The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2)

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The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2) Page 13

by Albany, Cara

  There was a pause during which the only sound Ella could hear was the soft rumble of the car's engine. Dare she probe Aliyah about those reasons? Did Ella really want to know anything about Raz's past?

  "What kind of reasons are you talking about," Ella asked eventually.

  Aliyah sighed and tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "Raz had a difficult time growing up. Our father was a harsh taskmaster. All the boys had to deal with that. But, Raz always was someone who seemed to feel things more than others did."

  "How so?" Ella asked.

  "Raz grew up to be a bit of a rebel. He was always getting into trouble of one sort or the other. He never was the most favored son. That honor fell to Zayed, being the eldest. Now that Zayed is married, there are certain pressures that come with being the next in line to assume marital responsibilities."

  "Are you saying Raz is under pressure to get married?" Ella asked.

  Aliyah shrugged. "We all are." She turned and smiled at Ella. "Even me," she added.

  "What kind of trouble did Raz get himself into?" Ella asked.

  "The usual kind that young, rich men get into," Aliyah replied.

  Ella frowned. "Nothing too serious, I assume. Or, surely his father wouldn't have let him take over the oil business," Ella said.

  "No. All Raz's problems in recent years have been with women," Aliyah said, making it sound like the most obvious thing in the world.

  "I'm not sure I want to know any more," Ella said.

  Aliyah laughed. "Oh, it was nothing too dramatic. Let's just say, Raz never was one for any kind of commitment."

  "Once again, I'm not surprised," Ella retorted.

  "I know. All men are alike. Aren't they?" Aliyah said smiling at Ella.

  "You're telling me," Ella replied.

  "But, the thing is, I love my brother very much," Aliyah said. "I only want to see him happy. I've met most of the women he has consorted with in recent years, and none of them impressed me."

  Ella snorted. Everything was being confirmed. She had done well to escape an involvement with Raz Al Kharif. Even his own sister was making that crystal clear.

  Aliyah continued to speak, her gaze fixed on the road ahead. "None of them, until, that is, I met you," she declared in a soft voice. "You're different. And, I've never seen Raz behave with someone the way he behaves around you."

  Ella felt her face redden. Aliyah turned to Ella and peered knowingly toward her, searching for some response.

  Ella tried to maintain her composure. It wouldn't do any good to let Aliyah get any sense of how those simple words had affected Ella.

  Aliyah didn't say anything for a while after that. Ella was sure the wily young woman was letting those thoughts sink into Ella's consciousness. What was going on? Was Aliyah trying to apologize for what had been said back at the palace? Was she trying to protect Raz's reputation?

  After a while Ella replied. "How do you know that's how he feels about me?"

  Aliyah squinted at Ella. "Simple. He told me."

  "But..." Ella started to object, but Aliyah cut her off.

  "Every woman who ever got close to Raz before you made it so easy for him. They always worked hard at pleasing him, never disagreeing. Because that was what they thought Raz wanted. But, it was never like that. Raz isn't that kind of man."

  "You're telling me he likes me because I argue with him?" Ella asked slightly incredulous.

  Aliyah laughed. "Of course not. But, he told me, he is fascinated by your spirit and determination; by your commitment to helping others; by your selflessness."

  "Now you're starting to embarrass me," Ella objected.

  "But, it's true. Raz told me, he's never met anyone like you. Ever."

  "I'm one of a kind. That's for sure," Ella said trying to sound flippant.

  Aliyah maintained her earnest demeanor. "Don't sell yourself short, Ella. What you have done since coming here has been amazing. Raz told me all about it."

  "You and he seem to have been talking about me a lot."

  Aliyah looked at Ella. "I've never seen my brother this happy before. It's a revelation."

  Ella felt a rush of emotion. This was all too much; not what she had expected. This drive back to the city was supposed be about feeling miserable; feeling betrayed; even feeling angry. But, Aliyah was cutting through all that with what she was telling Ella.

