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THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

Page 8

by John Price

  Scott followed up by saying, “We could talk all night about these twenty-one clues, mainly because my review convinces me that each clue obviously applies to America. Two or three could apply to other countries. For example, several nations have deep water sea ports, but one nation that doesn’t is Iraq. That’s important because that means these clues couldn’t apply to ancient Babylon, which is a pile of ruins in today’s Iraq. There are no deep water sea ports anywhere even close. I was struck by the clue in Jeremiah 50:12 that this end times nation would be the hindermost of the nations. That can’t mean a nation in poverty or military weakness because of the hammer of the whole earth and wealth and luxury clues. But it can mean a nation late in time, hindermost, as in the US being the new kid on the global block. Global block….there’s a mixed metaphor. But, you see what I mean. The Prophet saw that this rich, powerful and influential latter day nation would be fairly young in terms of the history of the world. That sure fits the US I think. Any last thoughts before we wrap it up in our men’s and women’s prayer times?”

  “Liz, Max’s wife, who generally deferred to her husband, said, “Yes, Scott, we haven’t talked about the great voice and land of entertainment clues. Both fit America like a glove….whenever we speak the world listens….maybe because we’re the hammer of the whole earth, huh? Who else makes more movies and TV shows than we do? I saw one statistic that America produces 90% of all of the movies made in the world. We really are the land of entertainment.”

  “Good comment Liz.” Scott responded, “Last chance. Any other comment?”

  Marty, respected in the group for her spiritual insights, concluded the discussion, “Yes, Scott. Two clues. This prophesied future end times nation was said to be proud against the Lord. Un-huh. That fits us….now. Match that up with the clue that prophesies that this nation had a past. That is that it had been used by the Lord. The verse says that ‘Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the Lord.’ That wouldn’t apply to ancient Babylon which was a war club in God’s hand to punish Israel, but it certainly would apply to the US. We founded modern missions in the 1860s and covered the globe with missionaries, tracts and the gospel, for decade after decade. Some good things are still happening, but look what we are sending into the world today. Pornography, foreign aid bribes to adopt abortion laws, same-sex marriage, you name it and we produce and export it. John in Revelation calls it the ‘maddening wine of our adulteries’. How God must be sick of how we have misused His abundance poured out on us. God help us.”

  “Marty, that’s a good place to end because next week we’re going to look at the nine abomination nation clues. So your comments are a good segueway to next week. I wouldn’t miss it. Let’s go into our prayer groups. God bless.”


  World Wide Web

  Experts in the use of the internet are not in agreement as to why some e-messages go viral and yet most don’t. The G.A. Anonymous memo entitled America’s Communist Takeover not only went viral, if there is such a phenomenon, it went hyper-viral. Within ten days of its initial dissemination on the net it was forwarded to others by over fifteen million readers. Within two weeks over forty million Americans received the incendiary memo.

  So many Americans had read the memo that eventually the mainstream media were forced to report on its content. Virtually every article or televised report ridiculed the memo, criticizing it as “another example of right wing kooks making up things to criticize our besieged President”. A CNBC report was typical of the treatment given to the widely read memo:

  “Bruce, the latest buzz among the radical right is an e-message that is ridiculous on its face. It’s entitled ‘America’s Communist Takeover’.”

  “Tom, did you just say Communist? Are these Neanderthals not living in this century? Don’t they know that the Communists fell from power when the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991? 1991! Tom, how can these wingnuts look in the mirror? Think what they are saying….They accuse our President of being a….what?....A Communist, of all things? If they want to criticize his policies, I think they have the right to do so, though it’s difficult to do so, given the success of those policies. But, Tom, these unprecedented attacks are over the edge. I don’t know any Communists and I dare say that most Americans have never met a Communist. Since 1991, as I said, they just don’t exist anymore.

  “Bruce, since this attack, may I say….this scurrilous attack….has been made on our President, even including a threat to physically remove him from office, don’t you think that the government should enforce the McAlister Act and stop these hate word attacks? The McAlister Act prohibits attacks on public officials. I certainly hope that the FBI and DHS, and whatever other agency, will go after these haters, arrest them, convict them and put them away where they can no longer pollute the internet. America should not grant freedom to those who abuse free speech. I say just lock ‘em up and throw away the key. For the leaders, the people behind this horrible libel, maybe a bullet wouldn’t be too good for them, I’m just sayin’.”

  “Ditto that, Tom. Anyone who tries to overthrow the government is guilty of treason. Traitors deserve the death penalty. That’s an American historical tradition, I’m pretty sure. Hang ‘em up, string ‘em up….stop the treason. Protect our President. The only reason they hate him so deeply is his nationality. That’s what I’m sayin’. Back to the news desk.”

  Instead of convincing moderate and conservative voters that the Communist memo was to be avoided the attacks by the media brought it to the attention of those who had not read it on the internet. Polls showed that within just a few days over eighty percent of Americans knew about the accusation that their government had been taken over by Marxists, though a slim majority said they didn’t believe it.


