Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins Page 32

by Allensworth, Audra

  Ceara smiled a little, “Yeah I forgot my gun, but then again, I found out I had something better, I had an Alden.”

  The group was chuckling as Tabitha walked up, “What’s so funny?”

  Colt smiled at her “We were all wondering why you get to sleep in the same building with a walking, talking, defense mechanism.”

  She smirked, “Well someone’s got to keep the weapons oiled and in check.” She winked at Alden as he turned and shot her a glare then placed a cup of coffee in front of her.

  Standing at the head of the table Alden began, “As you all know, we had a breach of our security lines this morning. This will be fixed better after the meeting, I promise you. But even the best defense won’t be perfect. My suggestion is from here on out no one goes out alone and no one goes unarmed. I want to set up a makeshift guard seat on top of the middle cabin giving the watcher a good view of the perimeter. If anyone leaves they take someone with them, maybe two if need be; such as a walk to the stream to wash clothes or to gather berries for food.”

  “Speaking of which we will need to make a trip to a town soon, there are several small towns in our vicinity.”

  harlie raised his hand and spoke up, “Isn’t there an Army post near here?”

  Alden shook his head, “Ft Leonard Wood, but until I get some good intel I’m not too keen on going there.”

  Ceara spoke up next, “I past a farm about ten miles before I got here they might have some vegetables and canned stuff.”

  Alden pulled out a map of Missouri, folding it to where they were at. “Show me what highway or road you came in on?”

  Ceara pointed to the map indicating it was somewhere near Alton. “There was a Wal-Mart another 10 or 15 miles back up the road at west plains I think?”

  Alden smiled “Good girl, but I think we will raid the local stores first before we venture that far out.”

  Beth looked at the group, “I should go on this shopping trip, I know what we might need in the way of medical supplies.”

  Alden nodded. Colt raised his hand, “If she goes I go.”

  Alden took a deep breath he could see where that was going, “No, sorry son. I want one from each Cabin. You all have gotten a bit close and that’s both a good thing and a bad thing.”

  “Why bad?” Tabitha asked.

  “Cause your feelings will cloud your judgment. It might make you hesitate or take an unnecessary risk. We can’t afford to lose anyone,” Alden replied. “So it will be myself, Ceara and Beth.” Colt and Charlie both started to speak and Alden held up his hand, “I need Beth for the medical supplies and I need Ceara to show where the farm is. I’ll leave Tonto here with you guys. Charlie knows him and he knows Charlie,”

  Alden looked at Charlie, “You’ve seen me give the commands, and you should be able to do it. Watch and learn from him Charlie, he’s a smart dog he’ll teach you a lot.”

  Looking back to the group, “Okay that’s it, any questions?” They all looked at each other but no one spoke, “Okay I need my team back here in say a half hour bring empty sack or bags anything we can use to carry things with. You girls are going shopping.”

  Alden left and headed into the back of his cabin with Tabitha right behind him. “You sure about this?” she asked.

  He turned on the steps, “Q and A is over but yes I am. The boys will need you here. You’re tougher than you act.”

  Ceara jumped up excited that Alden wanted her to go with him, she jogged into the cabin with Charlie right on her tail. She looked through the cabinets and didn’t find anything, jerking open the drawers and still found nothing. Turning she looked at Charlie and finally saw his look, “What’s wrong?”

  Charlie took a deep breath, “Ceara, I told you last night that I never had anything like a family till now, so forgive me if I don’t like the thought of you going out there without me.”

  Ceara stopped looking for bags and wrapped her arms around Charlie, “I’ll be ok, I have Alden and he won’t come back without me.”

  Charlie gently pushed her away walking out of the kitchen, “Yeah and what makes you think either of you will be back?”

  Ceara sighed, she understood his fear but they couldn’t just sit there without supplies and all of them needed to pull their own weight. She went into the bedroom and grabbed her backpack, shaking it out to make sure it was empty. She felt something in the side pocket and reached in pulling out her droid phone, she didn’t even remember packing it. Pushing the power button and nothing happen, Ceara reached back into the side pocket and found the power cord. Once Alden turned the generator back on she would charge it. Charlie came in her room holding out a white cloth, “What’s that?”

