The Tycoon's Scandalous Proposition

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The Tycoon's Scandalous Proposition Page 7

by Miranda Lee

  Though, damn it all, he wasn’t feeling all that objective where Kate was concerned. She touched him as he had not been touched in years.

  ‘Just blurt it out,’ he insisted. ‘Stop thinking about what I might think of you and tell me this awful truth, whatever it is.’

  Her face filled with anguish. ‘That’s very easy to say. Not so easy to do.’

  ‘Just do it, Kate.’

  She sighed again—a heavy but resigned sigh. ‘All right, I will. The thing is...the awful truth is...that I’m in love with Lachlan.’ And she hung her head in a gesture of shame. Or possibly humiliation.

  Blake supposed later that he should not have been so shocked. After all, practically every female who’d seen one of Lachlan’s movies was in love with him. Young. Old. Married. Single. They all adored him. That was why his romantic comedies were so successful.

  ‘I see,’ he bit out, angry with her at first, for being so stupid as to fall in love with someone so shallow, and then sympathetic—because hadn’t he done exactly the same thing at her age? He’d fallen in love with Claudia, who was probably even worse than Lachlan.

  ‘You don’t see,’ she cried, sitting up and wringing her hands together. ‘And you do think I’m a fool.’

  ‘No,’ he returned slowly. ‘I don’t think that at all. I can understand why you might have fallen in love with him. He’s very good-looking, and extremely charming when he needs to be. So how long have you been in love with Lachlan?’

  ‘What? Oh, since the first day we went to NIDA together.’

  ‘Love at first sight, then?’ Blake said, thinking it was more like lust at first sight. Even he hadn’t fallen in love with Claudia at first sight.

  Blake had always been a bit of a cynic where true love was concerned. Claudia had had to work hard on him in order to convince him of her love. And she had—convinced him, that was—which had made the speed of her betrayal after their marriage all the more devastating.

  ‘Yes,’ she said sadly. ‘But he didn’t ever return my feelings. He liked me okay, so I thought I was in with a chance—especially when he was between girlfriends. He was always nice to me...often seeking me out to help him with assignments. But Maddie told me tonight that he found my crush on him quite embarrassing. That’s what he called it. A crush...’ Her laugh was slightly hysterical, her hands still twisting in her lap.

  ‘And when exactly did she tell you this?’ Blake asked gently.

  ‘Oh, when I came up here tonight to help her change. Though she didn’t really want my help. She just wanted reassurance that I was over my crush and that I didn’t still have the hots for her precious husband. Which I assured her I didn’t. After that she proceeded to give me a lecture about you.’

  ‘About me?’

  ‘Yes, she advised me to sleep with you. Said it would be good for my career.’

  ‘Which advice you followed to a T,’ he said ruefully.

  Her face twisted. ‘No—no, you’ve got it all wrong. My coming on to you wasn’t about my career. It was because you seemed genuinely attracted to me and I was flattered...especially after what Maddie said about Lachlan wanting her and never wanting me. Apparently I simply wasn’t his type. So I thought...well... I must be Blake’s type. So when I came downstairs and saw you, waiting for me and smiling at me, it made me feel a bit better. Then, when I kissed you, I felt a lot better. Yes, I know I’m drunk, but I needed you, Blake. Needed to feel desirable. I wanted to be wanted. By someone. Anyone! So when you turned me down I just felt so bad. I... I couldn’t handle it.’

  Blake watched as her already fragile control began to shatter.

  ‘And the worst thing is,’ she added, her eyes filling with the most heartbreaking distress, ‘she doesn’t even love him. Not really. Of course she’s sexually attracted to him. Who isn’t? But the reason she married him was to live the good life—whatever that is. Oh, God...’

  * * *

  Kate couldn’t go on, feeling a tight ball of emotion gather in her chest as all the hurt, misery and frustration of this past year overwhelmed her. A cry such as she’d never heard before punched from her lungs. It sounded like a wounded animal—a wounded dying animal.

