Savage Rising

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Savage Rising Page 14

by Katie Reus

  Her ex started to say something else but Savage let out the scariest growl she’d ever heard. Like the tiger he was. “Don’t talk to her unless it’s related to the job.” A soft, deadly order with an unspoken or else. And after what had happened in the penthouse the or else was pretty clear.

  Heath was silent, turning to look out his window and basically sulking like the man-child he was. Which felt familiar, so some things definitely hadn’t changed.

  She certainly had. She’d actually wondered how she’d feel if she ever saw him again. Maybe a bittersweet sensation or sadness? Instead…there was nothing there. Well, other than annoyance, and a sadness for him that he’d missed out on knowing his own daughter. Closing her eyes, she turned her face into Savage’s chest, sliding her arm around him as she did.

  The drive took about thirty minutes until they were very much outside Miami city limits and near the Everglades.

  Under a clear blue sky, Maxwell turned from the two-lane bumpy back road they were on, onto a dusty unpaved road. A warehouse was about half a mile away in the distance but she couldn’t see anything else all around it. Just an expansive grass field—that actually looked like it had been mowed recently. Far, far behind the warehouse was a tree line of palm trees and then a body of water. Probably a swamp or some kind of retention pond.

  Well this definitely couldn’t be where they were stealing from so it must be the base of operations before the actual heist.

  Tense, sweat dripping down her spine despite the cool interior, she tried to mentally prepare for whatever was about to come. Because after the job, she was disposable to Kyle.

  Unless they could get some dirt on him or get the upper hand… She shook off the thought. One step at a time right now. And it wasn’t like she was alone. She had Savage with her.

  Despite everything, the thought was comforting.

  * * *

  Savage kept Olivia close to him as they strode into the wide-open warehouse. Whatever this place was used for, it would be impossible to engage in a sneak attack. Not with the flatlands surrounding it. Neely had picked it well if he had security in mind.

  He wanted to tell Gage where they were but there hadn’t been an opportunity and no one had been chatty in the SUV. When he’d first met Neely he’d needed to show him what type of man he was. Now, he needed to blend better, to not stand out.

  He was pretty certain he had Neely’s trust—at least to an extent. But he still needed to fade more into the background so that Neely almost forgot he was there.

  Two conference-size tables had been pushed together and a 3-D model of what he guessed was downtown Miami had been set up on one table. One building was a different color than the other plain gray, scaled buildings. It was a pale blue. Next to the first table was an oversized version of the blue building, but it was missing one exterior wall, showcasing all the floors inside from the lobby to the top one. More than a decent scale. This was high-quality professional grade.

  Neely strode straight to the scale model and pointed at the blue building. “This is what we’re hitting. The Prisock building.”

  Savage wasn’t familiar enough with Miami to have heard of it, but Olivia had told him that Neely had always stolen antiquities, artifacts and jewelry.

  Neely nodded once at Maxwell. “Maxwell is our inside man. He’s on the security team. Olivia will be posing as an IT employee who needs to work late. She’s going to drive us into the parking garage here around ten.” He pointed to that section of the model. “As a woman she’s less threatening, and Maxwell will be the one who lets her in—so no one else sees her face.” He looked at Olivia directly. “The credentials we have for you are real—taken from another employee and mirrored.”

  He looked out at everyone now, scanning faces.

  “We’ll all be in the back of the van, concealed behind a fake panel. Once we’re inside, we’ll have exactly five minutes to make it to the security room. Maxwell will signal a guy in the security room to run a loop. It’s very short. Once we make it to the security room, you,” he said, looking at Savage, “and I will take over. We’ll subdue the guards and turn off the recording.”

  “Fine. But no killing.”

  “You didn’t seem to have a problem with it earlier.” Neely’s face scrunched up slightly, the dark bruising under his eyes from Savage’s punch making him internally smile.

