Bend To His Will

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Bend To His Will Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Did this make her a pain slut?

  “Say the words, Sandy. Or else,” he warned.

  Or else what?

  Too much was happening too fast. Neal on his knees, licking her pussy. The slaps to her private section along with the commands were driving her crazy with lust. A woman should be allowed time to think.

  “Say the words or I leave now and nothing else happens.”

  The threat had the required effect. She’d give anything to be with Neal.

  “Yes, Master,” she said without hesitation. She had the rest of her life to ask questions.

  “Good girl.”

  He continued to tease her clit. Collecting her juice on his fingers, he pushed inside her. Sandy controlled her response. She wasn’t allowed to come until he said. Each time her pinnacle built, Neal brought her down only to build her back up again. The pressure inside her intensified until she began to think she’d never be able to climax again.

  Staring at the ceiling as another wave of pleasure overcame her she expected to be brought down.

  “Come for me, Sandy.”

  Gasping, she stared as his tongue slid over her clit. The dual pleasure of seeing and feeling the action sent her hurtling over the edge into blissful oblivion. Her release slammed into her. A scream left her lips as her grip tightened.

  Her fingers ached as her senses started to return. Her legs hurt from hanging over the counter. Her ass was numb. She would have been in a heap on the floor if Neal hadn’t been holding her.

  Slowly, with tender care he brought her down. He stood and wrapped his arms around her as tears fell from her eyes. In all of her experience, she’d never had an orgasm so mind consuming that it left her gasping for breath before.

  “Sh, I’ve got you,” he whispered. Neal stroked her hair as he held her.

  She was shocked for a second time that night as it occurred to her the last time she’d been given a hug. Not by a girlfriend or a friend but a hug given with the intention of comforting.

  After a while she pulled back, staring at him. She rubbed the tears from her eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “My pleasure. You taste so damn sweet.”

  A smile broke out on her face, looking at his crotch. The material tented to make room for his erection.

  “May I help ease you, Sir.” She added the last part to see his reaction. His nostrils flared. His eyes dilated. Oh, yes. There was more to Neal Haney than met the eye.

  Sandy looked forward to finding out every little secret he possessed.

  Chapter Five

  His heart pounded as her words sunk in. However, he didn’t want her to think he expected her to reciprocate what he’d done. The stiff shaft inside his jeans wasn’t hearing his pleas to cool off.

  Licking her pussy had been what he wanted all night. Seeing her bare while lapping her cream meant more to him than she would ever understand.

  Before he could tell her otherwise, Sandy reached down and unbuckled his belt. The sound of metal against metal had him groaning.

  Next, she undid his button, then his zipper. He rarely wore boxers and this day he hadn’t bothered. The heat of the summer made underwear uncomfortable on his skin. He much preferred being a free man. She pulled his jeans to his knees, his cock stood straight out. The tip already leaking his pre-cum. Neal watched as she licked her lips. Her tiny fist surrounded him—touching him and learning him. He knew what she was doing by the way she watched his reactions. Sandy Breeden wanted to please him.

  “What would you like me to do, Sir?”

  His knees almost gave way. Hearing her ask for instructions sent a blast of pleasure all the way through him deep into his very soul. Her words called to the very dominant part of the man inside him. The man who needed to assert his control.

  “Open your lips and stick out your tongue,” he said. She complied instantly, the submissive inside her already complying with his every demand.

  Holding his cock, he rubbed the tip over her tongue coating it with his cum. “Taste me.”

  He pulled away, watching her face as she swallowed down the small amount of his release.

  She stuck her tongue out for more. Neal repeated the process and waited.

  “Open your mouth. Take me in,” he said to her after the third time. Being in control never allowed him to last long.

  Watching Sandy love him with her mouth was more than he could stand. The closeness he felt with her, he’d never been able to get with any other person. Even when he closed his eyes, he saw her face. Her blue eyes were filled with emotion. God help him, her expression was filled with love for him. Everything about her scared him. What if he failed her? Understanding the unpredictable ways of love, he worried his passions could bring a void between them. Acting out a submissive side every once in a while may be good for her but this is the man he’d become.

  She opened her mouth. He pressed his cock inside. Her lips surrounded him. The wet heat of her mouth was almost as good as he knew her pussy would be. She sucked him inside until he hit the back of her throat.

  “That’s it, baby. Suck my cock.”

  Moving his hips in a circle, he pulled out, then pushed back in. Sandy held his shaft, controlling how deep he thrust inside. Neal didn’t care. The amount of emotions he felt for this woman scared him, made him wonder what the hell he was doing with her now. Keeping her at arm’s length had been the best option at the time. His lifestyle wasn’t for everyone. Even a temptress like Sandy would struggle.

  Closing his eyes, he let himself drown out the worry by feeling her mouth work his shaft. Everything else could wait until later.

  It had been so long since he’d found release with a woman he knew being with Sandy meant he wouldn’t last. At least the first time he wouldn’t. Holding the back of her head, he controlled the depth of his thrusts. Her little hums went along his dick and up inside his body. The curling heat building.

