Pisces: Teacher's Pet

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Pisces: Teacher's Pet Page 17

by Sèphera Girón

  Devin ran his hands along Adele’s thighs. It seemed like forever since Adele had last felt his touch. His fingers lightly touched the part of her nipple that still stuck out from the clamps. His hands seemed odd. Though they had touched her so many times before, he now felt like a stranger. Perhaps it was the quiver of distance she sensed between them. The loving, enveloping sense she had always enjoyed with him was replaced with a curt robotic touch.

  Rose stroked Adele between her legs, gently parting her soft folds and touching the little button of Adele’s clit. Adele shivered with joy. Devin stroked Adele’s hair, almost as though he was trying to comfort her.

  Rose slipped her fingers inside Adele. The sensation was not unpleasant. Adele trembled and relaxed, letting the woman explore her insides. She wondered just what was the purpose of it all. When she withdrew her fingers, Adele gasped at the emptiness. Rose walked over to the dresser once more, her leather-clad ass moving like two bowling balls. The outfit was perfectly fitted, and Adele couldn’t help but admire the stitching on the catsuit. Buckles and straps ran from the neck to the ankles. Some appeared to be decorative and others were likely functional.

  Rose turned around, producing a large dildo. “Do you want to get fucked?” she asked, holding it up, her lips curving tauntingly. Adele stared at her, unable to meet her gaze because of the shining auras. Rose slid her fingers back inside Adele’s snatch and wiggled them up and down. Adele squirmed beneath her touch.

  “I think you do.” Rose stood and fixed the dildo to the leather straps that wrapped around her legs and thighs. She stood before Adele, her hourglass figure accentuated by the corset effect of the catsuit. She spread Adele’s legs and lowered her face to Adele’s. “You want me, don’t you, Adele?” she whispered harshly. “I know you do. I can see it in your eyes.”

  Adele glanced into Rose’s eyes and saw a hungry gleam. The surge for power from Rose became stronger with every passing moment. She couldn’t look at Rose for too long before her eyes throbbed and she looked away. The dildo sank into her, and Adele spread her legs wider to receive it. The pressure inside her stretched her aching flesh, and she welcomed the stiff, firm invasion.

  The ropes fastened around her arms and legs were beginning to hurt. Her flesh stung and throbbed, contrary to the pleasure Rose was giving to her. She moved her hips, trying to give her arms some more leeway, but the gesture only tightened the grip on her ankles.

  The idea of how helpless she really was began to sink in. The bindings were tight and secure. There was no escaping them.

  The dildo was almost in all the way, and Adele moaned with pleasure. Rose’s mouth pressed against hers, and she met it tentatively. Adele’s heart was racing, so she held back. But Rose was persistent. “Kiss me,” she said. Adele kissed her back.

  The way Devin stared at them with his hand moving up and down his hard shaft made Adele wetter and hornier. Rose pulled the dildo out again. Adele tasted Rose’s tongue as it slipped into her mouth, swirling around inside. Rose’s saliva seemed to have a strange kind of fishy taste—with something more sinister lying underneath.

  Rose pushed the dildo into Adele once more, an Adele tried to buck her hips up to meet it as she craved more pleasure. She knew she wasn't making sense. She was terrified at what might happen to her, but that fear was coupled with the wonderful sensations that she loved.

  Her skin tingled as if it were electric. Wherever Rose’s skin pressed against hers, the flesh crawled and vibrated. She wanted to push Rose off, but she was unable to do more than squirm. Rolling her hips only made the dildo plunge deeper into her pleasure zone, giving rise to her conflicting feelings.

  Rose’s lips were hard against Adele’s as her gloved hands clutched Adele’s plump hips, pushing Adele’s pussy down hard on her dildo and up again in more erratic, frantic movements.

  As Adele’s physical form swam in the sea of desire, her soul gasped for breath. The touch of Rose’s flesh against her own made her skin crawl. She was going out of her mind.

  Rose changed her pace, savoring a slow in-and-out rhythm, grinding Adele’s pussy. Rose’s hands ran along Adele’s hips and waist until they settled on her shoulders. She arched her back, plunging the dildo deep inside Adele.

  The pleasure from the dildo spread warmly through Adele’s blood as her mind spun. She grew dizzy, and an undulating sucking sensation was released from her flesh. She turned her head to stare past Rose and watched a cloud of their three auras swirl and mix in the air above them.

  Rose’s aura was the darkest, and long, claw-like tendrils reached down toward Adele, much like narrow funnel clouds spinning toward a target. As the aura ebbed nearer, dread overtook Adele’s ecstasy. As good as the dildo felt, she couldn’t let Rose continue fucking her. The more she gave herself over to pleasure, the weaker she would become, and vulnerable to Rose’s vile plan.

  Whatever it was.