  “Pillow cases, figured it might work for what you need.”

  Ceara took the cases and smiled at Charlie, “I wish I could promise I’ll be back but I can’t, I’m sorry.”

  Charlie pulled her close and gave her a long, deep kiss, then stepped back. Ceara just stood there looking at him, he grinned at her, “Figured I better get that in before you leave, give you something to come back too.”

  Ceara blushed, “Can I have one more reminder?” Charlie pulled her into an embrace, kissing her again.

  Following Colt into the cabin Beth had in her mind that she needed to make a list of medications that they would need. They also needed feminine hygiene products for all of the ladies. She did not know what the infected could or could not smell and with everything going on Beth was not about to take any chances. Remembering that there was a nightstand by her bed, Beth headed into her room and opened the drawer. Fortunately there was a small note pad inside. Quickly she picked it up and noticed that there was a pen underneath of it. As soon as she got both in hand she started making her list. One by one she thought of certain things and then she got into her medical mode. If there was a pharmacy anywhere or even in the Wal-Mart, all that Beth would have to do is get into the back room where they keep the antibiotics and so forth that they did need. Bandages and triple antibiotic creams were fine but if one of them would get a serious cut or something worse. She knew it could easily turn into any form of staph infections.

  After writing for what really only seemed like minute or two she stood up and put the tablet in her back pocket. Seeing her side arm over on the hutch Beth went over and checked on how loaded it still was. When she found out she had over a half of clip she placed it behind her back and tucked it into her pants then pulled her shirt over it.

  Wasting no time, Beth walked out into the front room and looked at Colt standing there looking at her with a somber look. To her all she wanted to do was get out, get the supplies and get back. Just then she realized for the very first time since the infection began to spread that now others were depending on her. Not for her ability to stand in a lab trying to stop a disease from taking hold, but as a doctor and healer. Beth’s prospective changed entirely in a matter of seconds.

  The mourning that she had been going through, she thought was a bad case of survivor’s remorse, this had to stop. People were depending on her and Beth knew that from here on out, if there was any hope for them or anyone else, she better get back into the right frame of mind.

  With a soft smile appearing slowly across her face Beth spoke to Colt in a serious mood at first and ended with a hint of humor. “You know Colt; I am the one that knows what needs to be picked up, the things that will help us or anyone else that we may find alive. It will be a very simple covert operation, in and out.”

  Beth smiled putting a hand on his shoulder, “But if there is time I could stop by and pick us up an extra-large supreme pizza if you want? But I draw the line on olives. Those are just plain nasty!!!”

  Colt burst out laughing, “Yeah, never had much use for olives. What are you taking for a bag? I have a gym bag I could empty out if you want to take it.”

  Beth nodded, “Damn near forgot about that part.”

  Colt headed into the room and started pulling out all the dirty clothes and tossing them in th
e corner. He shook it out and took it back to Beth, holding it out “Here you go.”

  Beth took it, slinging over her shoulder, “Thanks Colt”

  He stood there looking at her not sure how to say what he wanted too, after a couple of minutes of silence Beth smiled, “OK, so no olives, I’ll see what I can find.”

  She turned to leave but Colt stopped her, “Beth, please be careful. Don’t take any chances and don’t let them put you in a bad situation. I don’t think Alden will, but I lost Jessica and really don’t want to lose you too.”

  He stood there not knowing if he should give her a hug or just do the buddy-punch on the shoulder, after all, she had been so mad at him for a good twelve hours. He decided to hell with it and gave her a hug, surprised she returned his hug, “Colt I will be fine, stop mothering me.”

  Colt let her go and laughed, “Hey you could have said fathering.”

  Beth was about to pull away and then realized what she did say might not have been the nicest thing. So reacting on emotions she pulled him close to her and gave him a very tight hug.

