Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins Page 26

by Allensworth, Audra

  Maximus ran by the bushes and started rolling in the dirt, Ceara rolled her eyes, “Never-mind let’s just go get this done.”

  Beth walked around in the cabin and began straightening up. Shaking the curtains and watching the sun’s rays on the dust as it flew out. Tabitha heard the others outside and walked over to the window by Beth. Seeing Maximus trying to give Ceara all her loving at first caused her to smile but when she noticed that he was covered with slimy zombie guts made Tabitha wrinkle up her noise. “Oh that is just fucking gross, Beth check that shit out!!”

  Beth put her hand on Tabitha’s shoulder and snickered out loud, “Ok, that is some sick shit there.”

  Tabitha wanted to get outside and see if she could help but what’s more she wanted to razz Ceara a little. Something about Red she liked and what was more she loved how Charlie was so innocent. Remembering the mushroom conversation Tabitha thought that she might be able to have some fun with this and perhaps get Beth to smile a little, looking over her shoulder to Beth, “Come with me and let’s go see if we can help.”

  Heading out the door with Beth following, Tabitha shouted to Ceara, “Awwww Red, would ya look at that!!!!! Looks like Maximus is showing you how proud he is by bringing you a present!!!! I mean instead of a bouquet of roses he’s bringing you the next best thing!!!!”

  Beth thought that was a little weird but seeing how playful the dog was caused Beth to chuckle slightly.

  Ceara glared at Tabitha, and then went over to Maximus. As if proving Tabitha right the dog jumped up on Ceara wanting love from her. She shoved him down, “Don’t even try it, damn it. Come on.”

  Charlie looked to Alden and smiled, “This is going to be fun.”

  Chapter 2 – Coming Together

  Beth made her way over to Alden after hearing about the generator “Alden, I got an idea. My cell is low on power and once we get this up and running I could charge my phone and that will give me Internet access. From there I can see if I can access my contacts at the CDC to find out if there is any help out there.”

  Colt listened to Beth and wondered if there even was an internet anymore but it was worth a shot. He thought back to when things were normal, he didn’t go anywhere without his Iphone and Ipad but when it all went to hell he didn’t even think about those when he left his home and Jessica. “Alden did you want to get that generator kicked on and that way it could heat the water, I know I could use a hot shower!”

  Alden looked at the group choosing to ignore Beth’s question for now, “Okay Colt, sure let’s give it a try. Beth and Tabby I need you to get your shotguns and stand guard. I don’t know how much noise that thing will make when we start it or how many deadheads may be lurking and coming running when we ring the dinner bell.”

  Colt looked to Alden, “What about Chuck and Ceara?”

  Alden turned to the direction the two had gone to get Maximus cleaned up. “I think they’ll be fine if the deadheads come they come to the noise but just to be sure,”

  He turned and snapped his fingers. Tonto snapped to attention, “Go with Charlie,” Snapping once more he pointed in the direction Charlie had gone.

  Tonto took off at a dead run. Colt watched the whole thing unfold and looked to Alden, “How long you had that dog?”

  Alden turned and started to go to his truck, “A life time kid…. A life time…”

  Opening the back and dropping the gate he reached in and took out a leather tool belt filled with tools, then motioned for Colt to grab the battery that sat in the corner. Colt picked it up and they headed for the shed. Beth and Tabitha had retrieved their guns and were making sure they were loaded and then followed the men. Colt placed the battery down in the frame and Alden knelt and quickly had it hooked up. Then he walked around to the side where the control panel was. Reading the instructions he flipped three switches and then turned the key. Colt looked at with a frown as nothing happened, “Damn the “battery’s dead.”

  Alden grinned, and then pushed a button. “Naw I don’t think so,” he said as the generator came to life. It was not much louder than the vehicles they had driven in, but it still put a big smile on all of their faces. Wiping his hands on his pants, Alden stood and looked at the control panel again then pushed three more switches. “Ladies and gents, you will all have hot water in about a half hour.”

  He patted Colt on the shoulder as he walked out of the shed.

