No Safe Haven

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No Safe Haven Page 18

by Virginia Vaughan

  “I’m not sure. I was looking over your statement about the night Robert died. Did...” Was he really going to accuse his sister of conspiring against him?

  He sighed, resigned. He had to know the truth.

  “Did you text me that day to meet you at Dalton Lake?”

  He listened closely for signs that she was searching for what to say or for the right answer to give. But without hesitation, she denied it. “No. I didn’t even have my phone.”

  “You left your phone?” He couldn’t imagine his sister leaving without what she considered a vital piece of technology. “You always had that phone with you.”

  “I know but Mia took it from me that morning.”


  “She caught me exchanging texts with Robert. She said I broke one of the rules of the shelter and she took my phone. She said she was going to tell Jessica, but when I didn’t respond to him, Robert came over. You know the rest. I never got the phone back.”


  Mia had the access to Jessica, to her house, her phone, even her office at the shelter.

  Mia was the one helping Mitch Reynolds terrorize Jessica.

  * * *

  Jessica glanced at her watch. The woman was late. She hoped she hadn’t had any trouble getting away. Jessica had no real idea what she was walking into but it couldn’t be good given how frantic Mia had sounded.

  Jessica still didn’t know what she would do with this girl once she arrived safely. She’d already called all the shelters anywhere within driving distance and knew they were all full. Her mind searched for an alternative. Perhaps if she took the girl back to Dean’s Den with her, the agents would help keep her safe.

  She glanced up. Clouds darkened the sky and a light drizzle began to fall. She started toward her car until she saw another car approaching. The headlights were on and glaring but she noticed the car slowed as it approached. This must be the woman she was waiting on.

  The car turned into the lot. Jessica noticed it looked like Mia’s sedan. The driver’s-side door opened and a man got out, stopping Jessica in her tracks. She recognized the height and swagger of the man as he shut the door.

  Mitch! This was a trap.

  “Hello, Jess.”

  “What are you doing here? Where is Mia?”

  He stepped toward her. “She served her purpose.”

  Jessica’s heart plummeted. Had he killed Mia? She’d only spoken to her an hour ago. Jessica remembered the frantic tone of her voice and realized she’d sounded so upset because she’d been terrified.

  “What do you want, Mitch? Why don’t you just leave? You’re out. You should be halfway across the country by now.”

  “I can’t leave without you, Jess.”

  “You’re not leaving with me.”

  He grinned in a smug, knowing way. “I’ve waited a long time for this moment, Jess. I’m not leaving.”

  Her only hope now was to escape. She turned and ran, heading for the van and jumping inside. Her fingers tried to grab for the keys but she struggled to find the right one then struggled to connect it with the ignition. The door opened and Mitch grabbed her arm, trying to pull her out. Jessica clung to the steering wheel but was no match for his strength. Her fingers loosened and he jerked her out the door. She fell against the pavement. She knew if she went with him she was dead. Her only hope was to run.

  She rolled over to see him come at her, but a swift kick to his knee sent him down. She kicked him again, this time connecting with his face then the shoulder she remembered had been shot.

  Jessica jumped up, running as fast as she could into the brush, knowing he would be up and following her at any moment.

  * * *

  Andrew ran for his car, his only thought of getting to Jessica. He dialed her number again and again and each time it went straight to voice mail. He had to tell her what he figured out—Mia was the person helping Mitch Reynolds.

  He left her a hasty message begging her to call him and warning her about Mia. Then he hung up and dialed Margo’s number as he aimed his car toward the shelter.

  “What’s up, Andrew?” she said when she answered.

  “I can’t reach Jessica. It’s Mia—Mia is the one helping Reynolds.”

  “Mia? How do you know?”

  “She took Sarah’s phone, the one that sent me the text message that lured me to the lake. She must have given it to Reynolds. Think about it, Margo, she would have had access to Jessica’s house and her car. She could have been the one that planted the notes and flowers. She was with Jessica when Robert attacked. She would have known to run next door and get Reynolds. Plus, she would easily have been able to leave the back door and the gate unlocked for Reynolds to break in to the shelter.”

  He could hear realization dawn in her voice. “I can’t believe it. Mia? How could she betray Jessica like that?” Then her voice simmered. “I’ll kill her.”

  “I have to warn Jessica. I’m heading to the shelter right now.”

  “I’ll update the agents and then get a warrant for Mia’s apartment, phone and financial records.”

  He turned off State Street and noticed a commotion in the shelter’s parking lot. “Something’s wrong.”

  Six FBI vehicles sat in the lot and all the lights were on. Six agents were standing outside talking and several were rushing about.

  “What’s going on?” Margo demanded in his ear.

  Andrew approached an agent yelling into his cell phone.

  “Who are you?” the man demanded.

  “My name is Andrew Jennings. I need to see Jessica Taylor.”

  The man scoped him out and he knew he was about to get the standard no-comment reaction.

  “Who is that?” Margo demanded. “Is that Agent Robbins?”

