Falling for the Bad Boy

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Falling for the Bad Boy Page 19

by Kennedy Fox

  Once the day is over and I’m back in my hotel room, I decide it’s now or never.

  Grabbing for my phone, I think about what I’m going to say before calling her.

  “Your stupid cat got hair all over my favorite sweater,” she says immediately when picking up the call.

  “Oliver doesn’t shed,” I protest. “Are you sure it wasn’t a different cat?”

  “You think I have a parade of cats around here or something? It was yours,” she says matter-of-factly. I grin, knowing she secretly loves Oliver as much as I do.

  “Well, I’m sure he’s very sorry. Plus, it’s not really his fault. I’m sure you were picking him up and loving on him, and that’s how he got hair on you.”

  “I would never,” she retorts.

  I laugh, but we both know the truth. “I’m sorry. I’ve been a little busier than usual. When I get back, I’ll make sure he gets brushed every day, so he doesn’t shed as much, or you could brush him?”

  She huffs into the phone. “Now you want me to spend quality time with him? Oliver loves to play hard to get when I try to catch him, probably learned it from his mama.”

  I chuckle, shaking my head at her though she can’t see me. “If only I had a camera in my apartment. I bet you two are the best of pals.”

  She grumbles.

  “So how are things going? Where are you now?” she asks, changing the subject.

  “Texas,” I reply. “It’s humid as fuck, too.”

  “Yeah, us northerners can’t handle that kind of heat. Aren’t you glad you’ll be home in just a week? It’s starting to get chilly here finally.”

  “Well, that’s what I kind of wanted to talk to you about.”

  “You’re not leaving me with this damn cat,” she immediately blurts outs.

  “No.” I laugh. “Ethan asked me to stay in Charleston with him,” I say the words aloud for the first time, which surprisingly doesn’t give me as much anxiety as I thought. I told her the story of seeing Ethan and how we were talking again but hadn’t gone into detail about the status of our relationship.

  “Oh,” is all she offers.


  “So, you’d be moving down there,” she says the words as if she’s ripping off a Band-Aid.

  “I think so,” I say softly. “I mean, that’d be the only way to know if a relationship between us could really work. The long-distance would always cause problems, so—”

  “Well about damn time,” she says, bluntly.

  “What?” I ask, laughing. “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve been pining after that boy for a whole damn year, and now that you’ve reconnected, you’d be a fool to not see where it can go. There’s nothing up here for you, Vada,” she reminds me, though Chicago is all I’ve ever known.

  “But the thought of just packing everything up and moving for him worries me because what if—”

  “What if, what?” she cuts me off. “What if it doesn’t work out? But what if it does? Or what if you never take the risk and know for sure?” She fires out the questions as if she’s challenging me to really come up with a response.


  “Vada, dear. Don’t end up like me.”

  “What’s that mean?” I ask, pulling my brows together.

  “I missed out on the greatest love of my life, and now I’m in my sixties alone babysitting some ugly cat.”

  I chuckle at her admission. “What happened?”

  “Well, back before smart phones and sexting,” she begins, making me laugh even harder that she knows what sexting is. “I met a man in college who I fell in love with, and although we were madly in love with each other, once graduation rolled around, he deployed with the army. We wrote to each other as much as we could, but when he returned, he wasn’t the same man I’d fallen for. He changed; or rather, the army changed him. I was heartbroken because he turned to drinking and I couldn’t stand watching him self-destruct any longer. Fast forward to three years later, he had sobered up, got clean, and was starting his own business.”

  “Wow…what an achievement.”

  “Yeah, it was. I was so proud of him, but he had moved to Florida to start his business and begged me to move so we could be together again. I was hesitant because my family was all here, and I couldn’t fully trust that he wouldn’t slip up and start drinking again. I let those fears smother me to the point where I backed out from moving. Although he said he understood and would wait for me to decide, by the time I finally geared up the courage to do it, he had met someone else down there.” I hear her breathing softly on the other end, wondering how I never knew this about her. “What’s worse is, I flew down to surprise him when I saw them together. I knew she wasn’t a fling or some random girl because you could see the love they had for each other in their eyes, and that’s when I knew. I was too late.”

  “Wow, Nora…” is all I can muster up to say.

  “Fate handed me a second chance, and I didn’t take it, Vada. It’s something I have to live with for the rest of my life, but that doesn’t mean you do.”

  I don’t know when I started crying, but I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I don’t know why, but I just feel so sad that Nora missed out on something as wonderful as love.

  “So you never met someone after him?”

  “Oh, I did. I eventually tried dating other men, even married one, but I always compared them to Adam. The connection and love between us never felt as strong or authentic as the one we had. So I had failed relationships, eventually a failed marriage, and well, here I am.”

  “Geez, Nora. Way to hit me right in the feels.” I wipe away another tear. “You know it’s not too late for you,” I say with a hint of seriousness.

  “Oh you know I’m too set in my ways,” she tells me as if I had no idea.

  “Well, if you ever found Adam again and get that third chance, you best invite me to the wedding.” I chuckle.

  “You got it, dear.”

