Justice Inked (Cowboy Justice Association 7)

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Justice Inked (Cowboy Justice Association 7) Page 6

by Olivia Jaymes

  “I won’t tell him. It sounds like this is your news to deliver. But can I give you a word of advice? Don’t wait too long. If other people know he’s going to eventually find out. He’ll only be more upset if he hears it from anyone other than you. Tell him as soon as you can.”

  The sooner Rayne wasn’t a secret keeper for Sophie the better. The last thing she needed was to get Dare on her bad side. She’d stay far away from the brooding lawman.

  But she still needed to find out about the break-in. Maybe one little phone call to the station wouldn’t be so bad. Or she could stop in. Either way, she had a feeling she – and her questions – wouldn’t be welcomed in the least.

  Too bad.

  Chapter Nine

  “Dare asked Jared about you.”

  Misty’s statement had Rayne setting her half full wine glass on the nightstand. After another long week she’d been happy to take a long hot bath and curl up with a good book and some vino. Getting to talk to her best friend had been icing on the cake.

  “Like what did he ask?”

  Was this some adult version of passing a note in history class? If the sheriff was interested in her romantically he had a funny way of showing it. She’d left several messages at his office, all of which had been ignored. Finally, she’d tried showing up at the station a few times but he’d been conveniently out when she had. The deputy had promised to have Dare call her, but she was still waiting and likely would be until her bones turned to dust. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was ducking her.

  “About your family, background, finances. Basically he wanted to know if Jared had ever done a full check on your past.”

  Anger crept up the back of Rayne’s neck and her fingers dug into the soft down of her comforter. “My finances? He asked about that? Shit, I’m going to kick him in the balls next time I see him. Oh wait, I’ll never see him because he’s been avoiding me for over a week now. Asshole.”

  “He’s avoiding you? Passive aggressive isn’t Dare’s style. He’s full on confrontation. Did you scare him or something?”

  Rayne grasped the glass of wine and tossed half of it back in one gulp. “I dunno. Maybe I smell bad or he thinks I’m funny looking. Dammit, he’s investigating me. That’s bullshit.”

  Misty sighed into the phone. “That’s pretty much what I told Jared, and then he said that Dare was just doing his job or some crap like that. Anyway, I said that if he was going to make excuses for Dare he was sleeping on the couch.”

  Rayne groaned and banged her head against the stack of pillows she was using to prop herself up. “That makes it even worse. I don’t want to come between you and Jared. This is Dare’s issue, clearly. That man doesn’t have an ounce of tact. If he wanted to know about me all he had to do was ask.” Another thought occurred to her and she couldn’t stop herself from expressing it out loud. “So…had Jared investigated my background?”

  “Hell no. He’d be sleeping in the barn if he had and he knows it. He told Dare he’d do a full check on you but that he wouldn’t do it without your knowledge. Dare said it wouldn’t be necessary.”

  Rayne was still pissed. For all she knew, he’d simply asked someone else to do it.

  “Rayne? Are you still there?”

  Rubbing the back of her neck, Rayne tried to calm the ever-growing anger in her belly. She hated that Dare Turner could get under her skin like this. The fact that she found him physically attractive only made it worse. Someone that hot looking shouldn’t be such a jerk.

  “I’m here. I’m just mad.”

  “He really is just doing his job like Jared said. He had to investigate you to see if there was some sort of link between you and the murder. He’d be remiss if he didn’t.”

  “Sounds like Jared didn’t have to sleep on the couch.”

  Which was a good thing as the couple were completely perfect together. Rayne had never seen truer love than Misty and Jared. They were disgustingly happy and still hot for each other, even after having a baby. She could only dream of finding someone to love her half as much as Jared loved Misty.

  “He didn’t,” Misty giggled. “He explained the process of looking into a murder, and honestly it sounds terrible for the people closest to it. A lot of poking into your private life and nosing around which is awful, but I guess something that has to be done. I know Dare gets on your nerves, but you might want to cut him some slack on this one.”

