Breaking Travis (The West Series Book 5)

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Breaking Travis (The West Series Book 5) Page 8

by Jill Sanders

  He chuckled. “Really?” He reached over and took her hand. “Well, until I have the money to pay Randy off, we won’t worry about it.”

  She frowned. “You’ll be careful tomorrow, right?”

  He nodded. “I always am.”

  When their food arrived, he watched her cut into the juicy steak and his mouth watered as he watched her shiny lips nibble on the meat. She had a sexy way about her when she ate, and he couldn’t stop watching. By the time they were done with dinner, he was wishing they’d eaten closer to the hotel.

  Holly looked at Travis from the corner of her eyes as they entered the lobby of the hotel. When they entered the elevators, he stood in the back as another couple got in behind them. The other couple got out on their floor and as the doors shut, Travis pulled her close and kissed her until she felt her head spin.

  “You look amazing tonight,” he whispered in her ear. “I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”

  She moaned and ran her hands through his hair. Then the doors opened and they stepped apart. He took her hand and walked down the short hallway to their suite.

  When he unlocked the door, she moved to set her purse on the table by the door, but he was there. His mouth was hot on hers, and he kissed her until she dropped her purse on the floor, forgotten. Then he backed her up against the wall as his hands ran over her. When she felt her knees shake, he spun her around quickly so she was facing the wall.

  “Put your hands here.” He held them up so she was holding herself a foot from the wall. “Now, don’t move,” he said next to her ear. His hands roamed over her as he trailed kisses down the column of her neck, between her shoulder blades, and down to her thighs. He slowly pulled her skirt up until she felt the cool air on her exposed skin.

  His fingers snaked her silk panties aside as they reached around to the front of her and dipped into her heat, causing her to rest her forehead on the wall. He used his feet to spread her legs a little wider before he knelt down behind her. When he started running kisses up the backside of her thigh, she felt herself jump in anticipation.

  She tried to dig into the wall with her fingers to hold herself steady. Her eyes closed on a moan as his lips trailed across her left cheek and his fingers continued to dip in and out of her. She arched her back as his mouth trailed closer to where she wanted him to kiss her.

  “Yes, open for me,” he groaned just before his tongue darted out and licked a trail across her upper thigh until it finally reached where his fingers were. She bent at the waist further, exposing more of her for his tongue.

  “You taste so good. Just like honey,” he said, trailing his mouth over every inch of her.

  “Travis, please.” She felt his hands run up and down her legs as he used his mouth on her.

  Then his mouth was gone and she instantly wished for it back. She heard him stand behind her and unzip his pants, and then he was inside her and nothing else mattered. He pushed her up against the wall, holding her tight around the waist as he reached around and used his fingertips on the tight nub of her sex until she felt herself explode around him.

  “More,” he growled and spread her legs wider. She was on her toes and desperately holding onto his arms since her legs had turned to jelly after her orgasm. With each thrust he went deeper, stronger, as he pumped his hips against her over and over. She tried to hold off for him, but it was all just too much for her.

  When she recovered this time, she realized he was still behind her. She couldn’t hear or see yet since all of her senses had fled her, but she knew he’d followed her the last time.

  “If we don’t move, we’ll end up sleeping on the floor.” He chuckled.

  “You move first.” She opened her eyes and was happy to see the wall. “Good, I haven’t lost my sight or hearing.”

  He chuckled again. “No, but I think I broke a few rules of etiquette.”

  “Hmm?” She turned around and wrapped her arms around him as they leaned against the wall.

  “I’m usually smoother than this.” He nodded to where they were and she laughed.

  “I’m not complaining.”

  “No.” He looked down into her eyes. “No, you’re not.”


  Chapter Nine

  The next morning, Holly woke up to an empty bed. There was a note on Travis’ pillow. She rolled over and read it.

  Sorry for taking off early, but I’ve got to hit the gym one last time. I should be back around noon, and then I have to head out for the night. If you’re around maybe we can do lunch here. Go spend some of that money you’ve won.


  She smiled and looked up at the ceiling. Maybe she would go spend her money. After all, she’d never been in a large city like this before. There were bound to be places she could go and entertain herself for the next few hours.

  Jumping from the bed, she showered and dressed quickly. She hit the little stores along her block first and by the time she made it back up to the room at eleven thirty, both of her arms were full of bags. She’d even bought a few things for Travis. She’d never seen so many stores in her life; it was so hard to stop herself from spending more than the three hundred dollars she’d limited herself to. She’d never spent that much in her life, but figured since she’d won it, it couldn’t hurt.

  When she walked into the room, Travis was already there with a table of food set out on the balcony.

  “Hi.” He chuckled. “Wow.” He rushed over and helped her with her bags. “Do you think you got enough?”

  She laughed. “I’m a woman, we never have enough.”

  “I ordered us lunch. I’ve got to be across town in an hour.”

  She frowned. “Does the fight start that soon?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve got a meeting with Randy, and we have to go over a few things before.”

  “Oh.” She set the last of her bags down and instantly felt depressed. She’d really hoped that he’d let her go.