  We chat for a few more minutes before hanging up. I see Olivia’s Bible organizer on the table and flip to the current month to check out the rest of the schedule. There’s only a week left before the tour’s over, but I don’t know if I can wait that long to see him again.

  I’m not going to waste our second chance.

  As the Uber drives through the Charleston streets, I can’t wipe the smile off my face. Olivia nearly murdered me when I told her I was leaving early. I only had one signing event left. The rest of my schedule was filled with interviews that I had her reschedule as phone interviews instead. I’d fly out for the signing this weekend, but I couldn’t wait any longer to see Ethan, so I flew from Texas right to Charleston.

  I decided not to tell him I’m coming so I can surprise him; however, after arriving at the house and seeing a bunch of random supplies laying around, I’m not sure if surprising him was the right way to go.

  “Ethan?” I call out, watching my step as I walk through the house.

  I head out back where Henry is clucking around but luckily doesn’t come charging at me. Noticing the cottage door is wide open, I step closer and hear music coming from inside.

  “Ethan?” I call again, but the music's too loud.

  As soon as I round the doorway, I see him inside wearing tight jeans and a handyman’s belt. He’s shirtless, and sweat drips down his muscular back. Leaning against the doorway, I admire how fucking good he looks right now. It takes a moment for me to realize what he’s doing. All the furniture is gone, the walls have been repainted, and the carpet looks like it was steam-cleaned. That’s when I notice the little reading nook in the corner he’s currently hammering nails into.

  What in the world is he doing?

  The song playing through the speakers comes to an end, and that’s when I take my opportunity to let it be known I’m here.

  “Knock, knock,” I say loud enough for him to hear.

  He spins around, and when his eyes find mine, his lips transform into the biggest smile I
’ve ever seen.

  “Holy fuck,” he gasps, charging for me. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me up and presses a deep kiss against my lips. “What are you doing here already?”

  I tighten my arms around his neck and press my mouth back on his. “I had to see you,” is all the explanation I give him.

  “You came back to me.” He smiles, looking me over as if to make sure I’m really here.

  I nod, tears stinging my eyes at the realization of how much I love this man.

  “I couldn’t spend another day away from you,” I tell him, his arms holding me in place against his chest.

  “Well, I wanted to surprise you, but…” He turns slightly, glancing around the room. “I’m building you your dream office space.”

  “Wait, really?” I look around and am in awe at everything he’s doing. “I can’t believe you’d do that for me.”

  “Are you kidding? This is where it all happened, baby. You touching yourself, fantasizing about me, and—”

  “Oh my God, shut up!” I blush, laughing. “It is a dream though.” I look around again. “You even added shelves.”

  “Of course!” He smiles. “I have it all designed. You’re going to love it.”

  I kiss him—hard and without reservation.

  “That’s the sweetest damn thing anyone’s ever done for me.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Vada. Anything,” he whispers, pressing his forehead against mine.

  “You’re too good to be true,” I tell him, meaning every word. “That’s why I had to come back.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I had to tell you…” I pause briefly, getting ahold of my nerves.

  “What?” He looks nervous for a split-second.

  “I had to come tell you how in love with you I am, and that I’d be a fool to walk away from someone as amazing as you. I’m not running away from love this time. I want you—forever. I love you, Ethan Rochester.”

  He plants his lips back on mine, taking steps until my back hits the wall and he pins me there with his hard body.

  “Fuck, Vada…I don’t think those words have ever sounded so sweet till they came from your lips. I love you so goddamn much. You have no idea how happy you just made me.” He presses his mouth back down on mine before I can reply, which is totally okay with me because what came next didn’t need words.




  I’m covered in clay and need to shower before heading in for the night, but I can’t pass up the opportunity to sneak inside the nursery first.

  My gorgeous wife is rocking our baby and humming as she nurses him. It’s the most beautiful image in the entire world, everything I ever could’ve imagined. And more.

  “How’s it going?” I whisper, grabbing her attention as I lean against the doorway.

  She smiles up at me, a noticeable glow circulating her face.

  “He’s just like his father. Gravitates to the left more than the right.” She chuckles, holding his precious little hand.

  “We Rochester men know what we like,” I say with an unapologetic shrug. “Plus, the left one is bigger.” I flash her a wide, knowing grin.

  She rolls her eyes and looks back down at him. Pushing off the doorway, I walk over to them and press a kiss to her head.

  “I still can’t get over how much he looks like you,” Vada says, rubbing her finger along his soft cheek.

  “Yeah, but he’s probably got his mama’s sassy mouth.”

  She chuckles softly. “And his daddy’s crass attitude.”

  “The kid’s gonna be a spitfire, no doubt.” I lean down and press a soft kiss on her lips. “I’m going to hop in the shower if you want to join me after he’s asleep.” I flash her a wink, telling her everything I need to.

  “You know we can’t have sex for six weeks after giving birth,” she reminds me as if I could’ve forgotten that little detail.

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t feast on other parts of you,” I tease.

  Shaking her head at me, she bites down on her lower lip to conceal her smile. “You’re bad.”