  Miami Beach, Florida

  “Is this America’s most listened to talk show host?”

  “Yup. You got him. Who’s this?”

  “Don’t you recognize my voice?”

  “No…. I don’t….wait. Say something else.”

  “How much do you want me to say? I can….”

  “Oh, I know who you are. Long time no talk. Not since our foursome out at Carmel. What was that - one, one and a half years ago?”

  “Yeah, something like that. Look, we need to meet and talk. OK?”

  “Well, sure….that is….you know my schedule. The world knows my schedule. I don’t have any open….”

  “You will want to talk to me. Sooner. Not later. This is critical.”

  “When people tell me how important it is that I meet with them that generally means it’s super important to them, but not to me. Just tell me what this is about.”

  “Your life. Your ability to continue to live it….that’s all I can say until we meet.”

  “Hold on, ol’ buddy, you got through my layers of security to talk to me based on our friendship. Don’t abuse it by dripping veiled threats of I don’t know what all. If you want to….”

  “I’ll be at your beach house at 8 PM tomorrow night. Let your gate guy know. Believe me when I say you will want to hear what I have to disclose to you. Your future is in the balance.”

  All he could do in response was sputter, “But….you….I just said….Are you still there?....You’ve hung up?....What the….”

  The next night as 8 PM neared America’s favorite radio talker was not very happy. He was puffing his Cuban cigar at an accelerated rate, the tip burning crimson red. People just don’t treat me like this, he thought. This guy is dis-respecting our friendship, he felt. Security buzzed in to alert him that his expected guest was on his way to the beach house.

  He decided to make the best of what was clearly an awkward situation. He offered his guest a glass of wine, which was declined. His guest sat on the edge of the chair that was offered to him and plunged immediately into the purpose of his visit, “Ol’ friend, you have to move.”

  “Move? What are you talking about? I haven’t been here all that long. New York was a�

  “I mean you have to move offshore, out of the country. Out of America. Soon.”

  He was getting increasingly irritated, “Un huh. And what is the reason for such an unsolicited piece of unwanted advice, may I ask?”

  “It comes as no surprise to you, of course, that you have enemies in high places -very high places. How many people in your field get attacked, by name, by the President?”

  “I just tell ‘em to get in line. I’ve been attacked by experts through the years. These guys are amateurs. Rank amateurs. They don’t bother me a….”

  “Stop! What I have learned has nothing to do with words of scorn from the White House. Now, pay attention. Close attention. My third son is an agent with a federal agency that’s so secret that it has no name. No address. No funding entry in the budget. You get the idea. My son knows we are friends. He’s not a particular fan of yours, but he does believe that you have the Constitutional right to express your opinions on the air - the public airwaves.”

  “Nice to know he’s not a fan. So what does your secret agent son have to do with anything?”

  “No reason to be smarmy. He was in a meeting last week where your death was discussed.”

  He choked on his cigar’s swirling smoke, “Chuff, uhhum. Chuff….What did you just say? My death? You’ve got just one minute to explain yourself before I call security, sir.”

  “A kill order has gone out. You’ve been declared an enemy of the state; a domestic terrorist. Under the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act you can be eliminated. It’s been decided. If you don’t leave the country you will not be alive to continue to broadcast your views.”

  “Alright, I’m sorry I was a bit harsh there, but you have to understand I get death threats all the time. Have for years. What makes this any different than….”

  “Good question. Very simple answer. This leak is a gift to you because we’ve been friends and my son just happened to learn of the kill order. Otherwise, in a week, maybe two, no more than three, you’ll be on the brown side of the grass, as they say. It’s your decision. Believe it, act and live. Ignore it and die. Don’t forget what happened to Glenn. Have a nice evening, ol’ buddy.”

  Twelve days later radio listeners across America were shocked to hear their favorite radio talk show host announce, “Folks, America’s premier radio talk show will now be called Radio Free America, as I am broadcasting to you from my new location, offshore from America. Where? I know my audience, so I know that millions of you right now are asking….where did he move? Where is he now? Folks, I don’t want to invite a drone visitor, if ya’ know what I mean, so I won’t be divulging my location. My fact-filled and incisive show is being recorded here in my new home location. Then, each day it will be bounced through at least ten locations around the globe, so that my location will remain a secret. We change the routing every day, sometimes more than once a day. I suspect that Radio Free America will be shut down on certain radio stations, as more station owners get threatened. But we’ll be on most of the radio stations as before, and certainly available on the internet. At least for a while. Who knows how long?

