Fairytale Love - Becca & Brian

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Fairytale Love - Becca & Brian Page 17

by Melanie Shawn

He stared back at her with the blankest expression he could muster at her not-so-veiled threat. It was tough, though. These past few weeks, when he had to pretend to be a couple with Brooklyn, to enjoy her company, had been the ultimate test of his acting skills. She was the most self-involved, shallow, mean-spirited person Brian had ever met.

  She’d admitted to him that she was only here because she wanted to be ‘discovered’ and had no intention of falling in ‘fairytale love.’ Truth be told, that had actually been a relief. He was glad that she wasn’t looking for something he had no way of providing. If she had actually come on this show for the right reasons, then he would have felt guilty for being here for the reasons he was and even guiltier for the fact that he was head over heels, madly in love with someone else.

  When Brooklyn had first approached him with the ‘breaking news’ that the cameras had ‘caught’ him looking at Becca, he apologized if it had bothered her but explained that it was just a habit he’d gotten into and he wasn’t even aware he had been doing it. It had been pointed out to him over the years by his friends and family. Even Becca’s sisters had teased him about it. But, he could honestly say, it had never been a premeditated action on his part.

  When Becca was within a hundred feet of him, it was like she was a homing beacon calling to him. She had a magnetic pull surrounding her, and truthfully, Brian couldn’t understand how everyone didn’t feel it. She was his lighthouse in the storms of life. She always had been.

  “I’m serious. Eyes straight ahead or on me. Look at that bitch and you’ll live to regret it.”

  Brian’s jaw locked. He was about two seconds from walking off this set. Instead, he stared back at her and said one word. “Don’t.”

  Brooklyn narrowed her eyes at him but did not say another word. She was a smart girl, and he knew that she would understand that his statement had been equal parts warning and promise. With a stiff back, she slowly turned around and faced forward. Brian was a little shocked that she didn’t cross her arms and stomp her feet like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum.

  Brian knew people like her. They pushed to see how far they could go with him because he was a ‘nice guy.’ Well, she’d just found the line. If she crossed it again, he was leaving. She could try and get ‘discovered’ without him.

  His family was the only thing that kept him from walking off this set. Tonight were the results that would determine which two couples would be going on the fairytale getaway. None of the contestants knew where they would be going if they made it. All Brian knew was that they would be gone four days. And he only knew that because Becca had made sure that, no matter what, she would be home for Krista and Chase’s wedding.

  The applause track began playing, signaling that they were going live again.

  Lance took his spot, and just like that, he was ‘on.’ Brian watched as the words Lance was saying scrolled up the teleprompter. The guy really did know how to host a show.

  At the beginning of this, Brian had thought that Lance was kind of a prick, but after seeing him switch it on for the camera take after take, Brian had to give it up to the guy. What he did took talent, and Lance had it. Last week, on the live elimination show during which Natalie and Andrew had been sent home, the teleprompter had gone dead, and without skipping a beat, Lance switched to using his earpiece. He didn’t think anyone else in the cast had even noticed. Brian only had because, from where he stood, he’d had a straight view to the teleprompter, and when it had gone dark, he’d seen Lance reach up and adjust his earpiece.

  “Okay. Our first couple that will be heading to their fairytale getaway is…” Lance paused.

  Brian knew that the cameras were getting close-ups of each of the couples to add suspense for the viewers. He waited, like he had every week, with an internal battle of whether or not he wanted his name to be called.

  Of course, he needed the money that, every week he remained on the show, he got closer to. But he also wanted to get as far away from Brooklyn as he could. After his talk with Becca, he’d decided that he was just going to look at this as an acting job. Like when celebrities did cameos in movies but were exaggerated versions of themselves. That’s what Brian was. He was exaggerating the fact that he could actually stand to be in Brooklyn’s presence.

  “With over fifty percent of the votes from you, the viewers, the first couple that will be continuing their journey to happily ever after is…Colton and Becca!” Lance announced enthusiastically, and the canned applause sounded through the speakers.