  What could Ella say to all this? How could she possibly believe any of it? Aliyah didn't seem like the kind of person who would lie about her brother.

  Where was all of this leading? She thought she had left Raz behind forever; believed she had been betrayed. But, here was his sister telling her the exact opposite of what Ella had been convinced off when she had left the palace.

  Ella shook her head. "I need to get back to the city as soon as possible. I have things I need to do before I leave," Ella declared.

  Aliyah frowned. "You will not consider delaying your departure?" she asked softly.

  Ella frowned. "I came here to achieve something. Karim has questions to answer. And I have the evidence to make him very uncomfortable."

  "But, what about Raz?" Aliyah asked.

  "What about him?" Ella said trying to sound disinterested, but failing miserably.

  "Will you not consider what I have told you?"

  Ella sighed heavily. Why were things so complicated? Didn't Aliyah see how much Ella was suffering?

  "I can't promise anything, Aliyah. You must understand that."

  Aliyah sighed. "I appreciate your honesty, Ella. I truly do. But, the happiness of my brother is of paramount importance to me. So, I must tell you one more thing. And, I hope you will not hate me for telling you this. But, I feel I must. I have no choice."

  Ella frowned at Aliyah. Ella saw Aliyah swallow as if preparing to say something truly difficult. Ella wondered what that could be.

  Aliyah glanced at Ella briefly, then seemed to ready herself.

  "Ella. I must tell you that my brother has confessed to me something extremely important. For him and for you."

  Ella felt butterflies in her stomach, and she suddenly knew just what Aliyah was about to say, but she didn't want to hear it. She wished she could close her ears and not hear the words Aliyah was about to say, but she knew that wasn't possible.

  Aliyah turned to Ella and smiled a warm, generous smile that was filled with patient understanding. Then Aliyah said the words that Ella had dreaded hearing.

  "Ella. Raz has told me that he is very much in love with you."


  She was gone.

  Raz stood on the balcony of one of the bedrooms on the western side of the palace and gazed far away across the mountains toward the sun.

  Ella had left and it looked like he would never see her again.

  Raz had been wracking his brains, trying to understand what had happened. One moment he had been talking with his sister, and the next Ella had stormed into the sitting room and demanded she be taken back to Qazhar City. And not by Raz, but in Aliyah's car.

  Aliyah had looked as surprised as Raz, but his sister's instincts were always led by a strong urge to keep people happy. So, she had agreed to Ella's request.

  But, Raz couldn't understand. Had it been something he had said? Had Ella overheard him talking with Aliyah about Ella. Raz played the conversation over in his mind for the hundredth time.

  Then it hit him

  Aliyah had told Raz about his mother's concerns about all her children getting married. And, Raz had commented something along the lines that Ella would take a lot of courting and persuading before he could even think about asking her to become his bride.

  Raz felt a chill up his spine as he replayed in his mind the exact words he had spoken.

  Raz gasped.

  He threw his head back and roared at the sky. The sound of his voice echoed in the surrounding rocky valley. Once the noise had subsided, Raz groaned and gripped the balcony balustrade. His body suddenly vibrated with so much rage that he
was sure he could have ripped the balustrade apart with his bare hands.


  How could he have been so stupid?

  Ella had overheard Raz expressing his doubts about whether he'd be able to persuade her to become his wife. And, from Ella's place outside the room, it must have sounded as if Raz was dismissing Ella, just like he'd cast aside so many other women in the past. The faces of the women who had been pretenders to Raz's heart and throne flashed before his eyes. They had all been beautiful. Of that there was no doubt. And, Raz's mother had approved of some of them.

  But, none of them compared to the woman who was presently speeding through the desert, placing as much distance as she could between herself and Raz.

  Ella was no pretend bride. She was the real thing. The first woman who had taken hold of Raz's heart and made him feel a joy and contentment he'd never known existed in the world.

  Their lovemaking the previous night still made every nerve in his body tingle with desire. Raz could still feel the touch of her skin; still inhale the scent of her.

