WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia

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WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia Page 22

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Do you know who alerted her?” Choosing her words carefully with a glance to the child busily watching things pass her window.

  “No. Not yet,” he said flatly. “But I will.”

  “The only reason someone you do not know would do something like that, is if they were bought,” Mia said softly.

  “I know. I’ve wracked my brains trying to come up with something, anything, but you’re right,” he guided the silver SUV through traffic.

  “Fighting a custody battle for your own child…” Mia shook her head. “I am sorry. I know it is not something you care to speak of. Have you always enjoyed working with plants?”

  “For as long as I could remember. My mother and father were keen on the whole self-sufficiency thing when I was growing up. We had fruit trees and vegetables growing in beds and pots all around the property,” Lucas recalled with a slight smile.

  “They are gone?”

  “I was a late in life kid,” he answered. “They died the year Scarlet was born.”

  “They would have been very proud of you,” Mia said with a positivity that made him cast a quick glance at her, but she was staring out the side window.

  “You don’t know me.”

  “I see you in Scarlet,” she answered with a shrug. “She is not a child being raised by a bad parent, or a bad man. But you are being very hard on yourself because of this.”

  Lucas had done nothing but think since Scarlet was born. Those thoughts had increased a hundred fold when the first papers were served telling him Miranda Felstone wanted to raise Scarlet. Every aspect of his life had been investigated, invaded.

  Mia glanced around as he drove. She had seen a lot of highway in her cross country road trip, but not a lot of simple shops. It was time to get out and explore. She also made a mental note to talk to Cassidy on Monday morning. Either her or Abby might be able to help. She pulled out her phone and made a note to herself.

  “This looks nice and smells delicious,” Mia slipped to the ground, the thin cord of her bag sipped over her head. She couldn’t stop the smile at the way he comfortably, possessively swung Scarlet into his arms, pulling the door wide for her. “Thank you.”

  “I want ice water, please,” Scarlet said after her order was placed, her hands out when Mia reached for her. “We’ll find a good place to sit,” she promised, leading Mia into the main dining area.

  By the time he had their tray of food, Scarlet was situated in a high wooden chair with crayons and paper, peeping out the window now and then.

  “It’s hot…so slow,” Lucas told her, carefully breaking the large fries with a fork to let the steam escape.

  Mia sprinkled pepper into her chowder soup bowl and salt over the chunky planks of potatoes she’d asked for on the side. She lifted one and dipped it into the chowder, biting carefully. Scarlet was watching, mimicking Mia’s actions with dipping and tasting.

  “Hmmm…” the little girl chewed thoughtfully and nodded, just as Mia had done. Then she turned her attention to the ketchup and fish on her little plate.

  Lucas almost burst out laughing, deciding Scarlet’s exposure to Mia Santori would be an interesting time. His interest shifted, staring at Mia and puzzled.

  “Do I have something out of place?” Mia swallowed hastily and glanced quickly down at her tank top.

  “I…sorry…it’s just…I don’t know what I was expecting, your name…Italian and then there’s the French…and you’re a chef?” He finally got the words out, a flush of red striking his cheeks when she laughed. “You’re not like any high dollar chef I’ve ever seen…”

  Mia’s hand waved, even with the half-eaten fry in between her fingers. “Those television shows do nothing for the reputation. I love to cook,” she said simply, crunching down without concern. “But I loathed culinary school,” she confided with a wrinkled nose. “So full of themselves…mon dieu…” Her head tipped. “But one must play the game.”

  “What’s French? Like a fry?” Scarlet had been intently watching and listening.

  “French is another way to speak words,” Mia said simply, leaning over and cupping her hands around Scarlet’s ear.

  “Je t’aime, papa,” Scarlet repeated in a perfect imitation of what Mia had whispered into her ear.

  “That is French,” Mia said with a satisfied nod, lifting her spoon and beginning on the cooled soup.

  “What word did I say?” Scarlet bit into her fish and chewed.

  “You said ‘I love you, papa’,” Mia answered.

  “It’s pretty…I like pretty words,” the child declared firmly.