  She froze, her shoulders stiffening with the effort to hold on to herself, her eyes wide with shock. But it was no use. There was no stopping the avalanche of pain once it broke free. Whirling away from Blake’s startled face, she threw herself back onto the pillows and let go, sobbing her heart out with even more fervour than she had earlier.

  It was horrible, humiliating, but she had nothing left of control or courage. She told herself that she didn’t even care that Blake was witnessing her breakdown.

  It was odd, then, that underneath her almost hysterical weeping, plus her dizzy and decidedly alcohol-infused thoughts, she had enough brainpower left to worry that he probably wouldn’t want her in one of his movies now—let alone anything else. It bothered her greatly that he would see her for what she was. A stupid fool and a total failure!


  BLAKE WAS USED to women’s tears. Good actresses could summon them up at the drop of a hat. But these weren’t just ordinary tears. Kate was sobbing like nothing he’d heard before. If she kept this up she would make herself ill.

  He wondered if he should go and find Cleo and Byron—get them to call a doctor, someone who could give Kate something to calm her down. Though Lord knew the possibility of getting a doctor to make a house call at this hour on a Saturday night was highly unlikely. Perhaps they might have something in their medicine cabinet which would be useful. A tranquilliser of some sort.

  Whilst he mulled over this possible solution he tried placing his hand on the back of her head and stroking her long hair, murmuring the sort of soft, soothing words which he often put into a script but had never actually said before.

  ‘Now, now—don’t cry...there, there...’

  How soft her hair was. How silky and soft and sexy.

  Must not think about sex now, he told himself sternly. Time to be kind. Time to just be a good friend. Clearly Kate needed a good friend—someone who would comfort her and then talk sense to her, when she was capable of listening. Which probably wouldn’t be tonight.

  But still... Fancy falling in love with Lachlan! What a total waste of time that was. It probably wasn’t true love, either. Just an infatuation. He was the kind of guy girls got infatuated with very easily. His golden boy looks, of course, and that brilliant smile, that overpowering charm.

  How ironic that Kate’s sister didn’t really love him—that she’d just married him for the good life. Not that she didn’t put on a good act. She played the besotted bride to perfection. And she had the looks to carry off the role. She might even make the marriage a success. After all, if she didn’t love him she’d probably be prepared to tolerate his infidelities. Either that or she herself might move on to someone even more successful, the way Claudia had.


  Blake thought of Claudia as he stroked Kate’s hair. What a bitch! A selfish, ambitious, cold-blooded bitch. He’d always hoped she’d fall flat on her face once she’d dumped him for that aging Hollywood producer. But she hadn’t. Her career—whilst not top drawer—had been very successful.

  She was now married to one of the executives at Unicorn Pictures. Blake had run into her at a party not that long ago, and she’d been sickeningly nice to him. Admittedly, he’d been sickeningly nice back—even chatting away very amicably with her reasonably handsome and annoyingly clever husband. No point in making enemies in Hollywood. Not good for business.

  Quite frankly, he was well and truly over her. A good feeling, that, after spending years being bitter and somewhat cynical—especially where aspiring young actresses were concerned.

  The fact that Kate was an aspiring young actress did not escape Blake, but she wasn’t like any aspiring young actress he’d ev
er met before. Besides, he was glad she was exactly that. It gave him the opportunity to get to know her better and to do what he’d been aching to do all night.

  Stop thinking about sex!

  Blake gritted his teeth and continued stroking her hair, valiantly ignoring his very active hormones and concentrating on giving Kate what she needed at that moment. Which was gentle words and a soft touch.

  Hopefully by tomorrow night her needs would be different. It didn’t escape Blake that she’d had a very mixed agenda when she’d offered herself to him in the gazebo. No doubt there was some rebound and revenge in there somewhere. But he still felt confident that she was genuinely attracted to him. He knew she hadn’t faked that kiss.

  Finally the sobbing subsided into the occasional shudder, and Blake’s hand fell away when Kate abruptly rolled over.

  ‘I... I have to go to the bathroom,’ she choked out, scrambling off the bed and dashing for the nearby en-suite.