  “If you’ve got a problem with swallowing my cum you’d better let up now,” he said. She glanced up at him while continuing to suck his dick.

  Neal growled as the action sent a shot of pleasure up his balls and through his shaft. He grabbed her head and thrust a little harder inside her mouth.

  With a final lunge, he blasted her throat with his semen. Her throat swallowed him down, working the top of his shaft, making him give her more.

  His deep guttural moan echoed off the walls. He held onto the counter for support as the world stopped.

  She pulled away and he dropped from her mouth. The world coming back, bringing the harsh reality of what he’d done. Losing control with her had been a big mistake. Not looking at her, he pulled up his jeans, putting his now flaccid cock away. Her saliva mixed with his seed still on his shaft.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  He hated himself for what he was about to say. However, Neal knew it would be for the best.

  “Nothing. I’ve got what I wanted. Now I’m ready to go.”


  “You heard me. You’ve been teasing me all night with your ass, I wanted a piece. Thanks for making everything easy for me, darlin’.”

  Without looking her in the eye, Neal kissed her head, then left.

  Seeing her tears would make leaving harder to do. Brushing her off, crushing her heart would be a hell of a lot easier than dragging her down with him.

  Rory waited for him with a smile on his lips, which slowly disappeared as he saw the look on his face.

  “What did you do?” he asked.

  “What I had to.”

  * * * *

  The moment he left the restroom she locked the door behind him. Never had she been used so callously. His taste still lingered in her mouth. She was stupid in thinking their actions could have meant more.

  All Neal wanted was to get a leg over. The bastard. Moving to the counter, she ran the cold water to wash her face. The small amount of makeup she wore came off. Staring at her reflection, she tried to give herse
lf the encouragement to go out there and face him. Everyone would know something had gone on. What had changed him wanting to do more?

  Running her fingers through her hair, she saw the torn fabric of her thong. Picking up the pieces, she stared at them. The thong had been one of her favorites.

  Something had changed. Neal wanted her to run away. She had to remember he came to her. Not the other way around. He’d won round one but she knew he’d be back for more. Letting his words get to her is what he wanted. She dried her face on a few paper towels before brushing the wrinkles out of her skirt.

  “Come on, Sandy. You’ve had worse than this from your parents and they’re supposed to accept you for who you are. Get your act together. Go out there and show him you mean business.”

  The more she thought about his reaction, the more she became convinced he’d pushed her away on purpose. Rory had warned her there was more to Neal Haney than he let on. Did the dominant side possess more of him than she’d thought?

  “I’ll show him. Before long he’ll be begging me for more.”

  Straightening her back, she ran her fingers through her hair and left the restroom. Neal sat at the bar drinking a beer but facing the pool table. Luke glanced over at her with a funny look on his face.

  She gave him a wave with a smile. Twirling the torn thong on her finger, she walked right up to Neal. His eyes widened.

  That’s right big boy. You think I’ll bow down and take your shit? It’s time to fight fire with fire.

  Everyone stopped what they were doing. “I think these are yours. I can’t wear them now.” She placed the ruined thong in his jeans pocket, making a display by rubbing against his cock. Her smile grew to a grin as she felt him stir at her touch.

  She leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Let the games begin.” Turning away, she waved at the men before walking out.

  Her dignity intact with her head held high.

  Chapter Six

  Sandy walked into the salon the next day. A Saturday was always busy. The women were whispering to themselves. She smiled as she passed the customers and walked all the way to the changing room.

  “I heard she looked a little rough, as if Neal Haney had taken her in the restroom,” one of her stylists said.

  She held the door, listening to what was being said about her. The events of the previous night were already doing the grapevine around town. Wonderful.

  “Apparently she gave him a torn thong. Can you imagine giving Neal panties let alone torn ones?” another woman said with a dreamy tone.

  “I bet she did it herself. After all, can you imagine Neal going for a woman like her?”

  This is what annoyed her. The assumptions based around men finding her attractive. Tired of their catty comments, she turned the corner and placed her bag in her locker. The two women jumped, staring at her with fear in their eyes. They knew the power she held in this place. Many didn’t think a beauty salon could earn a good income. Not only did this salon earn a good income but Sandy and her partner paid their employees good money.

  “Last time I checked we don’t pay employees to sit around and gossip. And just so you know, Neal Haney asked for everything he got last night, now get back to work.”

  She stormed out of the changing room and went to her office. Sandy ignored the stares as she grabbed a coffee before settling down to do paperwork. The incident the night before had left her physically and emotionally drained.

  She hadn’t been prepared for Neal’s outburst. Why couldn’t he see how much she wanted him?

  Closing her eyes, she sipped her coffee. Everyone always saw the goodtime girl in her. Her dreams would shock the whole town. Luke knew what she wanted. No one would believe she loved spending time in her kitchen. She wanted to have children and a family of her own.

  Most of her school friends wanted to move away from their hometown. Sandy loved where she lived and wouldn’t dream of moving away. Another bunch of women walked in and she knew a long day awaited her.

