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Naughty Page 1

by Marie York


  A Billionaire Christmas Story

  Marie York



  1. Sebastian

  2. Annabelle

  3. Sebastian

  4. Annabelle

  5. Sebastian

  6. Annabelle

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  All rights reserved.

  Printed in the United States of America.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author except where permitted by law.

  Published by

  Marie York

  Copyright December 2015

  Cover Photo by gpointstudio

  Cover Design by Gotcha Covered Designs

  Edited and Formatted by TCB Editing Services

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.



  The late December sun was setting over Manhattan, and I took a moment from the contract I was reviewing to watch it. Another day was ending, and, by this time tomorrow, I would be sitting on my private beach, drinking a beer, relishing in the sun, and completely void of all things Christmas.

  Unfortunately, I still had a few things to square away before I could head out. I didn’t get to where I was by sitting on my ass, and I wasn’t going to start now. I reached over to my phone and buzzed my assistant, Annabelle.

  “Yes, Mr. Hamilton?” she asked in her sugary sweet tone.

  “Please bring me a cup of coffee.”

  “Yes, sir.” A few seconds later, there was a gentle knock on the door before she pushed it open and let herself in.

  I was still focused on the setting sun, but, when she didn’t immediately retreat, I turned toward her. She always dressed professional and sexy as hell, but today her usual black stockings, tight pencil skirt and red fuck me heels were paired with a red sweater that pulled tight against her tits. A Santa Clause necklace lay just above the dip in her shirt, and, instead of her dangly earrings, bells hung from her ears.

  While most of the businesses in New York decorated to the nines, I had a strict no holiday decoration policy in place. Annabelle’s ridiculous outfit made me feel like she was mocking me. I ignored the bearded guy that wouldn’t stop drawing my attention to her tits, and focused on her eyes.

  There was hesitation in her gaze, and she looked almost uncomfortable. Her teeth slid over her bottom lip, and she glanced down to her fidgeting hands.

  “Did you need something?” I asked, sliding into my chair, and getting ready to dive back into the contract.

  She looked up at me with those bright whiskey colored eyes, and tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear. “Well, it’s just that, it’s Christmas Eve, and I was hoping that I could leave a little early. The snow is really starting to come down out there, and I have to drive to Jersey still.”

  I grabbed my coffee from the edge of the desk and took a sip. She always managed to get it just right. “Sorry, Annabelle, but business doesn’t stop just because it’s Christmas Eve. I need to get this contract done and out before either of us can leave.”

  She mumbled something under her breath, and, for a second, she looked like she might lunge across the desk and strangle me. But, then she flashed a huge smile full of perfectly white teeth and spun toward the door. “Just thought I’d ask,” she singsonged.

  I watched her ass sway as the door shut behind her. I hired her because of her resume. For someone so young, it was quite impressive, but if I knew how hard I would get every time I saw her, I might have thought differently. She was my employee and completely off limits. My number one rule: Do not, under any circumstances, mix business and pleasure.

  So, I adjusted my throbbing cock and got back to work. I didn’t realize how much time had passed until I put the contract down and looked at my Rolex: seven o’clock. Shit, it was later than I wanted to stay. Oh well. The contract was done and ready to go out.

  I buzzed Annabelle, but she didn’t answer me. The door flung open and she stood there, arms crossed and foot tapping. Those red fuck me heels of her caused me to go instantly hard, but I ignored the throbbing, and held the contract out to her. “Can you please send this out and then you can call it a night?”

  She snatched it out of my hand and, this time when she mumbled, I heard her. “Call it a night at seven fucking o’clock. Oh, how kind of you, Scrooge McDuck.”

  “Hey! What was that?” I asked.

  She smiled again, all big and bright. “Nothing,” she said, and then disappeared.

  I grabbed my coat and pulled it on. “Annabelle?” I said into the phone.

  “One more thing before you leave. Can you call Thomas for me, and tell him to meet me out front?”

  “Of course,” she said, but there was venom in her tone.

  I put a few files away and sent another email before finally heading out. The building was desolate, and the only noise I heard was the distant sound of heels clicking on the floor. Annabelle reappeared, grabbing her coat and purse from her desk.

  “The document was sent. Have a nice holiday, Mr. Hamilton.”

  She spun away, and I called after her. “Let me walk you out.”

  There was more mumbling as I approached, but her big bright smile was in place. We got into the elevator, neither of us saying a word. I pressed the button to bring us from the top floor to the lobby.

  So many times we had gone down this same elevator, and, so many times, I thought about how amazing it would be to have her pinned up against the wall as I drove my cock into her. Wondered if she would scream my name and dig her nails into my back. She was always so sweet, but, every now and again, she would flash her feistiness. I couldn’t help but think that feistiness would come to life in the bedroom. I shook the thought from my head and focused on the numbers of the passing floors.

  “So, Mr. Hamilton, any Christmas plans?”

  “I’m jetting off to my private island, so I don’t have to deal with Christmas.”

