WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia

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WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia Page 28

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Mac saw the large SUV that Lucas drove coming around the side of the building and pulling up beside Cassidy’s canopy.

  “Hey, Lucas,” Mac looked up, his attention back on the stack of applications in front of him, his left hand scribbling notes in the margins.

  “Mac, have you seen Mia? She was supposed to meet me at four, but there’s no one in the kitchen, the door is open and no answer in her room or on her cell.”

  “I was there about ten minutes ago…”

  “He was pilfering a strawberry tart or three,” Cassidy said with a chuckle.

  “Ahem…Mia and Scarlet were playing in the field. I bought a bright yellow large ball and Mia was showing her how to kick and run,” Mac continued, looking up at Lucas. “The kitchen is open and she’s not there? That’s not like her,” he looked over at Cassidy who was already picking up her cell phone.

  “Reynolds…get a pair of binoculars and get up on the roof facing the green belt. You’re looking for a bright yellow ball, Mia Santori and a three year old. Get back to me,” Cassidy slid the phone into her pocket and stood up. “Let’s go take a look.”

  Lucas climbed into the back of the golf cart, Mac in front as Cassidy drove around the large complex, all eyes scanning the open grounds and between vehicles.

  Cassidy paced the open space behind the kitchen. Mia had left her wagon open, too. Her bag and Scarlet’s pack were both sitting ready by the open door of the kitchen.

  “Something’s off,” Cassidy held her phone up again. “Reynolds?”

  “Got a sighting of the yellow ball….near the fence line, beach side on the edge of the green belt. No people, though, boss.”

  “Keep your eyes open…we’re headed out there now,” Cassidy took off at a jog, eyes wide and scanning the open expanse. “Have you tried her phone again?”

  Lucas stopped and pressed the speed dial for Mia. All three heads went up when the chiming began. Cassidy stopped, working to focus on the noise. Mac headed for the sound, bending and holding up the phone. He handed it to Lucas and stared around the large field.

  Mac began shouting their names, leaving a long open space between each yell. Lucas and Cassidy spread out going toward the green belt area.

  “Scarlet! Mia!” Lucas shouted loudly.

  Mia held the little girl on her lap, surrounded by her arms when she heard the faint sounds of their names. Scarlet sat up, dried dirt and tears on her cheeks.

  “That’s daddy,” she whispered with a little hic-cup.

  “Put your hands on your ears, Scarlet,” Mia told her, two fingers to her lips when the child did as she was told. A loud shrill whistle went up through the cool earth surrounding them.

  The three on top listened and heard the sound.

  Lucas called out again. “Mia?! Again…we can’t find where you are…”

  Mia looked at Scarlet, sitting with her hands pressed tightly to her ears. Mia let loose with another, longer whistle.

  “Over here!” Cassidy called to the others.

  “Don’t come to close!” Mia shouted loudly. “The ground is…is unstable,” she called out.

  “Mia? Scarlet?” Lucas called hoarsely.

  “Daddy!” The loud squeal was filled with happiness.

  “Scarlet! Are you okay? How…never mind…” Lucas looked at Mac and Cassidy, uncertain how close they could get to the gaping hole in the ground.

  “We are alright,” Mia called back, her head down and eyes closed.

  “I fell in the hole, daddy…I was chasing a butterfly…” She sniffled sorrowfully. “Mia hurt her foot…”

  “I am fine,” Mia pulled the little girl close to her, whispering softly. “It was an accident, baby girl…I am good,” she kissed her forehead gently.

  Lucas looked over the area, catching Cassidy’s eyes. “Keep talking to them. I’ll be right back…”

  “The fire department?” Mac said, running with Lucas toward where both his tools were and the construction crew kept their vehicles.

  “A couple ladders should do it,” Lucas said evenly, his heart thudding and brain working out how to get them out. “Call up Cassidy…get an idea from Mia how deep the hole is…” He told Mac, using his pass card and going to where his equipment was stored.

  “Mia says about fifteen feet,” Mac accepted the rope Lucas handed him. He hefted one of the ladders and Lucas took another, their return trip a little slower.

