Bared Desires

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Bared Desires Page 7

by Mason Lee

  It was almost midnight when Brent saw the email notification pop up on his screen and he saw that it was Riley. He clicked on it quickly; it seemed odd that the man would use the work email to communicate with him, especially if it included any of the salacious details of their last two meetings, but right now, it didn't matter. He needed to hear from Riley. He needed to feel his naked skin and look into his green eyes and hear his voice in his ear as they caressed.

  It wasn't a message just for him; the entire office had received the communication.

  “Starting tomorrow morning, I will be out of the office for the next week. I have some personal issues that require my attention in Ireland but I will be back when that is finished. In my absence, please report to Brent. Keep up the good work.”

  Brent would have been thrilled to be in charge a month or two ago. It was one more step, one more sign that the job was his; he was a shoe in. Now all he could think of was how much he would miss Riley and how ludicrous it was to care. The man had dismissed him. There was nothing there but Brent's pathetic pining. Riley's personal issues had to involve Liam and he felt the jealousy swell up inside him when he thought of the boy receiving all of Riley's affections. Would he spend the week in bed with his boyfriend, imagining that he was with Brent? Had Riley already moved on so that the similarity had faded? Would he confess his infidelity to Liam? Did it even count?

  Brent had told himself to stay out of the basement. He wouldn't indulge this evening. He was supposed to be moving on, not making things worse. He eased back in the chair and felt his cock twinge and knock, hitting his pelvis. He hadn't thought of Doug in what seemed like an eternity and it had affected him, the thought of Doug still wanting him. When he pushed his pajama pants down and grasped his dick by the root, it was Doug who held it in his hand. They were back in the dorm room and it seemed as if no time had passed at all, Doug still knew what his body needed.

  “You like that, don't you?” Doug asked him, milking his erection with the perfect amount of pressure. “You've been dreaming about that, haven't you?” Doug murmured; his own cock looked bigger and rounder in Brent's imagination. In fact, the head had grown and was soaked with precum and quivered the closer their bodies came together.

  Brent whimpered, “Yes, I love it. Don't stop, it feels so good.” His eyes were drawn to the other cock and he felt himself tense. He knew that he would explode in just minutes and he'd use his own ejaculate as lube when it was his turn to satisfy his roommate. As usual, there was an ache inside for more; what if tonight was the night? What if instead of offering Doug his hand, he gave him his mouth? What if he cleaned Doug's dick with his tongue and swallowed Doug's pearly ropes of semen, feeling the heat in his throat rush to his belly? He looked up; he had to tell him. “I want to suck your cock, please let me suck your beautiful dick,” he gasped. It wasn't Doug looking back at him, it was Riley O'Neil.

  It was too late to stop himself. His release splattered his pajama top and the material below, his body curled and arched as the rush of his need ran through him and exploded from his slit. He squeezed out every last drop and listened as his heart galloped. His breath came quickly and the only thought in his mind was that he had burst at the mere thought of going down on Riley. There seemed to be nothing he could do but give in.

  Chapter 10

  By the second day as boss, Brent had come into his own and the rhythm of work had been restored. It was amazing how much better he performed when his tormentor wasn't around to keep him in a constant state of longing. He saw Sandra in the cafeteria and she appeared to be pouting.

  “Is something wrong?” Brent asked her as he walked to the refrigerator.

  She waved him off. “Oh, nothing I'm not used to. This guy I'm seeing is driving me nuts, so what else is new?”

  Sandra had a steady supply of men who were anxious to initiate something but it was rare that it wasn't a problem until the next one came along.

  “What's he doing?” Brent didn't know why he was asking but it was too late.

  “It's what he's not doing. He's not calling.” She really did look distraught, which seemed unusual, given the speed that she usually went through guys. “He's married and when we first met, he was so sweet and he said that his wife just didn't understand him.” It wasn't a conversation that he'd ever had before. Men didn't talk like this to other men.

