The Matriarch: An Erotic Superhero Romance (The Matriarch Trilogy Book 1)

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The Matriarch: An Erotic Superhero Romance (The Matriarch Trilogy Book 1) Page 11

by Howell, Sloane

  "I see that." His crooked smile beamed from his face.

  I walked over to him with a mean-spirited look that softened as I neared. I bent down and put my hands on his shoulders. "Please, Grampy. I need your help. I really want this to go well."

  "Ohh, I suppose I can teach you some game."

  I stood up as he rose from his seat. "Game? Where in the hell did you hear that?"

  "Shit Mags, I gots all the game. You jus' watch 'n learn."

  He strutted around and I felt like a child again. My heart grew warm. I calmed down and started to breathe without soaking every garment I put on my body.

  He placed his palms on my cheeks, staring into my frightened eyes.

  "It's going to be fine, baby girl. He's just a person. You're just a person. Nothing more. Not everything is as complicated as you make it out to be."

  I stared at the ground, hating feeling like this, vulnerable.

  "But what if he doesn't like me? What about all my secrets? My past? It is complicated. I'm wasting his time."

  "He knows he asked out a billionaire tycoon finance genius. Surely he doesn't expect things to be simple."

  "I guess."

  "Mags? He asked you out. The boy likes you."

  I smiled and he wrapped his arms around me.

  "I'm sorry you didn't get to do this sooner. Your life wasn't supposed to be this way. It shouldn't be this way for anyone."

  "Stop it, you're going to make me—"

  I pulled back from his hug and saw his welled up eyes.

  "You bastard." I wiped my eyes, mascara running down the sides of my nose. We both smiled through the tears and laughed before hugging again. "I'm going to have to redo my makeup, you asshole."

  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "Just remember, even when they're older, boys don't ask out girls they don't like."

  "Thank you." I hugged him again, gripping my fingers into his back, nuzzling my chin on his shoulder.

  He started to walk from the closet. He looked around at all the clothes inside, baffled that I couldn't choose something to wear.

  "One more thing...Keep it in your pants, Mags. It's not a mission. Real men need to earn it."

  My mouth gaped open. I never spoke about my sexual exploits to him out of respect, but he was far from ignorant. Childish, yes. But he wasn't stupid. This was the first time he had ever mentioned it.


  For some reason what he said resonated. I had only ever used sex as a tool. It was always to gain something, control someone. It was all I knew.

  I swerved around a corner in the Model S, drawing stares at every turn.

  "Let's try out this 'Ludicrous Speed' shit."

  I hammered the pedal. My back rammed into the seat while the electrical engines screamed in the front and rear of the car. My eyes were wide, an intense tingling rippling up through my stomach and into my chest.

  "Fuck me! That's the shit right there."

  The large flat screen in the dash showed me the way to Cody's. He sounded apprehensive on the phone, but the last thing I wanted to do was have my first date come cook at my house. I was trying to go over everything possible in my mind that would make me seem more girly. Fucking, killing, and finance didn't leave a lot of room to explore my day to day romantic emotions. I was turning tricks for Kiril when most girls went on their first date, went to prom, lost their virginity. It made me hate that piece of shit more.

  I veered into a private parking garage of a high rise building in downtown Bathory. I stared up at the huge buildings jutting from the ground. They looked the same as they did when I was a child. Even now, I still gazed at them.

  I started to open the door handle and it pulled away before I could grip it. My instincts kicked in and I grabbed the wrist of whomever was trying to get into my car.

  "Relax! It's just me!" Cody gripped his wrist.

  I let go and watched him shake his hand in the air like a limp noodle.

  "I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh. Cody, I'm—"

  "Holy crap, you are strong...and fast — Jesus." His smile set me at ease.

  Crap? He's cute.

  "I just...I thought you were trying to break into my car."

  He reached his hand out to take mine, leading me away.

  "I just wanted to open the door for you."

  "How did you even know I was down here?"

