into anonymity.

  “You must like Riley O'Neil, I take it,” he spit out. He had to get back to work. Since he wasn't leaving his position, there was plenty to do that he'd been waiting to hand off to the next guy.

  Sandra sighed and said, “I have such a crush on him. He's just adorable.” Sandra was going to be so disappointed, Brent almost wished that he could be there when Riley told her he was gay.

  The brunette asked, “You were just talking to him, right? Is he married?” Not that a spouse would stop her, but Brent did not want to talk about the man anymore.

  “I think he's in a relationship,” he answered. He'd let the girls figure it out on their own. As he left he heard them chatting about every little detail of Riley. Brent had noticed all of those little details himself and he looked at his new boss as he passed his office on the way back to his tiny cubicle. Riley was throwing a small ball at the wall and catching it perfectly every time - his forearm flexed, his hand reached, he threw again. He had to stop watching him; he was turning into Sandra.

  When he got back to his cubicle, he sat and called Suzanne. He kept his voice low as he talked. “I didn't get it,” he told her when she asked.

  “What the hell?” she said, raising her voice. She had been counting on him getting this new position and had already been talking about a few purchases that she wanted to make with his new, bigger paycheck. “What happened?” Suzanne wanted to know.

  Brent wished that he knew. “Williamson is a lying piece of shit,” he mumbled into the phone, looking around to make sure there was no one walking by. “I don't know. I'll tell you about it when I get home, okay?”

  She tried to comfort him but after a minute or two, Suzanne must have known it wasn't helping. “Well, what's the new guy's name?”

  “Riley O'Neil,” he told her, swallowing hard. He could feel his hand on his arm still and could almost see the man's green eyes, boring into him, taking him in, studying him. “Some guy from Ireland,” he said. He didn't want to make it sound like more than it was and they said their good-byes.

  Before five o'clock, Brent had decided that no matter what he'd said earlier in the day, he was going to start looking for another job immediately. He had to; he had a crush on his boss. That wouldn’t be good for anyone.

  Chapter 3

  It was almost midnight and Brent should have been asleep two hours ago. The kids had gone down easily enough, almost as if they knew that they shouldn't press their luck tonight. He and Suzanne had spent ten minutes talking about the lost promotion and then maybe six minutes making love. Brent knew what she liked and was quick to get her there and when she rolled off of him, it was comforting to feel her hand on his chest as she fell asleep.

  He felt guilty that he frequently faked orgasms with her. It had started one night, years ago, when she had been on top of him for the better part of an hour and his body just couldn't get there. Brent gripped her tightly with his hands and shook and let out a low moan and when he peeled away and panted, Suzanne seemed content that he had climaxed. Since then he had repeated it many times and she'd never even questioned it. Brent may have always felt guilty but it did nothing to stop him. What he did in order to cum was much worse, at least as far he was concerned, and he was positive that she'd never understand.

  Brent slid carefully out of bed and waited to make sure that she didn't stir and, once he knew that his wife was still asleep, he made his way quietly down to the basement. In the den, hidden behind the old, unused desk, he kept his secrets locked away. The movie was his favorite and he had it memorized by now. Just sliding it into the DVD player brought his erection to life once more. The lube and his hands would suffice most of the time but tonight, the ache inside him was voracious and required more. He got the dildo out as well.

  Most of the gay porn that he had watched over the years left him wanting more. It was a combination of rough, quick hook-ups. It reminded him of the first few times that he and Doug had been together, awkward and fumbling with a few minutes of lust. This movie was slower and the two main characters took their time and it became what Brent had really wanted, but never had, with his college roommate.

  The dark-haired man on the screen was built like a God and Brent spilled a little precum just looking at him. His perfect, chiseled body - every line, every muscle, was made to be worshiped and that was before the camera came to rest at his pelvis. His cock was an enormous beast, thick and dark and uncut. Brent had never seen anything else like it and he was fascinated with the foreskin and watching the juicy head emerge when he was aroused, which he was instantly, when the second man joined him in the bedroom. As many times as Brent had watched the movie before, it had never registered until now that the other man, every bit as handsome as the man with black hair, just shorter and a bit smaller, was blond with green eyes.

  Suddenly, Brent's whole routine was gone. Normally, he would have spent twenty minutes thinking about the two men on the screen and imagining what he had done fifteen years ago in a bedroom with a man who probably didn't even remember his name. Now, he couldn’t. His new boss was even spoiling his masturbation. Even when he closed his eyes, all Brent could think of was Riley.