  The agent eyed Andrew’s phone, obviously overhearing her voice through the speaker. “Is that Detective Stephens?” Andrew nodded then handed over the phone. “Margo, we have a problem. Jessica is gone. She sneaked out the back and took the van.”

  Agent Robbins held the phone out from his ear as Margo hollered at him through the phone.

  Andrew stepped forward. “She wouldn’t have left like that unless something happened. Mia must have called her, lured her out.”

  Agent Robbins nodded. “Lured her right into a trap.”

  Another agent came toward them. “Good news. The van has a GPS system. We were able to track it to Lookout Park at Dalton Lake.”

  Agent Robbins nodded. “Let’s call the locals in to go looking for her. But warn them not to engage Reynolds. He’s possibly armed and definitely dangerous.”

  He placed the phone back to his ear and addressed Margo. “Did you hear that? We’re heading there now.”

  He pushed the phone back to Andrew and rushed toward a waiting SUV with Andrew fast on his heels.

  * * *

  Police lights were crammed into the parking lot at Lookout Park. Agent Robbins parked and jumped out and Andrew followed him. Robbins flashed his FBI identification and asked for the officer in charge.

  “What have you found?” he asked when the officer responded.

  He held up an evidence bag with a cell phone inside. “We found this on the ground just by the trees. Looks like she dropped it before running into those woods. There’s some evidence that your guy followed her.”

  He spotted the van parked in the lot. A team of forensics officers were gearing up to examine it. “What’s going on over there?”

  “We found a possible blood sample on the ground beside the driver’s seat.” He pointed toward another car surrounded by cops. “But the real news is over here.”

  Andrew’s heart stopped as he headed for the car. The trunk was wide-open and the crime scene staff was in full swing. This wasn’t good. Something bad w
as inside that trunk. The rain pelted his face as each moment moved him closer and closer.

  The officers parted as they approached and he spotted the bare skin of a knee. He could see it was a woman’s. His heart stopped. Was it...?

  He stepped closer and stared down into the trunk of the car. A woman’s body was bound and gagged, her throat slashed.


  * * *

  Jessica pushed through the brush. It bit at her legs and arms. Her muscles were jelly and her lungs ached from breathing. She couldn’t go on much longer. She put her hands on her knees and fought to catch her breath.

  Why hadn’t she called someone before leaping into danger again?

  Did anyone even know she was in trouble? Was anyone even looking for her?

  She was alone. Totally alone.

  Wasn’t that what she’d wanted? Those she’d loved were safe from Mitch’s grasp...but now who would come to her rescue?

  She glanced around. Nothing was visible as far as she could see except woods. She should have come upon a clearing or a golf course or something by now. But then she was so turned around. She was unfamiliar with this area. For all she knew, she could be running in circles, or miles away from civilization.

  Lost and alone.

  Why hadn’t she listened to Andrew’s warning about lying low? Why hadn’t she turned to the agents for help after Mia’s call? Instead, she had plunged ahead, certain of her mission, prideful of her own importance.

  She’d only wanted to help.

  Now she was the one who needed it.

  God, please help me.

  She rested against a tree and closed her eyes. All around her, the sounds of nature whispered. The movements of the leaves as the wind blew, the sound of rain plopping against a puddle, the hums of the frogs and bugs surrounding her. A gentle reminder touched her soul. God had made all of this. He’d fashioned it with His own hands. He knew every inch of these woods. He was not lost.

  The verse where nature called His name came to her mind. She was not alone here. She felt His presence like never before. She had never been alone.

  A louder sound pulled her from her reverie. It was greater than the calmness of the woods. It was an intruder in the midst.


  She rose to her feet and listened as the movement grew closer, but she couldn’t tell which way it was coming from. No way of knowing which way to run.

  She tried to scream as someone clamped a hand over her mouth from behind. Panic burst through her.

  He’d found her!

  “It’s me. It’s Andrew.”

  Jessica spun around to face him. Relief flooded her face and she collapsed into his arms.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He touched her face, pushing away a tear that trickled down her cheek. “I told you I wouldn’t let you face this alone.”

  She collapsed into his arms. Even after all she’d done to him, even after how she’d hurt him, Andrew had come for her. What had she done to deserve such love?

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” He scanned her for injuries. “If he harmed one hair on your head...”

  “I’m that you’re here.”

  “Jess!” Mitch’s voice echoed through the scrub brush. “Where are you, Jess?”

  Andrew took her hand. “We have to get out of here.” He pulled her along behind him as he pushed through the scrub brush.

  “How did you know where to find me?”

  “Agent Warren tracked the GPS on the van. They’re formulating a search of the woods looking for you and Mitch. I couldn’t wait.” He reached for his phone only to find the case empty. “I must have left my phone in the car. We’re on our own for now. Let’s head back toward the cabins. They’ll be closed this time of year, but maybe someone is there who will have a way to call for help.” He grabbed her hand and led the way. She followed, encouraged that Mitch would not be able to get to her.

  God had sent her a hero.

  * * *

  They entered a clearing along the lake where rows of cabins sat on stilts. Down the way, he noticed the blue box indicating a pay phone. If he could get to that phone, he could let the police know exactly where they were.