  Picking up her pen, she signed her name on a couple of contracts. However, her mind often wandered to thoughts of Neal Haney and what she would do about him. Maybe leaving him to fester would be the best course of action.

  * * * *

  Back at the ranch, Neal had to deal with his brothers’ bad attitudes. Luke refused to work or speak to him. But constantly threw jabs at his behavior the night before. He was the oldest son in the Haney family and yet he was being treated like scum. Why did his brother feel the need to protect Sandy? She could look after herself. He knew he’d acted like a complete bastard. When he got home he really hated himself for the way he treated her.

  Neal stopped working to take a long drink of the water his mom had brought him. He’d been banned from breakfast as well as lunch. His family was insane but he loved them. He knew why they were excluding him. If one of his sons had treated a woman like shit, he’d be slapping him silly or at least giving him a stern talking to. Speak of the devil. He saw his dad heading toward him. Luke would have filled him in on the details.

  “How are you doing, son?” he asked the moment he approached.

  “Good.” Neal took the pate of food offered to him and sat down. He ate in silence for several minutes waiting for his dad to say or do what he had to.

  “What happened last night?” his dad asked.

  He closed his eyes for the hundredth time as images of Sandy played in his mind. She’d tasted so fucking good. He couldn’t believe he’d acted like a prick.

  “I lost control. That’s all.”

  “You think that makes what you did right? Your brothers told me what happened. To be honest Neal, I’m ashamed of you right now.” The disappointment on his dad’s face told him how bad he’d fucked up. Not just with Sandy but also with his family. She wasn’t a sister or a close relative. However, Sandy had become part of their family.

  In truth she was a Haney without the last name.

  “Dad, you don’t know what happened. I let go and Sandy shouldn’t be the one to pay the price. I’ll have better control over myself next time. I’ll make sure I won’t be alone with her.” The moment he said the words he wished he hadn’t. Sandy fired his blood and stirred his passions unlike any other woman. There was something deep inside her that called to him.

  She was potentially the woman who would challenge him in every area of their life and give herself over to him in the bedroom. He’d been looking for so long to find a woman who could satisfy him. None had been worth the time. He could see a future with Sandy right in front of him…and it scared the hell out of him.

  “I love your mother. I wouldn’t be with anyone else. But before her I played the field son. I sowed my oats and made my mistakes. I know you boys see us as parents and old fashioned, as if we don’t have a clue what goes on in the world today. This dominant thing I keep hearing, that’s who you are. Not something you should be afraid of.”

  Neal cringed as his dad talked. He was thirty-five years old, not some horny teenager needing his dad’s advice on condoms and shit. When he’d reached sixteen and a porn magazine had been discovered under his bed, his dad sat down with him and had the talk.

  “Dad, I don’t need your advice.”

  “No? Then why doesn’t Sandy have a ring on her finger? That girl has been chasing you for years. You spend all of your time avoiding her. I think it’s time you see her for whom she truly is.”

  “Sandy doesn’t have the grit being a rancher’s wife takes.”

  “No. Then tell me why she’s the first woman I would call if anything ever happened to your mother? She’s every bit a rancher’s woman. You’ve got your head so far up your own ass you can’t see anything but the crap you put in front of you. Do yourself a favor and grow up, Neal.”

  His dad stormed off. The last of his words ringing in Neal’s ears. After finishing his sandwich, he picked up the rake and began working on the hay. Hearing his dad cuss had been a real eye opener. In truth, there were so many things he wanted to d
eny. Sandy wouldn’t enjoy life as a rancher’s woman. How could a beautician make that kind of transition?

  An hour past and his thoughts still plagued him when Luke stopped by.

  “I’ve come to pick up your plate,” he said.

  Neal handed him the plate. “Are you going to keep acting like a baby? Telling me my fucking faults,” Neal snarled.

  “No. Sandy is better off without you.”

  “How can you even be rooting for me and her? You dated her once.”

  Luke threw the plate to the ground, which smashed on impact. “Yes, Sandy dated me. For fucks sake, we were each other’s first. That’s right I got there first. I love her with my whole heart. There isn’t nothing I wouldn’t do for her. But she’s my best friend. I wished we could see past our friendship and have a proper relationship. I’d be a good husband to her. I know she’d be a damn good wife. But the connection isn’t there. Get over your shit. She deserves better than you.” Luke stormed away in the same direction as their dad.

  He looked up to the sky, wondering if lightning would strike him down. Both men were right. Sandy didn’t deserve this treatment.

  When he finished his work, he packed everything away for the day, said a goodnight to his family, then drove into town.

  Most places in Fort Valley closed at five, that included the salon. He saw Sandy locking the doors with a few other women standing around her. They were all laughing. He parked his truck across the road and ran over to her.

  “Sandy,” he called. She didn’t respond. He called her name again, louder this time. She turned, glared at him and went in the opposite direction from the women.

  “Sandy, wait.”

  She kept walking. He jogged the few steps, stopping in front of her.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  Never had she sounded so annoyed to see him.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “You’re going to ask me that after the other night?” She moved around him.


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