Bend To His Will

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by Sam Crescent

  “She called earlier to cancel,” Cheyenne told him. “Said she didn’t think it was appropriate hanging around here when she has her own family.”

  Luke slammed the jug of gravy on the table.

  Neal knew something else was going on but for the life of him couldn’t think what it could be.

  “I can’t believe that. Since that girl has been out of diapers, causing trouble with Luke, she’s always been here for Sunday dinner,” his dad said.

  “I can think of one problem,” Luke said.

  Sandy had a few issues with her parents who didn’t agree with her lifestyle. Her two older sisters had moved out of the house, gone to college and were now professionals in the fields of medicine and law. Sandy didn’t leave home to pursue higher education. Her parents forced her out when she started working at the beauty salon in town. She painted women’s nails while listening to their troubles. He knew this because he listened to the women he dated. Everyone he knew had a nice thing to say about Sandy. She didn’t start fights. Her loyalties to her friends were strong.

  “Don’t you think she wants to spend some time with her own family?” Neal argued.

  “Not when she loves being here. Sundays at her folks are all about how wonderful her sisters are when she’s still a small town girl. Strange considering I saw her folks around town while I waited for our order. Sandy wasn’t there.”

  Silence descended on the table. Neal ate the rest of his meal understanding their annoyance at him. But why did they have to blame him? They blamed him even though she spent a great deal of time rubbing him the wrong way.

  Luke sent glares his way as the meal turned tense. Sandy’s presence was missed. Seeing the chair she usually sat in, empty, did things inside his chest he didn’t like. Frowning, he scooped up some more food. His mother’s cooking was the best but he couldn’t taste anything. In fact the meal left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  The first to finish, Neal excused himself and went to finish his work. Mucking out the stalls was the last job of the day. He fought the pain in his back and side, continuing to sweep and scoop. Cleaning was one of the hardest jobs to do. The smell horrid.

  The moment he finished and the sun went down he said goodbye to his parents before driving the short distance to his own house.

  After a quick shower and shave, he dressed in a clean pair of jeans with a loose shirt. Despite the sun being down, the heat remained making him feel restricted in his clothes.

  Ignoring his gut instinct telling him to stay home, he grabbed his keys and began the short drive into town. Leaving Sandy alone wasn’t an option. His family clearly felt she had been treated unfairly. Besides that, guilt ate at conscious. The words he’d spoken to her the last time they were together were less than respectful. His parents taught him to treat women better than that.

  * * * *

  Sandy changed the channel, trying not to throw up at the sappy love story on the television. She had a good mind to start suing the film companies who portrayed love as some easy all consuming thing.

  Love didn’t come to people on a plate. Love took many years to develop. Look at her, she’d loved Neal Haney since she turned eighteen and the guy couldn’t stand to be around her. Taking a bite of her sandwich, she settled on an action movie. This would be the first Sunday she’d miss going to the Haney’s house for dinner in years. There she would have helped with the dishes and ate warm apple pie for desert. She would have spent time with Cheyenne. Bless the girl, she couldn’t do a lot because she’d been born with a hole in her heart. Anything strenuous could bring on an attack and she’d need to be rushed to the hospital. That didn’t stop her from being a big help to the family though.

  Instead, because Neal despised her, she’d stayed home. The couch being her only comfort for the day. Going out held no appeal. Her own company would have to do.

  She didn’t get it. Neal Haney wasn’t a saint. He worked hard and played harder than her. The women who worked with her or came into the beauty salon had a few things to tell. All that talk of keeping his private life private was absolute bull.

  Placing her empty plate on the floor, she settled down getting herself comfortable. She thought about the tales women told her. He had quite a reputation as a stud. At first he started out with the fuck ‘em and leave ‘em approach. The last piece of juicy gossip she’d gotten had come through Lacy. The girl he’d last dated.

  “He likes to tie you up. I knew he liked kinky sex but girl this man doesn’t just play kinky. He is kinky. The dirtier the better. Control is what he wants and control is what he takes.”

  Sandy thought about the Neal she knew. Control would be the main word she’d use to describe him. Kinky possibly but to the extent Lacy talked about, she doubted.

  Still, the rumors gave her so many forbidden fantasies. Not that Neal would ever see her as anything other than his brother’s plaything. Why must she be punished for growing up and wanting to experiment? Why did people expect her to get back together with Luke? She and Luke had been a thing in high school. Nothing else. Yes, she’d lost her virginity to him and it had been the worst experience of her life. Luke lost his with her. Poor guy, he didn’t know what to do when she burst into tears.

  She growled at the ceiling. No matter how many questions she asked, there wasn’t any answers coming her way. Spending time wondering why Neal didn’t like her would send her to an early grave. The sound of the doorbell brought her out of her thoughts. Picking her plate up from the floor, she put it in the kitchen.

  Who would be knocking on her door on a Sunday evening? Through the window pane in the door she could tell night had already fallen.

  A fist knocked against the glass.

  “All right. I’m bloody coming.” She unbolted each of the locks, and then opened the door.