  Brent sat across from her, wanting to hear more. “What did he mean, that his wife didn't understand him?”

  “Oh, that means that he's not getting enough sex at home,” Sandra smiled sweetly, “you know, not enough or not freaky enough or whatever. You're a man. You know men are dogs.”

  He had been guilty of the same thing, and could only answer, “Yeah, I suppose we are.”

  “I told him that I didn't want to get involved with another married guy,” she had done it at the office and Brent had to assume that there had been others, “it never ends well. But he is so gorgeous, I fell for it again.”

  The last time he and Riley had spoken, the man had voiced some of the same feelings. Brent asked, “So the married guy never leaves his wife and ends up with the new girl?”

  Sandra made a face. “No, they never do. If they were going to leave her, they would have done it already.” She traced a circle on the table with one fingernail. Maybe she was remembering the last time she had been in his bed. “They just want to have all the sex they can get but still come home at night.”

  Brent wondered if Riley hadn't put him in this category. “That sucks, Sandra. I'm sorry. Maybe he really likes you too but he's just afraid to jump into something new.”

  Her voice shook a little when she answered. “Well, everyone is a little scared when they're in love. You have to take a chance or just be miserable your whole life, don't you?”

  He was an expert in this. “I guess,” he said and rubbed his forehead. “Maybe you should call him and tell him how you feel.”

  Sandra shook her head. “No, I can't. The single person can't call the married person, not unless you want them to get in trouble.” One tear slipped down her round cheek and she wiped it off with the back of her hand. “So I'm stuck waiting or trying to forget him.”

  He didn't know what to say. “I suppose you won't go for any more married men in the future,” he muttered. That probably was the common sense solution.

  “I shouldn't,” she sounded as if she'd learned the hard way. “I really should meet a nice man like you,” Sandra gestured to his left hand, which bore the ring. “You're married and I never see you hitting on any of the girls here.”

  Brent felt the wave of guilt pressing down on him. “I'm not that nice, Sandra…” Even his wife said so. She thought he was too nice, but what would she think if she had known about his secret life? “I'm just like everyone else,” he said and realized he had to stop talking about it. It was depressing to think that he was in the same category. “Hey, you deserve a nice guy, you should wait for the right one,” he told her before leaving.

  On his way back to his desk, he wondered if Riley hadn't wanted to talk to him before he left, but maybe he knew the rules of dating a married man. Maybe he had been waiting for Brent to call him. Now that he was at home though and, Brent had to assume, back in the arms of the man that he had missed, what would he say if Brent did call? Nothing had really changed, had it?

  Brent decided that a text was easier; he wasn't brave enough for the phone call.

  “Hey Riley, how is it going?” he lingered over the message; there was so much more to say but he didn't know where to begin. He hit send anyways.

  It wasn't until the day was almost over when the response came. “Good. Any problems at the office?”

  Riley was keeping it strictly work and Brent would follow his lead even if in the back of his mind all he wanted to talk about was personal issues. “None, just wondering when you're coming back.”

  It must be late in Ireland and Brent could only imagine what Riley and Liam were busy doing.

; “Soon, had to get rid of the apartment.”

  So he wasn't staying there, he was coming back? Was he bringing the boyfriend with?

  This was crossing the line, but Brent didn't care.

  “How are things with Liam?”

  Riley deserved a great guy, he was devastatingly handsome, he was successful and smart; he definitely should have someone who was crazy about him.

  “Liam is gone. He met someone younger. I'm going to be single again…”

  Great, Brent groaned inwardly, a whole bunch of them. Considering how the women lined up for Riley, he was sure that the men would too and, one by one, Brent would get to watch as Riley kept a rotating door of hot men with perfect bodies.

  He kept all of that to himself though and only replied, “Good for you.”

  It was getting late and he blamed it on his anxiety and the lack of sleep and the general angst that he had been feeling ever since his new boss had come into his life. He added a second text.