  “And I don’t now. But unnecessary deaths are messy and stupid. The kind of shit that gets you the needle if you get caught. In and out clean is the way I do things.”

  Neely didn’t respond, just turned to Heath—an asshole Savage wanted to punch on principle. “As soon as Savage and I subdue the detail in the security room, you’ll make your move on the front lobby guard. He’s armed but you’ll be posing as a tech guy working late. You’ll tase him, bind him, and take over downstairs as our extra lookout. I’ve been watching the place for a month and we shouldn’t have any late night visitors, but I want eyes on the lobby just in case.”

  He continued talking through the plan before turning to Olivia again.

  “You’ll be on the eleventh floor here,” he said, pointing to the scaled building again. “The newest version of the Kaira is in office 1132. You’ll have forty-five minutes to crack it, but after seeing what you did with the 2000, it shouldn’t take that long. Once you’re in, radio me and we empty what’s inside and leave the way we came. Smith will be moving around the building as extra security so if there’s an issue, radio him first.”

  “What about the guys in security?” Smith asked.

  “We’ll leave them behind tied up to be found. And Maxwell will employ another distraction before he exits.”

  “What’s the take?” Savage asked. It was a fair question. And one Neely would expect him to ask.

  “A little over eight million apiece.”

  The room went eerily silent for a long moment. That meant this job was close to fifty million. Which meant Neely had to have more inside people. No way Maxwell was the only man. It also meant this wasn’t jewels or antiquities. It had to be something else. Maybe tech related.

  “What are we taking?”

  Neely shrugged. “Files. All in flash drive form. I don’t know what’s on the drives either so don’t ask. And I don’t care. What I do know is we’ll be paid enough that we won’t have to do another job for decades if we don’t want.”

  So he was working for someone. There was another unknown. Son of a bitch.

  “How are we going to get paid?” Zac asked. He had to keep his role going.

  “Deposits into untraceable offshore accounts.”

  After that, Neely pulled Maxwell to the side and started talking to him right about the time Smith showed up. The man immediately joined Neely and Maxwell, murmuring in low tones with them.

  “Olivia, can I talk to you for a minute? In private?” Heath looked at Zac once before focusing on Olivia.

  Jaw tight, she nodded once. “Fine.”

  Zac didn’t want to let her go, not even for a moment, but with Neely distracted he wanted to communicate with Gage as best he could. “You hear all that?” he murmured as he approached the table.

  “Yeah,” Gage said into his ear. “I ran the Prisock building. Private company but they’ve got government contracts. Too many to filter through to figure out what Neely is after. But he’s working with someone else, something I know you’ve already figured out. It’ll be whoever’s willing to fork over fifty million for whatever’s in the safe. And if it’s in a safe, I’m guessing that this information isn’t available digitally. Which is why it has to be a physical job. Otherwise, whoever hired Neely would just hire a hacker to take what he or they need.”

  Savage made a quiet, agreeable sound. This was tech related or information. And information worth fifty million? He could only guess what it could be.

  “We don’t have anything on Neely yet but Colt and Skye are on the way down. Should be here in an hour. And after what I’ve just heard of his plan—I’ve go
t an idea how we’re going to get him to hand over the blackmail he has on Olivia without realizing he’s giving it to us. And how to make sure he goes down for everything without dragging you or Olivia into it.”

  As Gage started talking, Savage resisted the urge to smile. This could definitely work. Timing would be critical but it could work.

  Chapter 16

  —Actions are everything.—

  Olivia watched her ex, wondering how the hell she’d ever fallen for him. She’d been young, feeling lost after graduation, and he’d been absolutely charming. He’d played up on her insecurities, her fears and she’d walked right into it.

  They’d met at an off-campus coffee shop and he’d bought her latte and nearly charmed the panties right off her that day. Ugh. She’d been such an idiot. Later, she’d realized his charming act was for everyone. She hadn’t been special.

