Bend To His Will

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Bend To His Will Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She gave a nod of her head to show she understood. He curled her hips into his, then spread her legs wide open. A hand cupped her mound. “You’re so fucking hot.” Two fingers thrust inside her cunt, the invasion pleasurable. She’d been using a vibrator for too long. “Fuck me, Neal,” she said.

  A hand landed on her ass with a whack. She yelped and turned to him. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re my woman now, Sandy. I don’t take orders, I give them. Turn around.”

  When she hesitated for a split second, Neal placed her back into position. He wasn’t brutal, only a little rough. Why wasn’t she protesting? Usually she hated any type of manhandling. Neal touched her and she went up in flames. Whatever he wanted, she willingly gave him. The power of his body sent a yearning through her. Neal would be in control and she was more than happy to give it to him.

  Should she be frightened? No man had ever had any semblance of control over her. She was a free woman. An independent woman, who could come and go as she pleased.

  Her train of thought cut off at the sound of his zipper coming down. “This first time is going to be quick, Sandy. I’ve denied myself for too long. Now I have to take what I want.”

  He smacked her ass causing her to yelp seconds before he plunged his cock inside her. Her cry of pleasure echoed off the walls. She’d been right. Neal was a big man. The length of him filled her as he entered her body.

  “Just a little more, baby.”

  She closed her eyes and gripped the back of the couch in her fist. His cock wasn’t all the way in. Biting her lip, she braced herself for the pain she expected to come with his invasion. There was no way she could take much more.

  He groaned. “You’re so tight.”

  His hand ran along her back. She felt as he gripped her hips and moved up to her waist. Both hands seeming to test her strength. “So fucking luscious. You’ll take all of me and not break. I love a woman who keeps her fucking curves.” The compliments spilling from his mouth made her feel incredibly sexy. Even as her pussy felt fit to burst.

  A hand pulled on her hair. She imagined her blonde locks wrapped around his fist, the pull on her hair increased with each turn of his hand.

  “I can do anything I want with you.” To prove his point, he pulled out of her body and used the grip of her hair to slide back in.

  Their moans mingled in the air. “Turn your head.”

  Sandy obeyed.

  “Lick my fingers. Get them nice and wet,” he said.

  When she opened her lips, he slid two of his fingers inside her mouth. Using her tongue, she coated him with her saliva.

  “Good girl.”

  She wondered what he would do with those two fingers. The touch on her clit gave her the answer.

  “I need you to be a little more open for me to get my cock inside your cunt.”

  Moaning, Sandy couldn’t stop herself from pushing back on his shaft. His words were driving her crazy with the need to be fucked hard.

  “You want my cock inside you, baby?”

  “Yes,” she screamed.

  Something touched her opening, then his cock slammed inside her. The fake cocks she’d been using hadn’t prepared her for the full length and width of his cock.

  “Such a tight cunt,” he growled. He pulled out of her, then thrust back inside. She had to clutch the back of the couch otherwise the force of his body would have thrown her over the side.

  The contact made her ultra aware of the pleasure inside her body. His hands moved from her hips to her breasts. Fingers played with the turgid tips. She screamed as he pinched the ends, sending zinging sensation straight to her clit. The ball of heat growing inside her.

  “That’s right. You want the pain,” he said.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “What do you want?”

  “You. I want you.”

  He cupped her tits and played with her nipples. After he pinched her buds, building up a mixture of painful pleasure, he eased her, moving his hands up and down her body, fingering her clit to bring her to a peak, then slapping her ass to bring her down. Neal was relentless in his need to control her. She felt and sensed what he wanted from her, and was more than happy to give in.

  “Come now, baby,” he said unexpectedly. Sandy didn’t know if she’d be able to climax on demand. Then his finger touched her clit and she exploded. Neal fucked her hard and fast, never losing contact with her clit. She rode the pleasure into a second release. Still, he wouldn’t leave her. His cock pounded her pussy. His fingers teased her clit. The pleasure so intense she didn’t expect to survive it.

  “Fuck. I’m coming,” he growled. He brought her to a third release thrusting inside her. Neal hadn’t worn a condom so she felt every pulse as his semen soaked her cunt. When he was done, he held her in his arms. She gripped the couch and loved every second of his loving. If he would cuddle her after taking her, then she would be more than happy with him.

  Chapter Nine

  “Wow,” Sandy said. Her pussy ached in the most delicious of ways. She couldn’t find a single point to complain about. Neal was an animal in bed—or out of it in this case. She’d loved every second of being in his arms.

  “You weren’t too bad yourself.”

  He pulled away and removed his boots and his jeans from around his ankles. Using the fabric of his shirt, he cleaned his cum off his cock, then her legs and pussy.

  He’d helped her around to the floor and curled up with her in his arms.

  “That was amazing,” she said again, her voice cracking. Her ass stung from his whacks but her body tingled all over. The small burn insignificant against the pleasure he’d created.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I’ve never had anything so wonderful happen to me before.”

  “What was wonderful?”

  She must sound like a virgin to him. Maybe, compared to him, she was. “I’ve never reached orgasm so many times. One after the other.”

