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Protection Page 12

by Carla Blake

  Sitting up and keeping her sleeping bag wrapped around her, Isobel dragged her holdall towards her and rummaged for her thermos flask, hoping the tea inside would still be warm enough to thaw her out. With the heating switched off, the chill was really starting to get to her and the temptation to snuggle back inside the warmth of the sleeping bag and wait until the management turned it on was overwhellming.

  She probably would have to, if only she’d had the time.

  But in a little over an hour, she would be here, and then what?

  Truth was, she wasn’t sure and sipping her tea, Isobel realised she hadn’t had much of a plan beyond what she’d already achieved - a night spent hidden behind the crash mats at the leisure centre, shivering and contemplating the glorious moment when she would turn up.

  So what was she going to do? Leap out and confess undying love? She didn’t think so. She’d be kicked out quicker than she could say give us a kiss. No, it looked like her only option was to stay quiet and spy on her and watch everything she did. That would be alright. Especially as she’d have no idea she was there!

  Okay. This time she was going to get it right! Because Lord knows, she was getting sick of being thrown about!

  Preparing herself for yet another attack, Carrie made a tiny adjustment to her stance then cringed as a dribble of sweat ran down her back.

  Shuddering, she wiped it away and swore under her breath, hating this feeling of being hot and sweaty, but knowing there would be shower for her until she got this right. Andrea had seen to that. Refusing to give in to any of her demands or pleas for mercy until she had successfully thrown her over her shoulder.

  Like that was going to happen! She hadn’t managed it yet in over half an hour and now as she prepared to have yet another go, she doubted very much if it was going to happen this time. But she either had to try or risk stewing in her own juice forever and grabbing Andrea’s lapels, she yanked her towards her, twisted her body, dug in her hip, bent at the knees and amazingly threw her to the ground.

  Andrea was stunned. “Excellent!”She cried, climbing to her feet and brushing herself down. “I knew you could do it! Well done!”

  But no one was more surprised than Carrie and bowing at the waist, she couldn’t help but smile. “I’m just pleased, you’re pleased.”She said. “Now can I please have a shower?”

  Andrea looked at her, open mouthed. “Are you kidding?”She asked. “We can’t stop now, you’re just getting the hang of it. And what on earth are you doing still wearing those ridiculous earrings? Don’t you know how dangerous that is? You could have ripped your ear lobes off!”

  Carrie hands flew to her ears. “Sorry, hon.”She said. “I didn’t realise I still had them in. Oh, don’t look at me like that! I just forgot. See, I’m taking them out. Happy now?”

  “Happier. Right. Let’s try that again.”

  Flat on her stomach, Isobel watched from her hiding place behind the crash mats and hugged herself with glee. This was fascinating and even if the gap through which she was watching wasn’t all that big, what did it matter? She could see enough.

  She could still see her! Right in front of her. Moving, breathing. Her voice filling her ears. Making her want to rush out and touch her and tell her she was here.

  She wouldn’t though. There was too much at stake. Not only because she would undoubtedly be arrested for trespassing and made to look like some kind of sick weirdo, but also because it would mean an untimely end to this little show and no way did she want that to happen. Not when the pair of them were being so entertaining.

  Waiting for Carrie to tie back her hair for what must have been the hundreth time, Andrea again felt the familiar ripple of lust tremble through her pussy as Carrie gathered up her hair and exposed a slender sweep of throat.

  How she would have loved to have taken her now, she thought. Right here in the gym. To feel her in her arms. To kiss her and feel her respond. Her gorgeous body warm beneath her touch, her breasts pressed…

  A hand waved in front of her face and Carrie stood there, a bemused smile upon her face.

  “Hello!”She said. “Anyone in? It’s just that you’ve been staring at me for a while now and I was starting to wonder if I’d grown another head.”

  “What? No! I mean..what did you say? What head?”

  Carrie grinned. “Forget it.”She said. “You were obviously miles away, but if you’re concentration’s starting to go, maybe we should think about shutting up shop and going home.”