  Brian looked over just in time to see Colton pick Becca up off the ground, holding her tight against him, his head buried in her neck, her arms wrapped around him. Brian’s stomach dropped. He wasn’t sure he would ever get used to seeing her in another man’s arms, even if the arms belonged to a good guy like Colton.

  His chest tightened as he turned his attention back towards Lance.

  “The second couple that will not only be enjoying a fairytale getaway but will also be at the Fairytale Love finale in two short weeks, where the couple with the most votes will be not only be crowned Fairytale Couple, but will also win five hundred thousand dollars is”—Lance paused, staring directly into the camera—“going to be announced after a word from our sponsors! Stay tuned!”

  After several seconds, the AD yelled, “We’re clear. Back in two.”

  Brian walked over to congratulate Becca and Colton. When her baby-blue eyes met his, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. His hands rested on her bare back. Tonight, she was wearing a white dress that had a cutout on the lower back. She’d gotten some color over the past few weeks since most of their ‘activities’ had been outdoors. The contrast of her golden skin, dark hair, and simple, white, curve-hugging dress was almost more than Brian could handle.

  It wasn’t just her dress that was driving him crazy. It was her voice, the sweet smell of her shampoo and lotion, her smile, her laugh. He’d thought this last year had been tough. Realizing that he was in love with his best friend. Not knowing what to do about it. How to process it.

  Now, all of that seemed ridiculous. If he could go back six months to Haley’s wedding or even three weeks ago, when he’d pulled her into his arms in the airport, Brian knew now that he’d do things differently. He’d tell her he loved her. That he’d always love her and that he knew he could make her happy.

  Brian knew he could love her the way no one else could. Not some random guy. Not some guy she met at Stanford. Not even Colton. He knew her better than anyone, had been taking care of her, watching out for her since they were four years old.

  No matter how hard he’d try to convince himself otherwise, the truth was she was his.

  “You okay?” Becca whispered in his ear.

  He didn’t answer, just held her tighter. For just a moment, he wanted to forget that they were shooting a TV show. A dating show. A live show. All he wanted was for the world to disappear like it always did when Becca was in his arms.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t get his wish. He felt Brooklyn’s bony fingers digging into his biceps and heard Jennifer calling out, “Thirty seconds.”

  Brian’s jaw tensed as he, reluctantly, stepped back and into his spot. He didn’t make eye contact with Becca like he wanted to. He was scared that, if he had, the thin thread of control he was hanging on to would snap, and he’d drag her out of there, not giving a damn about the show, the money, Colton.

  “Welcome back to Fairytale Love. This show started with five couples all competing for their happily ever after. Now, we are down to three. Colton and Becca received an impressive fifty-four percent of the votes, guaranteeing them a fairytale getaway and a spot on our live finale show in just two weeks, where five hundred thousand dollars is up for grabs.

  “The question is what couple will be joining them on that stage. Will it be Jax and Madison? Or will it be Brian and Brooklyn? Your votes determined who will be continuing their journey to happily ever after. With over twenty percent of the votes, the couple that
will be heading off to their fairytale getaway is Jax and Madison!”

  “What?!” he heard Brooklyn gasp.

  Jax pumped his fist in the air, and Madison was jumping up and down and crying. Brian had to admit that he was relieved. Like they always did, his eyes shot to Becca. Her brow was furrowed and she looked like she wanted to cry. He smiled and shook his head slightly, trying to tell her that it was fine. He was really okay with it.

  “And Brian and Brooklyn!” Lance Sparrow announced loudly over Madison’s crying.

  “What?!” Brian’s head spun around to the host, sure that he’d just heard wrong.

  “That’s right, folks. There was a tie for second place. So all three of these couples will be going on their own private fairytale getaway. Tune in next week to see each couple in their exotic, romantic retreat. Voting will open immediately after the show and will remain open until the live finale, where you will choose which couple you believe has found their fairytale love.”