  She wanted to do that, and then he’d do something that made her change her mind. He’d had a tough time of it and she’d hoped to be able to be extra kind to him when she saw him, but then he went and dodged her for days. She couldn’t decide whether to kick him in the shin or give him a great big old hug.

  “Gotcha. Slack. I’ll get right on it.”

  Dare did have a thankless job that she wouldn’t want for all the money in the world, so maybe she would let it go. She wasn’t the type to hold a grudge.

  “I don’t suppose Dare said anything to Jared about the case when he called? I don’t have a clue as to what is going on with it.”

  “Not that I know of, but Jared said it takes time for the autopsy and forensics to come back. Dare may not know anything.”

  “I simply want to know why someone broke into my shop and then shot someone.”

  “You may never really know the truth, even after Dare finds who did this. Criminals aren’t known for their veracity.”

  Rayne shivered at the thought that the person who perpetrated these crimes might get away scot free. That meant they were still around and could come back. Perhaps to finish what they started.

  The disturbing thoughts didn’t make for a good night’s sleep. For her own peace of mind, she hoped Dare caught whomever had killed that man.

  And put him behind bars for good.

  * * * *

  Dare slammed his fist down on the scarred wood of the old desk. Sitting in his office at the sheriff’s station, he had the file in front of him from the tattoo shop break-in and murder, and to say that there wasn’t much there was an understatement.

  The fingerprints hadn’t matched anything in the system.

  The footprints out back of the shop had turned out to be a common hiking boot, size ten.

  The autopsy revealed the victim had been shot in the back from about five feet away with a .38 caliber revolver. The bullet didn’t match anything in the system either.

  Dare had no witnesses and barely any evidence. Jared and Logan were working on the background of the victim, but they’d been spending all their time on a different case so Dare was in waiting mode.

  He fucking hated waiting for anything.

  There had been no other break-ins since then and crime had been light, except for a couple of teenagers spray painting graffiti and a rumble down at the local watering hole. Nothing that was going to lead him into finding out why someone would break into Rayne’s shop and then shoot another human being after chasing them out of the back door. He didn’t have the patience to put puzzles together one piece at a time. He was no Sherlock Holmes.

  Speaking of no Sherlock Holmes…

  Deputy Billy was lumbering into the sheriff station to take the late shift. Dare was ready to go home, pop open a beer, and sit in front of some mindless television. He wanted to forget this frustrating case even if it was only for one night.

  “Hey, Sheriff. Sorry I’m late.”

  Again. Billy must have been an overdue baby because he’d been running late since then. Time seemed to have little to no meaning in his world.

  “It’s been quiet. Call if you need me. I’m heading home.”

  With any luck it would stay quiet.

  “Will do. By the way, tell Sophie I really like her new tat. I saw her and Tim at the diner and she was showing it off, but I didn’t have a chance to tell her myself. I was already running late for here.”

  Ink? No fucking way.

  “Sophie was showing off a tattoo?”

  Billy shrugged out of his jacket and hung
it on the peg next to the door. “Sure was. On her left shoulder. Pretty purple flowers. Rayne sure did a good job. She’s got talent.”

  And nerve. Dare had already told that woman not to ink his little sister. He’d known Rayne was trouble and this simply confirmed it.

  He needed to have a talk with Miss Rayne Dunn.

  Right now.

  Chapter Ten

  Another boring Saturday night at home.

  Despite what seemed like the longest week of Rayne’s life, she wasn’t asleep and drooling before nine o’clock at night. The mere thought of having the next two days off from work had given her a second wind. Now she was prowling her house looking for something more exciting to do than the laundry.

  I am the most boring woman on the planet.

  A cursory inspection of the contents of her refrigerator revealed a slab of baby back ribs and a half-eaten slice of chocolate cake. They were leftovers from dinner a few nights before and she congratulated herself on remembering to eat them before they grew a layer of fuzz like most of the food in her kitchen did. Recently she’d thrown away a plastic container of pudding that had been in her refrigerator so long she was shocked it hadn’t learn to speak and drive.