  Adele closed her eyes and pushed away thoughts of the delicious dildo penetrating her, Rose’s lips expertly kissing hers, the hot visual of Devin getting off on it all, and tried to think about nothing.

  Nothing at all.

  She searched for blackness, her own blackness, the blackness of the obsidian ball, and crawled inside. There she waited until all attacks on her senses subsided.

  Devin watched as Adele grew limp beneath Rose. His hand on his cock slowed. “What is wrong with you?” Rose asked Adele. “Why are you hiding from me?” Her voice sounded so far away. Adele was curled up in the warm womb of her own thoughts.

  “Adele? Answer me,” Rose commanded.

  “I’m tired. I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Nonsense. You love it. What woman wouldn’t?” Rose teased.

  Adele moaned softly. “My arms hurt.”

  Rose looked at Adele’s arms stretched out, the ropes thickly knotted at her wrists. “Yes, you humans have a low threshold. I always forget,” she said slowly.

  “Untie me, please, Mistress. My arms are weak.”

  Rose slid the dildo out of Adele and stood.

  “You can untie her now,” she told Devin as she put the dildo on a towel and reclined in a chair. She looked thoughtfully at Adele, her aura shifting from brilliant red to grayish blue.

  “Harmoni creatures are more durable than you. But, alas, not everyone has the special talents I need.” Rose smiled. “You know, there is only so much talent in the universe at any given time. Sometimes it needs to be shared.”

  Adele sat up, rubbing her wrists while Devin untied her legs.

  “Yes, I understand the theory of action and reaction,” Adele said wearily. “I think it’s time Devin and I get back. We’ve been gone a long time.”

  Devin said nothing as he finished untying the last knot around Adele’s ankle.

  “Devin?” Adele asked.

  “Yes, Devin,” Rose said from her chair. “Are you ready to go back home?”

  Devin shrugged. “Here or home. There’s not much for me either place.”

  Adele stared at him in dismay. “That’s not true. There’s lots for you at home. Come, let’s go right now. I’ll prove it to you.”

  Adele reached over to touch him, but dizziness overwhelmed her and she lay back down again. She rolled over onto her side and hugged her knees to her chest, hoping the feeling would subside. She clawed toward her comforting black place, but another sense that vibrated with more urgency.

  A vision swam before her.

  The dead woman, or whatever it had been, that body she had seen so long ago, was lying on the beach as shadows of gawkers gathered around her.

  There was that same weirdness that graced Rose’s face around the body’s face and neck. And there was the smell.

  Rose’s imprint. Like the smell the shark from her dreams would make rotting in the sunlight among a heap of moldy rose petals.

  Adele’s stomach clenched. She felt her skin being peeled back and extracted. She scratched her arms and tried to sit up. Another wave of dizziness swept through her. T
he shark’s jaws were mere inches from her, its teeth longer than her fingers, ready to bear down on her head. She flailed as she gratefully spun into darkness.

  Chapter Ten

  You might have a hard time convincing people to see things your way today.

  When Adele woke, she was back in the cage. On the other side of the room were a few additions that apparently had been brought in while she slept. An easel with a blank canvas, a small table with a palette and brushes, and an assortment of paints on another table waited eerily.

  “Hello?” Adele called out. There was no response. She hugged herself, rubbing her arms to warm herself up. She was still naked and still dizzy. “Hello?”

  She walked around the cage, peering out while rummaging around. She found her clothes in a pile in the corner of the cage. She reached for the caftan first and was thrilled to find her items still in the pockets. She pulled it on and slipped the little pouch around her neck. After being overwhelmed endlessly with the smell of roses, it was a welcome relief to sniff whatever was stuffed inside the pouch. She held the little bag to her nose and smelled the warm, homey scent.

  She was homesick. More than homesick. She didn’t know if she was dead or alive. If indeed she was, she wasn’t sure that being alive was anything to count on.

  She sat in the corner, sniffing the pouch, waiting for whatever was going to happen, to happen.

  * * *

  Some time later, Rose and Devin entered the room. Adele was getting used to the sight of Devin groveling along the floor in a black loincloth and leather collar. His back and buttocks were peppered with long, thin, red welts from the crop, and scruffy face and shaggy hair suited his oddly obedient demeanor. He sat back on his haunches, alertly watching Rose as she approached Adele.

  Adele fingered the obsidian ball in her pocket. It throbbed warmly beneath her fingers. In her other pocket, she held the key. It twitched, as if it were eager to escape to somewhere else.

  Rose’s aura coated the room, as her eyes squinted into narrow, sinister slits.

  “We’re going to help each other,” Rose told her. “We’re sisters of the skin.”

  “We’re not even the same species,” Adele spat. “Sisters, indeed.”