  He needed Ella, and now he had lost her.

  Raz sucked in a harsh breath and gritted his teeth. How could he have let her slip through his fingers like this?

  The only thing that mattered now was what he was going to do to repair the damage he'd done. Ella must be thinking he was every bit the spoiled, callous sheikh she had accused him of being.

  Raz turned and raced back into the palace. It felt cold and empty now that she was gone. He hated the sensation, the emptiness he felt as he strode along the corridor and into his room. He grasped his cellphone and dialled a number.

  Ella and Aliyah would take a few hours to reach the city. He still had some time, even if he had to wait a while.

  Someone answered the phone at the other end.

  "It's Raz," he said firmly to the person on the other end of the line. "Bring the helicopter. I need to get to Qazhar City, so be as quick as you can."


  Aliyah pulled the car to a halt in front of the conference hall in Qazhar City. Ella glanced up at the ultra-modern structure. Probably some famous architect had been paid millions to design the elegant and stylish building.

  "Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?" Aliyah asked.

  Ella shook her head. "I have to do this on my own. In any case, I'm the one with the credentials to get in," she said waving the laminated plastic identity card.

  "Well, as long as you're going to be okay," Aliyah said looking concerned.

  "I'll be fine," Ella insisted.

  "At least let me drop your luggage off at the hotel," Aliyah offered.

  "Okay," Ella replied. She dug into one of her cases and lifted out the small bag that contained the USB drives. On those were the video files and images she would need to publicly shame Karim.

  Both women hugged. Ella had appreciated the chance to get to know Aliyah a little better. She was a remarkable young woman, Ella thought. Aliyah was mature beyond her twenty-five years.

  Ella stepped out of the car with the bag over her shoulder.

  Aliyah peered at Ella from inside the vehicle. "You be careful," she said.

  "I will be fine. There are dozens of delegates. It's probably going to be deadly dull," she joked. "Except for my contribution," she said with a grin.

  The car sped off leaving Ella standing on the kerb. There were already a few people milling about outside the conference building. Ella recalled from her reading of the schedule that Karim's presentation was due to be the first of the afternoon.

  She started to walk slowly toward the glass-fronted building. Ella thought about what she needed to do once she was inside. She had a plan she had formulated during the drive from Raz's palace.

  She would wait until Karim had stood up on the platform and was about to deliver his carefully rehearsed speech on the importance of environmental responsibility. Ella grunted. Or, it would be something like that, she told herself.

  Ella could imagine the reaction of the conference delegates when Ella challenged Karim directly, demanding to be allowed to display her precious files. She knew she was viewed by some of the international delegates as an unwelcome thorn in everyone's side. But, she didn't care about that. Even though her time with Raz was obviously over, Ella knew there was one last thing she needed to do.

  There was a wide set of concrete steps that led up to the entrance. Ella started to make her way up the stairs, her heart pounding with anticipation. Times like these were why she had chosen this kind of work. Exposing the truth and helping the needy. Ella felt a rush of excitement as she made her way to the door and pushed her way through the revolving glass door.

  When she emerged, she stopped suddenly, gazing ahead.

  Ella couldn't believe her eyes.

  Right in front of the table where delegates filled in their registration forms she saw a very familiar figure.

  Karim's bodyguard. The very same one who had run Ella off the road.

  Ella's heart started to hammer and her breath locked in her chest for a moment. The burly, dark suited man was gazing around, searching faces, obviously under orders to find Ella if she turned up for the conference.

  Ella groaned quietly and gritted her teeth in frustration. She knew what she was meant to do. The mere sight of the familiar bodyguard was intended to scare Ella away. She was supposed to beat a hasty retreat, handing Karim and easy victory.

  Well. Today had already got off to a bad start, and Ella didn't care if it got worse.

  She started to march toward the registration desk, her heels beating a steady, determined pace.

