Savage Rising

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Savage Rising Page 20

by Katie Reus

  She rolled her hips again, insistently, grinding against him.

  “That feel good against your clit?” he murmured. The seam of his pants had to be hitting her there or close to it.

  “You’d feel better.” She slid her hands down his back as he moved to her other nipple, tugging and teasing.

  When she started unbuckling his belt, he let her. He should keep everything off but he wanted to be skin to skin with her.

  He hadn’t been kidding—unless there was an emergency he didn’t want to be disturbed. But the way things had been going, he didn’t want to tempt fate. He’d give her foreplay but then he was going to be inside her before anyone could interrupt them. His entire body vibrated with the need to feel her tight sheath wrapped around him.

  He shifted off her to shuck his pants. And when he knelt on the bed, his cock hard and at full attention, her eyes widened slightly as they had the first time she’d seen him. There was no hiding that he was a big guy all over. Nothing he could do about it. But he was going to make sure she was wet and ready for him.

  Keeping his gaze on her face, he reached between her spread legs and cupped her covered mound. Even through the thin scrap of material he could feel her wetness.

  Her gaze snapping to meet his, she rolled her hips into his hold. So he quickly discarded the panties and she slipped out of her bra. When she was bared completely to him, he froze for a long moment, staring at her sleek, smooth body. Her long, dark hair pillowed around her face as she watched him. He wasn’t poetic by a long shot, but she looked like an angel.

  His angel.

  She reached for him, but instead of covering her body with his, of pushing inside her, he dipped his head between her legs. There was a driving need to taste her, one he wouldn’t deny.

  She let out a gasp as he flicked his tongue along her slick folds, but quickly slid her fingers through his hair. “Zac.” When she moaned his name, he swore his dick got even harder, something that shouldn’t be possible.

  He dipped his tongue inside her. Just hearing his name on her lips did something to him. He’d always been Savage before her. Even with the one-night stands. Women seemed to like him because of his size, and expected him to be rough. Olivia saw him. Or at least it sure felt like it. She saw the man he wanted to be and didn’t care about his past.

  Zeroing in on her clit with his tongue, he applied enough pressure to have her shifting underneath him, the sweetest little moans leaving her mouth. Her breath was growing faster and harder the more he teased her. Sliding a finger inside her, he felt his dick kick again as her inner walls squeezed around him. Soon enough he’d be fully inside her. Quickly he added another finger, wanting her to be completely ready for him.

  When she started squeezing around him, tighter and tighter, he knew she was close. Though he’d planned to taste her come, he eased his fingers out and climbed up her body.

  Eyes heavy-lidded with hunger, she looked up at him. “In me, now.”

  That little bite to her words, the subtle demand, was enough to push him over the edge. Almost. He’d always been in control with women. But with Olivia, the woman owned and controlled him whether she realized it or not.

  He teased her wet folds with his cock, groaning as he pushed deeper and deeper. As he thrust fully inside her, she gasped, her head falling back on a sigh of pleasure.

  He nuzzled her neck as she adjusted to his size, kissing a path to that sweet spot behind her ear. Just feeling her tight body wrapped around his hard length and it was taking all of his restraint not to come. Something he’d never had a problem with before.

  Reaching between their bodies, he didn’t stop until he reached her clit. She dug her fingers into his back when he tweaked the sensitive bundle of nerves.

  “So close, Zac.”

  He started moving inside her slowly, his balls pulling up tight at the sensation of being inside her. Her inner walls were so damn tight and he was close to falling over the edge.

  Faster and faster he thrust while continuing to tease her clit.

  He pulled back so he could see her face while she came. Her eyes were open ever so slightly, her breathing as ragged as his as she watched him. When he felt her inner walls start pulsing around him he knew she was close.

  Her eyes fell shut so he crushed his mouth to hers as her climax started. She tightened her legs around him as her orgasm slammed through her, her inner walls clamping around him.