  Tabitha walked the perimeter looking out into the woods with her shot gun. Her feathers were ruffled when Alden had referred to her as “Tabby” and that caused her to walk back and forth briskly. Sure she had to watch out for the zombies, she got that, but when the old fuck referred to her as that it really pissed her off!

  When the roar of the generator started, Tabitha was startled at first and then looked to where the sound was emanating from then she quickly looked back out into the woods to see if anything had stirred. Making sure that nothing would be coming out of the woods, Tabitha quickly began pacing faster because she was trying to figure out on how to approach Grandpa Grey Tooth and inform him on his little fuck up.

  Beth saw that Tabitha had in fact picked up her pace and walked up close to her to try to calm her down. “Tabitha, it looks like we will be able to get a hot shower in a bit.”

  Tabitha appreciated Beth’s attempt but she knew that if she didn’t nip this in the bud that he would slip up again. “Beth, you take watch for a minute, I got some business I need to attend to.”

  As soon as Tabitha headed to the shed she saw Alden walk around back. Quickly she addressed him sternly, “Hey Alden!! I need to have a word with ya if ya don’t mind.”

  Alden turned around and looked at her but before he could get a word out she spoke right up, “You don’t like people calling you Sir and I know that you wouldn’t appreciate it if someone referred to you as Al or Alvin or Alf for that fucking matter… so before we go any further I would appreciate it if you would refrain from calling my ‘Tabby’ or ‘Tab’, I ain’t no damn horse or top that you pull before you take a drink. My name is Tabitha plan and simple.”

  Tabitha didn’t want to get off on a bad side with Alden with all of the stuff he had done but ever since she was a kid she hated when people referred to her as Tabby because it reminded her of being something cute and sweet. She never thought of herself as cute and sweet and she really didn’t want to start off a new life thinking any differently than she had done all along.

  Alden just looked at her, “Sweetie if you’re going to get upset every time someone throws a nickname at you, you’re going to have a real hard time in life. The name Tabby is no more insulting then Al is for me or Chuck would be for Charlie. Bottom line when you join a group or a clan you have to let others be themselves.”

  He patted her shoulder and looked to Colt, “Watch after the place I going to go get Chucky and his bride.” He laughed as he headed down the path.

  Warmth went through Tabitha’s heart, Alden had included her in the clan. She knew it was silly but nobody before had ever said anything so nice to her. All of her life she had be belittled, verbally abused and kicked around like some sort or junk yard dog and now when all of the rest of the world had gone to hell in a hand basket to Tabitha she began to feel like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Now more calm than ever before in her life Tabitha walked back and began casing the perimeter thinking about how good her life suddenly was.

  Ceara and Charlie had followed where Alden told them and sure enough the creek was there, Ceara rolled her eyes, “Damn I wish for once the man would be wrong.”

  Charlie laughed, “I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one.”

  Ceara shrugged, “Well it would be nice…. So how am I supposed to do this? Just drag him out there?”

  Maximus solved the first issue by jumping into the creek, darting around trying to get the minnows. Charlie handed the shampoo to Ceara; she smiled as she took them, “Chicken, you scared of getting a little wet?”

  She sat down on the damp shore and pu
lled off her tennis shoes and socks. She rolled up her pants legs and headed out into the creek, she grabbed Maximus by the collar and tried to get him to lay down so she could get him all the way wet, but Maximus bolted causing Ceara to go head first into the creek. She came up spitting and sputtering, only to hear Charlie laughing. Using the palm of her hand she splashed Charlie, “You know you could help!”

  Charlie wiped off what little water reached him, “I am helping, I’m watching your back,” and your wet t-shirt now, he thought. She huffed wiping her wet hair out of her eyes and went after Maximus again, “Maximus LAY DOWN!”

  The dog obeyed but didn’t want to stay where he was, in his mind it was playtime. Ceara finally got him soaked and pulled the shampoo out of her pocket; she lathered him up, scrubbing his fur earning her a whine from Max. “Well, I wouldn’t have to do this if you left the deadheads alone!”

  Finally she had him as good as she thought she would. Ceara let go of the collar, “Now go play and get all that soap off you. A few minutes later with a little help from Ceara, Maximus was rinsed off. She pulled the bottle out again, “Ok one more time, come here.”