  Blake groaned when he heard the sound of Kate throwing up, torn between offering further help and keeping a compassionate distance. In the end he decided on compassionate distance. He heard her flush the toilet a couple of times, then turn on a tap. Possibly to rinse out her mouth. He heard the tap snapped off but she didn’t emerge. He heard her mutter something under her breath, followed by a sigh and some rustling sounds.

  When a few minutes had passed and all had fallen ominously silent in the bathroom he made his way reluctantly over to the shut door. His hand had actually lifted to knock when the door opened.

  Blake sucked in a breath sharply. Bloody hell!

  She wasn’t naked. But she’d removed her bridesmaid’s dress and was standing there dressed in a strapless black satin corset which was so sexy it was criminal—especially when worn with flesh-coloured stay-up stockings and high heels.

  ‘I had to take my dress off,’ she explained shakily, looking both sheepish and embarrassed. ‘I got some vomit on it. Mum’s going to be furious with me,’ she added, wincing. ‘I... I would have had a shower, but I didn’t know I was going to stay here overnight and I didn’t bring any nightwear with me. I’m not trying to be provocative. Truly.’

  She swayed on her high heels, grabbing the doorknob as if her life depended on it.

  ‘Oh, God, will someone please stop the room from spinning around?’

  Blake took a firm hold of her and led her back over to the bed, sitting her down and doing his level best to keep his male mind from corrupting his good intentions.

  Kate didn’t need him ogling her. But her body was exactly the kind of body he admired on a woman—tall and slender, but with enough curves to be unmistakably feminine. Still, he already knew that—had thought it when he’d first seen her walking down the staircase. She had great skin too. Clear and almost translucent, indicating that her honey-gold hair was probably natural and not the result of hours of painstaking dyeing.

  ‘What you need,’ he said gently as he removed her shoes and then her stockings, without once looking at the V between her thighs or her tiny waist...or her very nice cleavage, ‘is a big drink of water followed by a good night’s sleep.’

  ‘I did drink some water in the bathroom,’ she told him.

  ‘And you kept it down?’


  ‘Good. Now, into bed with you.’

  Again without really looking at her, he pulled the bedclothes back and angled her in between the sheets before swiftly covering her, right up to her neck.

  But just when he thought he could safely make his escape her head lifted from the pillow, the bedcovers slipping a little—darn it.

  Her puffy eyes sought his, their expression plaintive. ‘Please don’t go. Not ’til I’ve fallen asleep.’

  ‘Oh, but’

  ‘I won’t jump on you, I promise.’

  His smile was wry. What a shame. He wouldn’t mind one bit if she did. Like they said, the road to hell was paved with good intentions.

  ‘Very well,’ he agreed, and lay down next to her. On top of the quilt, not under it.

  She rolled over and stared at him with wonder in her sleepy eyes. ‘You’re really a very nice man,’ she murmured. ‘Very...kind.’

  ‘There are a lot of people who would disagree with you.’

  ‘Then they don’t know the real you.’ She yawned. ‘They say men should be judged by their actions, not their words. You’re a gentleman, no matter what other people might think.’

  Blake wondered exactly what ‘other people’ she was talking about. Was his reputation with women really that bad? Then he wondered what she’d think of him tomorrow night, when he took her to dinner and set out to seduce her with every weapon he had in his considerable arsenal.

  He rolled over and looked her straight in her heavy-lidded eyes. ‘You should go to sleep now,’ he advised. ‘You’re going to have a seriously late night tomorrow.’

  ‘Am I?’

  Was that a quiver of excitement in her voice?

  Blake gave in to temptation and bent forward to kiss her—not on the lips, but on her slightly clammy forehead. ‘You’d better believe it, sweetheart. We have a dinner date, remember?’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ was all she said, with what sounded like a satisfied sigh.

  ‘Roll over the other way,’ he advised thickly. ‘I’ll stroke your hair until you drop off.’

  She obeyed him, sighing again when he started stroking.

  Touching her—even her hair—was agony. But he did it, thinking all the while that she was worth the effort.

