Another Day (Books We Love mature romance)

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Another Day (Books We Love mature romance) Page 7

by Roseanne Dowell

  Stupid bitch annoyed him, rejecting him like that. The nerve of her. Hell, he’d have to think of another plan. No way was she getting away with this. Big come on and now forget it after only one time. Uh unh. Nope. He was more determined than ever to get her back.


  That was a quick way to end my good mood. I sighed. This had to stop. Other than putting a restraining order on Paul, what could I do? Although I hated to do it, what choice did I have? Would Andrew find out? Oh Damn! What a mess I’d gotten into. I’d have to call Sandy and get some advice. Paul was becoming a nuisance.

  I had seen his car on my way to the Bailey’s that morning, but hadn’t thought too much about it. It was one thing to follow me - that was bad enough. But to spy on me, to look in the windows. How could he? Where did he get the nerve?

  What kind of man was I dealing with? Why had he approached me like that outside the antique shop? Certainly couldn’t call him discreet. Was he trying to ruin my marriage? My reputation? I drove home a lot less exuberant.

  When I picked up my film a couple of days later, I ran into Paul again. This time I avoided speaking to him. Later, a neighbor told me that Paul bragged about someone special, but wouldn’t elaborate.

  Talk about unsettling. If only Paul would find someone special, but he meant me. I was the ‘someone special’.

  The next few days flew by in a whirl of activity. I enlisted Jason’s help to draw up the floor plans for the kitchen and made an appointment with the ‘trade only’ show room. Julie helped design different arrangements for the room.

  It was fun working with the kids and spending time with them. They both seemed to enjoy helping, and were learning at the same time. Julie showed a lot of talent. I made a mental note to check out Hawthorne School of Design more thoroughly. I heard it had an excellent reputation. Andrew had agreed if that’s what Julie wanted then she should attend the best. Delmore University also had an excellent program for Interior Design. But something told me Julie wouldn’t agree to that. Besides, Hawthorne Design was closer to home.

  Julie had her mind made up, and like Andrew, it was going to be impossible to change it. Hard to believe in a couple years both the kids would go off to college. Where had the time gone? Seemed like only yesterday they were learning to walk.

  Time passed too quickly.

  A few days later, I met Mr. and Mrs. Bailey at the show room to present the designs I had drawn up and to pick out cabinets and appliances. After all the final decisions, I called and arranged with the workers to begin work the following Monday. While work began in the kitchen, we’d discuss plans for the dining and living rooms.

  Happy that the Baileys approved my designs, I left the store in a fantastic mood. This job was the smartest thing I decided to do in a long time. What a boost to my ego.

  My mood fell, when I came out of the store. Paul leaned against my car. Just the way he stood there with his legs crossed and arms folded over his chest infuriated me. The man had more guts than brains. For two cents, I’d wipe that disgusting grin off his face.

  God, how I hated that arrogant look. My insides turned to jelly. My stomach cramped and my hands trembled at the sight of him, and not from excitement. Anger seeped through me like water through a sieve.

  “So, we meet again.”

  “Okay, Paul, you leave me little choice.” Dumb jerk, why couldn’t he just leave me alone? “I’m getting a restraining order. You can follow me to the police station if you like.” I wrenched the car door open, got in, slammed it, started the car, threw it into gear, and sped off, almost knocking Paul to the ground. My hands shook and tears threatened to pour out of my eyes. My stomach cramped with pain. This wasn’t a game anymore. He had overstepped his bounds. This was a threatening situation. He was stalking me.


  Paul jumped off the car just in time and raised his hands in the air. Stupid bitch damn near ran him over. Restraining order, yeah right. He’d believe that when he saw it. Still playing games. He couldn’t figure her out. This was way beyond hard to get. Had she heard he was fooling around with Lillian? Was that what pissed her off?

  What the hell did she think? He told her right off it was just for fun. No strings. Shit, sometime he dangled three or four women at a time. None of them ever objected. Why should she?