  Neal stood on her doorstep.

  “What do you want?”

  He barged past her without saying a word.

  “Why don’t you come in? I’m not entertaining anyone or have anything interesting to do.” She locked the door and followed him into the living room.

  “If you’ve got company send them home.” Neal folded his arms over his chest.

  “This is unbelievable. First, you don’t want anyone to know we’re friends. Now you barge into my house demanding I get rid of possible company. Since when do you get a say in my life!” Folding her arms she stared at him across the room.

  “Do you have a man friend here?”

  She wished she could tell him a guy was currently buck naked with his cock in the air waiting for her to ride him. It would serve him right.

  “I don’t have company at the moment.” She wanted to slap the smirk off his face.

  How could she go from craving his touch to wanting to cause him physical violence? Her feelings for him would always amaze her.

  “What do you want, Neal?”

  “You weren’t at dinner.” He made it sound more of a statement than a question.

  “No. I stayed home. I ate here, alone, enjoying the peace and quiet until you ruined everything.”

  “Why didn’t you come to the ranch? Your company was missed,” he said.

  Could he have missed her company?

  “Did Luke put you up to this?”

  “You spend too much time with my brother,” he accused.

  Sandy burst out laughing. His thinking made absolutely no sense. “One second you’re complaining at me for not coming to your parent’s house for dinner, now you’re saying I spend too much time with my best friend.”

  Neal turned away from her. He’d never been in her house on a social visit. When she’d moved out of her parent’s house, the Haney men helped move her stuff from one home into another. That had been five years ago. Luke stopped by regularly for their traditional Chinese food and movie nights. Neal, however, tended to avoid her like the plague.

  He looked good standing in her living room, his short brown hair longer than he usually kept it. She could tell he’d been r
unning his fingers through the length. The loose shirt he wore did nothing to distract from the hard expanse of muscles along his arms and chest. Neal always looked as if he could fight the world and still come out the winner.

  Licking her lips, she imagined removing his shirt and tasting him on her tongue. Everything about him was larger than life. The preview she’d gotten of his cock last night had confirmed he would be a big boy in all departments.

  “Why are you here?” she asked. Jumping on him and practically raping him wouldn’t do well for her ego. She refused to force her attention on a man who clearly didn’t want it.

  “I wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  “As you can see I’m fit as a fiddle. Nothing wrong with me.” She raised her arms out to her sides and gave a little twirl, causing her modest knee length skirt to float up.

  “I’m sorry for the other night,” he said.

  Frowning, Sandy pulled the spaghetti straps of her tank top up as she moved further into the room. “What for?”

  “For what I said.”

  She thought about everything that had passed the other night. “Oh that. Don’t worry, I’ve learned my lesson. No more flirting sessions. Consider yourself off the hook. Besides I saw you dancing with Grace Seymore. I’m sure she’s right up your alley.” With every word she hated herself. Seeing good little Grace in his arms had been more than she could stand.

  Her reputation preceded her and obviously Neal wouldn’t believe her word. According to rumors she’d had at least ten sexual partners. The truth was only two men had ever been in her bed. The most ironic thing about her two lovers was they didn’t brag about their time with her. Luke didn’t speak about their time together. The other guy, Mitch, kept everything to himself.

  “I still shouldn’t have said the things I said.”

  “Don’t worry. If that’s it, you can go. I’ve got plans for the rest of the night.” Without waiting for his reply she walked back to the front door. Kicking him out would be the only way she’d survive without jumping him. Her pussy was already soaking wet from his presence. Her embarrassment would be knowing he didn’t feel a damn thing for her. She stood at the door, waiting for him to leave.

  “I don’t think you’re fine. The shit I said was uncalled for.”

  “Neal, you only said you didn’t want to be seen with me. Don’t you think you’re overreacting a little?” Sandy placed a hand on her hip. His gaze trained on the action.

  “Why can’t I control myself when I’m around you?” he said and seconds later her arms were pinned over her head.

  A gasp escaped her lips followed by a moan as he thrust his pelvis against her stomach. “You feel what you do to me?”

  Her eyes closed as she bit her lip. The electric burn from his touch shot straight to her pussy.

  “I want you so damn badly,” he growled.

  His lips brushed over hers. The gentle touch shocked her as the grip on her hands tightened. “Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?”

  Speechless, Sandy shook her head.

  “You think you want me, angel. I’m bad news,” he warned. Her heart rate sped up at the challenge he set. She knew there was more to Neal than he let the world see. Was that the reason why she was so attracted to him?

  “I think I could surprise you,” she whispered. “Tell me what you want.”

  The grip on her hands tightened.

  “Do you feel how easy I can hurt you? No one knows I’m here. I could break you.”

  “You wouldn’t hurt me.”

  His hold loosened. “No. That’s why I have to leave.”

  As quickly as he placed her up against the wall, he was gone. Leaving her begging for more.

  She watched him get inside his large truck and disappear into the night. After she closed the door, she placed a hand on her heart.

  An evening spent with her fantasies, fingers and a dildo was definitely on the menu.