  Lucas scratched his head and looked from one to the other.

  “However, to continue,” Mia said in between bites and chewing. “I survived and went on to a few choice restaurants and hotels in Paris.” A frown tilted the natural full bow of her lips. “Horrid. When my parents died, they left me with a trust fund. Grand’Mere…about eight months ago, she died and left me a great deal along with the winery. I wanted to do good normal food…through a friend of a friend, I was introduced to Logan. I prepared a proposal, clearly outlining the type of food and organization I wanted to be involved with. I have always been far too liberal for European kitchens,” she admitted with a chuckle.

  “What’s normal food?” Lucas asked curiously.

  “Hearty food that makes you warm to your toes without bloating you. Crunchy, fresh buttery bread and fruits and cheeses that both melt in your mouth,” Mia stated clearly. “Yet keep you healthy, with energy and vitality.”

  “And now you’re part of the resort?”

  “Now I am part of the resort and planning extraordinary menus,” she assured him, peeling off a chunk of the sourdough bread and eating. She saw a darkness enter his eyes. “What is wrong, Lucas?”

  “When did you get here?”

  “I’ve been here four…five days…” she saw the word form when his mouth snapped shut at the curious innocence on Scarlet’s face. Mia put her hand gently over his palm. “I entered the United States four weeks ago, Lucas. No one can track me since then. I bought the wagon and came across country.”

  “How did you pay for your fuel?” Still not relaxed.


  “It took you four weeks? A lot of sightseeing?” He laughed at the furrowed brows and pout.

  “Not intentionally,” she responded with a slight glare at his laughter. “It was supposed to be easy…simple…I am having GPS installed soon.”

  Lucas just cleared his throat and continued eating. “I feel guilty taking up your Saturday, Mia. I’m hoping they have someone by the time I call this afternoon.”

  “I can care for her, Lucas,” Mia said quietly, deciding the blond, tanned man wasn’t difficult to be near.

  “Pre-school begins the first week of September,” Lucas said.

  “Then allow her to stay with me,” Mia said firmly.

  “Like a sleep over?” Scarlet piped in.

  “No, munchkin…” Lucas told her. “Mia wants to know if you want to be with her in the daytime while I’m working.”

  “For real? No sitter?”

  “No sitter…just me,” Mia said with a grin.

  “We do have lots of girl stuff to do,” Scarlet told them with all seriousness.

  “I shudder to think,” Lucas murmured, draining his iced tea and sliding the empty food basket back. “Ready to go, ladies?”

  “Yep,” she held up her picture and took another slurp from the straw in her glass of water. “Lookie! Fish!” She displayed the multi colored fish in many shapes.

  “Perfect. It will be the first on my fridge,” Mia told her, lifting her to the floor and gently dusting off the crumbs.

  “I really should have put up more of a fight. I feel like I’m taking advantage of your generosity,” Lucas was behind the wheel, shaking his head.

  “Against two strong females?” Mia scoffed loudly, winking at Scarlet and smiling at her infectious giggle. "You did not stand a chance, Lucas, do not blam
e yourself.”

  “Mia, I’m serious,” Lucas felt his anger at himself. “It’s…taking the damn easy way out…” He lifted a quarter from the dash and handed it back to the outstretched palm. “You have two restaurants to prepare for the grand opening in a couple months.”

  “I also know the daycare center the resort is opening will be viable within a few weeks. I am stocking and conducting interviews. I do not want to insult you or your abilities, but the environment I have is much easier to care for Scarlet and work than the one you are involved with,” Mia explained carefully. “If something comes up that I cannot handle, I will call you for a few hours of time. But there are not a lot of meetings I am involved in because I told Logan I was not interested in that aspect and to handle it.”

  “The daycare center is for employees and visitors,” Lucas was still shaking his head, his conscience arguing with itself as he drove.

  “Lucas…no one…and I mean no one, not even Kate, must know there is anything other than what we present to the world,” Mia’s voice was low and firm. “That woman must never be permitted to take this child.”

  “You don’t know us,” Lucas exhaled tiredly. To have just one of the summer issues handled… ”Alright…no protests. Just thank you.”