  With her cheek on the side of his chest Beth took in a deep breath, “I didn’t mean to be mad and I am sorry for that. So no more fighting on my part but Colt….” she paused while looking up at him and then placed her head back where it was just moments earlier, “When you said what you said about if you found out if I had anything to do with this…..well…. that is what hurt. I didn’t… what I did know was that there was something wrong with the big wigs cutting the damn budget, but if I would of raised a red flag about it then they would of kicked my ass to the curb.”

  When she had finished she released him and took a couple of steps back. “No olives! Will do!! And if I can get us a six pack of beer, I will bring that too.”

  Colt threw up his hands laughing, “THAT’S WHAT I DID!” Colt shook his head, “Beth, look I’m sorry. I really have this issue of not thinking about how I say things. I know you didn’t cause this. I never thought you were the cause, what I meant was if you have knowledge that the rest of us don’t. I really don’t know why I said it like that. I guess I was just dealing with being with other survivors when I couldn’t save my own wife and I took that out on you. I promise you I will TRY to think before I speak from now on, ok?”

  Beth smiled and kissed his cheek, “That’s all I can ask. Now, I have to get out there and get ready to go.”

  Colt walked behind her as she walked out the back door to meet Alden and Ceara. Colt looked at Charlie and knew Charlie felt the same way he did.

  Alden was already at his truck taking things out of the back and stacking them up neatly next to his cabin. The crates of weapons and ammunition along with other supplies made an impressive display. As he finished he threw a large green tarp over it and tied it down. He turned to the girls, “Okay ladies mount up.”

  He looked to Charlie, Colt, and Tabitha, “You’re all in charge here. Stay safe and stay put don’t go wandering out there. Tabitha, I showed you what I found last night. Look around the shed see if you can find the antenna, it should be in sections of about five foot lengths and five eights in diameter. Also, you need to find the cable for it. It will be long and black and connectors on both ends.” Shutting the tail gate he went to the driver’s side and climbed in.

  Ceara and Beth looked at each other as Alden told them to “Mount Up.” Both girls started to giggle as the climbed in the truck. Starting the engine he looked to them; then put the truck in gear and drove away waving to the rest. Alden looked at Beth and Ceara who were still giggling, “What the hell’s so funny?” The two looked at him and said in unison, “Nothing….” Then started to giggle again…

  Ceara sat in the middle between Alden and Beth, the road out of the park was a small paved road that was in little bit in need of repair. Every so often Alden would hit a pothole and bounce all three of them. Just as they got to the entrance Alden stopped and did a scan of the road, not more than a hundred yards up the highway there was a group of five deadheads.

  Alden smiled, “Feel like a little practice shooting?”

  Ceara just looked at him but Beth shook her head, “Alden, they are no threat to us and I really don’t like the thought of just taking a human life, even one of those.”

  Alden turned the truck toward the group and edged closer till the deadheads started for them, Beth quickly rolled up her window, “ALDEN!”

  He threw the truck in park, “I would say any we find in a five mile radius are a threat, so we take them out. As far as humans go, I think they gave that option up when they died. Get locked and loaded.”

  Ceara watched the deadheads move closer, “I can’t shoot any from here!”

  Beth quickly shifted, “You take my spot, and I’m not shooting innocent people.”

  Ceara wasn’t sure what to do; she thought Alden and Beth were both right. She knew they had to protect their own site but these were innocent people, well maybe not innocent, after all they were walking killing machines. “Ok Beth, switch with me.”

  They quickly changed places, Ceara rolled the window back down and Alden pulled closer, “Ceara, aim right between the eyes.”

  “I know that, now tell me how to stop shaking to be able to aim!”

  Alden pulled his 45 out, “Take a breath let it out slowly then squeeze the trigger.”

  Ceara did exactly as he said but when she pulled the trigger nothing happened, “Shit”

  Alden stayed calm, “Flip the safety switch and try it again.”