  Maximus was more than willing to play but didn’t want any part of the bottle again; he hopped around just out of her reach. Every time she reached for him he jumped away.

  He ran behind her and jumped knocking her back in the creek. Charlie laid the rifle down and took the gun from the back of his jeans laying it down; he went in to help. Ceara got up more frustrated, “Damn dog!”

  She pushed the hair out of her eyes again and felt Charlie help her stand, glaring at him, “You decide to help?”

  Charlie was all smiles and chuckles as he pulled her up, “Well yeah, I just couldn’t take it anymore. If Max had knocked you down one more time I’d pissed myself laughing.”

  Ceara smacked him on his chest, and then started to laugh with him. The two turned to walk out and Charlie’s foot slipped on a rock. As his arms started flailing to regain his balance Ceara grabbed for him. Big mistake, she caught hold of his shirt, only to be pulled down with him as he fell backwards. Sitting up on Charlie’s lap their eyes met. Both the smiles started to disappear as they looked lovingly at each other. Charlie began to pull her towards him. He’d never really kissed a girl before and was nervous but he thought what the hell. His heart told him it was right.


  Ceara scrambled to her feet, her face beat red, “Ummm…. yeah… ah… I umm think he’s all clean now… I MEAN MAXIMUS!”

  She turned to see Charlie was just as red as she was, “Come on Maximus!” She really wanted Charlie to kiss her, but damn Alden had to interrupt it. Charlie slipped once more trying to get up. He was glad the water was cold otherwise Alden and Ceara may have seen how excited he truly was. He finally got his footing and waded out shivering as he hit the shore.

  Alden grinned at the two of them. “Well the good news is we got the generator running so when you two get back you can have a hot shower.” Charlie smiled at Ceara, “Well you can go first you’re wetter than me.”

  Ceara smacked him on the arm and gave him a strange look. “Well Charles, my dear… we still have to clean our cabin remember. I’m pretty sure with us down here and the rest up there the other two cabins have been spoken for.”

  Charlie looked to Alden, “Is that right?”

  “Yes son afraid so.”

  “Damn it,” Charlie said as he looked at Maximus “You know this is your entire fault.” Maximus lowered his head. Charlie looked to Alden, “You think you and Tonto could keep him occupied while we clean that disgusting mess up?”

  Alden gave Charlie’s shoulder a squeeze, “Sure kid sure.”

  The three headed back up to the cabins and came walking out of the trail. Ceara then Charlie soaking wet with Alden shaking his head and the two dogs right behind him.

  Tabitha continued her walk when suddenly she heard some leaves moving over across the ways. Holding her gun up she focused in the direction of where the noise was coming from. Just as she was about to take a couple steps in that direction she saw Ceara and Charlie walking out. Tabitha noticed that they both were ringing wet and Ceara’s appearance really told how cold the water was. Wasting no time and knew that this could be the perfect ice breaker to cause Beth to laugh she shouted, “Hey Beth!!! Don’t get to close to Ceara cause she might put your eyes outs with her nipples. Shit, I bet she could cut diamonds with them things!!!”

  Beth’s mouth hit the ground just as the gun that she was holding did. Tabitha couldn’t decide which was funnier, the look of embarrassment on Ceara’s face or Beth dropping her gun! But Tabitha wasted no time, “Damn Charlie boy, is that why you’re walking a little behind her, cause she hurt you with them things or is it because you don’t wanna talk about the first thing that popped up?”

  With her last question asked she saw Alden then the dogs followed behind. Beth shut her eyes and just could not believe the humor that was going on. For the first time in a long time she busted up laughing and did not want to add any more humor to it. Quite honestly she felt a little ashamed in laughing as hard as she was and wanted to do something nice. Turning quickly she headed back to the van and found a blanket in the back. After retrieving it she hurried over to Ceara and held the blanket out to her. “Here Ceara, you may need this till you can get a hot shower.”