  She didn’t say anything, just pressed her lips into a straight line. I realized then how nasty I sounded, and felt bad since she was just trying to make small talk.

  “What about you, Annabelle? Having dinner with your boyfriend?” I asked, assuming she had one. A girl as pretty as her would not stay single long in such a big city full of desperate men.

  She shook her head. “No boyfriend. But I have dinner plans tonight in Jersey with my family. I’m Italian, so Christmas Eve is kind of a big deal. Bigger than Christmas day. I’m just hoping I make it by the seventh course.”

  “Seventh course?”

  “It’s the feast of the seven fishes, so we always have seven types of fish, eggplant parmesan, pasta, stuffed artichokes, and whatever else my Mom decides to whip up.”

  “Why doesn’t she just have it catered?” I asked, and Annabelle gasped in total disgust.

  “The best part of Christmas Eve is not just the food, but the preparation with the family. The time you spend together is priceless. And the delicious smells that fill the house all day.” She closed her eyes as if she was imagining it. “Cooking is the best part.” She shrugged, and I could see a sadness in her eyes, almost making me feel bad for keeping her so late.

  The elevator dinged and the door opened. Annabelle rushed out and right to the door. I met her just before she pushed out into the night. And, even though it was against everything I believed, I forced out, “Merry Christmas, Annabelle.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mr. Hamilton. I
hope you find the peace you’re looking for,” she said, and pushed out into the blistering cold night.



  I couldn’t get away from Scrooge McDuck fast enough. Seriously, if I had to spend another second with him, and his cranky anti-Christmas ass, I swore to God I was going to fucking strangle him. I didn’t care if he was my boss, and was worth more than a small country. He was keeping me from my family on my most favorite day of the year.

  Who didn’t like Christmas? The only person I could think of was Satan, and he was pretty damn close in my book at that moment. I stepped out onto the sidewalk, and my heels disappeared into a blanket of fresh snow. “Holy crap, that’s cold!” I yelled out, and jumped back under the awning where the snow hadn’t started piling up yet.

  I shook my foot free of the white stuff, and fished in my bag for a pair of flats. They might not cover my feet, but at least I wouldn’t be trying to maneuver through the streets in five inch stilettos.

  “Wow, it’s really coming down,” I heard Scrooge say behind me, and took a deep breath before I started yelling about why I wanted to leave early in the first place. This was the exact reason.

  The drive to Jersey was going to be a bitch now. Maybe I could take the train, and have my brother, Vinny, pick me up. He’d piss and moan about it, but I knew damn well he’d do it. He’d never leave me stranded anywhere. He might pick on me, and annoy the ever-living shit out of me, but he would be there in a second if I needed him.

  “Did you call Thomas?” Scrooge asked, and I bit my tongue hard.

  I focused on my breathing, trying to calm my nerves. “I did. He said he was on his way, but it might take him longer than usual because of the weather.” Stupid ass. Did he not see the seven inches of white shit in front of us? “Bye again,” I said, and made my way through the mountain of snow.

  Unfortunately, Mother Nature was fighting against me. The wind smacked hard against my body, practically knocking me off my feet. I pulled my hood tight around my face, and tried to continue on. It was damn near impossible.

  “Annabelle, where are you going? Please let me give you a ride home. You can’t walk in this.”

  I turned, trying to keep my anger at bay. “Mr. Hamilton,” I said.

  “Please call me Sebastian.”

  I was a little shocked. In the six months I’ve worked for him, I have always called him Mr. Hamilton, but I didn’t let it interfere with my point. “Sebastian, then, do you honestly think your driver is going to be able to get here? And, even if he does, do you honestly think you’re going to get very far? Look around you. It’s a goddamned blizzard. The only way we’re getting anywhere is on feet to try to get to the damn subway. So, if you’ll excuse me, I have a dinner to try to get to.”

  With determination in my step, I stomped away, but I sunk into a snowdrift up to my knees. My patience was waning, and I needed to get as far away from my boss before my Italian temper came to the forefront. It was already pushing the limits and dripping out.

  “Annabelle, please come back.” Sebastian’s hand wrapped around my arm, keeping me from face planting into the snow.

  “I need to get to my family!”

  His blue eyes bore into mine, and their beauty stunned me. They were crystal clear like a tropical ocean, and I could see myself getting lost in them. I spent most of my time avoiding this very situation because he was my boss, and I couldn’t be attracted to him. Something that looked almost like pity flashed in his irises.

  “I’m sorry to break this to you, but the trains are shut down.”

  I laughed. He was joking. Who knew Scrooge McDuck had a sense of humor? “Funny. Really. But I don’t have time for jokes. If I get going now, I might just make it before dessert.”

  “Seven courses, and you still do dessert?” he asked.

  “Cannolis and Italian cookies are a must on Christmas Eve. And, if I don’t get my cannoli, I might cry.”

  His gaze fell away, and his hand followed. “I’m sorry, but I’m not joking. They declared a State of Emergency. No one is allowed on the roads, which means it looks like we’re stuck here.”