  He stared at me then darted his eyes to the car and back.

  "Right, right, sorry. It's my new baby."

  "It's...really nice." He didn't sound overly impressed. "I like that these have electric motors. Great for the environment."

  "This car can go 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds, but yeah, I suppose the environment is important too."

  He grinned and shook his head at me.

  "You definitely have a way with words. Come on. Dinner is going to burn."

  I walked up next to him and took his arm. He looked confused.

  "What's the problem? Unless you were full of shit about being a gentleman?"

  He stood there dumbfounded.

  "You have a mouth on you...All apologies."

  He led me through the entry into the lobby over to the elevators. Some people in the building stared as we disappeared through the doors.

  The elevator lingered, taking its time, and I didn't know how to start a first date conversation. I gave speeches at work all the time. I'd always been good at seducing men. But now, nothing.

  We reached Cody's floor after what seemed like an hour in the elevator and walked to the door of his condo. He fiddled in his pocket for keys and finally got the door open. We passed through a small entryway and into the main living area. It was nice and clean. I could smell fresh vegetables and what I thought was chicken baking in the oven.

  I ran my hand along the cool black leather of his sofa while he walked into the kitchen. He moved to the stove and pulled out an apron, draping it over his shoulders and tying it behind him.

  "You and your aprons." I glanced around to modern picture frames of him and family. The walls were taupe, several plants standing in vivid flower pots or suspended from the ceiling.

  "I know. They're part of my wardrobe these days."

  I walked through the kitchen, observing everything around me. There was a small cherry pub table with four stools and a center island with a black granite top. The kitchen was a mixture of stainless appliances and a dark mahogany wood that looked like it had been custom installed.

  I walked up to see what Cody was cooking and felt waves of heat from the stove wrap around my legs.

  "I feel naked without one on anymore." He smiled as he finished tying the apron in the back.

  All I heard was naked and immediately began to picture Cody's six-foot-one muscular swimmer's frame underneath his layers of clothes and the apron. I lost track of my thoughts for a moment, staring at him, the urge to rip his clothes off lingering in the back of my mind.

  "I need to finish up a few things in here. Why don't you go watch some TV? Sit down and relax."

  I snapped out of my lustful daydream.

  "Huh? Oh yeah. That sounds great. Sorry, long day."

  He smiled.

  "Well, you look fantastic for having such a rough day."

  I stared down at myself and didn't really see anything special. A crimson wrap dress with a v-neck and black stilettos. Cody seemed to like it though.

  "Well, thank you."

  He followed behind and grabbed a remote while I walked into the living room. When he pressed the power button there was live coverage of a breaking news story.

  A reporter stood in the foreground, cars ablaze behind him. Teens ransacked stores, spraying them with paint. They didn't appear to steal, only destroy. They wore mohawks and their arms were covered in tattoos. White and black makeup concealed their face, painted like skulls, dark shadows around their eyes.

  The reporter stood silent for a moment, watching the carnage and then slowly lifted the microphone to his mouth.

  "We a
re live in the streets of Warchester where riots broke out earlier today. A movement has taken over the streets, calling themselves the G3n3rat10n 0f Ka0s. The rioting began sometime around one p.m. after messages went out to their Twitter and Facebook followers. It followed the Supreme Court ruling on the controversial internet privacy laws that have been a subject of intense debate. The regulations granted the Federal Government unprecedented reach. Law enforcement had not taken previous threats seriously, and have since been overwhelmed. We are told they are a regional movement with a loyal following comprised mainly of members in their teens and twenties. Their leader issued a public statement today."

  A recording came on the TV as we stared. The eerie voice rang from the speakers.

  "We, the G3n3rati0n of Ka0s, are deeply saddened by the choices made by the leaders of our country. The government feels it can reach into our homes and siphon any information it deems necessary at any given moment. We call on our members and others who oppose this fascist despotism, to take a stand for freedom and liberty. This type of intrusive power is not to be trusted in the hands of these Robespierres who seek to favor the wealthy, impoverish the poor, and create slaves of the middle class. Will you stand up to fight tyranny? Or will you slowly watch your freedoms erode? They have heard our warnings. They have heard our demands. The only recourse is violence. You will hear from us, you will fear us, you will not rule us."