  The applause track was played, and after a few seconds, Brian heard, “We’re clear!”

  Brooklyn was jumping up and down with Madison. Both girls were crying. Jax had already pulled his phone out of his pocket and was probably tweeting his ‘fans.’ Becca stood smiling next to Colton as he whispered something in her ear.

  Gavin, Sabrina, and a few PAs rushed up to the cast and started going over flight arrangements and itineraries. Brian was only half listening. His eyes kept slicing over to Becca. When she caught him looking at her, she smiled widely and gave him a thumbs-up sign, happy that Brian was continuing on to the next round.

  That made one of them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Becca stumbled into the house and her bags came crashing down on the tile flooring. Loudly. She bent down to pick them up and heard Krista yell, “You made it!”

  Looking up, she saw Krista sitting on the barstool that sat beside the kitchen counter, her hair up in rollers as she was getting her makeup applied by Haley. Jessie was sitting at the kitchen table, her laptop open, probably working. All three of her sisters were in robes. Haley and Jessie both had their hair and makeup done.

  “Yep. I made it,” Becca said with relief washing over her. She hadn’t slept in twenty-four hours. But she was here. She’d made it to Krista’s wedding. “Do I have time to take a shower?” God, she hoped so. She hadn’t showered in thirty-two hours.

  Krista waved her arms, motioning for Becca to come over to her. “Yes, but first, come sit. I want to hear all about the show, Colton, your fairytale getaway. Once the wedding stuff starts, I know I won’t get a minute to talk to you, and Chase and I are leaving for Paris from the reception.”

  All Becca wanted right now was a hot shower and a bed. But this was Krista’s day, so she put on a happy face and dragged herself into the kitchen.

  “Why are you guys doing your make-up in here?” she asked as she slumped down into the chair across from Jessie.

  “This room has the best lighting,” Haley explained.

  “Oh.” Becca nodded. “Where’s Mom?”

  That was the third thing Becca wanted in addition to a hot shower and a bed—to hug her mom. Sandy Sloan had always been the glue that held the entire Sloan clan together. Not only her immediate family either. She’d also stepped in when Becca’s cousins’ mom, her aunt Cheryl, had left the family due to mental illness when the boys were ages two to ten and then ultimately passed away from complications of her illness a few years after that. Becca’s mom had done her best to be there for Becca’s five cousins as well as her own four girls. Honestly, Becca truly believed that her mom should be nominated for sainthood.

  She’d missed her mom even more this past month than during her first year away at school, which Becca supposed made sense due to the fact that this last month had felt about twice as long as one semester at college.

  When she was in school, she was focused on her studies. Some might even say consumed by them. So even though she’d missed her mom, it had just been more of an occasional thing. This past month, not a day had gone by that she hadn’t wanted a hug from her mom.

  “She’s down at the river with Wendy making sure everything is perfect,” Krista explained.

  Krista and Chase were getting married on the bank of the river that ran through Harper’s Crossing. Growing up, they’d spent a lot of time there, and last year Chase had done an interview for Hits magazine where he talked for the first time about the fact that he’d written his band Midnight Rush’s most popular song “Saving Me” about Krista.

  “Soooo talk fast. I want to know everything about The Huntsman,” Krista said without moving her lips or face because Haley was applying mascara to her eyes. It was impressive.

  Jessie shut her laptop. And the second Haley was done applying a second coat, she set the wand down and turned towards Becca, expectantly.

  “Who?” Becca asked after a few seconds. It had taken time for her brain to catch up to the fact that she had no idea what Krista was talking about.

  “Colton. The Huntsman,” Krista replied as if that were obvious.

  “Why are you calling him that?” She’d heard Brian call him “Cowboy Colton”, but “The Huntsman” was new.

  “That’s who he is, and you’re Snow White.” Krista’s brow furrowed and she looked at Becca like she wasn’t firing on all cylinders. She probably wasn’t, considering the fact that she hadn’t slept in twenty-four hours.

  “I don’t…” Becca shook her head, still trying to make sense of what her sister was talking about.