  Paul was beginning to like that aggravated look as much as he liked her sexy one. He was getting to her. Wearing her down. She’d come around soon. He could tell by the way she looked at him. She couldn’t trust herself around him. That was her problem. Sure, she had some guilt issues at first, but that would go away. It always did.

  Hell, Lillian was the same way at first. All upset because she cheated on her poor Larry while he was out working so hard. It almost made him laugh. God, he wanted to tell her what her Larry was really doing. How could the woman be so naïve?

  She sat and cried for a while after the first time. But he gave her some wine and calmed her down. Now, he saw her several times a week. She wasn’t as good as Meg in bed, but she’d satisfy him until he got Meg to agree to see him again. Besides, she was willing to do any kinky thing he wanted.

  Now, he needed a new plan of action. Stupid bitch, he’d show her what side her bread was buttered on. He was tired of these games. Restraining order that would be the day. Like she’d want Andrew to find out. Now there’s a thought, he could threaten to tell Andrew, bet she’d come around then.

  Nah, he never blackmailed a woman for sex just like he never paid for it. Wasn’t about to start now. It wasn’t even that he wanted her that badly. But it was up to him to break it off, not her. No one had ever called it quits except him. And he’d be darned if she was going to be the first.


  I drove to the police station. Anger and frustration boiled inside me. Why hadn’t I found out about the restraining orders from Sandy? I didn’t want Andrew to know about it. I couldn’t explain this to him without the truth coming out? Still, there was no other choice. Paul wouldn’t quit bothering me otherwise. I pulled into the parking lot and walked into the police station. My legs trembled so badly, I wondered how they held me up.

  “Excuse me,” I said to the officer in charge. “I need some information about filing a restraining order.”

  After I filed the report, I calmed down. The police assured me even though the report was public record, there was no need for anyone to know about it unless they looked it up for some reason.

  “Only the offender, police, and court personnel would know unless someone made a public records request,” the nice young officer told me. “After the judge rules on the SPO (Stalker Protection Order), they’ll serve the restraining order and, hopefully, that will be the end of it.”

  I sure hoped so. I couldn’t take much more of this.

  “If he continues to bother you, file a report, and we’ll arrest him.”

  “Thank you, goodbye.” Lord, I hoped they didn’t have to arrest him. For sure Andrew and everyone would know the whole sordid truth then. The restraining order had to work.

  “Girl, when you make a mistake, it’s a good one. How could you have been attracted to that jerk?” I spoke aloud in the car on the ride home and shook my head. “Damned if I know,” I answered back and laughed. Was I going crazy talking to myself like this? I had to do something to ease the tension.

  Now that the matter about Paul was settled, I began to look to the future again. Andrew would be home Thursday and I couldn’t wait to tell him about the Baileys. He called every night, and though our discussions on the phone were good, it was impossible to explain the house. Besides, I wanted to show him the pictures. He had really taken an interest in my career, even offering advice. I liked the way we’d begun to discuss things again.

  It was almost like old times. He had become more attentive and caring. And our sex life, whoa, I couldn’t believe how passionate we’d become. Better than it ever had been, and it was great before. I’d even started taking the initiative, definitely not like me.
Andrew was surprised the first couple of times, but now he seemed to enjoy it, even expected it. When or how had I suddenly become spontaneous, definitely a new side of me, but I liked it. And Andrew had become so affectionate lately that I couldn’t help myself.

  I loved the way he snuck up behind me when I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. And the way he eased his arms around the front of me. I smiled, remembering how he fondled my breast and kissed the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Or the way he nibbled my ear and ran his tongue along my lips, nibbling and teasing me. God, even the thought of it excited me.

  I had another surprise for him Thursday and couldn’t wait to see his expression. Right now, I had to concentrate on business, not Andrew, and thought about the renovation project. First things first. There were more designs to work up.