  The thought of being able to come with her, to come inside her, pushed him fully over the cliff. Pure pleasure slammed out to all his nerve endings as he started coming in long, hard thrusts, over and over.

  He completely lost himself inside her, the purest oblivion he’d ever experienced, until they both collapsed against the bed, breathing hard.

  He wasn’t sure how long they lay wrapped up in each other’s arms and he didn’t much care. He could stay here forever.

  “I don’t think I got to say it before,” she murmured against his chest, breaking through the quiet of the room, “but I want to try this thing with you.”

  He slid a finger under her chin so she’d look up at him. He didn’t want to have this conversation without looking at her face. “This thing?” he asked.

  “A relationship. I want to see what we have together, even when I head home.”

  It didn’t matter that she hadn’t told him she loved him, this was a start. A very good one. He was going to show her that what they had together was something special, real. And worth holding on to. Forever.

  Chapter 24

  —One stupid mistake can change everything.—

  Looking at the screen of his laptop, Gage was trying to ignore Brooks. Never should have confided in him.

  “You can’t hit on the new girl,” Brooks muttered. Leaned back in one of the chairs in his office at the ranch, he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I’m not going to hit on her.” Gage hadn’t even met her yet. “I just wanted to do some background checks on her.” Because he couldn’t get that damn voice out of his head. He didn’t bother glancing up from his laptop.

  “You think Skye hasn’t already done that? She knows the woman and she has a stellar work record.”

  Gage lifted a shoulder.

  “You know what. I’ll bet you that you can’t get her phone number or find out more about her without using your computer.”

  Now he looked up. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I mean, the only way you get to learn anything about her is if she tells you. If you look up a bunch of stuff about her, it gives you an unfair advantage and takes all the fun out of the chase.”

  “I’m not chasing her.”

  “Says the man obsessed with a voice.”

  “Why did I ever tell you that?” he muttered.

  “It’s a little sad.” Brooks grinned, revealing a dimple that women seemed to love. Good-looking bastard.

  Gage leaned back in his seat. “What kind of bet are you talking here? What do I get if I win?”

  Brooks rolled his eyes. “Nothing from me, dumbass. But if you win, you get her number and get to know her. Do I really need to explain anything else to you? The birds and the bees perhaps?”

  Gage started to respond when Brooks’s dad knocked on the open door as he stepped into the entryway. It was weird having Douglas Alexander around, but he was different than the workaholic Gage remembered as a teenager.

  “Son,” he said, nodding at Brooks, who immediately took his boots off the expensive desk and straightened in his chair like a scolded kid. “I hear that there will be a DEA agent at the house in the morning.”

  Brooks pushed up from his chair and turned to face his dad. Leaning against the front of the desk, he nodded. “That’s correct.”

  “Care to explain what’s going on?” His dad leaned against the door frame, looking so much like his son it was clear they were related. Both had dark hair, hard builds and classic Hollywood good looks.

  Brooks cleared his thr
oat but launched into a brief explanation—leaving out some important details. But it was enough that the older man would be able to fill in the blanks.

  Finally his dad said, “You want me to call one of my attorneys? Have them here as legal counsel for Olivia?”

  Brooks shook his head. “No, but thank you. At this point having an attorney will make her look guilty or as if she has something to hide. She’s going to go with the oblivious ex-wife role for now. And we’ve got our own attorney if necessary.”

  “Hmm.” He nodded, but didn’t move from his position. “I like what you’re doing with this consulting company. You ever need anything from me, let me know.”

  Brooks cleared his throat and let out a grunted response that sort of sounded like a thank you.

  Gage hid a smile. God, the relationship between these two was so awkward.

  “So…most of the house is headed to town to see a movie. I’m going with Martina. Skye wanted me to ask you two if you wanted to go.”