  “I miss you,” he wrote and sent it before he could talk himself out of it.

  Suzanne had fallen asleep watching television and he had the whole bed to himself. Brent reached out for the pillow next to him and held it closely; what would it be like to wrap his arms around him and feel his body next to him in the bed? He fell asleep quickly and slept through the night in what seemed like ages.

  When he woke up, Brent reached for his phone. Riley had never replied. He didn't blame the man. This was his own fault, really, but it didn't stop the emotions from bubbling up and threatening to take over. He was jealous. He was angry. He was embarrassed and, most of all, he was horny. If there was ever a time for fun stress-relief, it was this morning.

  He kissed Suzanne on the forehead and whispered, “I'm going to the health club.” There was no response and as he walked to the car, he thought to himself, I'm one of those married men. The kind that Sandra knows are no good. The kind that Riley has sworn off. Brent didn't stop though; he headed straight for the one place that he knew he could get instant, guilt-free relief.

  His workout was quick today. He ran briefly, stretched and noticed that he hadn't even worked up a sweat when he returned to the dressing room. Brent didn't hesitate or even try to talk himself out of it. He was naked in seconds, jamming his sweat suit into the locker, tucking a towel around his waist and walking quickly to the sauna.

  Brent was alone and disappointed at first but he knew that someone would join him sooner or later. Today, he didn't mind waiting; his need had risen and was making a tent of his towel. He opened the cotton material and lay on his back, stretched out, his cock front and center for anyone to see the moment that they opened the door. He closed his eyes and was immediately back in the cozy cocoon of his fantasy world. Riley would be walking in any minute now, splendidly naked, his lean muscles coated in sweat and a lusty look in his eye.

  The door opened and Brent didn't let the sound break his concentration. His dick flailed as he imagined Riley joining him on the bench and leaning in for a kiss that started out sweet and ended with him sucking the breath out of Brent as he took his time meandering down his body. Brent knew that it wasn't his imagination when the fingers curled around the base of his cock and he moaned when he felt the contact. It couldn't be Riley; who knew who it was. And Brent was too close to the edge to say no. For now, in his mind's eye, it was his boss controlling his erection with a firm grip on his manhood.

  The hand moved up and down firmly but then Brent heard a creak of the bench under him from the stranger and there was a soft, wet tickle on the head of his cock. It couldn't be anything else but a tongue. Just the thought of it made him swell in the hand and he couldn't keep his eyes shut any longer. Looking down, he saw the top of a blond head as the tongue lapped across his slit and drank down the puddle of salty liquid that had been waiting there.

  Brent had never had a blowjob before. It was strange, he knew, but it was the truth. Even at his age, he hadn't ever received one from a woman. Suzanne would start but he would always wind up fucking her instead. He'd never even asked her to continue because he knew that he would wind up thinking of something that he shouldn't. She hardly seemed to enjoy it and neither had any of the other girls he had dated; that was going back so long, he could hardly remember their faces.

  It was something that he'd watched in porn movies and he'd always imagined himself being the giver rather than the receiver. This felt like heaven though. The velvety tongue sliding around his knob, delving down the backside of his head where the skin was even more sensitive. The hand was still tight around the base of his dick and when it pulled up on his erection, he knew that a new splash of precum covered the warm tongue. The blond was enjoying himself and Brent closed his eyes again, arching his back. The thought of watching Riley settle between his legs and taking his cock like this was a new, breathtaking addition to his fantasy world.

  When the buttery lips wrapped tightly around the head of his pulsing dick and the tongue continued it's soft tease, Brent let out a moan, which was soon followed by another. He felt his anus contract and he began to thrust his hips up and down slowly as the mouth enclosed around another inch and then another. The warmth bobbed back and forth and the tongue bathed his manhood, lapping up the wetness that ran from him and licking every inch of hard, veiny flesh.