  It was a relief when she fell asleep and he could creep out of the room, telling himself all the while that he wouldn’t have to wait too long before he could satisfy the lust she kept on evoking in him. Less than twenty-four hours.

  But as he stood in the doorway and glanced back at her it crossed Blake’s testosterone-fired brain that once the alcohol was out of Kate’s system and she didn’t have to watch the man she loved marry her sister she might not be quite the same person who’d thrown herself at him tonight. Tomorrow morning she might be filled with shame and embarrassment. She might actually say no to him.

  What a horrific thought!

  Blake closed the door and walked slowly towards the staircase, pondering such a possibility. Not for long, however. Confidence in his own abilities had never been a problem for Blake. He had always achieved what he’d set his sights on. And he’d set his sights on getting Kate into his bed.

  She wouldn’t say no to him. He’d make sure of that!


  ‘IT’S GOOD OF you to drive me home,’ Kate said with stiff politeness once they were out of Byron’s driveway.

  Blake glanced over at her from behind the wheel of his borrowed Lexus. She looked vastly different from the glamorous bridesmaid of last night. Just a simple girl this morning, wearing dark jeans, trainers, and a grey sweatshirt which had a picture of the Opera House on it. No make-up, and her damp and very straight hair pulled back into a ponytail, not a curl or a wave in sight. Not a hint of perfume, either.

  Blake wondered if this was some ploy to get him to lose interest in her. Fat chance of that happening. He’d thought of little else all night. Besides, he adored the way she looked. So natural, yet still so sexy.

  ‘My pleasure,’ he replied warmly.

  She didn’t say anything further, gazing out of the passenger window like some tourist taking in the sights. Blake doubted it was anything like that. He suspected, as he’d feared, that she’d woken this morning feeling pretty bad about what had happened the night before.

  Cleo had taken a breakfast tray up to her room around ten, reporting back that Kate seemed somewhat subdued.

  ‘There’s no need to feel embarrassed,’ he said at last.

  Her head whipped round and her expression was totally devoid of embarrassment. Or distress. ‘I�
�m not,’ she denied. ‘I was for a short while this morning. But not any longer.’


  ‘I know I made a fool of myself last night, but that’s all in the past now. I have to move on.’

  ‘You definitely do.’

  ‘I dare say that sooner or later I’ll get over being in love with Lachlan, but until that happens I’m not going to waste any more of my life mooning over him or wishing things were different. I’m going to concentrate on my career—one hundred and ten percent.’

  ‘Atta girl.’

  She threw him a droll glance. ‘That doesn’t mean I’m going to jump into bed with you, just because you’ve offered me a part in one of your movies.’

  Blake almost ran into the back of the car in front of him, braking just in time. He hadn’t noticed that the lights ahead had turned red, bringing the traffic to an abrupt halt. As, it seemed, were his plans for tonight.

  ‘Are you saying that your being attracted to me last night was all about the drink, then?’ he asked casually. Oh, so casually. If there was one thing Blake had learned about the female sex since the debacle with Claudia, it was never to let a girl know you wanted her like crazy.

  Kate scrunched up her face. ‘I didn’t think so at the time. But in hindsight I suppose it did play a part. Look, I want to be strictly honest with you, Blake. I was in a pathetic state last light. Your attention flattered my rather fragile self-esteem. You’re a good-looking man. You’re also powerful and successful. I’m not used to men like you coming on to me.’

  ‘Then more fool them,’ he said, and smiled over at her.

  She didn’t smile back. ‘Please don’t,’ she bit out.

  ‘Don’t what?’

  ‘Don’t keep flattering me. I don’t appreciate it. Now, I have a couple of questions to ask you about this part you’ve offered me. Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind about that now you’ve seen how I usually look,’ she added with a steely glance his way.

  Brother, that ‘fragile self-esteem’ of hers seemed to have taken a back seat. There was not a hint of vulnerability in her eyes at this moment. Kate had suddenly turned into one tough cookie. Blake suppressed a smile. He liked her tough almost as much as he liked her tipsy.


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