  “Three is a drop in the bucket,” he said.

  Sandy glanced up at him. “You can make it happen again?”

  “I can keep you climaxing all night long and never let you stop.”

  Her body tingled from the admission.

  “I guess you’ve never had multiple orgasms before?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m glad I’m the first man to give them to you.”

  He stroked her hair as she lay back on his chest. She liked how his free arm held her close to his body.

  “What does this mean for us?” she asked.

  “Why are you asking so many questions?”

  “I want to know the answers, Neal. I’m happy you haven’t been nasty to me yet,” she admitted, unable to ignore the emotional pain he’d caused her.

  “I should never have said that.”

  There was no need to agree or disagree with his statement. The past was just that. Tonight’s actions changed their relationship. “I want to be with you, Neal. In every way.”

  “Don’t say stuff you don’t mean.”

  “I’m still here. I’m not running. I want you and everything you have to offer me. Even if I have to put up with a spanking from you every once in a while,” she teased.

  “I’m being serious, Sandy. Don’t mess with me if you’re only intention is to play. I don’t play,” he warned.

  Staring at him, she broke free of his embrace. She knew how serious he could be. Standing before him as naked as the day she was born, Sandy made the final decision. Being with him had meant more to her than any other achievement in her life. She loved him with her whole heart and couldn’t imagine spending time with anyone else. They’d finally given in and had sex but something was missing. He thought she only wanted to play. Showing him she meant business would be the only way to prove to him she was here for the long haul. She could see the caged beast within him threatening to come free.

  “Take me where you want me,” she said.

  “Are yo
u sure?”

  “I wouldn’t be standing here if I wasn’t.”

  He took her hand and led her out of the living room. When they passed the stairs, she began to wonder where he was taking her. The second she decided to ask him that very thing, he entered a spare room off the kitchen with a door to a basement in it.

  Fear from all the horror movies Luke dared her to watch made her hesitate.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked as she pulled her arm away, looking at the creepy dark opening.

  “I haven’t been in a basement since I stopped watching horror films. Please tell me you don’t have a monster or a killer waiting down there?”

  Neal laughed and switched on a light. “I remodeled. It’s like a separate room. Trust me.”

  She took a deep breath and gave him her hand. They walked down a flight of stairs together. She stopped the moment she reached the bottom.

  The basement wasn’t like any she’d seen. The windows had been blanked out. No natural light had access. A large bed dominated the space. She didn’t have as big a basement as this. The walls were bare except for a pair of straps hanging from one in the back. Curiosity getting the better of her, she walked over, leaned up and studied the restraints.

  “It’s for your hand. You face the wall, naked and I deliver your punishment,” he said.

  Sandy licked her lips. Closing her eyes, she thought about what she was going to do. Neal was asking her to give him all her trust. To have her independence taken from her.

  “Show me,” she said.

  Turning to face him, she saw the tense way he stood. As if he was frozen in place, he stared at her with an intensity that made her shiver with anticipation. Sandy wondered what she had just unleashed.

  “You have no idea what you’re asking me, do you?”

  She shook her head, but faced the wall anyway. In her mind, she tried to work out his lifestyle. To try to understand what he wanted from her. Then the heat of his body burned all thought away.

  After lifting her hand over her head, he brought the cuff around her wrist. She gasped as the leather tightened. Giving a little tug, she found she couldn’t move her wrist.

  Not fighting, she offered him her second hand. Neal put her hand into the cuff.

  “Press your body against the wall,” he whispered.

  Frowning, she did as he asked without saying a word. The wall felt soft under her touch.

  “I would never hurt you. I designed this room with every precaution. If I go too hard and you bang your head, the wall is soft. You won’t hurt yourself.”

  “How many women have you brought here?” she asked.

  “When you’re in here, Sandy, I’m the master. You don’t ask questions.”

  She noted how he avoided the question. Had many women been strapped up in the same position as her?

  His hands ran up her back, moving her hair out of the way. “I love this hair. You always keep it so long where as many other women cut their locks off. I love the length. I can do this.” He tugged on her hair, tilting her head back until she lay on his shoulder. She glanced up at him. “I can bend you to my will.”

  She waited with bated breath to see what he did next. He released his hold on her and swept the length all over one shoulder. She knew her hair was long. So many times at work, the girls had offered a new style but something always made her hesitate. She didn’t want to see her hair scattered on the floor.

  “Your skin is soft. You’ll mark easy. I’ll have to be careful of what I use on you.” His words sent a thrill down her spine.

  She liked the way he spanked her ass upstairs. What more would she enjoy?

  Up and down her back, her legs, he ran his hands all over her body. In minutes, she was so relaxed from his touching.

  “I know you like my hands on your skin,” he said. To prove his point, he smacked her ass with his palm.

  She yelped but the sound ended in a moan as another swat landed on her backside. When she was growing up, she’d been punished for being naughty. This was nothing like being told off by a parent. This kind of punishment intended to please the recipient.