  “You're going to make me cum,” Brent heard himself whimper. He didn't want it to end so quickly; he wasn't done imagining Riley.

  The mouth popped off the tip of his erection with a wet noise and the hand only held him. Brent looked down as the blond hair moved and he felt the tongue wander around his sack, which had drawn up tight at the root of his dick. The fingers of pleasure that ran through his testicles were exquisite and Brent shivered, crying out, “oh God, yes,” as the mouth continued to taste him there.

  His balls were wet and the hand squeezed him again but the tongue was descending down, making a wet trail on his perineum. Brent felt the saliva drip to his crack and pushed his hips up again, inviting whoever it was to explore all of him. Nothing had ever touched his ass, just his own finger and the dildo that he had begun craving more and more. This moist intruder, this soft, rounded tip of the blonde’s tongue was sinking lower and lower to the only destination left. When it brushed his ass, Brent shook from head to toe. He could ask for it; he didn't even know the stranger. He hadn't stopped wishing it was Riley but for now, he would be happy to beg whoever it was.

  “Yes, fuck, lick my ass, fuck that feels so good,” he moaned, and when the tongue caressed his pink, puckered place, Brent felt the orgasm rise to a rumble. He squeezed his hole and when the tongue delved inside, his cock rocked back and forth in the hand that held it tightly. The pleasure rode up his insides and the heat and the hunger that had been waiting there for so long came to life as he growled.

  “Yes, fuck me with your tongue…” He eased into the mouth and gave himself over to the stranger's wet skin on his, flicking back and forth inside him now.

  Brent clenched and felt his prostate pulsating with pleasure, pushing more of his precum through his cock, it poured down his shaft now in a steady stream. The man continued to lick in a steady rhythm that matched his hand. When he moved his fingers up on Brent's shaft, the tongue swirled at his entry. Back down at the base and the tongue entered him almost forcefully now. The blond stranger was taking him with his mouth and Brent was gasping for air as the first, thunderous blast of his climax forced its way through him.

  “God, yes I'm cumming,” he moaned. He felt it burst from his slit and again and again, long, sticky waves of semen exploded from him. The man's hand would be soaked in it but Brent couldn't stop himself from backing into the mouth, gorging himself on the sensation of the wet tongue that probed deeper inside as he continued to cum.

  The man wasn't in a hurry and once Brent was empty and spent, the sweet tongue still moved in and out of him for another minute, maybe two, maybe it was forever, Brent had lost all sense of time. He was rolling in ecstasy and his b
ody was covered in goose bumps and he immediately wanted to give this to Riley.

  The blond was done and Brent watched him sit up, a small smile on his face as he looked at the man he'd just been so intimate with. Brent saw him wipe his hand on the towel he wore and then his mouth with the back of his hand. “You came a lot,” he told Brent with a smile.

  “That was amazing,” he said. He felt none of the guilt or shame that he had on his prior slips. It was too good. He couldn't feel anything but happy and the only anxiety he had was about wanting to do it again. He should reciprocate, he knew, and he sat up slowly, the warm feeling of desire inside him was still pounding and he reached his hand out to make his offer.

  “You want me to?” he said; he still couldn't verbalize it. It was just a hand job; how many of these had he given?

  “Nah, thanks though,” the blond settled back on the bench, his legs open, the towel around him left little to the imagination and it was obvious that the man was close to the edge himself. “I have to save that for the wife. She's trying to get pregnant…” Another married man, getting all the freaky sex he wanted as well as the comfort of home. Brent hated to think that he would ever agree with Sandra on anything, but he did.

  “Good luck with that,” Brent was spent but the orgasm had made him realize how badly he wanted his hole to be filled. He was going to have to use the dildo tonight regardless of the promise that he'd made. He exited the sauna and headed for the shower, closing his eyes and feeling the water run between his cheeks. It didn't soothe him at all. It incited his lust and before he exited, he was rock hard once more.


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