Holiday Kisses: A Rare GiftMistletoe and MargaritasIt's Not Christmas Without YouThis Time Next Year

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Holiday Kisses: A Rare GiftMistletoe and MargaritasIt's Not Christmas Without YouThis Time Next Year Page 24

by Alison Kent

  “For now.”

  Spence whispered something that sounded suspiciously like “dumb bastard” under his breath. “Does she know that all of this so-called romancing you’re doing is aimed at bringing her back to Holloway rather than accepting her job and coming up with a compromise?”

  Compromise. Carrie used that word a lot before she left home. She hadn’t said it since. He got that she liked her job, but he wanted her to need him more.

  “I have to go or I’ll be late.”

  “Hold on a second.” Spence hesitated as if turning the situation over in his mind. “You’ll be chaperoning this date and I’ll be working the lot alone?”

  Austin waited for the full truth to hit his brother. “Yes.”

  “On the Friday night, two weeks before Christmas. The busiest time for people to buy trees.” The longer he talked, the slower Spence’s pace got until a beat of silence separated each word.

  “I’m still going with yes.”

  Spence stood up, hands on his hips and ready for battle. “Will you be saying yes when I throw you in traffic?”

  Knowing the argument was coming, Austin had worked out a contingency plan. Not a great one, but a workable one. “The security guys can help you for a few hours until I get back.”

  “Hours? As in more than one?”

  “I won’t be long.”

  Spence pointed out the window at the guard circling the lot and eyeing up the potential customers as if they were terrorists waiting to attack. “That one has a neck the size of a utility pole.”

  Which was exactly why Austin hired him. “Then he should be able to lift trees onto cars without getting a hernia.”

  “You’re paying them to watch the lot and make sure our inventory isn’t stolen while we sleep. Another bill you’re fronting, by the way.” When Austin stepped toward the door, Spence shifted and blocked any attempt at a speedy exit. “Did you rob a bank and not tell me?”

  Austin wasn’t touching that question. He’d cleaned out a hefty portion of his savings. Between the engagement ring and the D.C. trip, it was a good thing he didn’t have to put a down payment on a house anytime soon. “Carrie is worth it.”

  “I’m not arguing with that.”

  He’d tried joking and explaining and failed. This time Austin went with the simple bottom line. “I need to do this.”

  “What you need is meds.”

  “Probably true but I’ll settle for convincing her to come home with me.”

  Spence exhaled in a sound weighed down by the burden of being the older brother. “I’m betting it won’t be that easy.”

  “Nothing ever is for us.”

  “You know she left more than twenty minutes ago, right?”


  “Figured you’d missed that.” Spence opened the door. “Try not to be arrested.”

  Austin was still stunned by Carrie getting the drop on him and leaving early. “I can’t promise that.”

  Chapter Eight

  They made it to the end of the salad course before Austin wandered in. He walked over, waved off most of the wait staff and did not stop until he hit the side of their table.

  Austin shot Shawn one of those hard-to-read smiles that could go either way—furious or happy. “Did we change the time and no one told me?”

  To his credit, Shawn shrugged off a threat, implied or otherwise. “Carrie and I decided to start without you.”

  “Fair enough.” Austin’s shoulders visibly relaxed. “How are we doing?”

  Since this likely meant the end of the rational part of the evening, Carrie dragged the napkin off her lap and folded it on the edge of the table. “Before or after this minute?”


  “Shouldn’t you be working?”

  “Spence can handle it, and I promised I’d join you, so here I am.” Austin turned around and in five seconds sweet-talked the table next to them out of their extra chair. Dumping it in the small space next to her, he sat down and scanned the table. “What is everyone eating?”

  “I ordered the halibut,” Shawn said, sounding calm despite the arrival of Hurricane Austin.

  Shawn’s acting skills impressed Carrie. Austin had been there only for a few minutes and she had to fight off the urge to roll her eyes about a hundred times already. She had no idea how far Austin intended to go with this, but she knew she’d only be able to take so much.