  The second time it worked. Ceara hit the deadhead square between the eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was Alden’s words of wisdom or the fact the first one was only ten feet from the truck. Ceara took aim again and hit the next one under its nose. The back of its head exploded as a piece of metal flew out from the side.

  Alden laughed, “Damn Ceara, that one had a brain plate. Good shot.”

  Beth looked at him with disgust. “You’re disgusting.”

  Two more had moved around the front of the truck and Alden had opened his door. “I got these.”

  Both the dead heads had been soldiers before they were bitten. Their uniforms were tattered and torn. They had put up a fight as both were missing parts of their body. The lead one had an arm tore off at the elbow and half his ear had been bitten off. The second suffered a worse fate in Alden’s opinion, its left leg had been torn open at the thigh and its genitals were hanging by a thread of tissue. Alden shot the second one first, he just felt sorry for the guy. The second shot dropped the soldier only a foot from the door. Ceara got the last one at a distance of about twenty feet and hit it above the left eye.

  As Alden closed his door and began to drive he looked at Ceara, “Good shooting, now reload your weapon and put the safety back on.”

  He turned on the main road while he watched as Ceara fumbled with the clip but she finally got it. Looking at Beth he began, “Bodies that our breathing are alive, bodies that our not breathing are dead. I understand you being a Doctor or whatever medical specialty you had, that you cared about all life but this is different. These things are not alive and to me they’re not really human anymore either.”

  Beth sat listening very carefully to what Alden was saying and he was speaking the truth whether she liked it or not. With her Beretta still in her hand she made sure that she was ready for the next shot when the situation presented itself. Looking at Ceara, then back to Alden, “Look Alden, your 100% right and you called me on it. But let’s just get where we are going so we can get what we need done and get back to the group okay?”

  Beth was not being condescending or a smart ass, instead she spoke with a monotone voice with a hint of compassion mixed in. “A few weeks ago I was off work for the day and when I got word of what had taken place, I really didn’t have much to go on. If I had known a little more I think I would have had a better chance of protecting my family. I saw up close and personal what and how it happened.”

  Surprisingly Beth didn’t cry like she had been
doing all night, instead she was stronger and prouder to even be alive and trying to stay alive along with the idea of keeping Colt and the others alive was all that mattered. “I’m sorry for the moment of weakness….. I saw the look in your face Alden when you shot the soldiers. That was the same look you had when you helped lay that little girl to rest back at camp. I get that you’ve seen a lot. I do! Just give me a couple more chances and I will just be alright with doing it.”

  Beth thought about the animals on the farm growing up in the town of Barlow, Kentucky before her family bought a bigger one close to Paducah. There were a couple of times Daddy had to put down some horses that broke their legs and this was hard for Beth to understand being a child. Daddy would say every time before he had to put them down, “Now little one, I want you to take a good look at that horse. It’s suffering honey, the bones are broken and sticking through the skin. The human thing to do is to end its suffering so that it can be in the fields of Heaven restored even better than she was before and one day when it is your time you will come to a bridge that will be the colors of the rainbow. There you will see all of your animals again.”

  Beth looked at Alden with a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, “Daddy always said if you gotta put something down to end its suffering, don’t be selfish.”

  Pausing for a Moment to take a deep breath Beth concluded, “I put my family down so that they wouldn’t suffer and be together….I just have to think about the families that they left behind and end their suffering so that they too can go be with their families…….. That I get.”

  Ceara leaned her head on the open window letting the wind blow through her hair as she listened to Beth, once Beth finished Ceara looked out at the passing trees not really speaking to either of them, but just spoke, “We all lost our families, we all have done things we would never believe we could. I killed my own Dad, he had been feeding on my Mom and I guess he ate so much of her that she couldn’t come back. That’s what I walked into when I tried to find safety in the madness. We are all raised that Mom and dad’s house means safety, right? Well guess you and me found out that just isn’t true anymore.” She sat up straight, “Alden, I think that is the farm just up there!”


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