  “And you wrote a whole book telling everyone how much you love the bad boy, so there’s no turning back now,” I remind her smirking, and she wrinkles her nose at me before I lean down and kiss the top of London’s head. He barely fidgets from my contact—too busy eating.

  I head to the shower with a toothy grin on my face. I can’t help it. I’m happier than I ever thought possible.

  When we found out Vada was pregnant, I panicked at first. Although I was excited to be starting a family with her, I couldn’t help that fear inside that something was going to go wrong again, and I’d lose everything all over again. I knew Vada felt it too, but we leaned on each other for love and support, which helped get through those nine months.

  Everything went great during her pregnancy, and even her labor was smooth without any complications. The relief that struck me when he was finally here was unlike anything I’d experienced before. Just knowing I could hold him brought me on an emotional roller coaster. London was born a whopping nine pounds and a head full of dark hair. It was an indescribable feeling and one I’ll never forget.

  As soon as we found out we were having a boy, I was flooded with memories of Alana and Paris. I hated that I felt like I was replacing them somehow, although I knew that was far from the truth. Vada knew how important it was for me to keep their memories alive. She didn’t change much in the nursery, knowing I’d want to keep certain things. She never pressed me on it, and I loved her even more for that. She wanted to keep the memories of my family alive too, and that meant more to me than anything.

  I’m on cloud nine as I begin rinsing off my body in the shower and hear Vada sneaking in behind me. Spinning around, I gasp when I see her kneeling down in front of me.

  “What are you—”

  “Taking care of my man.” She smiles up at me, grabbing ahold of my shaft as the water cascades on my back and blocks her. “Unless you’d like to jerk off in the shower alone again?” she teases, feistier than usual.

  “Fuck, Vada…” I groan as she swirls her tongue around my piercing, knowing just how much it turns me on. “And for the record, I don’t jerk off in the shower.” I pause before continuing, “Anymore.”

  She chuckles, releasing the tip. “Yeah, okay, Casanova. That’s not what you inspired in chapter sixteen of my newest book,” she reminds me with a wink.

  “That was one time,” I defend. “And only because you were being a cock tease.”

  She bursts out laughing. “I was six months pregnant and out of clothes to wear,” she reminds me, and memories of her wearing my T-shirts starts getting me hot all over again.

  “Yeah.” I flash her a knowing smile. “You should always be pregnant, wearing my shirts, and only my shirts.”

  She waggles her brows as she licks the length of my shaft and begins pumping it. Fuck, she’s so good at knowing exactly what I like. I wrap my hand in her hair and fist it as she works me all the way to orgasm.

  Reaching down, I grab her hand and pull her up. I press my mouth against hers and kiss her until both our lips are swollen. I clean both of us, taking my time as I wash and rinse her off.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” I tell her along her ear as I inhale her fresh, sweet scent. “Perfect in every way.”

  “That’s always a nice thing to hear after having baby spit-up and poop on your clothes all day,” she says, choking back a laugh.

  I smile, turning her around so I can look into her eyes. Cupping her cheeks, I press one more soft kiss against her lips. “I couldn’t imagine life getting any better, baby. Starting a family and being truly happy is all that matters.”

  “Look at you, smooth talker,” she teases, resting her lips against mine. “Guess my writing is starting to wear off on you.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” I drawl, pulling back slightly. “Gorgeous brunettes who suck my cock
like that…” I glance down, smirking, “…are my kryptonite.”

  “I bet they are,” she says, laughing at the seriousness of my tone.

  I lead her out and dry us both off. As I wrap a towel around my waist, I hear London stirring in his crib. Vada starts heading for the nursery when I stop her and pull her back.

  “I’ll take this shift, babe. You get some sleep.” I kiss her on the cheek before walking the rest of the way to the nursery.

  Before opening the door, I glance down the hall and see Oliver and Wilma snuggled up together. Oliver’s licking Wilma’s face, and Wilma’s purring loudly.

  “Get a room you two,” I mock, rolling my eyes at how much they love each other. Once Vada confirmed she was moving in, we flew up to Chicago together so I could help her pack and arrange for all her things to get shipped down here. Oliver didn’t exactly warm up to me right away, which caused concern on how he’d react to Wilma.

  Suffice it to say, he warmed up to Wilma much sooner.

  After meeting Nora though, I could see why Oliver was hesitant about meeting new people. He was used to being around strong, hard-headed women and saw me as a threat. Eventually, we had a heart-to-heart and agreed to both be the men of the house.

  Walking into the nursery, I peek in the crib and see London’s fussing and unraveling from his swaddle. I pick him up, check his diaper, and wrap him back up in his blanket before seating us in the rocking chair.

  “Listen, little guy,” I begin, brushing my finger softly along his face. “Your mama hasn’t slept in five weeks, and I’m going to need her to be as refreshed as possible in about the next week or so, which means you have to start sleeping for a few hours at a time. Now, I’m not above bribery and negotiations, so you just tell me what you want. A playset? Jordan High-tops? A Mustang when you turn sixteen? I mean, you name it, and I’ll make it happen, okay? As long as you give me one hour alone with your mama. Well, let’s just say two.” I smile as he eyes me curiously as if I’ve lost my mind. “Do we have a deal?”


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