  Heath ran a hand over his perfectly styled blond hair. He was tall, fit, with the type of looks that belonged on the big screen. Strong, square jaw, piercing blue eyes, a sort of classic handsomeness. And the real draw to him was his smile—insincere though it was. Like he had a secret and wanted to tell it to you and you alone. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this.”

  Oh yeah, she just bet he was. She resisted the urge to snort at him. “When did he contact you about this job?”

  “A week ago.” His answer was too fast, as if he’d been prepared for it. And he did this little thing where he clenched his jaw when he lied. It was his only tell—and she’d never told him that he gave himself away when he lied.

  Hmm. “So why didn’t he bring you in for the first meeting Savage and I were called in for?”

  Heath shrugged. “I don’t know.” Still lying.

  “Did you know he threatened Valencia? And kidnapped Martina?”

  “No.” Another lie. That bastard.

  She kept her expression neutral even if she wanted to throat punch him. “So why’d you want to talk to me?” She was stressed out enough about what they had to do. Standing here chatting with her ex wasn’t going to help matters.

  “I just wanted to get you away from that thug you’re with so we could catch up. When did you take up with him?”

  She lifted a shoulder and glanced over at Savage—who was eyeing the scaled building setup as if he was memorizing every inch. “We got together after you.” A vague answer with no time frame. And she had a feeling that Heath was only asking to corroborate what they’d told Neely. She didn’t trust this snake one bit.

  “He doesn’t seem like your type.”

  Ugh, she shouldn’t indulge him, but… “He’s the opposite of you. Which pretty much makes him my type.”

  He gave her this wounded puppy dog look, which from anyone else might have made her feel bad. But he’d literally rejected their daughter. He could suck it.

  “I don’t remember you being like—”

  “Oh sweet Lord, what do you want, Heath? I don’t care what you remember me being like. I’m not that impressionable young woman from back then. And I’m glad. So unless you have something important to say…” She paused as Savage appeared at her side. Wow, he was quiet. And fast—and he looked pissed.

  “Get lost,” Savage growled, looping an arm around her and pulling her into his arms. He didn’t say anything else, just held her close.

  And damn it, she was still hurt by him but she hugged him back, burying her face against his chest. It was simply as part of her role. That was all. She could tell herself that and almost believe it.

  Heath practically ran away from them, his shoes pounding against the floor as he retreated.

  “After this job is over, I want to hunt him down and hurt him.”

  Startled by his harsh words, she pulled back slightly. “Are you serious?”

  “I told you I wasn’t a good man.” Okay, he definitely wasn’t joking.

  “He’s not worth it.”

  His jaw clenched once. “What did he want?”

  “Nothing. Just to talk.” It was so inane, so freaking pitiful she didn’t want to waste any more space in her head thinking about him. “He knew about Martina being kidnapped though,” she said quietly.

  “He admitted that?”

  “No.” Out of the corner of her eye she could see that Heath was far enough away that he wouldn’t overhear. “But I can tell when he’s lying. He also knew that Kyle threatened Valencia.”

  Savage’s expression went…savage. Yeah, he really lived up to that moniker. “I’m actually going to take pleasure in hurting him,” he deadpanned.

  She smacked his chest, hoping he was kidding.

  “Why were you so cold to me this morning?” he asked suddenly, a hint of hurt in his eyes.

  No. He didn’t get to look hurt. She started to drop her arms, to pull back, but he simply tightened his grip. “Now’s not the time.” No one in the warehouse could hear them, but still.

  “It’s definitely the time. We’re about to go on a job together. I want to know where your head is at.”

  “It’s nothing…” She hated that Gage and likely the others could overhear their conversation right now. Gage was good about not communicating and distracting, but she knew he was always listening. At least that was what he’d told her. Which was beyond embarrassing, considering the dirty things Savage had said to her in the elevator at the hotel. “I heard what you said to Brooks about not wanting a ready-made family or relationship. And you were upfront about not being able to offer me anything.” Gah, she inwardly cringed that she was having this conversation with the others on their team listening in. But screw it. “So I have no reason to be hurt but I still was. Okay, I am hurt, if I’m being honest. I thought we shared something special but at least I know where I stand.” And that was that. She wanted to shove him off and step back, but didn’t want to make a scene. Now more than ever they had to appear like a team, a happy freaking couple.