  I turned slowly to Cody who still stared at the screen in disbelief.

  "Can you believe this shit?" I looked at Cody and he began to shake his head.

  "I mean, it's awful. But...he has a point. That ruling was absurd."

  My face filled with heat. I had to constantly remind myself that I had an identity to protect, which meant a billion dollar enterprise that had to be guarded.

  "That ruling was to protect citizens." I folded my arms and shot him an evil gaze.

  "Hah! More like protect the pocketbooks of the clowns running this country and the—"

  "The what?" I shot him a look and he bit at his lip.

  "Nothing." He shook his head once more and walked back to the table.

  "You were going to say the rich. You were going to say me? Weren't you?"

  I knew I should let it go but my face was on fire. How could he not see things from my side? Did he think all the rich cared about was money? What about people they employed? What about jobs they created?

  "No, you're different, but—"

  "But what?"

  "Well, rich people have a lot to lose when those at the bottom threaten their livelihood."

  I turned back to the TV as a teen laughed in the camera, lit a bottle on fire, and tossed it through the window of a large bank. The Molotov cocktail exploded in the lobby as he danced in the street. He took out a spray can and painted a big anarchy symbol on the side of the wall.

  "And this is the answer?" I pointed to the screen.

  "I didn't say that. Look, can we just eat? I thought we were on a date?"

  I pushed a few strands of hair from my face and began to calm down. I should've been doing something, but I had no idea what. My phone began to ring and I held up a hand to Cody as I took the call.

  "Everyone is safe? We are not under any threats? Okay, good."

  I turned back to him.

  "Okay, okay. Sorry. I just worry for my employees. I want to make sure they're okay."

  I sat down at the table, curious to see what Cody had cooked for us.

  "It's fine."

  He walked over to me and sat down.

  "I wouldn't have asked you out if I thought you were some corporate monster."

  He always said the right things to make me smile.

  I arched an eyebrow. "You haven't seen me in a board meeting."


  He walked over and smiled as he pulled something heavenly from the oven. He returned and sat it on the table in front of us.

  "A man who can cook. You're a rare one."

  "Shh, you haven't tasted it yet. I'm sure I botched it somehow."

  He pulled out a bottle of white wine and poured two glasses.

  "It smells perfect. This is perfect." I grabbed the remote and shut off the television.

  "If you had served red wine with fish I might have doubted you." I laughed at my joke, not expecting him to catch on.

  "Okay, Sean Connery." My face lit up at his response.

  "A Bond fan?"

  "Umm, yeah. I have them all on Blu-ray."

  I leaned over and whispered in his ear. "You want to drive his car? I can arrange it."

  "Shut your mouth, woman. Don't tease me."

  "I have one of his Aston Martin DB5s from Goldfinger. It's in my garage."

  His eyes were intense. "That's the sexiest thing a woman has ever said to me."

  He held up his glass as I clinked mine into it, both of us staring at each other as we took a sip. I cut into the chicken and took a bite as it melted in my mouth.

  "This shit is insane." My mouth was still full of food but I didn't care.

  Cody chuckled for a second.

  "I'm glad you like it. It helps if you chew."

  "Shut up." My mouth was still full as I punched at his arm.

  "So, tell me about you." I stared into his eyes. "Tell me about Cody." The wine was lowering my inhibitions and I worried I was being too flirty and forward.

  "Well, Ms. Balfour."

  "So professional, I like it. Continue, sir."

  "I'm 29, and well, let's see. I went to culinary school and graduated. I love to cook. I had plans to open a restaurant when my parents were in a car accident and became disabled."