  There was no way to stop now and as the two men began to kiss, grasping each other and grinding against each other as they probed the others mouth deeply, Brent imagined feeling Riley's tongue in his mouth. The taste of him, the heat from his body rising, the smell of him, hearing the soft groan that came from him. He knew that he would make noises like that when he and Riley kissed.

  With his right hand, he rubbed his cock slowly up and down and with the left he pinched one nipple at a time to an aching point. Doug had introduced him to how sensitive his nipples were and on the odd occasion that Suzanne had touched them, on those nights, he didn't have to fake an orgasm. The want spread through his chest and the sensation ran to his groin. His nipples swelled to twice their normal size when touched or sucked, and especially when bitten.

  Tonight it was Riley and the man knew how to make him shudder with his mouth and teeth. He wasn't even watching the movie any
more and had his eyes completely closed. His head had sunk back into the couch as the movie in his mind played vividly and intensely. Riley was behind him, his strong hands running over every inch of his body and finally, parting Brent's thighs. It was Riley's grip that squeezed his cock right now.

  Brent stopped to spread the lube on his palm and began again, just like that. Riley would handle him with skill, fondling him at the perfect tempo, squeezing him hard at the root and feather-light at the tip. “Yes…That's so good,” he whispered, as if his imaginary lover were actually there.

  “Let me finger you, Brent,” he could hear Riley ask for permission, even though it was obvious that Brent could deny him nothing, “as soon as I saw your perfect ass, I knew I had to touch you there.”

  Brent oiled up two fingers of his left hand and reached around to his needy opening. Just one finger, circling slowly around his anus, made him spasm with want. Doug had never touched him there, although he'd been more than willing and Brent regretted that he was still a virgin. At least he'd have more than just the porn to fall back on then.

  Brent slipped the fingers inside and lay on his side, moving his hips back and forth. In his mind's eye, it was no longer Doug who was inching ever closer to his prostate. It was Mr. O'Neil whose long, strong finger was beckoning inside, slowly back and forth, bringing him to a boiling point. When Brent pushed his hips forward, it was into Riley’s hand and as he moved backward it was the man's finger, making his ass quiver with delight.

  “Is it even possible that you're a virgin?” Riley asked him, “I can't believe that you've waited all this time for me…” His hot breath on Brent's neck made him sob with want. “Your ass is so tight, I don't even know if I can get my cock inside you…” Brent’s sphincter fluttered at the thought. “Oh, but you want it, don't you?” Brent's body was answering for him but he answered anyway.

  “Yes, fuck me. I want to feel your cock inside me,” he moaned out loud. The dildo was readied and Brent backed up for it, taking just the head at first, feeling it pop through his pink, puckered flesh. “God, you're so big,” he moaned to his imaginary lover, his cock thudding in his hand from the new rush of pleasure that reached through his body. He inched down and took it past the ridge and another inch and then another. Feeling the erection slide through his anus, past his barrier and once the solid head touched his g-spot, his ass squeezed and rocked back and forth for more. “Fill me up,” he begged his lover, moving his hips with the man's steady thrusts, taking every inch of Riley's perfect pole deep inside, moving back and forth in Riley's hand. He was completely lost in the rhythm and the deep-seated need that had been denied for far too long.

  He continued to fuck himself and his precum ran from him in a steady stream, his prostate pushing more and more of his clear liquid from him. He hummed with pleasure and could clearly see Riley's face as the toy entered and departed. He had his share of moments over the years, embarrassed moments usually where his self-control was suddenly gone and his dick had responded to something in a shameful way. Brent had always come back to Doug though. His imagination was full of those nights that he had tucked away to repeat again and again. This was the first time he had replaced Doug with someone else and it seemed to reiterate his earlier thought - he had a crush on this man.

  “I love feeling your sweet ass wrapped around my cock. Oh, God, Brent, ride me. Take it all,” he heard the man gasp as he was buried up to his balls in Brent's hungry opening. “You're going to make me cum so good,” Riley may have said it in his mind, but it was Brent who was about to burst. He straightened his legs and kept the dildo deep inside as the quiver took over and he felt the ecstasy explode at the center of his body and travel through his cock in hard, pounding waves.

  As his hot release left his body, he shook his head. He didn't want to say his name. He didn't even want to think of it. He was just horny, he told himself. He had been keeping it all inside for so long. It was just sexual frustration. But when he opened his mouth, he murmured, “Riley.”

  Once had had cleaned up and hidden all evidence of his nocturnal activities, Brent was used to returning to his marital bed feeling as if he'd done something wrong. Tonight, he was spent. Too tired to berate himself, as he lay down beside his wife, he felt something unfamiliar. Thinking about the other man now, after his dirty deeds, had actually made him happy. This was new. This was different.

  Brent was worried.