  “Folks, Radio Free America may be the last source that thinking Americans have to get the truth. Most of us who paid attention, the non-low information crowd, knew that Fox wouldn’t be long term. All the White House had to do was influence one man, the owner of Fox. Which, of course, they have now unfortunately accomplished. So, here I am, Napoleon on Elbe, in exile, broadcasting the truth, as long as I can. Oh, by the way, for the folks in Yorba Linda, I’m not actually on Elbe, that was just a figure of speech. But, I am in exile. I didn’t want to be, but here I am. I guess I saw this coming for some time. I just always thought that something or….someone….would come along and save our good old USA from collapsing. I was wrong. If you’re listening to me in the USA, consider following me. Think about moving offshore. There’s a big, nice hospitable world out here and you can survive and thrive in it. More on that in the coming weeks. As long as my golden microphone works that is. Adios for twenty-one hours. Until tomorrow, friends.”



  Roy Henry was angry. Seriously upset. He couldn’t recall any time in his 34 years that he had been so livid. He thought, “I live in a free country; the land of the free. Heck, I fought in two wars as a Marine to keep those freedoms. America is known world-wide for clean, honest elections. It’s only in third world countries or dictatorships that elections are rigged, fixed, with rampant vote fraud. Not here. Not in the U.S. Oh, maybe a few voting irregularities, here and there, but nothing like this. This totally stinks.”

  Roy Henry was fuming after he read a newly published report documenting vote fraud in each of the battleground states in the Presidential election, now almost a year past. There had been no demonstrations or protests about the rigged election in the first few days after the election. A few commentators had raised some questions about the vote count, some of which appeared to be cast under suspicious circumstances, but there was no obvious level of outrage, with nothing more than suspicions. But, now….now, he thought, we know the guy stole the election. His opponent, a decent moderate Republican, failed to even get one vote in hundreds of precincts, with the President gaining over 99% of the votes cast in thousands of other precincts located in strategic states across the country. He knew that doesn’t even happen in a dictatorship.

  But, what to do about it? The mainstream media was complicit in the theft. They would never even hint, let alone report, that fraud occurred in the election, now that it was “over” and their favored candidate had “won”. Most of the prosecutors, the only public officials in a position to bring charges, were of the same political party as the President. Those who weren’t, without loud media support, would never try to bring down a president. Especially not this President, whose supporters had shown that they could play rough.

  It’s over, he sadly concluded. My country is being led by a thief, or at the very least led by a man surrounded by thieves, obviously with his willing consent and direction. He had learned in his American history classes that in 1960 John Kennedy’s supporters in Cook County, Illinois had held out voting results until they knew how many votes were needed to put their candidate in the lead in the final state needed to win the White House. That was an historical embarrassment, but nothing like what just happened in states across the country. This was an organized, orchestrated and overt stolen election.

  He doesn’t deserve to run the country he concluded, he didn’t win a majority of the votes! The more he thought about it the more convinced he was that the President needed to be run out of office. But, how’s that going to happen, he wondered? Since the media are in his pocket, and no law enforcement official will take any action, that only leaves us, we the people. He knew that phrase, we the people, was in some important document, he just wasn’t sure exactly which one. But, in any case, he knew in his gut that the people would have to take action, otherwise the fraud will succeed and the American system of free and fair elections, by the people being governed, would be gone forever.

  As Roy was trying to contain his rising anger, he decided to check his e-mail. He saw that one of his shooting buddies had e-mailed him, saying Roy, YOU GOT TO READ THIS. He looked at the message line of the e-mail and saw that the attached document was entitled AMERICA’S COMMUNIST TAKEOVER. What the heck is this, he pondered? He opened the document and started to read. By the time Roy had finished reading he knew that he had an answer to his earlier question as to what Americans should do. It was time to get out his sniper rifle with telephoto lens and make some serious plans.



  Nebraska Avenue Complex, Washington DC

  “Two words - Reischstag and Northwoods. There’s historical international and American precedent for what we’re proposing. That’s all I’m going to say.”

  “Okay, I get your reference to the inf
amous Reichstag fire. Everybody knows about the staged burning of the German parliament building. How the Nazis used a faked crisis, which are usually referred to as false flag or black flag events, to go after the Communists. They even threw them out of the German Parliament after the fire riled up the German people. That would work for us, of course, but what am I missing? What’s Northwood? You’ve been working on these plans for over a year and I’m just now hearing about Northwoods? What is it?”

  Carl Goren was a strategic planner employed in the Department’s Homeland Security Investigations Division. In the President’s first term he had been tasked by the Department’s highest level administrators with developing plans for Operation Four Winds. Now that the President’s second term had begun in earnest Carl was presenting the final details of Operation Four Winds for approval by the Secretary of DHS. If the Secretary consented the plan would ultimately go to the President for his final approval. The Secretary, a short dumpling of a woman with a buzz haircut, was widely known in the Department for having a short attention span as well as a short anger fuse.

  “I only came across Northwoods this week when I was researching past false flag incidents. Northwoods had been buried under a top secret classification at the Pentagon until an enterprising outside investigator came across the classified documents while looking into some recently released Kennedy era files. He apparently tried to get some attention for what he’d discovered but Northwoods was so bizarre that no mainstream media would touch the story.”


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