  Brooks straightened the slightest bit. The stone-cold sniper was almost never uncomfortable but Gage knew how complicated his relationship was with his father. “Martina’s not like the women you’ve been with in the past.” There was an edge to Brooks’s voice when he spoke about the older woman. No surprise—Brooks was simply like that when it came to any woman.

  To Gage’s surprise, the older man snorted. “Yeah, no kidding. It’s why I like her. Really like her.”

  Brooks made a disbelieving sound and Gage could see this going badly fast so he stood from his seat. Before he’d opened his mouth, Douglas spoke.

  “So when are you going to pull your head out of your ass and go after Darcy? It’s time you started on a family and I’d like some grandchildren.”

  Okay, then. Gage looked at one of the expensive Monets on the wall, not sure what the hell else to do. He definitely didn’t want to be here for this conversation—though he made a mental note of the name Darcy. Unfortunately Douglas was blocking the door and there was no easy way to extract himself from this slice of awkward hell.

  Brooks started practically vibrating with anger. “Are you kidding me? Go after the woman you offered a few million if she’d leave me? This is why we can’t ever have a normal relationship! You can never just leave well enough alone! And I don’t buy this whole changed man attitude.”

  His father shoved up from the door, put his hands on his hips. “I did it to make sure she loved you and wasn’t after your fortune.”

  “Yeah and how’d that work out?” Bitterness laced his voice. “Looks like you and I have something in common after all. Shitty taste in women.”

  Douglas gave him a strange look. “She didn’t take the money.”

  A long, pregnant pause filled the silence and Gage really, really wished he was somewhere else right about now. He knew someone had hurt Brooks recently but his friend had never talked about it. Just said he was apparently a dumbass when it came to women because he had the same taste as his father. Maybe not, as it turned out. A woman who turned down a few million for him?

  “What?” Brooks rasped out.

  Frowning, his dad nodded. “How do you not know that? She told me to fuck off—though more politely than that. I always wondered why you let that one go. She was a real class act,” he murmured, respect in his voice. “And I know she could have used the money too.”

  Another long silence expanded and Gage was about to just make a break for it. This was way too much emotional stuff for him.

  “Son, I’m sorry, I thought you knew that—”

  Brooks didn’t respond, just stepped past his father and muttered something about going riding.

  “Don’t end up an old fool like me,” Douglas said to Gage. “If you ever have kids, don’t meddle in their lives. You’ll have a lot fewer regrets.” Shaking his head, he stepped back out of the office.

  Gage collapsed back into his chair and texted Brooks even though he didn’t expect a response. Not right away at least. Brooks could go off for days alone if he wanted to.

  After shutting his laptop off, he headed downstairs to find the others. Brooks was right. He wasn’t going to do any research on their new hire. Hell, what was he thinking anyway? He couldn’t date anyone he worked with—it was just asking for trouble. Besides, once Nova, aka “the voice,” got a look at Leighton or Brooks he wouldn’t stand a chance.

  Chapter 25

  —You can’t logic your way through emotion.—

  Zac gently squeezed Olivia’s hand, ready for this interview to be over. They sat across from Agent Torres and Agent King, the team the local DEA had sent out to talk to the two of them—but mainly Olivia, it seemed. “Routine questions about an ongoing investigation” was exactly how they’d worded it.

  Almost everyone was out of the house except Brooks, who was in his office. Since he owned the estate, he wanted to be nearby. After all, Olivia was staying here with Zac, her new boyfriend, at his friend’s estate for the Thanksgiving holiday. It appeared as if the agents believed that story. Or at least they weren’t throwing cuffs on them yet.

  Thankfully everyone else had made themselves scarce getting ready for the “turkey play” later tonight. Everyone but Zac. No, he was sitting right next to her and holding her hand like the concerned boyfriend.

  Boyfriend seemed like such a stupid word for what they were—though he wasn’t quite sure what they were at this point. He knew he loved her and that she cared for him. But after last night she hadn’t said she loved him back. He wanted to be okay with that, to be patient—but it still cut. In a way he hadn’t been prepared for.