  Chapter 4

  The week was going by painfully slow. It wasn't just the week; it was almost as if hour-by-hour counted off more slowly than the previous ones. Brent groaned when he looked at the time. This was a special kind of torture, being this close to the man who had inspired such lust in him and was so off-limits in a myriad of ways. Brent felt helpless to do much of anything, though he wanted to many things.

  It was almost five o'clock on Thursday and Brent was grateful that he would get to retreat soon. Only one day left and he could spend two days at home, removed from this situation and the temptation. Hopefully he could get a handle on things with a little time. A young man with black hair was loitering outside of Riley's office, pacing back and forth and Brent couldn't help but wonder if it was another man with a crush on his boss. Riley seemed to have that affect on people.

  Riley hung up the phone and Brent watched as he flashed a wide smile to the young man and in just seconds, they were in each other’s arms in the office. Brent felt dirty just for watching but it wasn't as if they were trying to hide it at all. Riley went to meet the man with open arms, his hands touching his face softly and then their lips opened and their mouths melted together. Brent shivered when he saw the movement of their tongues, together, apart, together once more as Riley's hands traveled down the other man's back.

  “So, I guess we know which side Riley plays for,” Randy muttered. The couple was on display in front of the entire office. There were going to be plenty of broken-hearted women once they heard about the kiss.

  These were the kind of comments that had cemented things in Brent's mind long ago. He had never uttered a word about his own feelings, not even to Doug, not even after he had been naked with the man. There was never any discussion of being gay. It was just a physical necessity, something that had just happened. Brent wouldn't even allow the question in his head - was he gay? There was nothing to talk about.

  Lately, he'd begun to ask himself the question, although he still didn't have an answer. It seemed shameful for a man in his position to even ask. He was married, after all. What would Suzanne think about him even questioning it? There was no doubt in Brent's mind that he would lose her if she even knew about his dirty, little secret that he kept hidden in the desk in the basement. It wasn't that she didn't love him, it was just that he had lied for so long.

  Suzanne had met Doug once or twice and it had been awkward for both men. School was almost over and so was their relationship, or whatever label it should have, something Brent had never been able to do. Brent had never watched as two of his lovers met before and he had been at a loss for words.

  “Hi, Doug. I've heard a lot about you,” his future wife had reached out for his hand and Brent couldn't help himself. He was used to seeing Doug's hand on him and when the two shook, Brent had a physical reaction to it.

  Doug had always been a charmer and that was one of the reasons that Brent had never understood what had occurred between them. Why him? Doug had women lined up to drop their panties for him. He winked at Suzanne and assured her, “Whatever he said is not true. Unless it's good and then yes, that's true.”

  The two of them laughed and chatted about nothing for a few minutes and Brent felt very much like an outsider looking in. The next night had been the last time he'd woken up to Doug's body pressed against him in the twin bed that they had somehow always fit into since the beginning. Doug had given up. Brent needed something more than the midnight gropings and they both came quickly in Doug's hand as he squeezed their erections together. Right before Brent burst, Doug had aske
d him a question. His words were strained and he panted between them, but it hadn't taken away the meaning.

  “So do you think about this when you're fucking her?” he asked. Brent hated that Doug would bring Suzanne up at the moment and it didn't seem right to tell him the truth anyway.

  Brent chose not to answer and instead looked down at their cocks, touching, sliding, coated in the others precum. Doug handled him well. He always had. And if Brent could just block out the words, he just wanted to enjoy himself, since Doug had made it clear years ago that it was all he was capable of.

  “Come on, tell me. When you're with her, do you wish it was me?” Doug's thighs clenched and Brent knew that his orgasm was about to begin and in a few seconds, his belly would be coated with Doug's warm seed.

  “No,” Brent lied, gritting his teeth, “I love her.” He'd finally managed to separate the two; at least for the most part and now Doug was screwing with him again.

  Now, as he watched his boss and the man he assumed was Riley's long-distance boyfriend withdraw from the heated kiss and Brent saw Riley trace a line softly around the other man's mouth, he realized that he was screwing with himself. Plenty of guys had experience with other men. It changed nothing. It was just a convenience, nothing more.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Brent forced himself to look away and answer his friend.

  Brent had packed up to leave when he heard Riley's door open and when he saw the blond hair moving in his direction, he grimaced to himself, hoping that he wouldn't stop. He didn't need the reminder. He still had days and weeks and maybe even months of the man until he could make his escape. Brent's dick was still obsessing over the kiss he had witnessed. The front of his underwear was wet and it felt tight on his body. Was it just watching the hunger that the two men had for each other or was it something more? Brent felt even more ashamed at the idea that it could be jealousy.


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