  “Look at your ass. Red and sore. You’ve only had a few strikes of my hand. I’m going to have to get you ready to take more. I’d love to see the color a paddle would cause.” He rubbed her heated butt before giving her two more short sharp slaps.

  Each strike made her cry out. Her pussy leaked her cream all over the tops of her legs.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  Sandy was torn between wanting him to stop and needing more. If this is the test, then she wanted to pass with flying colors.

  She shook her head.

  His hand moved up and down her body. “Your ass is glowing red, baby. It pleases me.”

  “I’m glad I please you,” she said.

  He slapped her twice more. “I didn’t give you permission to speak.”

  Keeping her mouth closed, she sucked in her lips. Her clit felt huge, she was so turned on.

  His hand moved between her legs. His fingers slid easily in and out of her pussy. “It’s going to take you a while to get use to my cock. I think you need to learn how to take me.” He tilted her hips up against him. His length pressed inside her wet cunt. She moaned as his pelvis slammed against her butt.

  “So tight.”

  He cupped her breasts and began some slow thrusts. Each movement pushed him deeper inside her. The delight of his cock inside her was more than she could stand. Naked, chained to a soft wall, her ass red and burning, with Neal fucking her. She couldn’t be happier.

  “I want you to cry out when you come, Sandy. I want to hear every scream of your pleasure.”

  One of his hands moved down her stomach between her legs. After her climaxes upstairs, she didn’t think it would be possible to come again. Shockingly, the buildup began. Heat curled in her stomach. Intense pleasure took her breath away. His pace sped up. She couldn’t believe how amazingly painful and pleasurable the sensations doubled having Neal in control.

  “That’s it. Come all over my cock. I want to feel you milking me. Come on, baby,” he said.

  He slammed inside her one final time and their explosions mingled. The heat of his semen sent her crying out for more. His roar as his climax overcame him surrounded her. Sandy closed her eyes, sated and happy.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “Hold me.”

  Neal released her hands and carried her sagging body over to the bed. He didn’t leave her and for that she was thankful.

  How many women had he brought to this bed? She cut the thought off. He hadn’t been a virgin in her bed. She wouldn’t expect more from him.

  * * * *

  Neal held Sandy in his arms as sleep claimed her. With other women he left them to sleep and went about his business. He liked the weight of her in his arms. Her body felt smooth to the touch. The curves of her stomach and hips were things of beauty. He ran circles along their fullness. Sandy was all woman and he loved every part of her.

  Brushing her hair out of her face, he gazed down at her sleeping form. Her eyes closed, her mouth slightly open. She didn’t snore. He found himself smiling. The last few hours had been incredible. He’d never expected how much she would give of herself. Her ass must be stinging.

  Laying his hands across her stomach and under her hair, Neal relaxed.

  Could it be possible Sandy was the woman for him? Did he love her? The way his chest tightened when he thought of her with another man sent him in a spin. Sandy was his woman. He wanted to keep her. To lock her against him and never let go. For years he’d had to fight off the attraction because of the association with his brother. Accepting the idea was going to take some time.

  Glancing over at the clock, he saw the late hour and closed his eyes. Sleep would be a nice distraction against the problems running through his head. All his problems would be there tomorrow.

  His last thought as sleep claimed him was how perfect she felt in his a

  Chapter Ten

  Sandy woke up with her ass on fire but her body gloriously satisfied. Neal had an arm across her stomach and her head rested on the other. She turned to face him carefully so she wouldn’t wake him up. He looked peaceful, a small smile on his lips.

  Lifting her hand, she moved a lock of his hair off his forehead and resisted the urge to touch him more. Neal had no idea how she felt about him. The way her heart would beat whenever he entered a room. He became her whole world, one of the many reasons for staying near home. She took a deep breath, then moved out of the bed. As a wince escaped her, Neal mumbled and rolled over in his sleep. Standing at the foot of the bed, naked, she noticed a robe lying on a chair and put it on, then walked up from his basement.

  A quick look around and she found his bathroom. A full length mirror hung on the back of the door. She removed the robe and looked over her body for any changes. Sandy had thought that being with Neal would be similar to a life changing event. Turning, she checked her ass. She saw a red mark from his hand but nothing of any concern. Sandy moved closer to the mirror, staring at his handprint. The light pink stood out like a tattoo on her body. On her hips she saw the hand marks left behind from his firm grip. She smiled. This must mean something. A change within their relationship.

  She would hold each mark with pride. A sure sign Neal wanted her. There was nothing Neal couldn’t do to her body.

  Sandy had a quick shower. When she finished she dried her body and hair before putting the robe back on. She walked down to his kitchen. After searching his cupboards and drawers, she located the coffee and placed grounds into the machine with too many buttons. A quick deduction, then the coffee machine began filtering the grains. In the fridge, she found some sausages, eggs and other bits and pieces. The Chinese food could be warmed for dinner. With it being a Sunday, she could afford a few extra calories of fat. She didn’t have a cooked breakfast everyday of the week. Smirking, she cut some bread from the loaf and placed a couple of slices in the toaster. She was starving and pretending to eat carrot sticks wouldn’t do. Neal should know from the start she loved to eat.


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