  “Fish?” Austin made a face. “I don’t have to look at the menu and can tell you Carrie ordered something with four legs.”

  Not that her meat-and-potato ways were a big secret. “Yes, but I’m hoping they remove those before they put the meat on the plate and serve dinner.”

  “You don’t like fish? I would have thought you were a fisherman.” Shawn leaned back in his chair, clearly enjoying the byplay.

  “Why?” Austin asked.

  “Because you’re from West Virginia. I assumed you fish and hunt.” Shawn’s gaze went to her. “Is that offensive?”

  Austin took a sip of her water before waving the waiter over. “Being from West Virginia?”

  “My comment placing you as an outdoors type.”

  “Outdoors type?” Austin let out with a hmpf. “Been called a lot of things before but never that.”

  “Austin likes to pretend he’s a country hick, but he’s actually smart.” She looked him up and down and frowned as she did, just to let him know her patience with his acting was waning. “Well, usually. And a college graduate with a whole bunch of certifications for his work.”

  Austin nodded. “Took the refrigerator off the porch long ago.”

  “Not married to your sister?” Shawn’s burst of laughter died out when no one joined him.

  “Oh no, Shawn. I can make fun of West Virginia.” Austin used her water glass to point but his voice stayed light. “You can’t. You have to be from there to get away with the hick jokes.”

  Shawn cleared his throat. “Right. Sorry.”

  The waiter appeared at the table with another place setting. “Are you joining the table, sir?”

  “Actually, there were supposed to be three chairs from the start,” Austin said.

  “My mistake,” Carrie mumbled so only he could hear.

  “Well played.” He winked at her before turning back to the waiter. “Yes. I’d like my own water and whatever she’s having.”

  The waiter’s fake smile fumbled. “Your meal may take a bit longer than theirs.”

  “That’s okay. I don’t plan on eating it anyway.”

  The waiter’s eyes narrowed. “Sir?”

  “It’s fine.” Carrie let the poor man go before Austin drove him over the edge then she turned to the cause of most of the evening’s difficulties. “I’d remind you this is a date.”

  Austin reached into the bread basket and rummaged around, ignoring the bran roll and heading right for the white-flour option. “I know. I set you two crazy kids up. With a third, of course.”

  “Dates usually mean two people,” she said, not caring at all about the date. Austin might have a point to make, but so did she.

  “Not in West Virginia,” Austin said.

  Shawn just looked confused. Had the whole eyebrows-pulled-together thing going on. “Pardon?”

  This time she did roll her eyes. “The stereotypes about our home state are bad enough without you adding to them.”

  “Like the whole people living on farms and men swinging from trees?” Austin slathered butter on his roll and popped a strip into his mouth.

  She wondered what else to try since eye rolling clearly wasn’t working. “Are you done?”

  “Do you climb, Austin?” Shawn asked.

  “Climb what?”

  Shawn’s face went blank. “I don’t—”

  Just when she thought the evening couldn’t get stranger. “I think Shawn means hike.”

  “Ah. I thought you meant trees.” After spreading most of the remaining butter on his last piece of roll, Austin put it on the small
plate in front of him.

  “You really climb trees?”

  “It’s my job.”

  Shawn threw back his head and laughed. People at the table next to them stared. When no one joined in this time either, he immediately sobered. “Wait, you’re not kidding?”

  “Have the shoes with the spikes in them to prove it.”

  Austin made the job sound simple. She knew differently. He risked his life because he thrived outdoors and had a love of nature in his blood. Another love passed on from his father. She’d never been anything but proud of Austin’s work and his dedication to it. He didn’t let fear or weather or anything else stand in the way of doing a job. She envied his laser-like focus.

  “Austin is an arborist. He checks the health and placement of trees. He often works with the utility company, sometimes with government entities and private landowners.”