  Cassidy paced, talking to Mia. “They’re coming back…we’ll get you out in a few…” She watched Lucas slide one of the ladders toward the hole, bridging it and then stepping on the rungs.

  “Go stand on the other side, Mac,” Lucas lifted the other ladder on his shoulder and waited, walking carefully over the rungs until he could see the hole. “Mia…get back against one side…I’m going to lower a ladder into the hole.”


  Lucas tied one end of the rope to the end of the ladder, holding it steady as it slid into the hole. It was about four feet wide, with crumbling, damp edges. He didn’t want to get too close for fear of sending dirt down on them.

  “I am lifting Scarlet up the ladder,” Mia informed them loudly. “Get her warm!” She helped Scarlet climb the ladder, the little legs barely making the reach from rung to rung.

  Cassidy moved to stand on the other end of the ladder, securing it when Lucas leaned down and gripped Scarlet’s hands, pulling her out of the hole and crushing her against him. He backed up quickly, handing her to Mac and going back to the edge. Mac quickly took the child and stood holding her close.


  “I am working on it,” she said, wincing and clinging to the rungs tightly. Her ankle had twisted and was protesting the weight.

  Lucas swore his breathing had slowed to almost nothing by the time her head appeared.

  “Mia hurt her foot,” Scarlet said loudly. “She can’t walk,” she rubbed at the tear on her cheek, a long smear of dirt streaking across her face.

  “Are you hurt?” Lucas demanded gruffly, noticing the closed eyes and the lack of speed in her climb. “Sit back on the cross ladder, Mia…another step and it’s over…good girl…” Lucas did a quick back step, sending Cassidy to take Scarlet and nodding to Mac. They lifted the ladder and walked sideways until they were well clear of the sinkhole area.

  “Scarlet?” Mia asked, dark eyes searching and breathing a sigh of relief when she saw her safe with Cassidy.

  Scarlet squirmed until she was set down, little feet running full out into the arms of her father, silent tears streaking the already dirt stained face.

  Mac set the other ladder across the first while Cassidy called for some temporary fencing. She dropped to her heels next to Mia, putting her shoulder beneath her arm and helping her to her feet.

  “Want to go to the medic?” Cassidy accepted the shake of her head.

  “The kitchen,” Mia said quietly, focusing on where she was placing her feet. “This has happened before…I have an elastic band for it.”

  Lucas moved to her other side, shifting Scarlet and sliding his arm around her waist. “Mia, your ankle is swollen…”

  “I am fine,” she said through her teeth, looking across him at Scarlet and winking. “We’re strong girls who got stuck in a hole, right?”

  “We need a bath,” Scarlet said with a sniffle that broke the tension. Adults laughing and agreeing with her. “I don’t like dirt.”

  “Huh…here I thought I was raising a gardener,” Lucas remarked with a hint of humor.

  “You know us girls…a mind of our own,” Cassidy said without remorse.

  “I’ll get with Simon tomorrow and get that thing collapsed and filled in,” Lucas told Cassidy, accepting her nod and lowering Scarlet to the floor. “How about you girls wait here and I’ll go get the car?”

  “Thank you…Mac…Cassidy…very much,” Mia limped to a stool, lifting Scarlet to sit on her lap. “Okay?”

  Scarlet nodded and laid her head d
own, arms around Mia’s neck.

  “I don’t like dirt,” Scarlet said again when Lucas was buckling her into the seat. “Can I have a bubble bath?”

  “Absolutely. You’ll be all bubbly and smelling good,” Lucas promised with a grin, closing the back door. A low growl broke from his lips when Mia stood at the door, making certain it was locked.

  “I have things in my pack for Scarlet for dinner. She had spoken of enjoying her little table…” Mia turned slowly, stepping lightly and wincing. She just wasn’t sure if it was from the throbbing in her ankle or the male inches from her and scowling. Her palm came out and gripped the door frame, her balance off.

  Lucas moved quickly, bending slightly and lifting her against him.