  Then, the bodyguard turned and saw Ella. She fixed him with a look that declared her determination that he wasn't going to stop her from doing what she wanted. And demand an explanation about what had happened on the road. The man's eyes narrowed and she saw him lift a finger to his ear. He spoke into something on the cuff of his shirt. He must have a communication device in there, she thought.

  Ella glanced quickly around, seeing no-one obviously heading in her direction.

  She was almost at the desk when she felt a firm hand grab her elbow. Ella twisted, loosening her bag from her shoulder, intending to swing it hard into the face of whoever had grabbed her arm. How dare they try and stop her. Didn't they realize that this was a public place? This wasn't an isolated road in the middle of the desert.

  Ella whirled around and let out an outraged yell. She swung around, the bag clutched tight in her fist. The hand still gripped her arm, and she swung the bag straight at the head of her captor.

  Then she saw who it was, and she froze.

  "Whoa, easy there," said Raz grabbing at the bag and stopping it from whacking him across the face.

  Ella almost tumbled to the floor. Her heels skidded on the polished marble and she staggered, her balance completely gone for a second. Raz seized her by the shoulders and stopped her from falling.

  Ella gasped. "Raz! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed.

  "What do you think, Ella?" he replied.

  Ella stared at him in disbelief. "I almost took your head off with my bag," she said.

  Raz looked down at the bag and grinned. "We don't want to damage what's in that bag, do we?"

  Ella glanced at the bodyguard, who seemed suddenly reluctant to come any closer. The man was glancing around the lobby, obviously looking for his colleagues, who so far hadn't shown up.

  Raz looked at the man. "Were you about to get into some kind of trouble?" he asked Ella.

  She frowned. "Maybe he was, not me. I wasn't going to let him stop me from getting into the conference. Speaking of which, how did you get here so quickly?"

  "Helicopters are quicker than cars," Raz explained with a wry smile.

  "Helicopter? How did that happen?" Ella asked.

  "I'll tell you later," Raz said. "After you've done what you came here to do."

  Raz looked down at Ella and she suddenly felt the heat rise in her as his hawk-like gaze nar
rowed on her face. "And, after I've done what I came to do," he added.

  "What are you talking about?" Ella asked.

  Raz glanced at his watch. "Later. First, you need to get into that hall and do what's right. Don't let me stand in your way, anymore."

  "Raz, you haven't stood in my way, at all," Ella objected.

  Raz shook his head. "I think I've done enough damage for one day," he said. "You just get in there. If you need my help, just shout out. I'll be at the back of the hall."

  "Why?" Ella said.

  Raz sighed and drew Ella away to a corner of the lobby, next to the lifts, from where they couldn't be seen by most of the delegates, and especially by the bruiser of a bodyguard.

  Raz slid a hand behind Ella's back and drew her close, but without holding her body against his own. It was enough to send Ella's pulse racing. Her mind had become a blank. She gazed up at Raz and frowned. "What's this all about, Raz?"

  "I know you were talking to Aliyah. I don't know what she told you about me, but I'm sure it was all bad," Raz said.

  Ella shook her head. "That's not true. Aliyah loves you, Raz. She explained a few things. Gave me something to think about," Ella said.

  Raz's brows rose. "Really. Something good?"

  Ella gasped. "You know what you said back at the palace, Raz. And, I understand. I really do."

  "There's where you're wrong, Ella. I know I said some things to Aliyah, but I think the message got lost in translation," Raz said.

  Raz was so close now, Ella could feel his heat against her body, inhale the sweet scent that had a hint of primal arousal. He must have rushed to the conference building because she could see a sheen of sweat on his brow. His breathing was fast and urgent.

  Ella tried to free herself from his grasp, but it took the merest pressure from Raz to change her mind. She wanted to hear what he had to say, but her mind was also on what she had to do inside the hall.

  "I think you heard something when you were outside the sitting room at the palace," Raz said. "But, it wasn't what you think."

  Ella tried to pull away from him. She didn't have the time nor the energy for this right now. Maybe later. Perhaps another time.


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