  “Interesting.” Shawn shifted in his seat and leaned in with that just-between-men look. “I do some high adventure activities myself.”

  Carrie debated leaving the men alone to fight this out. They didn’t need her. Not with all the testosterone pumping around them.

  “At the museum?” Austin asked, managing to sound serious as he did.

  “On the weekends. Kayaking and hiking, that sort of thing.”

  One of Austin’s eyebrows lifted. “I’m impressed.”

  “There’s a group of us that goes out with a guide.”

  The brow dropped. “Not as impressed now.”

  “We go through training.”

  “That sounds safe.”

  Between the sarcasm and clanking of glasses, she had just about enough. “Austin.”

  He didn’t ask “what did I do” but it was there in his expression. “What? Safe is a good thing.”

  If Shawn was offended by the macho display or circular conversation, he didn’t show it. He stayed engaged. “You prefer things a bit more risky, I take it.”

  “Some things. Other things I want consistent and sure.” Austin’s voice dipped low and husky as he talked.

  The tone licked at her. She swallowed a few times, trying to break the sudden clog in her throat. “Are we still talking about climbing?”

  The corner of his mouth kicked up. “No.”

  “Maybe I should leave.” Shawn mumbled his comment but was already standing up.

  “Sit.” She pointed at the chair and didn’t stop until Shawn dropped back down. Then she turned to Austin. “Why did you really set this up? Other than the thing about me sitting with both of you and coming to some revelation.”

  “Thought I could help break the ice.” Austin nodded in Shawn’s general direction. “Help a guy out.”

  “I do really need to use the restroom,” Shawn said.

  Austin made a tsk-tsking sound. “Let the man get up, Carrie.”

  She didn’t know if Shawn was being honest or just matchmaking, and she didn’t have the energy to figure it out. “Fine.”

  Austin waited until Shawn was out of hearing range to talk. “The rolls are pretty good.”

  When he reached for another one, she pushed his arm against the table and held it there. “This isn’t a date.”

  “Maybe you’re not trying hard enough.”

  “You’re not getting it. I’m not seeing anyone else because I don’t want to, not because I haven’t had the opportunity.”

  He flipped his wrist and slipped his fingers through hers. “That should tell you something.”

  The warmth of his hand against hers made her sigh. “It’s my choice.”

  “And?” He rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand.

  Her nerves jumped around with each sweep of his finger. “Whatever point you’re trying to make, whatever you think this scene will prove, I don’t think it’s working. Shawn and I are friends and will only ever be friends.”

  Austin lifted their joint hands to his lips. His words vibrated against her fingers as he spoke. “Because you’re not interested.”

  She tried to drag air into her lungs and nothing happened. It was as if she couldn’t catch her breath. “Right.”

  He traced the back of her hands with his lips. “You’re not interested in anyone right now.”

  She was interested in the man touching her to the point she couldn’t swallow. “Exactly.”

  “Except me.”

  “We broke up.” The usual heat she put behind the words just wouldn’t come.

  “You left for what I’m hoping was a temporary period of time. As far as I’m concerned, we’re still dating.”

  “You never give up, do you?”

  “Not when it comes to you.” He glanced across the room. “Shawn is coming back.”

  Austin placed a soft kiss against the back of her hand then down on her wrist. When he let go and sat back, it took all her control not to grab for him.

  “Austin, I—”

  “If you want a real date when this is over, text me,” he said.

  The possibilities floated through her mind. Kissing him, touching him, making love with him. Reality closed in on her from every angle. She wanted this. Wanted all the closeness and laughter, all the warmth and security he brought into her life.

  Six months and her feelings for him hadn’t changed one bit. She hadn’t moved even an inch in a new direction. Was not one step closer to getting over him.

  She shook her head more at the direction of her thoughts than at Austin. “This is so dangerous.”

  “Doing nothing is dangerous because it means standing still. This is right. We’re right. We always have been and no job or long drive between us on the highway is going to change that.” He stood up and nodded as their third date partner returned. “Shawn, welcome back.”