  “Yeah, nice try kiddo.”Andrea said. “But we ain’t finished yet. Come on, this time I’ll attack and you defend. Ready?”

  Carrie thought she was, but landing flat on her back-again- she gaped at the ceiling and wondered at the swiftness with which she’d gone from upright to horizontal.

  Andrea though, seemed pleased. “Not bad.”She enthused. “That was much better than last time! See what a difference it makes when you use your arm to break your fall?”

  “Oh, yes.”Carrie huffed sarcastically. “My back can really feel the difference. But seeing as how I got it right, does this mean I get a little reward?”

  Yes! Oh, yes, please reward her, Isobel prayed and wriggling forward, she all but stuck her head out into the open in her eagerness to see how Andrea would react to Carrie’s plea.

  Andrea was pretending to consider. “You have been trying very hard.”She said. “And you haven’t complained for almost an entire minute, so maybe you do deserve a little something.”And joining Carrie on the crash mat, she scooped her up in her arms and kissed her.

  Feeling herself melt as Carrie responded and her tongue met hers. Her hands soon tugging at the hem of her sweatshirt as Andrea sat up and removed it. Helping Carrie out of hers before they both lay down again. Giggling over the fact that at any moment one of the leisure center staff could walk in and find them, and kissing deeper and more urgently. Their hands reaching round to unclasp bras, eager to touch the warm flesh beneath.

  Her heart thunding in her chest, Isobel clawed at her sleeping bag.

  They were going to screw! They were actually going to fuck right there on the bloody floor! And struggling to remain calm, she slid her hand inside her own trousers and waited.

  “Please... take me... have me..”

  Giddy with lust - she loved it when Carrie begged- Andrea eased Carrie’s trousers down her shapely legs and stroked her hand along her thigh, delighted when she discovered Carrie wasn’t wearing any underwear. “You filthy, little bitch.”She muttered fondly, running her fingers across her fluff. “Whatever shall we do with you?”

  “Fuck me?”Carrie groaned in reply. “Please.”

  “Certainly.”Andrea replied and moving to kneel between Carrie’s upraised knees, she parted her thighs and slid a finger deep into Carrie’s soaking wet cunt. Feeling her muscles grip her tightly as she pushed deeper and deeper and began to fuck her. Her own pussy starting to throb as she watched her finger slide in and out and Carrie groaned. Her gorgeous breasts just begging to be sucked.

  Fucking hell! Isobel thought and thrusting a finger deep inside herself began to pump in time with Andrea’s strokes. Determined to come at exactly the same time as Carrie.

  “Fuck me, babe!”Carrie cried. “Fuck me hard!”And Andrea eased in another finger to join the first. Pumping in firm, hard strokes whilst her other hand played with Carrie’s clit and Carrie groaned with pleasure. Her hand suddenly reaching down to push Andrea’s fingers even deeper inside herself as her muscles spasmed and she covered Andrea’s hand with juices. Thrusting down even harder as her orgasm built and built and she finally tipped over the edge, gushing everywhere. The pleasure ripping through her body in wave after wave as her backside thumped against the floor and she collapsed, exhausted and sweaty. Afloat in the soft warmth of her orgasm as Andrea sat over her, licking pussy juices from her hand.

  “You taste.. gorgeo
us.”She said. “Lovely and sweet. Did you enjoy that?”

  “Couldn’t you tell?”Carrie smiled. “I came enough!”

  “So I noticed.”Andrea grinned. “Want some more?”

  Behind the crash mats and with her finger held lightly to her throbbing pussy, Isobel took a deep breath and held it. She hadn’t, in the end, been able to reach her orgasm at the same time as Carrie and now she desperately needed to come. But she also knew that if she brought herself off now she risked missing Carrie giving Andrea a good seeing to. And she really didn’t want to miss that.

  Lying on top of Andrea and with every inch of their bodies touching, Carrie kissed her long and deep, her tongue expertly exploring her mouth. Her mind acutely aware of the way their nipples were pressed flat against each other, as her hand trailed slowly up and down Andrea’s side and she felt the heat between her lover’s legs start to rise.