  “Here.” Jessie opened her laptop and typed something before turning it around.

  Becca stared at the screen. There were pictures of the entire cast of Fairytale Love. The couples that had been eliminated were in black and white; and, the couples that were still on the show, were in color. For a second, she was just looking at everyone’s pictures. It was so surreal seeing all of their pictures grouped together like that. It took her a minute to realize why Jessie had showed her the page. Underneath their pictures were their names, and underneath their names were character names of princes and princesses.

  Under Natalie and Andrew’s picture, it said ‘Ariel and Eric.’ Which made sense—she had long, red hair and blue eyes and he had dark hair and light eyes. Then there were Leah and Blake, who apparently were ‘Cinderella and Prince Charming’. Jax and Madison were ‘Beauty and Vincent’, a.k.a. ‘The Beast’ (yeah, that should have been a no-brainer). Brian was ‘Prince Phillip,’ which was the pile she’d seen his headshot in, and Brooklyn was ‘Princess Aurora.’ Her own picture was side by side with Colton’s, and beneath theirs it read ‘Snow White and The Huntsman.’

  “What is this?” Becca asked.

  “It’s the show’s website.” Jessie now had the same look of concern on her face that Krista had just had. “Haven’t you seen this?”

  “No.” Becca shook her head. “The Internet was so slow up at the castle that I barely went online, and in the Bahamas, I had no Internet access.”

  “The Bahamas!” Krista exclaimed. “Oooh, la, la! So that’s where your fairytale getaway was?”


  “What about Brian? Where did he go?” Haley asked.

  “I don’t know. All the couples went to different locations.”

  “Have you talked to him since you’ve been home?” Krista asked.

  All three of her sisters looked at each other with their ‘Does she know? Should we tell her?’ look, and Becca instantly got an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

  “What?” Becca sat up straighter.

  “It’s nothing.” Krista stood up from her stool and put her hands up. “Everything’s fine. It’s just… Frank is in the hospital.”

  Becca stood up and rushed back to the front door to grab her phone as she shot rapid-fire questions back at her sisters. “What!? Does Brian know? Is he home? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I think Brian got home yesterday. I’m sure he knows,” Haley said in a comfort
ing voice.

  “Is his dad okay? What happened?”

  Krista, Jessie, and Haley all moved into the front room while Becca searched for her phone.

  “From what I’ve heard, he was working at the shop and collapsed,” Haley explained. “But that’s just what I heard through the grapevine.”

  Becca’s fingers felt like they were as big as sausages. She had absolutely zero dexterity as she dug clumsily through her bag. She had to make sure that Frank was okay, that Brian was okay.

  “Here. Use mine,” Krista offered.

  Becca grabbed it, relieved to see that Krista had already placed the call and it was ringing. After putting the phone to her ear, she waited as she heard it ring once, twice… She could hear her heart pounding in her chest. Three rings…

  “Is Becca okay?” Brian answered. Becca heard more than a hint of panic in his voice.

  “It’s me. I’m fine. I was calling to see if your dad was okay, if you’re okay.”

  “Oh my God. When I saw Krista’s number, I thought… I mean, she’s getting married today. Why would she be calling me unless…”

  “I’m fine,” Becca assured him again.

  She felt tears forming in her eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was because she’d missed him so much and just hearing his voice made her feel things she didn’t want to think about or the fact that, even though he was dealing with a family emergency, he would still be worried about her.

  “Is everything okay with your dad? Are you at the hospital? I can be there in ten minutes.”

  “No, don’t do that. He’s good, considering,” Brian said, suddenly sounding exhausted. “He had another attack—mild this time. They’re keeping him here for another night, but he’s already doing a hundred percent better.”

  “Okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to head over?” Becca felt like she should at least stop by to see him.

  “Yeah. I was just actually leaving to get ready for the wedding,” Brian said, and Becca’s heart skipped so many beats that you would have thought it was in a double-dutch tournament.


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