  “Come on.” He took her hand and she followed him out to the balcony.

  They sat out on the balcony in the sun and she ate her chicken salad, wishing more than anything that he’d change his mind.

  “I’m not going to change my mind.” He looked over at her and when she looked at him questioningly, he said, “It’s written all over your face.” He chuckled a little.

  “It’s just a fight. I’ve seen plenty on TV.”

  He shook his head and looked down at his empty plate. “You’ll distract me.”

  “Oh, I never thought of it like that.” Knowing she could distract him made her smile a little.

  “I’ll be back late, but we will still have most of the day tomorrow to do something else. Maybe we’ll go see a show?”

  She nodded. “That would be fun.”

  “Promise me you’ll stay close to the hotel. There are parts of the city that you wouldn’t want to find yourself in after dark.”

  She nodded. “I think I’ll try my hand at the tables. I’ve been watching the gambling shows and have always wanted to try blackjack.

  He shook his head. “I could never win a dime on those tables. You’ll probably win the house.” He chuckled then stood. “I have to go.” He walked over and leaned down to kiss her. He held her still and looked into her eyes for a moment, and she saw the fear and anxiety in his dark eyes. “I’ll be back. One more for luck.” He kissed her and this time she felt everything he was feeling. She sat there and listened to the hotel door shut and still didn’t move. Her knees had gone weak and her mind refused to stop thinking about the kiss.

  Did he know that she loved him? How had she fallen so quickly? Especially for him?

  She leaned her head down on the glass table. She felt like crying. She was doomed. She just knew there was no way he was feeling the same way about her. Sure, he was nervous and anxious about the fight, but after the renovations on her store and the theater were finished, he was more than likely hitting the road again. She wasn’t.

  She’d told him the
truth. She belonged in Fairplay. There had been a time when she wanted nothing more than to get out of the small town. Actually, up until earlier that year, she’d been trying to think of ways to sell the shop and head down to Florida or take a tour of Europe. She’d heard her friends talking about wanting to do that, so she’d started reading books on it and had dreamed of it ever since.

  Now, however, she wanted nothing more than to settle down in Fairplay in her apartment above her bookstore and spend as much time with Travis as she could.

  When she finally got up and stepped inside, she had decided that she needed to treat herself tonight. She walked up the stairs and showered and dressed in the sexy red dress she’d brought to wear to the fight, just in case Travis had changed his mine. She piled her red hair up in a curly mass and let several wisps spring loose.

  When she stepped out of the elevator two hours later, she felt confident. She noticed a few men turn their heads and watch her walk towards the blackjack tables. When she sat down, she was immediately engulfed in the world of the game. Her worry about Travis disappeared.

  Four hours later there was a small crowd gathered around the table. People cheered as she flipped her cards over and won yet another hand. She was almost ten thousand dollars up from her initial two hundred dollars.

  She sipped her cherry coke and nibbled on the French fries she’d ordered. Still her mind was so focused on the table she didn’t register that someone new had come up behind her until he placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “Miss Bridles?”

  She looked around to see a very large Mexican man standing over her. “Yes?” Her first thought was that she’d done something wrong during the game.

  “I’m here on behalf of Travis.”

  “Oh?” Worry instantly shot through her. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes,” he nodded. “If you’ll be so kind as to cash out and come with me.”

  She looked at him. “You haven’t told me your name.” She waved the dealer away from dealing her another hand.

  “I’m Randy, Travis’ agent and manager.”

  “Did he get hurt?” She stood and started to gather her chips.

  “Miss,” the dealer broke in, “if you want, we can cash these out for you and credit them to your room. You can get the funds when you check out.” The dealer looked towards Randy with a nod.

  “Yes, please. Thank you,” she said and signed the receipt for her chips. Then she turned back to Randy. “Is he hurt?”

  “No, ma’am. The fight starts in an hour. If you’ll join me, I’ll take you to him.”

  She frowned. “But he doesn’t want me there.”

  “He’s had a change of heart,” he said, taking her arm rather firmly in his big hands.

  “If you’ll just wait, I can call…” She started to pull her cell phone out of her handbag.

  “I don’t think you fully understand what I’m saying.” He jerked her arm. She cried out a little and felt something jab in her side. “Come with me now.”

  She nodded and thought of a million ways she’d been taught to get away from a situation like this. None of them involved having your boyfriend in trouble. No matter what she did, they still had Travis and she wouldn’t rest until she knew that he was safe.

  “I don’t understand. He’s here. He’s going to fight. Why do you need me?”

  “Insurance.” He jerked her arm until they stepped outside onto the sidewalk. They walked around the side of the hotel and stopped in front of a dark sedan. He opened the back door and motioned for her to get in. “It would be beneficial if you cooperate.”

  She glared at him and got in. When he got in next to her, she spoke up. “If this is about the fifteen thousand, I can pay you.”

  He laughed. “I don’t need your money or his. I make more than triple that for one fight. Especially if it involves Travis. He’s a star you know.” The man looked over at her.

  “Then you have no intention of letting him go?” She bit her bottom lip.