  Colt had to laugh but hearing Tabitha’s jokes made him cringe, he thought the kids would die of embarrassment, but Beth running to get Ceara a blanket was really sweet. He waited for Alden to get up with the rest of them, “How are we doing the cabin thing? We all going to just go wherever?”

  Alden shook his head, “Damn, you kids are about helpless without me ain’tcha?”

  Colt got a look of indignation, “Damn man, it was a respect thing, but fine we will make do.”

  Colt turned to Beth, “You ok with us staying in the same cabin we had before? Charlie and Ceara can get the one they already claimed and Tabitha, I think you are stuck with your favorite over there.”

  Colt watched as Ceara a Charlie both darted into their cabin not saying a word, he wondered if they were wanting alone time or just to avoid the jokes that were in all their minds.

  Colt looked back to Beth, “That was really thoughtful to grab her that blanket.”

  Ceara thanked Beth and wrapped the blanket around her to cover her chest. She ran into the cabin chocking again on the smell, she turned to Charlie, “I know that was supposed to be funny but, well it really was humiliating.” Ceara looked around the room seeing the three bodies; she swung the blanket off her shoulders and laid it over the little girl. “I’m going to see if I can find any clothes or something to change into.

  The largest bedroom held a queen size bed and large oak dresser with a mirror. The cover on the bed looked like an old patchwork quilt and it reminded her of her grandmother’s bedroom. In the closet she only found one triple x-large flannel shirt. “Well it will have to do.” She yanked it off the hanger and slid it over her head without unbuttoning it. Rolling up the sleeves and tying off the bottom to try to get it to fit a little better. She walked out and did a spin for Charlie, “No much but hey it ain’t wet!”

  Charlie had stripped of his wet shirt and hung it on the mantel, “Yeah, well I am just as dry as you now.”

  Ceara caught herself staring at his bare chest, then quickly tried to get busy cleaning. “What do we do first? Just get the bodies out?”

  Charlie looked around, “Yeah, we need them out first and I think Alden may want to burn them so the smell don’t draw no more of them.”

  They went to the hall linen closet and found a couple of sheets for the other two bodies and set to work.

  Charlie looked at his watch he couldn’t believe it was only a little before noon. Plenty of time left in the day to get their cabin in a livable condition. He went to the kitchen and found
package of rubber gloves in a drawer and came walking back into the room with Ceara. Tossing her a pair, “Here this will help a lot.”

  They picked up the first body, or what was left of it and scooped it into the blanket, then put the next one in and hauled the blanket out and across the open area. As the two walked back in they stood and looked down at the little girl. Charlie started to shake as tears came to his eyes remembering the small pair of hand he had found clasped in prayer back in Topeka. “Goddamn it all.” He started to sob as Ceara put her arm around him, “it’s okay” she said, “she’s with God now.”

  Charlie looked at her and told her the story. Ceara pulled him close in a tight hug, “I’m so sorry. You want me to do this one.”

  Charlie gave her a squeeze, “No… no I’ll be okay. I just wonder what kind of God would let this happen to little kids. Ceara I don’t want to burn her. It just ain’t right. I want her to have a funeral. I don’t know maybe that will help me get back some sort of the humanness I’ve lost.”

  He looked Ceara in the eyes, “I don’t want to sound like an ass but I don’t want to get as cold as Alden.”

  Ceara took his hand, “Sure sweetie, whatever you want, it’s okay… I think it would be nice.” They took their time and wrapped the girl’s body up in a sheet then tied it closed. Charlie carried it out in his arms and laid it on ground.

  Tonto came over and sniffed it and Charlie looked at him, “No Tonto this one’s okay we’re going to do right by her.” Tonto sat down and looked at the body then at Charlie who was still fighting back the tears. Tonto lied down next to the body and put his head on his paws. Charlie just stood and stared for a minute.

  Alden broke the silence, “Charlie there’s a shovel in the shed out back and some plastic tarps and duct tape. If you want, I’ll help you out. Let me get these burning over here and I’ll be around back in a few. You go find a nice spot.”

  Charlie lifted his head and saw Alden walk away towards the other bodies. He couldn’t help but feel that when you thought you had Alden all figured out, he’d come out of left field with something like that.


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