  Settling in at the kitchen counter, she poured herself a glass of wine and bit into the tender ribs, the barbecue sauce firing up her taste buds with just enough sweet to take the edge off. She’d worked through the whole rack and was digging into the cake when she heard banging on her front door.

  Not knocking. Pounding. Like the person outside was drunk and she’d insulted their mother.

  Quickly running her sticky fingers under the faucet, she hurried to the door hoping the jerk hadn’t grabbed the attention of her nosy neighbors.

  “Just a second. Hold your horses.”

  Rayne swung open the door and had to take a big step backwards. Dare Turner stood on her front steps looking mad as hell. His brows were pulled down and a muscle was working in his jaw, his teeth gritted together. His arms hung loosely at his sides but his shoulders were tense and his hands were furled into tight fists. From what she could tell, he was barely holding himself back from punching her right in the face.

  What the hell did I do to deserve that?

  Forcing herself to stand her ground, she didn’t move any farther to let him in. Instead, she squared her own shoulders and braced herself for incoming fire.

  “How may I help you, Sheriff?”

  “We need to talk,” he snarled, although it didn’t make him one bit less handsome.


  “It’s a little late in the evening for that,” she replied, keeping her voice even despite her curiously knocking knees. She didn’t think he’d truly take a swing at her but he was damn intimidating in this mood. “I’m guessing you got all my messages then and want to discuss the case?”

  “No. Are you going to let me in?”

  Not yet. She wanted to piss him off a bit more first.

  “No, you didn’t get my messages or no, you aren’t here to talk about the case? Either way, it isn’t really the best time for me. You should call first.”

  His face and neck were red and there was a distinct possibility he might explode all over her front steps, leaving a gooey mess.

  “We need to talk,” he said between gritted teeth. “We can do it out here for all your neighbors to hear or you can let me in. Your choice.”

  With a put upon sigh, Rayne stepped back so he could enter. “You can come in but you need to leave your attitude outside. This is my home, Dare, and I reserve the right to kick your ass right out of it.”

  He clomped through the entryway and into her living room, his narrow eyes taking in the bright colors and comfortable surroundings. She had a flair for decorating and this room was one of her favorites, second only to the bedroom.

  “People don’t usually kick the sheriff out of the house. They’re usually more respectful.”

  Rayne couldn’t stand this passive-aggressive shit. If he was pissed off he just needed to damn well say so, although she had no idea what he could be angry about.

  Life? Ice cream? Good friends? Delicious food? Kitten whiskers?

  The man was mad all the time and that was his issue, not hers.

  “When I’m treated respectfully I return the favor. Sadly, banging on my door unannounced on a Saturday evening and then growling at me doesn’t seem very respectful, but then I’m from out of town. Maybe it’s different here in Montana.” Rayne perched on the edge of her couch trying to appear completely calm. “Why don’t you sit down and tell me why you’re here?”

  Another scowl but he sank into the cushions of her leather recliner. His icy blue gaze rested on her and she had to quell the urge to squirm in her seat under such scrutiny. She wasn’t going to allow him to intimidate her, although with his imposing frame it wouldn’t be difficult.

  “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all week. You’re a hard man to pin down.”

  A good offense was the best defense so she threw the first salvo, hoping to get her own questions answered before he went into some diatribe about an imagined slight.

  “I got your messages. I’m not here to talk about that.”

  “Then why are you?” she snapped, her temper simmering under the surface. “You came to me, remember?”

  He hopped up from the recliner and paced the small space between her coffee table and the television before finally turning back to her, his gaze stormy. “I told you not to ink Sophie.”

  That’s what this was about?

  “Yes, you did. What’s your point?”

  “My point is that I told you not to do it. She’s too damn young.”