  “No, not until he’s no longer useful to me. And he’s been on a winning streak. He’s a sure win tonight.”

  She glared at him and tried to think as the car drove them quickly out of town. She tried to remember landmarks, but it was too dark and everything was going by too fast.

  By the time they pulled off the road, she was completely and helplessly lost. When they stepped out of the car, the heat of the dessert hit her and her heels sank in the soft sand. There were over a hundred cars parked around a small building that looked like an old car wash.

  “Come with me.” Randy grabbed her arm again. She jerked it away.

  “There’s no need to be rude.” She glared up at him and he dropped his arm and nodded.

  “Fine. This way.” He motioned for her to follow him. They walked around the building and entered the back door.

  The room was brightly lit. They walked down a long hallway and when Randy opened a door, she saw Travis sitting on a bench, having his hands taped.

  When he saw her, he frowned and stood. “What’s this about?”

  “We thought it would be helpful if your lady friend joined us tonight.”

  “I don’t want her here.” He sat back down and nodded to have the man finish taping up his fists. She was shocked at Travis’ attitude. He’d dismissed her like it was the most natural thing for her to be kidnapped and dragged into the dessert.

  “She stays,” Randy said, pushing her a step further into the room. She almost fell when her heel snagged on the floor. Travis was up quickly, gathering her in his arms.

  “Sorry about this,” he whispered to her.

  She nodded and held onto him. He made sure she was steady on her feet and then moved closer to Randy.

  “Regardless of what happens tonight, this is the last time I’ll fight for you.” He stood his ground.

  “You’re finished when I say you are. Besides, there’s a little matter of the money you owe me.”

  “I offered you the money on the ride over here.” She stepped forward, only to be pushed behind Travis. “He doesn’t want the money,” she said to his back.

  Travis looked at Randy. “I mean it. This is the last time.” Randy laughed and waved him away. “Holly sits where I can see her and we leave together.”

  Randy looked at her. “Such a pretty little thing. Much prettier than the blonde you brought along last time.”

  Holly’s stomach dropped with the knowledge that Travis had brought Savannah to a fight. Why hadn’t he wanted her to come along? She kept her eyes focused on Travis’ back as the men argued. When Travis turned back around and pulled her next to him as he sat to have his other hand taped, she could feel him vibrating with anger.

  When they walked from the room, he pulled her close and whispered. “No matter what happens, stay put in your chair. Don’t move from it. I mean it, Holly. Not until I come and get you.”

  She nodded as they walked into a large room filled with people cheering. The cage was bigger than she’d imagined it would be. They looked so much smaller on TV. He walked her over to a corner chair and sat her down.

  “Stay here.” He leaned down and before he kissed her quickly, he said, “I’m sorry you were dragged into this.”

  She watched him step into the cage and the crowd went wild, chanting his name over and over.

  She sat there in her fancy red dress with her sexy black heels and wished to be anywhere but there. She closed her eyes and felt her stomach turn. Why had she wanted to come along tonight?

  When the cheering died down, she opened her eyes and finally saw Travis’ opponent. He was built a lot like Travis, but had bigger muscles and a long scar running down the left side of his face. She felt herself shiver in the overly hot room. Wrapping her arms around herself, she watched the events unfold, holding her breath. She just knew that Travis wouldn’t win this fight. Not when so much was on the line.

  When the fighting began, she couldn’t even blink. The two men circled around until Travis
threw the first punch, then the other man was on him and they were falling to the mat. She stood up and gasped as everyone around her stood to cheer. Her hands covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream as she watched Travis roll around on the floor, trying to get the upper hand with the larger man.

  Just when it looked like he’d finally gotten the man into a hold, he would outmaneuver him and Travis would have to fling himself around again and start all over. He managed to get in a few punches just before the man used his elbow to knock Travis loose. When Travis fell backwards, the other man was on him, holding him down and hitting him over and over again in the face.

  She closed her eyes and looked away, trying to focus on anything other than what was happening a few feet from her. She heard bones crunch, heard blood splatter as fists hit skin. When she turned back around, she was shocked to see Travis on top of the other man, jabbing him over and over. The man’s face was turning red as Travis held him in a choke hold, twisting around so he wouldn’t get knocked off again.

  Just when she thought it would end, the man wiggled free, rolled over, and stood up. Travis jumped to his feet and dodged the first blow, which was aimed at his head, barely dodging the second one and taking a third blow in the gut.

  Bending down, he hugged the man until they fell back to the mat together with Travis on top. All the TV fights couldn’t have prepared her for what she was seeing, what she was feeling as she watched Travis receive and deliver blow after blow.

  Finally, Travis was able to move around again and get the larger man in a choke hold again. When the other man’s face started turning red, he tapped Travis on the head and Travis backed off.

  Blood dripped from the side of Travis’ left eye, and his eye looked swollen as the referee held up his arm, signaling his win.

  Instantly, Travis’ eyes locked on hers. She felt her knees go weak as she sank back down into her chair. She sat there as the crowd cheered for him and then quieted back down, and then they all stood and started cheering the next fight. Still she sat there and waited for Travis.


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