  He tugged at her hand and ran toward the phone, but the equipment was gone.

  “What do we do now?”

  “The FBI will have a search pattern. We stay alive until they find us.” They ran toward one of the cabins, climbed the wooden steps and tried the door. It was locked so Andrew searched for something to break it open. He ran back down the steps and picked up a large rock from the flower garden surrounding the cabin and used it to break open the lock.

  He ushered Jessica inside then used the rock to hold the door closed. It wouldn’t keep Mitch out but perhaps it would buy them some time to hide out here.

  “That door won’t stop him,” Jessica noted.

  “First he has to find us.” He held on to her and they slid to the floor, huddling together. She dug her face into his chest and cried.

  “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have run off alone. I can hardly believe you came after me...especially after the awful things I said to you.”

  His embrace tightened. “I thought I’d lost you.” His voice trembled as he processed the fear that he might never see her again. “I’m never leaving your side again.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “Good.” He stroked her cheek, his heart overflowing with love for her. She’d wriggled her way under his skin and stolen his heart. “You’ve changed my life, Jessica Taylor. You’ve become my life. I never knew I could love someone so irritating so much.” He kissed her and she melted into his embrace.

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared up at him. “Oh, Andrew, I lo—”

  The sound of boots on the steps outside the door stopped her words.

  Her eyes widened with fear. “It’s him.”

  Mitch had found them.

  Andrew pushed her behind him in a protective way. With each clomp on the wooden step, she gasped. Finally, Mitch seemed to have reached the top. Her fingers dug into Andrew’s skin as the door knob rattled.

  Andrew grabbed the iron poker by the fireplace then led Jessica toward the back of the cabin, taking refuge in one of the bedrooms. “The FBI aren’t going to find us in time. You have to get out of here. Go to the window and jump. Don’t stop running until you find help. I’ll distract Mitch.”

  Jessica clung to him. “No, he’ll kill you.”

  “It’s you he wants. Run toward the main road. Don’t look back no matter what. Don’t let him find you, Jessica.”

  The crack of wood echoed through the cabin. Mitch was inside.

  He opened the window and stared down. “It’s a good drop.”

  She hugged him. “I’m afraid, Andrew.”

  “This ends now.” Andrew kissed her then pushed her toward the window. “Go!”

  She climbed up onto the sill and looked back at him, hesitating even as the sound of Mitch’s boots against the wooden floor moved closer.

  “Jessica, go!”

  She jumped as the door burst open and Mitch rushed into the room, the gun in his hand aimed on Andrew.

  “You’ve been a bad boy, Counselor, messing with someone else’s girl.”

  He gripped the poker. “She is not your girl.”

  “She said she loved me.”

  “That was before she knew who you were...what you were.”

  “I’m willing to kill for her. Are you willing to die for her?”

  Andrew lunged at him, swinging the poker with everything he had. He got several good blows before Mitch seized it and tossed it across the room. Andrew grabbed for the gun instead, trying to knock it from Mitch’s grasp.

  The gun discharged, sending white-hot pain ripping through Andrew’s gut. His knees buckled and he fell to the floor gasping for breath. His head swam, threatening unconsciousness, but he couldn’t let go. He couldn’t let this maniac get to Jessica.

  He grabbed for the poker again, forced his legs to stand and swung, connecting the iron rod to Mitch’s skull. The big man fell to his hands and knees, the gun sliding out of reach as he fell. Andrew swung again and Mitch hit the floor, sprawling unconscious.

  Andrew grabbed his stomach. Blood pooled on his hand. He dropped the poker and slid to the floor as the darkness descended.

  At least Jessica was safe.

  * * *

  Pain ripped through Jessica’s knee as she hit the ground. The crack of the door breaking open echoed through the window as did Mitch’s and Andrew’s voices.

  Jessica took off running, gasping with pain with each step.

  The sound of a gunshot stopped her in her tracks. She jumped behind a tree and peered back toward the cabin, waiting to see which man emerged.

  Please, God, let it be Andrew.

  Several minutes of anguish passed before she heard movement in the cabin. Mitch emerged from the door, scanned the area then stumbled down the steps, unsteady on his feet and clutching his head.

  She leaned against the tree for support. Hot tears scalded her eyes. Mitch had left the cabin alone, but where was Andrew? Was he hurt? Was he dead?

  She had to know.

  Mitch shook his head to clear it and swore as he mopped blood from his face. But he moved on toward the other cabins, obviously still searching for her.

  When he was out of sight, Jessica cautiously made her way back toward the cabin. She ignored the pain in her knee as she limped up the steps and stumbled inside toward the back room.

  She fell to the floor when she saw Andrew and crawled to his side where he lay. Blood pooled around him and his face was pale and cold.

  Andrew couldn’t die. He couldn’t die.

  Hot tears rained down on his face as she held him.

  It seemed time had stopped and rewound, only this time it was Andrew instead of Dean lying in a pool of blood. Her worst nightmare was being replayed, no matter how hard she’d tried to stop it.


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