  She kissed her again and then moved to her throat. Covering Andrea’s neck with dozens of light kisses before making her way down to her breasts and taking her nipple into her mouth. Loving the way it instantly became erect between her lips as she sucked and nipped. Her hands moving to stroke her stomach. Her finger dipping in and around her navel before trailing down to her fluff and teasing her a little by dropping down to stroke her thigh. Wanting her to be really excited before she finally delved a little deeper and parted her swollen pussy lips to find the exquisite warmth inside.

  Andrea moaned and Carrie pressed harder, her finger sliding easily along Andrea’s sopping wet slit to the small protrusion of her clit where she began to rub before sliding again down the warm, pink wetness. The tip of her finger hovering at her hole. Teasing her still more as she pulled back, stroked her clit and then delved again, entering her a little deeper each time before pulling out to continue her slow caress.

  Lovingly, she sucked her nipple and licked across the swell of her breast. Leaving a damp trail to the other side where she took Andrea’s other nipple between her lips and gently bit down, thrusting her finger all the way into Andrea’s cunt at the same time. Her finger sinking in as far as it would go as Andrea’s warmth enveloped her and she begged her to stay. But Carrie was in control now and effortlessly she slid out again. Trailing her finger through swollen, wet stickiness to Andrea’s hardened clit where she began to rub and circle, massaging her ever closer to orgasm, where, at the very last minute, she slid down and thrust her finger deep into her cunt. Fucking her harder and faster until Andrea begged her to stop.

  Crammed behind the crash mats, Isobel could hold out no longer and half way through her carefully controlled stroking, she suddenly lost it. Her pussy juices covering her finger as she came in a rush and groaned out loud.

  “What was that?”Carrie said, sitting up to stare around the hall.

  “I dunno.”Andrea replied. “What was what?”

  “I thought I heard a groan.”

  “You did. That was me babe - coming.”

  “No, no. I mean afterwards. When we’d finished.”

  “Oh, right. Well, in that case I don’t know. Maybe it was an echo.. or a ghost.”

  Carrie looked at her.

  “Okay, not a ghost then. How about a squeaky floor board? Could have been that?”

  “Could have been, but floorboards only tend to squeak when someone’s walking over them and neither of us were moving.”

  “True. But I don’t see how there can be anyone in here with us babe. I locked the door remember?”

  Carrie shrugged. “I know! But I definitely heard something.”

  Andrea sighed. “Okay.”She said, climbing to her feet. “I’ll take a look round. Send out a search party if I’m not back in five seconds!”

  Behind the crash mats, Isobel’s heart leaped in her chest. Shit! She was going to be found out! What the fuck was she going to do?

  Carrie saved the day. Climbing to her own feet, she told Andrea not to bother. “Let’s just go home.”She added. “I’m dying for that shower and I don’t know about you, but I have this insatiable desire to screw you in the comfort of our own bed.”

  The foyer felt chilly after their exertions and briskly rubbing her arms Carrie waited patiently for one of the attendants to come and unlock the main doors for them.

  Her fingers, she noticed, still smelt of Andrea and blushing she wondered whether any of the staff could tell what they had been up to just by looking at her? She hoped not. She’d never be able to set foot inside the place again if she thought they suspected her of using the gym for something other than training, and tucking her hair back behind her ears, she suddenly realised what she was missing.

  “Andrea!”She whispered. “I’ve only gone and left my earrings in the gym. I forgot I wrapped them in that towel. They must have fallen out when we left.”

  Andrea shrugged. “Okay, no big deal. They’ll still be there. Want me to go back and get them?”

  Carrie shook her head. “No, it’s okay. They’re my earrings. Won’t be a sec.”

  Grinning to herself, Isobel slipped out from behind the crash mats. That had been amazing! To actually see the two of them screwing had been an amazing bonus and so erotic. It was just a shame the ending had been so flippin’ awful. Still, she had got away with it, thanks to the pair of them being so randy. Now all she had to do was get the hell out.