  “Open the car door, Mia,” me said through his teeth, nudging it fully wide and setting her on the edge of the seat. “You will sit there until I get Scarlet situated in the house,” pale brows narrowed when she started to open her mouth, his head shaking slowly and her lips closing. “You will not move without help. Your ankle is swollen. I will wrap it for you after your bath or shower or whatever, but you will hobble with help, at least for tonight.”

  “Lucas…” Mia brought her lips together into a tight purse, her eyes wide and taking in the tense lines and immovable glare. “Alright.”

  “Do you realize how…” His palms clenched the edge of the open door frame of the SUV. “I was out of my mind, Mia.”

  “I am sorry, Lucas…”

  “Daddy? Can we go home?” Scarlet laid her head against the side of her car seat. There was no jiggling. No happy kicking or singing.

  “Yes, baby…we are…” Lucas dropped his head between his clenching hands with a long, heavy sigh. “No, Mia…I am sorry. You and Scarlet…”

  “It was an accident, Lucas…we were chasing a butterfly…just playing.”

  “I know, I know,” he straightened up, kissed her gently and pulled his keys from his pocket. “Let’s go home.”

  Mia waited until he was carefully maneuvering the SUV through the resort parking lot, his palm up with a wave at their friends near the canopies. She put her hand over his.

  “I am sorry.”

  “Mia, this isn’t your fault. It isn’t about fault. There’s no way to…to predict or guess that a sinkhole is gonna just pop into the earth nearby,” he carried her hand to his lips. “And when my…my overactive protective nature deflates a little, I’ll be fine. And I know I’m bordering on the edge where I get the, I’m independent and have been for ages, speech…” he glanced over when he swore he heard a faint giggle. “I don’t deal well with my girls getting hurt. Period.”

  “Is Mia your girl now?” Scarlet perked up a little, looking from one adult to the other.

  Lucas opened his mouth but Mia spoke.

  “Yes…Mia is his girl now,” she said firmly, winking at Scarlet and watching the giggle bubble forth.

  “That means you’re gonna live with us,” Scarlet announced gaily.

  “I…” Mia was thrown by that one but noticed a very satisfied look on Lucas’ face.

  “Logic progression,” Lucas said, quoting Mac. “Cassidy is Mac’s girl and she lives with him. Therefore…” He watched the expressions on Mia’s face. “I have a feeling I’m in for a steep learning curve as Scarlet is exposed to more and more people.”

  “I think I was set up,” Mia commented, stopping herself from stepping from the SUV when it stopped before the house. She pushed the door wide, swung her legs out and waited.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Lucas knew she was itching to jump to the ground, making a mental note to have a step installed on the passenger side. He set Scarlet on the ground and pushed the door to the house open. She would get herself and her pack into the house and head for her bedroom. He carted in the large backpack Mia had then went back for her. Instinct told him to just carry her, but he fought it, letting her put her arm around his waist and limp into the house.

  Locks were set after he took her to the master bath, he went to Scarlet’s room to find her thinking and looking at him.

  “Can I take a bath with Mia?”

  Lucas felt his mouth open and one eye close. “You have to ask Mia.”

  “Okay,” Scarlet kicked off her shoes and went past him.

  Lucas watched her go. Simple. He followed, amazed at the small changes in his little girl. She knocked politely on the partially open door.


  “Come in,” Mia called over the water, sitting on the vanity seat and appraising the scratches down her bare legs.

  “Can I take a bath with you?” Scarlet looked at the large soaking tub and then back to Mia.

  “Of course,” Mia answered without much thought, watching the little girl make a smart turn and vanish from the room. Lucas peered around the top of the door. “Where did she go?”

  “Probably to get her stuff,” he answered, teeth grinding when he saw the many scratches on her. He’d done a quick, professional study of the sink hole. It looked like Scarlet slid along some loose soil and dropped only a few feet. Mia took the brunt of the full fall over the side, going through some limbs, roots and branches sticking out of the earth.

  Scarlet was back quickly, handing a large bottle to Mia, her little hands lifting the lid and waiting.