  Tuesday, the construction manager for the kitchen met with me and took the plans. Obviously, money wasn’t an object with my clients. They didn’t even flinch when I presented them with the estimate. In fact, they’d made several changes that added additional expense. After a thorough discussion to make sure we were on the same page, I met the Baileys to begin planning the living and dining rooms.

  “The only renovation here is to pull up the carpeting and maybe install new hardwood floor if the original can’t be salvaged,” Mr. Bailey said.

  I doubted that would be the case. “Often in these old Victorians, they had inlaid floor. We’ll see what we uncover. I think we should strip the fireplace mantel and hopefully expose either walnut or mahogany.” I walked between the two rooms while I spoke. “Do you have color preferences?”

  “I prefer earth colors,” Mrs. Bailey waved her delicate hand through the air. “I like a lot of greens, some browns and creams.”

  I had taken pictures of the rooms “This antique dining room set is the perfect focal point for the room.” Again, I sensed someone at the window. “Have you thought about window treatments?” I made the excuse to look out. No one. Nothing. But the uneasy feeling wouldn’t leave me.

  “You know we love antiques, but in here most of our own furniture will be used. We’d like you to find some other unique pieces, of course.” The deep baritone of Mr. Bailey’s voice brought me back to the present. I sensed a tension in him, and he paced the room while he spoke.

  “We did decide on a new reproduction sofa and chairs though.” Mrs. Bailey’s smile crinkled her blue-gray eyes. “Some things are just better new.”

  They discussed draperies, lighting, colors for the walls, and rugs for the floor.

  “I think the rugs should be floral needlework,” Mrs. Bailey said.

  “No, I prefer oriental patterns.” Mr. Bailey disagreed. “It’s much more elegant.”

  “Yes dear, but floral needlework is much more Victorian,” Mrs. Bailey looked at me. “What do you think, Meg?”

  I knew there’d come a time when I’d have to play referee. They talked about it in school. Now to remember how to handle it.

  Don’t play favorites. Work out a compromise. “I think floral needlework in the dining room where there is less furniture and distraction.” Hopefully, this suggestion would appease them. “And a soft colored oriental in the living room will add to the beauty and elegance of the rooms.”

  The two looked at each other and smiled. “What a marvelous idea, dear,” Mrs. Bailey said. Mr. Bailey looked more relaxed and pleased, as if he had come up with the idea himself.

  I knew they had discussed it previously and probably argued about it. So they had decided to put the question to me to see which of them was right.

  Phew, one crisis solved, I hoped they all were that easy. I wasn’t fool enough to think in a project this size there wouldn’t be more disagreements between the two. Though they wanted pretty much the same things, they each had their own ideas about it. I’d just have to handle each situation as it came up.

  Satisfied that a major complication had been avoided, I concluded the interview and promised to return Thursday with a design board. I pulled out of the long circular drive and saw a car similar to Paul’s.

  When I turned onto the freeway, the car came along side of me. Oh my God! That son of a bitch... I couldn’t believe my eyes. Paul touched his finger to his forehead in a salute and sped away.

  I tightened my grip on the wheel. Where did Paul get the guts to follow me even after the police served the restraining order? Now what could I do? I didn’t want to have him arrested. That would involve going to court and everything coming out. I couldn’t chance it.

  At least he hadn’t approached me. It still unnerved me that he followed me, but if that’s all he’s planned to do, maybe I could live with it. Surely he’d get tired of it eventually? Why wasn’t he out chasing other women? Why had he centered his attention on me?

  I couldn’t wait for school to begin. Paul’s coaching job would occupy his time and keep him away from me. Soccer practice started soon, but that only took a couple of hours a day. He still had too much time on his hands.

  Why was he obsessing over me? He didn’t have any feelings for me. He had made that quite clear from the start. A fling that’s all he wanted.

  Probably not used to being rejected. The way women threw themselves at him, I had a feeling he was always the one who ended the relationship. Made him feel big and powerful. That was the problem. I ended it instead of him.