  Expecting the room still to be empty, Carrie pushed through the door with her eyes already fixed to the floor, hoping to see her earrings twinkling up at her against the polished wood and as a result totally missing Isobel, who standing beside the crash mats with her holdall gripped tightly in one hand, suddenly realised that if she didn’t move right now she was going to get caught.

  But no sooner had she moved one tiny step when her sneakers squeaked loudly against the polished wood and Carrie, thinking herself alone, jumped a mile before shrieking the house down.

  Which was all Isobel needed to send her hurtling towards the door and out. Her trainers squeaking loudly down the corridor now as her holdall bumped against her side, and she raced straight for the nearest exit.

  Except things were clearly not destined to go her way, for as she rounded the corner and caught her first glimpse of the double doors, she came face to face with Andrea, chatting to an attendant who was busy sorting through a bunch of keys.

  Caught by surprise, they both flinched and then prepared to give chase, but Isobel had already veered off to the left, and grateful for the extra few seconds their hesitation had afforded her, she ran on. The sound of their voices yelling at her to stop loud in her ears as she flung herself through the nearest set of double doors and dived for the wonderous sight of the fire exit at the other end, where shoving down hard on the metal bar, she tumbled out into the cold, grey morning and ran, without a backwards glance, towards the lanes and side roads she knew so well.

  Shivering in the foyer, Carrie blew into her hands and listened to Andrea giving the attendants a lecture on security. Demanding to know how, exactly, someone could have spent the entire night in the gym without them knowing?

  Carrie felt for them. They weren’t to know some nut case would be willing to do just that and it was hardly a situation they were likely to come across very often. But, Andrea was still ripping them off a strip. Venting her frustration on the hapless attendant and probably sick to the teeth with the same thing that was terrifying her.

  They had got away. And they had no idea if it was with photographes or even worse video, and there, ladies and gentlemen, was the crux of the problem. Because if they did have photographic evidence of what she and Andrea had been up to in the gym this morning, then by this afternoon every sleazy tabloid in the country could be running the story.


  Gambling had never been very near the top on Carrie’s life agenda. Having never been quite able to understand why anyone would want to bet large sums of money on something th
at was destined to fail.

  Even something as innocent as a fruit machine was primed to keep more than they paid out. The odds so heavily stacked in its own favour, that by the time you did finally manage to get a line of matching symbols, the celebrations were on par with winning the lottery jackpot!

  To her mind, only people who got excited about being broke gambled.

  Which was why, after finally coming out of the closet, Carrie Shilling, film star, sex symbol and until now, all round straight girl, was waiting to see just how broke she was going to be.

  Sighing, she rested her head against the window of her study and followed the tracks of the rain as it dribbled down the glass. Outside, wind blown leaves tumbled across the lawn and the window rattled sharply, causing her to step back and hug herself. Unable to explain why suddenly her study didn’t feel like the sanctuary it usually did, but more like a prison cell in which she fretted and worried over the recent events that had put her there.

  Yesterday had been a disaster. First the intruder at the leisure centre, then the awkward embarressment of hearing Andrea yelling at everyone for their total lack of security. Followed by Brick’s confession that he’d been dozing in the car and as a result seen nothing, all topped by the awful uncertainly of what exactly they’d got away with?

  It had been enough to give her grey hairs and that was before they’d been forced into telling Carmichael she was gay! But what other choice was there? With her big secret on the threshold of discovery, there’d been nothing else to do but call an emergency meeting.

  Awkward hadn’t even come close and seated around the kitchen table, the silence that had followed her revelation had stretched far longer than was comfortable while Carmichael had just sat there. His face pale. A gamut of emotions twisting his features from one to another until eventually, he had settled on anger.

  And exploded. “Gay! How the hell can you be gay?”He’d cried angrily. “You’re Carrie Shilling for Christ’s sake! A bloody sex symbol! You can’t be gay! Your entire career has been based around the fact men want to get inside your pants! How the hell can you be bloody gay!”


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