  Mia read the side and turned it over into the water, smiling at the burst of giggles as bubbles began forming. Then clothes were being tossed off, the little toddler body sliding over the side and into the warm water.

  Lucas laughed, backing reluctantly out of the room when Mia looked at him. “You mean I can’t take a bath with you, too?”

  “I will think on it,” Mia promised, the door partially closed and his laughter echoing through the hall. She stood up carefully, clothing falling to the side before she eased into the water, her arms bracing her and bubbles surrounding her. She slowed the water but increased the heat a little.

  Lucas returned to find Scarlet all clean, even her hair. He looked at the strategically placed froth of bubbles around Mia with one brow arched. “How’d you get her hair washed without…issues…” he asked carefully.

  “In case it has escaped your notice,” Mia began with a teasing grin. “I am a girl. We have secrets,” she whispered.

  “Hmm…on that note, I’ll get her pajamas ready. You said there was food in her pack?”

  “Dinner,” Mia agreed, wincing and glad he wasn’t there to see. She’d make them something, although one of the first things she would have to do was organize his kitchen and go shopping. She laid back, half listening to Scarlet humming and playing with her toys.

  Scarlet held up her hands, a sad little sigh leaving her lips. “I’m done…when you get wrinkly, it’s time to leave the tub.”

  “A very good standard. I will be following you,” Mia straightened up and lifted her to the floor, the towel she had set close up and wrapped tightly around her. “Go find papa.”

  Mia sunk back into the water, releasing more hot water and sighing tiredly. She didn’t see the door ease open a little or the relief in his eyes before he quietly left her alone.

  She lifted her palm a while later, recalling Scarlet’s advice with a sigh, pulling the plug and easing slowly to the side of the tub. Wrapped in a thick towel, she watched the bubbles and water disappear. Dry and in her pajamas, Mia lifted the wrap from the counter, quickly tightening it around her ankle and standing up carefully.

  Lucas looked up from leaving Scarlet’s room, the door eased closed behind him. Their eyes met, Mia standing still and waiting.

  “How was the girl bath?” He put her arm around his waist and guided her into the living area.

  Mia looked at him for a long minute, a cute dad thing behind his eyes. “We spoke of the differences between big girls and little girls. You are in the clear.”

  “Ahh…I kind of wondered if that would come up,” Lucas moved to the kitchen. “Hungry?”

  “Lucas…open the pack I brought with me,” Mia leaned
back and lifted her foot to the sofa. “I would like a very large glass of iced water. But I brought you food. I will shop tomorrow for this kitchen,” she told him. “Your kitchen is made up for Scarlet with you as a secondary thought.”

  Lucas brought out several containers and set them on the counter, opening them carefully and listening to his stomach howl in gratitude.

  “I can’t disagree with that assessment,” Lucas said simply, bringing the containers and forks to the counter before filling a plate and sticking it into the microwave. “Feeding me is easy…discovering what she’ll eat…”

  “Children will eat what they are taught is good. Eventually. Their taste buds change as they age,” Mia said simply, accepting the water with a grateful sigh. “Thank you.”

  “Do you have something to put on those scratches?” Lucas brought his food to the counter and shifted the stool so he could see her.

  “I put something on them. It didn’t seem so bad until I could see them,” she said with a shrug. “Lucas…we must talk.”

  “Alright,” he said after a quiet minute. “About?”

  “You and I,” Mia answered. “We…the assumptions…”

  “This is about Scarlet’s logic, isn’t it?”

  “It is not fair to use the…the wishes…or…her needs…”

  “Let’s go back to basics for a minute,” Lucas interrupted the rambling and took another bite of the vegetable mix. “I am under the belief that you and I have become a couple. Are in a relationship, exclusive to one another, true?”

  “Yes, yes…I do not deny that at all,” Mia watched him closely. He was too calm. Too certain.

  “Alright…given that…Scarlet wouldn’t have been drawn to you unless she liked you. Something. Maybe it’s invisible, maybe it’s innate, I don’t know. She’s met other females through company picnics and stuff…so you and I would not be a couple unless both Scarlet and I were drawn to you,” Lucas almost laughed at the look on her face.


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