  How long before he got tired of this game? Why didn’t he grow up already? I knew he was seeing Lillian Blackwell, heck they had even been seen at the club hanging out at the swimming pool and dancing the night away in the lounge. Wasn’t that enough for him? They sure weren’t keeping it a secret from anyone. Obviously he found my replacement.

  So why was he still bothering me?

  Later, the kids helped me work up my board and floor plan for the Bailey’s living and dining room. Julie had a good eye for color and fabric. I was thrilled with my daughter’s interest and encouraged her.

  I liked the way she pulled the room together with the sea moss and floral fabric to complement the smoky mist green walls and a soft cream oriental rug with a design of jade green and burgundy.

  I moved the scale sized pieces to the proper place on the floor plan. I worked late to finish the designs so I’d be ready for the next meeting. The kids went up to bed and I packed up the designs and went to bed, thinking about Andrew and his earlier phone call.

  I had picked up a hot little outfit from Frederick’s of Hollywood and couldn’t wait for him to come home. How I had the nerve to go into that store, let alone buying something, was beyond me. Imagining the look on Andrew’s face motivated me.

  Once inside, the sales girl was most helpful and acted like it was the most natural thing in the world for a woman my age to buy something so outrageously sexy.

  What the heck, why not? I wasn’t ancient. I still had needs, desires. It wasn’t like I was doing something illegal. Although it almost made me feel sort of sinful. Exciting. Just plain naughty.

  I picked out a black lace body stocking and even splurged and bought high heel pumps. The sales girl suggested them. After I got over my initial embarrassment, it was fun shopping, and I had a couple other items picked out. I had my eye on some sexy butterfly panties. But that would have to be for another day.

  I couldn’t believe I spent almost eighty dollars on one sexy outfit. But what the heck, I had my own income now. I could spend it any way I wanted. Besides, Andrew’s reaction, and the fun we’d have getting that bodysuit off was going to be well worth the money.

  If only this had happened before my indiscretion with Paul. Sitting down and talking with Andrew, telling him how I felt would have been the smart thing to do.

  He had taken the news of my job so well. I couldn’t believe he thought I didn’t care that he traveled so much. Had our marriage become so stale and comfortable that we took each other for granted?

  Thankfully, it had taken a turn for the better after our talk. He hardly ever watched television any more. He s
eemed to prefer spending the time reading or talking to me. I liked curling up on the couch next to him and discussing books and politics again. I liked what came later even more.

  I arrived home to the phone ringing. I stared at it, unsure whether I should answer it. It could be important – on the other hand – it could be Paul. I let the machine pick up, and heard Andrew’s voice.

  I grabbed the phone. “Andrew,” I said out of breath. “I just walked in.”

  “Hi, honey. Listen I have some bad news. This deal is going to take longer than I thought. I won’t be home tomorrow.”

  I slumped on the chair and looked at my packages from Fredericks. Shoot! “How much longer?”

  “A day, maybe two. I’m sorry, Meg.”

  Par for the course. It wasn’t the first time he had been delayed. Oh well, I’d live. “Okay. Let me know.”

  “I will, honey. You know I hate this as much as you. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, Andrew.”

  “Listen, let’s do something special when I get home. We’ll go out to dinner or something. What do you think? Just the two of us. We haven’t done that in a long time.”

  Oh we’d do something special all right. “How about we stay in and I’ll fix you a special dinner. Then... who knows what might happen,” I said seductively.

  “Hmm...That sounds like a plan to me. We’ll get a bottle of wine and lay on the floor in front of the fireplace.”

  “It’s a bit warm for a fire.” I laughed. And we sure as heck wouldn’t need one after he saw that outfit, even if it was the dead of winter.

  “True, we can heat things up plenty without a fireplace.”

  “Isn’t that the truth? We’re probably going to have to turn the air down to forty.” I loved the teasing tone in our conversations. Almost as good as sex. We had never talked like this on the phone before.


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