  "Oh, I'm—"

  He cut me off. "It's okay. It was a while back. Anyway, they are at an assisted living facility. They're okay and all. I took over running their business."

  "Go on, tell me more."

  "Well, I have a brother and sister. Nieces and nephews. Yes, I spoil them to no end."

  I took another sip of wine and motioned with my hand for him to continue.

  “Do you own the shop outright?”

  "Well, the family lawyer had us divide the company so that it would take two of us to sell. I'm a bit worried because we are doing better than we ever have. If anyone knew, they might go to my brother and sister. I sometimes worry they are itching to sell the place."

  He looked me up and down. "Is this why you came on the date? You working me for information?" He was joking but I felt bad. It did kind of look that way.

  "I wouldn't do that, Cody. I promise."

  He smiled. "Well, let's see. I love cooking for people. I also enjoy doing volunteer work and I love kids. I've had one serious relationship, ever. The shop doesn't give me much time to date."

  I smiled at him and took another bite. I could let him cook for me all damn day. We finished eating and Cody cleared the plates, washing the dishes while I sat at the table. It was relaxing. He was easy to talk to. I looked to the clock and realized three hours had passed. In that time, I had forgotten about the daily responsibilities that usually filled my mind: running the company and protecting the city. For a brief second I felt like a normal girl, who liked a boy, and was lost in the moment. I swooned and gagged simultaneously.

  It was getting late. Tomorrow would be a long day, and I was nervous about the uprising.

  I pushed back from the table. "I've had a great time, but I really have to go."

  "Yeah, it's getting late. You know? I don't think you told me anything about you."

  "Oh, I guess I didn't. It's okay though, really. This has been perfect. I don't really do this, well, ever."

  "Next time I want to hear all about you."


  Cody stood up and yawned. I eyed his body while his eyes were closed and his arms stretched into the air. "So when is next time?" I asked.

  His eyes opened and cut right through my armor. "Soon, I hope."

  He walked me to the door and tried to ignore my incessant pleas that he did not need to a
ccompany me down to my car. He finally conceded the offer after he realized there was no chance of changing my mind. He opened the door and our eyes locked, faces inches apart.

  "I'm serious, when are we doing this again?" I asked. Get your shit together, Mags. Stop being so desperate.

  I looked down at the floor and then lifted my head to meet his kind eyes. Everything came rushing back: the adrenaline, butterflies, my stomach twisting in knots. I hoped he felt the same.

  "What time are you getting up?" He joked. This bastard just said all the right things to me. I laughed as my body tingled. Cody grinned.

  "Five a.m."

  "So yeah, about doesn't really work for my schedule so...maybe a different time?"

  I pushed his shoulder at his teasing, but not without feeling how solid his upper body was. We both stared at one another, completely silent.

  Cody's hand moved a strand of hair behind my ear. His palm lingered a moment longer and caressed the side of my face. I was melting. My heart rate increased. My breathing grew shallow.

  Everything around me faded as he leaned in. His soft lips pressed into mine and I became weightless, floating on a cloud. His free hand went to my hip and then the small of my back as his tongue sank into my mouth, kissing me long and hard. Fuck. I was lightheaded and warm. I yearned for any bit of pain to let me know it was real. He finally released me, and I stared up into his green eyes once more.

  "Call me." I winked.

  An inexplicable feeling rippled through my entire body as I strode down the hallway. My face was bright pink and warm. I had a constant urge to squeal and giggle. Excitement, mystery, intrigue, euphoria, hope, happiness: none were strong enough words to describe my feelings. I turned the corner and caught him staring at me. My heart fluttered as I pressed the button on the elevator.

  Even after the dinner and the kiss that took my breath away, I couldn’t shake a worry that had lodged itself in the pit of my stomach. This will not end well.

  Clouds blocked the stars over the Capitol skyline and a chill wind bit at me, reminding me it was almost autumn. I crossed between two buildings after leaving my office. It was one in the morning and the wife and kids would not forgive me for losing track of time again.


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