  Agent Torres, a Hispanic woman in a pantsuit, stood from her seat on the couch, nodding once at her partner. “Thank you for being so cooperative. If we have any questions, we’ll follow up.”

  Following suit, Olivia stood. “I’ll be here through the end of next week then I’ll be headed home. But you have my contact info.”

  Both agents nodded and murmured niceties before she and Savage walked them out. Once he shut and locked the door behind them, she buried her face against his chest. He pulled her close, savoring the feel of her in his arms. Where she belonged.

  “How did I do?” she mumbled against his pecs.

  He kissed the top of her head lightly. “Perfect. And considering Agent Moore didn’t come himself, I think we’re in the clear. Those were just two Redemption Harbor locals doing their job. The evidence against you is destroyed, they have Neely in custody and have enough to put him away for a very long time. And the Miami PD haven’t called us in for a lineup or questioning for the jewelry store heist, so that tells me the DEA has literally nothing on us. Neely just looks like a big liar at this point.”

  “I have a feeling since all the jewels were returned to the store, the Miami PD has closed that case.” Olivia’s voice was wry.

  “No kidding.” The cops wouldn’t waste their time with the case anymore.

  As far as Neely went, Zac didn’t think the man would last that long in prison. He’d gotten involved with Heath, and inadvertently some very dangerous Russians. The Russians would want to clean house and Neely was a problem for them since it was clear he had no problem talking.

  She pulled back slightly to look up at him. “Did you notice how carefully they watched me when they told me Heath was killed?”

  “Yeah. You appeared surprised though.” Not overly wrought, but still shocked.

  “I’m just glad it’s over.” She laid her face against his chest, turning her cheek into him.

  “Me too,” he murmured. “When you leave next week…I’d like to set up a time to come visit you guys. I’ll stay at a hotel.” He didn’t want to put her in an awkward position with Valencia.

  “Actually,” she said, looking up at him again, “you could stay with Martina if you’d like. And when Valencia stays with her we can have grown-up time.”

  He grinned. “I like the sound of grown-up time. And now you need to prepare for the show of your life.” Her cheeks
flushed in that way that pushed him over the edge, making him smile even bigger. “Not that kind of show, pervert.”

  “Oh my gosh, the play! What time is it?” she asked.

  He glanced at his watch. “Five, which means I have one hour until curtain call.”

  “Thank you for doing this for Valencia. It’s incredibly sweet.”

  He didn’t know how to respond because he didn’t want her gratitude. He just wanted her. Leaning down, he kissed her again, teasing his tongue against her own with a barely leashed hunger. He wanted to push her up against the door and thrust inside her over and over until they were both spent.

  Then do it again.

  Somehow he forced himself to pull back. Mainly because he didn’t want to get caught by a six-year-old. “I’ve got to go get ready.” He leaned his forehead against hers, willing his cock to go down. It was definitely going to take time.

  Laughing lightly, she reached between their bodies and rubbed her hand over his hard length. “Tonight, you and me…” She squeezed gently.

  “You’re going to pay for that.” He stepped back, groaning at the discomfort.

  “I hope so,” she murmured.

  For a moment he was tempted to say screw it all and throw her over his shoulder and head upstairs—until he heard the pitter-patter of little feet. “Shit, distract her. Tell her I’ll meet her outside by the pool in a few minutes.”

  Olivia pulled him down for a quick kiss before hurrying from the foyer, her light laughter trailing behind her. And he found himself smiling. Something he’d been doing a hell of a lot more of since her.

  * * *

  “I don’t know how you guys did this so quickly,” Olivia murmured as Skye sat next to her—in a turkey costume made from poster board, glitter, felt and a bunch of other crafty stuff.

  And she still looked like a badass.

  “Martina took over,” Skye said, laughing. “She’s a little scary.”


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