  “Then we will see you at the end of the day,” Mia left the SUV and went around to unbuckle Scarlet.

  “I’m gonna put this on the fridge!” She declared and took off at a run into the kitchen.

  Mia laughed and was about to turn when she felt a palm on hers, stopping her. She looked up curiously.

  “I hate to be a…I think we’re being watched,” he was impressed when she merely nodded, her gaze on his.

  “I noticed the sparkling this morning when we were at the park, Lucas. It is Saturday, but I will talk with security on Monday. I will not allow anyone to harm her, Lucas, I promise you,” Mia suddenly felt her lunch trapped in her throat when he leaned forward and kissed her softly. Thick, dark lashes widened, her fingers pulled from his as she took a step back.

  “I’ll be back in a few hours…before four…” Lucas climbed back into the SUV and headed for his control tent. Lose one complication and gain another, his brain protested.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Mia sat on a thick pillow in their garden, using the bench once more as her desk. Applications were stacked to her left, her pen writing busily over a form and her lap top playing soft classical music on the bench. Behind her, Scarlet lay stretched out and dozing. A yawn escaped and Mia set the papers aside, cradling her head in her arms and closing her eyes. Only for a few minutes, she told herself, allowing the warmth to surround her.

  Lucas finished early, sending his guys home and driving around behind the kitchen. He shut down the SUV and stepped out, leaving his sun glasses on the dash. It was quiet. Very quiet. The soft strains of music greeted him as he rounded the corner to the garden. He stopped and took in the bodies curled on the quilt. Mia lay on her right side, her arm up and cushioning both their heads. Her left hand was in between them and surrounded by two smaller palms. Scarlet lay on her left side, their heads barely touching. They formed a slightly askew heart, he thought, sinking down on the bench and pulling out his phone. He made it through several proposals and requests for proposals before one of them moved.

  Mia slowly began to unfold, the soft little grumble at her side bringing out a sigh as she stretched, blinking and trying to accept the daylight inside once more. She rolled groggily to her back and sat up, eyes focusing and squinting slightly.

  “Hi,” Lucas greeted her softly, watching the toddler slowly follow almost the exact same movements.

  “Hi, daddy,” Scarlet rubbed two little fists over her face, climbing sleepily to her feet and going to him, yawning as she settled against him when he lifted her to his lap.

  “It was only supposed to be a little nap,” Mia murmured, straightening her top and busily beginning to gather her things to carry to her office.

  “Potty,” Scarlet announced, squirming and taking Mia’s hand.

  Lucas carried the things she had been collecting into her office, waiting at the door for them.

  “Cold water wakes you up fast,” Scarlet announced, rubbing her palms over her face with a smile.

  “I bet it does. Can I interest you in dinner?” Lucas asked, lifting Scarlet against him. He felt a slight twinge when Mia shook her head.

  “I want to finish some work, but thank you. I will see you Monday morning?”

  “Yeah…thanks…same time,” Lucas felt like an awkward kid, pushing the door open and stepping into the late afternoon. “I’ll see you then.”

  “Okay…have a nice weekend. Bye, Scarlet…” Mia waved and closed the kitchen door firmly, leaning against it and letting her head go back.

  It was impossible to allow Scarlet into her life without Lucas. Mia lay on the sofa in her office, staring. She could hear her grandmother’s voice. Life rarely allows complications to wait in line, child. They are often times thrown at you like rain from the sky. You must make the choices.

  Mia worked on the applications until she had finished the stack, setting them aside to deliver to Abigal on Monday. It was almost noon when she began visiting stores, loading the back of her wagon and returning to the resort before six to put things mostly neatly away.

  Lucas entered through the main entrance shortly after six on Monday morning. He ignored the warning voice that said he was in much too great a hurry to see her again. He was carrying Scarlet because she had short legs, he told himself firmly.

  Then the sight answered the room door, palm gesturing inward.

  “Hi, Mia…I like your pajamas,” Scarlet remarked, dropping her toy pack on the floor and climbing onto the rumple bed.