  “She’s of age–”

  “Fuck that.” Dare leaned down, his hand on the arm of the sofa and his face inches away. She could feel the waves of anger coming off of him, the fury mixing with the scent of his skin and giving him an otherwordly vibe that messed with her head and made it hard to concentrate on his words. “She’s a kid. She may be eighteen but that doesn’t mean she’s ready to make a decision like this. Is that how you run your business? You prey on the young and naive?”

  Oh no, he didn’t just go there.

  Rayne poked her finger at the wall of muscle he called a chest, her own eyes narrowed and her lips twisted with anger. She stood up and moved so close to him he stepped back, perhaps not as sure of himself as he had been seconds ago.

  “Just so we’re clear here, Sheriff, I provide a service. A service that can be purchased by anyone sober and over the age of eighteen. It would be bad business to pick and choose only those people I think should have a tattoo. In fact, some people might even call it discrimination.”

  “She’s a little girl.” Dare’s voice had inched up several decibels but her own had gone almost to a deathly whisper.

  “She’s a grown woman and you are a big baby. I’ve never seen a man so petulant every single hour of the day. Is your fucking life so bad, Dare, that you have to be an asshole all the time? Is it? Just what do you have to complain about? Good health? A job? A roof over your head? Just what is your fucking problem? Hemorrhoids? My advice is to take that gigantic stick out of your butt. You’ll be a lot more comfortable.”

  The hiss of his breath was the only indication he’d heard her, his features a mask of stone. She didn’t feel sorry for her outburst because God almighty, somebody needed to tell this man a few home truths.

  “You’re treading on dangerous ground, woman.”

  At the moment, Rayne didn’t give a flip. She was on a roll and it felt amazing to let loose. She was tired of everyone in this town scowling at her like she was the Antichrist.

  I’m just a woman trying to make a damn living. Jeez.

  “Am I? How will I know, Dare? Will you hold up a sign? Because you only have one expression and that’s pissed off, so I don’t think I’ll be able to tell the difference. Are you ever happy? Does anything make you smile? Are you going to go to your grave with that sour p
uss because, let me tell you, it’s not a good look for you.”

  Dare took two strides forward until he towered over her. “Do you want to know what makes me smile, Rayne? Do you really want to know?”

  Rayne practically vibrated with anger and she looked up at him with a smirk. “Yes, I do because I’m not sure that you really can. Your face might peel off.”

  Rayne barely had time to suck in a breath before his lips came crashing down on her own. She squeaked in shock even as her hands curled around his rock hard shoulders to keep herself from falling in a heap on the floor. His tongue ran along her bottom lip seeking entry, and to her utter shame she found herself opening up and allowing him to explore her mouth thoroughly.

  Skillfully. Arousingly. Achingly.

  Clearly she’d been too long between men. Her body was pressed against the hard planes of his and she could feel the outline of his cock against the softness of her belly. His tongue was sweeping her mouth, teasing and playing until she was a mass of desire in his arms. Her panties were soaked and her nipples were peaked and he was the last man she wanted to be doing this with.

  Dare Turner was the devil in disguise and here she was handing over her soul with barely a whimper of protest.

  One huge hand was at the base of her spine and the other cupped the back of her head, tangling in her long hair. He lifted his lips briefly to change the angle on the kiss and she could have pushed him away at that moment or told him no, but her body had other ideas and most of them involved the shedding of clothes. He tasted like coffee and oranges and the mixture was intoxicating, making her head spin with arousal.

  Her heart was racing and her breath ragged when he finally lifted his head. Those icy blue eyes were dark with desire and she felt an answering tightening in her pussy. Despite his outwardly sullen appearance he was a gorgeous man and he awakened every biological need deep inside of her.

  His own chest was rising and falling rapidly but he still didn’t move away, seemingly content to stay close. The heat of his skin burned through the thin fabric of her t-shirt and his manly scent teased her nostrils – a mixture of clean sweat and something woodsy. If he bottled it he’d make a fortune.


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