  “I lied to Brooks. And I lied to myself. Olivia—”

  “No. I don’t want to hear it. Trust me, I’m done listening to garbage from men.”

  His jaw tightened and there were so many emotions in his green eyes as he looked down at her. “After this job I’m not walking away from you.”

  Something buried deep inside her flared to life but she shoved it away. She kept a smile on her face and her voice low. Her smile was fake but everyone was far enough away they shouldn’t be able to tell. “I give zero fucks what you say right now. I heard what you said when you thought I wasn’t listening.”

  “That’s fair. But I’m not walking away from us. Last night was incredible and I think we could be good together. No, I know we can.”

  She nearly scoffed but kept the stupid smile plastered on her face and her voice pitched low. “We live in different states. I have a kid. You don’t want a ready-made family.” She couldn’t keep the hint of anger out of her voice. When she’d heard him say that, it had cut deeper than when her ex had split. Because she cared about Savage in a way that should be impossible for how long they’d known each other. Emotions and logic were two different things. When it came to Savage, logic took a back seat.

  “I can live in any city I want. And I lied. I’d be lucky to have you and Valencia in my life. I want anything and everything you have to offer. You don’t have to believe me. I’m going to show you that I’m not just another asshole.” He paused. “Okay, I am an asshole sometimes. Maybe a lot of times. But not to you. Never to you.”

  “If you’re doing this because you think I need to hear this before a job, then—”

  He took her by surprise, crushing his mouth to hers for a hard, demanding kiss. She didn’t want to like it—love it. She should push him away. But she couldn’t. Because of the role she was playing. Riiiiiigghhtt. She couldn’t even buy her own lie as heat rushed between her legs.

  Zac Savage was seriously messing with her head. And her body. Her nipples tightened against her bra cups as she leaned into him, teased her tongue against his. He tasted like coffee a
nd something sweet. She wanted nothing more than to wrap her legs around him and—

  At the sound of a throat clearing, she blinked and lifted her head to find Kyle watching them with interest. Freaking perv.

  “Sorry to interrupt but I want to go over the safe specs with you,” he said to Olivia. “Just want to make sure you’re up to the task.”

  She resisted the urge to snap at him and nodded instead. Pissing off Kyle was the last thing she wanted to do. And she was pretty sure he was just being a dick. He didn’t want to go over any specs with her. He’d recruited her—blackmailed her—for a reason.

  As she stepped away from Savage she heard Gage’s voice in her ear. So he’d definitely overheard their conversation. Great. All embarrassment faded at his next words.

  “Colt and Skye have arrived. We’ve all got your back tonight.”

  She didn’t let herself outwardly react. But Colt and Skye weren’t supposed to be in Miami. They were supposed to be with her daughter, making sure she was safe. Did Savage know about this? She wanted to ask him but there was no normal way to back out of going over safe specs with Kyle. Not unless she wanted to draw attention to herself.

  As soon as she was able she was questioning Savage. Or Gage himself. She knew Martina was with her daughter but she’d felt a lot better knowing Valencia was being watched by Colt and Skye.

  Chapter 17


  Crammed in the back of the midsize van with three other men wasn’t Zac’s idea of a good time. And he hated that Olivia was the driver, putting herself right in harm’s way as they infiltrated this building. Alone in the front, she was completely unprotected.

  They’d barely had a moment to themselves at the warehouse today. Neely had been edgy, wanting to go over every last detail until he was just repeating himself. Zac understood being prepared but Neely had seemed almost nervous. A change from the arrogant man Zac had originally met.


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