  Chapter Three

  The following week went by with barely anything crazy happening. Sandy didn’t visit the Haney ranch. She stayed in town. A quick visit to her parents made her aware of all her failings in life.

  How could a woman who silently co-owned a beauty salon and paid the mortgage on her little house be considered a disappointment? So they didn’t know all of her success, but unlike her sisters who’d asked for handouts, Sandy had yet to ask them for pocket money.

  She flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder. The long length had begun this annoying habit of getting in her way. Besides, how many women sat on their hair? She would get one of the hairdressers to give her a cut.

  Walking down main street to the sheriff’s station, she said hello to the people she passed. Last night, she’d baked a cake with the intent of grilling the sheriff, who just happened to be the best friend of one Neal Haney.

  Their small town barely had any trouble, so she’d more than likely find him at his desk. Everyone who knew the sheriff knew he couldn’t resist home-baked goods. Opening the door, she saw Marty on the front desk working the phones while filing her nails.

  “Hiya, Sandy. Are you in trouble?” the older woman asked.

  “Good to see you too, Marty. No. Just come to drop off a lemon sponge cake for our good old sheriff.”

  “Right. Go right ahead. He’s free.”

  Sandy smiled and walked past the main reception, through the office doors. The door to his office lay open. Standing at the opening, she waited for him to look up. Rory Walter, aka Sheriff Walter sat at his desk writing in a file.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” she asked causing the good guy to jump.

  “Bloody hell, Sandy. Wear a fucking bell next time.” He put his pen down and stared at her. “What can I do for you?”

  “I baked this for you last night.” She placed the boxed cake on his desk.

  He leaned forward and opened the lid. The scent of lemon permeated the air. Knowing his tastes, she’d spent extra time on the frosting to get it perfect. Not many people knew she baked. Even Neal didn’t know about her culinary ability.

  “Why do I feel this is a bribe?”

  “Because the cake looks and tastes like sin.”

  “What do you want?”

  Sighing, she closed the door to his office before sitting down on the chair in front of his desk. The conversation she wanted needed to be in private.

  “How long have you known, Neal?” she asked.

  “All my life,” he said.

  Sandy noted the suspicion on his face. Rory and Neal had always been two peas in a pod. Both men had come from large families. At thirty-five years old neither were married nor settled down. Sandy had a small idea why the good sheriff hadn’t found the right lady, yet.

  “Then you know things about him that no other person could know, even his brothers. Like his sexual preferences.”


  “No. Don’t screw with me. For too long I’ve been sitting tight being his potential little plaything when he’s happy to put me in a corner. I want more, Rory and you’ll help.”

  “Why should I?” he asked.

  There was ten years between them. The same age gap between her and Neal. She closed her eyes, hating to use bribery to get what she wanted. For as long as she could remember, Neal had pushed her away. Even though he’d slept with women, an air of secrecy surrounded him.

  “Because if you don’t, I’ll let Luke, Neal and all the Haney men know why the good sheriff hasn’t found a woman to settle down with. Where men have a tendency to miss certain actions, I’m not a man. I know who you want.”

  Using his emotions was a low blow but desperate times called for desperate measures. She watched as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Take a seat.”

  Sandy sat down, loving the thrill of victory.

  “Take that smile off your face. I’m not going to tell you everything, just enough to give you an idea of what you’re dealing with.”

  Smoothing out her
skirt, she crossed her legs and waited. She wouldn’t have dreamed of telling the Haney brothers about his crush. The threat was simply a means to an end.

  “How serious are you about Neal?” he asked.

  “Why do you think I’m here? I’m deadly serious, Rory.”

  He nodded his head. Being a part owner in a beauty salon had been the only other thing she’d been sure of in her life as she got older.

  “How much do you know about Neal?” he asked.

  “He likes to keep his personal life private.”

  “For fuck sake. You know fuck all about the man you’re trying to get into your bed. I’m warning you now, Neal isn’t a man to mess with lightly.”

  “I understand. Tell me something.”

  Rory let out a sigh.

  “You’re not going to let this go are you?”


  “Sandy, Neal is a Dom.” The words echoed off the wall, stilling in the silence of the room.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re not stupid, Sandy. Figure it out.”

  She scrambled, trying to figure everything out. Neal being a Dom wasn’t a massive surprise but she guessed there was more to it than him telling a woman what to do.

  “You’re trying to tell me, Neal is into spanking, bondage and all that leather crap?” She couldn’t visualize Neal in leather. The man loved his jeans too much to wear anything else.

  “You can be a Dom without all the leather and chains. Neal has to be in control. If you’re willing to take this thing with him to the next level, past your flirting, you’ve got to be prepared to give over your will. To be able to trust him completely.” Running his fingers through his hair with a sigh, he reached into his drawer and pulled out a fork.

  He opened the cake box and dived in taking a huge forkful.

  “I haven’t finished,” she said.

  “You’re not getting any more out of me. If you want answers, go to Neal. He’s my friend. Feel lucky I gave you that.” He took another forkful of cake. “This tastes good.”


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