  His gaze traveled between Carrie and Austin and back again. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m leaving,” Austin said.

  The words ricocheted through her, wounding every space they hit. “You are?”

  He stared at her with an intensity that shook her. “Call me if you need me.”

  Chapter Nine

  An hour later, Austin thought about breaking down the door to Carrie’s apartment. Waiting for her call nearly had killed him. He’d paced the lot and loaded trees onto cars in a zombie-like state. He might even have sold a tree for a buck. He couldn’t remember and really didn’t care.

  When she finally texted, he’d sprinted across the street. Ignoring the car that almost knocked him off his feet and Spence’s yelling, he raced with only one thought in mind—getting to Carrie as quickly as possible.

  Much more of that out-of-control behavior and someone might call the police. If the running and jumping didn’t do it, the way he was banging on Carrie’s door with the side of his fist might cause the neighbors to call 911.

  The door flew open and Carrie stood there wearing the same skirt from dinner and her shirt now untucked. And nothing else. The blazer and shoes were gone. He got a peek at bare feet and pink toenails before she snapped her fingers and brought his gaze back to her face.

  She shot him her usual are-you-out-of-your-mind look. “You have to give a woman five seconds to walk across her apartment before acting like an uncaged animal and banging like that.”

  “It’s a small apartment.” The defense made sense to him but her frown deepened.

  “I wanted to change.”

  He wanted her naked and counted down the seconds until he could get her there. A man could only take so much. “Didn’t have to for me.”

  He swept her inside and kicked the door shut behind him. A second later he had her pinned to the wall with her hands beside her head and his lips on hers. Rather than tame the beast inside him, Austin let him loose.

  He kissed her with all the pent-up longing inside him. Hot and long, deep and intense. His mouth crossed hers over and over, first soft and then hard.

  By the time he lifted his head, his breath came out in harsh pants. “I missed you so much.”

  He whispered the confes
sion against her mouth before moving to her neck and that delicious spot at the base of her throat. When she opened her legs, he moved between them and pushed her tighter against the wall. With a sharp intake of breath, she dropped her head to the side, giving him greater access and he took it. He nibbled his way across her collarbone, with soft bites and smooth kisses.

  Her head rolled against the wall while small half breaths, half moans played on her lips. “We need to set out some rules.”

  “Uh-huh.” He reached the top of her shirt and nudged it aside with his nose.

  One of her hands slipped into his hair. “Austin.”

  “Later.” When she inched her foot up his calf, tangling her toes in the material, he caught her under her knee and tugged her leg higher on his hip. The move pushed her skirt right to danger territory. Taking advantage, he shifted his lower half and rubbed his erection against her panties. Her heat radiated through his jeans as he stretched his body over hers.

  “Yes.” Her fingers went to his shoulders and shoved and pulled.

  He stepped back and let his jacket drop to the floor. Fingernails scratched through his shirt just before a cool blow of air brushed against his skin. Desperate to feel her hands all over him, he signaled his brain to move. His mouth left her skin only long enough to shrug off both shirts.

  Then his chest was bare and her hands smoothed over his muscles. “We need to keep this in perspective.”

  He had no idea what she was saying. The words blurred in his head as the heat thumped around them. He wanted her clothes off with skin against skin.

  “We can talk after.” His hands moved to her shirt. Fingers shook as he struggled to free the tiny white buttons from their holdings. “I promise.”

  He bent down and pressed a line of kisses over the skin he’d exposed. The creamy softness of the tops of her breasts. The peppery scent of her skin from the bath set he gave her for her last birthday. It all spun around him until the last of his control snapped.

  He bent down and slipped her other leg around his waist, balancing her weight between the wall and his hips. Without any effort, he pulled back, taking her with him. He lifted her and felt her slim arms wrap around his neck. She pressed kisses across his jaw until she found his mouth again.


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