  “They are very comfortable,” Mia responded tiredly, shaking her head and remembering. She pulled herself up straight, blinked and stared into Lucas’ face. “Do you have a few minutes?”

  In that outfit? It wouldn’t take long, the male side of him wisely kept those thoughts to himself.

  “What’d you need?” He asked after a smart mental slap.

  “Scarlet, come with us,” Mia took her hand, lifted a set of keys and pass card from the bureau and went into the hall, padding barefoot toward the kitchen. She flung doors wide and blocked them open, stepping onto the pavement of the parking area. She gestured to the car and handed him the keys. Arms thrown wide. “Inside. Fix it. Please.”

  “What…?” Lucas took the keys and chirped the car, peering inside with dawning understanding. In pieces. “Those aren’t easy to install.”

  “No,” was the sarcastic scoff. “It would have cost me ten dollars in fees if she had been listening yesterday,” Mia informed him, still annoyed. “Easy installation, my derriere,” she muttered darkly, ignoring his laughter.

  “Ten bucks, huh?” Lucas said from the inside of the back seat of the wagon. “You want it on the passenger side back?” He accepted her nod and continued, experienced hands quickly adjusting and fitting things tightly into place. “You didn’t have to do this, you know,” Lucas backed out of the wagon and closed the door, striding to her and holding the keys out to her.

  “We are women on the move,” Mia informed him. “Thank you. We will see you later…have a pleasant day, Lucas,” she tossed a backward wave at him as she went back inside, unaware of the vision she’d planted in his head of the silky low riding pants walking away from him. Lucas sent a long breath of air from his lungs and decided a walk in the morning air back to the SUV wasn’t such a bad idea.

  Scarlet stood patiently, although the tiny feet were hopping in excitement. She sat still as ordered, holding onto the sides of the seat when Mia began peddling, both girls beaming a bright smile minutes later after their practice session was complete. Making certain she had what she wanted in the basket of the bicycle, Mia cruised carefully over the parking lot toward the front section of the resort. It was a little after eleven, so she hoped they were lunching at the cantin

  Scarlet delivered the large box of cookies to the cantina, running giggling to catch Mia.

  “Hey, I know that little giggle,” Mac announced, looking up from his sandwich. “Hey, mouse…what’re you doing here?”

  “Hi, Mac…you live here?” Scarlet moved to his side, her hands on his leg.

  “I work here,” he said easily, lifting her to his knee and pointing to Cade and Abby. “That is Abby and that is Cade…did you know the mouse here is our neighbor?”

  “Seriously?” Abby didn’t protest when Cade opened the juice bottle for her. “Thanks. Then we really are starting our own community.”

  “I’m not really a mouse,” Scarlet said. “I peeked through the fence and he thought I was a mouse.”

  “Where’s your dad?” Mac asked.

  “Working. I’m with Mia.”

  “Scarlet?” Mia came around the corner, braking the bike and climbing down, leaving the helmet on the seat.

  “Mia?” Mac chewed and swallowed, about to jump up when a palm was on his shoulder.

  “No…please, continue…I am Mia Santori, if we have not met before. And this is Scarlet Rose,” Mia handed Abby the completed stack of applications. “Done. You have some very good choices there, thank you, Abby.”

  “My pleasure…I have more ready for you at my desk. Have you met Cade Rollins and Mac Lawson,” Abby performed the introductions, watching the guys dust off their palms and extend them.

  “Ahh…the other fourth,” Mac commented with a nod.

  Mia leaned down and whispered to Scarlet, who turned and ran to the bike, returning with a small box. “We bring cookies…and a couple problems I could use your help with…”

  Cassidy laughed. “Once you brought out the cookies, you had them on the hook, Mia. What’d you need?”

  Mia had momentarily forgotten Scarlet was there and looked at her a little uncomfortably. A sign Mac caught and popped the last of his sandwich into his mouth before standing up.

  “Hey, mouse…I need your help with something,” Mac tossed her in the air and caught her. “Let’s go to the arcade,” he winked at Cassidy. “Be back in a few.”


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