  “No, that’s not happening. I’ll walk to my apartment. I’m only ten blocks away.”

  “Ten blocks in this weather and you’ll die.”

  He was right, but it was Christmas Eve, and I was supposed to be with my family around the Christmas tree, laughing and telling stories from Christmas past. I was supposed to be eating a damn cannoli!

  In twenty-four years, I had never missed Christmas Eve. Ever. Not even when I was away at school. I always made it home. Always. And, now, I was going to miss it. No. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. It was Christmas Eve, dammit, and I would get home. “It’s a chance I’m willing to take,” I declared.

  His hand wrapped back around my arm, and he yanked me toward the building. “Sorry, but it’s not a chance I’m willing to take. I will not have that on my conscience.”

  “Who are you kidding? You don’t have a conscience!”

  He came to an abrupt stop, and I bit down on my lip in total disbelief. “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “You did,” he stated.

  Well it was too late. The cat was already out of the bag, and there was no use in trying to stuff it back in. Besides, he was making me miss Christmas Eve. He deserved every honest remark I had, and every curse that came out of my fucking mouth.

  “All I’m saying is, I didn’t think you’d care about me.”

  “I do. Now, can you please just come back inside before you freeze to death? You’re not exactly dressed for a blizzard.”

  “No, I’m not. I am dressed for Christmas Eve dinner, a dinner that I am now missing because you wouldn’t let me leave early. I stay late every single night for you, and all I asked was for one night. ONE! Just one night to leave early, so I could spend my favorite holiday with my family. But, no. You couldn’t just give it to me.”

  “Can we please continue this inside? Please?” He held the door open and motioned to it.

  I stomped my foot hard, and pivoted toward the door. I stormed into the lobby and right to the elevator. He followed me inside, and pressed the number to the top floor. “Funny how I couldn’t wait to get out of here, and now I’ll be spending the night at my desk anyway.”

  “I’m sorry,” Sebastian said for the umpteenth time.

  “You already said that. And I don’t care if you’re sorry. Sorry doesn’t get me to my family. It doesn’t put a table of food in front of me. It doesn’t bring my eighty-three year old grandma here to give me a hug. So, sorry, but I don’t care how fucking sorry you are. Just because you don’t like Christmas doesn’t give you the right to take it away from somebody else.”

  “Are you through?” he asked, and I wanted to slap the shit out of him.

  I stepped at him, my finger raised, anger coursing through me at lightning speed. My eyes locked with his, and the anger exploded into something else. Something I couldn’t control. He knocked my finger out of the way, and his hand wrapped around the back of my head as he crushed his lips to mine. I went to speak, but he kissed the words away. Anger turned to red hot desire as he pinned my arms up against the elevator wall.

  A tiny moan slipped from my lips, and he put his leg between mine, spreading them wide. Suddenly, everything I hated about him floated away, and I finally gave into the temptation I’d been denying myself for months.



  The feisty girl that I knew was inside of her came out in full force, and I had never been so turned on in my fucking life. If I didn’t kiss her, I was going to explode. I needed my lips and hands on her, but, now that they were, it wasn’t enough.

  I let go of her hands, and yanked my coat off as she yanked off her own, our lips never leaving each others. Once I was free from the extra layer, I pinned her back up against the wall. I pushed my leg between hers again, and spread her wide for me.

  I brought my hand to the hem of her skirt, and tore it up and out of my way, but her damn stockings were keeping me from what I wanted most. I dug my fingers into them and ripped them right down the middle, revealing a red lace thong with a white band. I smiled despite myself. I might have hated Christmas, but her love for it was surprisingly adorable.

  “Cute,” I said, bringing my lips back to hers, as I yanked her thong to the side. A moan slipped from her lips as I pushed a finger deep into her wetness. Her body arched into mine, and I dragged my mouth down the length of her neck. “Take this off,” I demanded, tugging at the sweater.

  She didn’t waste any time, ripping it up over her head, and tossing it to the floor. Her tits were even bigger than I imagined, and, God, how I imagined them often. They were fucking perfect, and practically bursting from her matching bra. I brought my mouth down on the swell and, with one hand, snapped her free. The cups fell away one by one, revealing tight pink buds.

  My dick throbbed and strained against my pants, begging for me to release him. I pushed my own desires aside and dipped my head, taking her nipple in my mouth, sucking and licking in sync with my finger, until she screamed my name. Her hand grabbed my hair, and she tugged at it as she rode out an intense orgasm. “That’s right. Come for me, Red.”

  She tightened around my finger, her nails dug into my back, and I smiled because, she came exactly the way I thought she would.

  Her body writhed against me, and I slowly slipped my finger out. I rested my forehead against hers, ready to take this to the next level, when her eyes widened to twice their size. She went to speak, but all that came out were incomprehensible sounds.

  She pressed her hands against my chest and, while I thought she was going to kiss me, she shoved away from me. She smacked the open door button, bent down, grabbing her clothes, and ran out of the elevator.


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