  Rose kept her countenance smooth as she coldly spoke. “Fine. We’re both beings who want Devin. But more than Devin, I want power. I want to go to Hermana and gather up as much power as I can.”


  “Well, you got here. I can go there. And for that, I need a painting. The best painting of Hermana you can paint.”

  Rose stared at her. Adele kept her eyes from Rose’s gaze. The flashing and sparking of all the auras was distracting.

  “Me?” Adele asked. “Devin can paint.”

  “You are the master. Your talent far surpasses Devin’s, but of course you don’t realize that.”

  Adele stared at her.

  “You are the teacher,” Rose said. “He is but the student. Show him how to paint the two worlds together in a most magnificent way. Show me how much you love Hermana.”

  Rose unlocked the cage and held the door open for Adele.

  “And if I don’t?” Adele asked, standing stubbornly in the pen.

  “You don’t want to know what I’ll do,” Rose said sternly. She raised her hand and wiggled her fingers at Adele’s throat. A tight sensation stretched across it, and Adele put her own hands to her throat to feel what was there.

  “Yes, you can feel it, but you can’t see it.” Rose smiled. She waved her hand dramatically across the room and let loose a fireball against a small shelf of glass bottles. With a united spark, glass tinkled to the ground as jars burst apart. Varied pungent smells filled the air as the contents leaked across the floor.

  “Well?” Rose asked.

  Adele put her hand to her throat and nodded. “Fine. I’ll paint Hermana,” she whispered as she left the cage. She rubbed her throat and wasn’t surprised to feel droplets of blood leaking down it. She walked over to the easel and stared at the canvas, imaging what she might place on it.

  “So, tell me, then,” Adele said as she began the first renderings of a city street. “How did you get the bodies to Hermana?”

  Rose laughed. “You think you’re so clever. But I am more so. See over there, I have some pictures of stars.”

  Adele looked up from her easel and over at several pictures of constellations nailed to the walls. They didn’t mean much to her, so she returned her attention to her work. “So you have some stars. Big deal.”

  “This is a rare time. The constellations are aligned in such a way that there are portals between worlds. I don’t know how many in the universe, but I do know when Harmoni connects with other places. The time is now for Harmoni and Hermana to unite.”

  Adele laughed. “You can’t be serious.”

  Rose chuckled. “You’re right, I’m not. I just want to go there myself, like you came here.”

  “Yes, I know. You already told me,” Adele sighed. “And I suppose you picked Hermana because it’s a natural power source.”

  “Of course. It would take me no time to acquire great power in Hermana, and from there, the possibilities of rulership would be endless,” Rose gloated.

  Devin sat quietly, as if taking it all in. Adele stole glances at him as she worked, wondering what he was thinking, if anything. Would she be able to shake him from Rose’s power, or was he lost forever?

  “What about Devin? How did you choose him?” Adele asked, her brush swirling splotches of paint around the canvas.

  “He’s young and open. Experimenting with energy sources, as the young ones do. It’s easy to find a portal when the stars are aligned and there are curious souls from other planes trying to find answers. I came to him in dreams. He painted the reality.”

  Adele nodded. “Like a Ouija board, I guess.”

  “Whatever that is,” Rose said. “Your ways are the same and yet different from Harmoni. We are like you, but not.”

  “And what of the queen? Doesn’t she keep you under control?”

  “I’m not worried about the queen. She has her own concerns. And if I get my way, I’ll be queen of Harmoni and Hermana.”

  “So why did you kill those people? And why send them to Hermana?”

  “I wanted their power. And, of course, I had to hide the bodies. What better way than to throw them in the creek and have them wash up in Hermana?”

  Adele nodded as she painted.

  “Are you finished yet?” Rose asked, pacing.

  “I’ve barely started. This is going to take some time.”

  “Well, don’t take too long. We have a schedule.”

  Adele glared at her. “You have a schedule. I work at my own pace.”

  “Yes, yes. I know.” Rose went over to Devin and tapped him on the head. He looked up at her expectantly. “When she is finished, you and I are going to go places. The universe will be mine, as you are mine.”

  Adele cringed. She continued to paint, her mind working frantically. If only she were a witch, like some of her friends. Although, she did have tools. She put her hand in her pocket while she held her brush with the other. She thought about Lucy and the circle. She visualized the women of Hermana coming to her aid.

  “What are you doing?” Rose asked.

  “I’m thinking,” Adele said.

  “Stop thinking and keep painting.”

  “No. I don’t want to paint anymore,” Adele said, putting down her paintbrush.

  Rose turned to her, pointing her finger. As a steady beam of electric light shot toward her, Adele pulled out the obsidian ball. The light bolted into it with a buzz.

  “No!” Rose cried. “Not obsidian.”

  “Oh? You have a problem with obsidian?”

  Rose pointed her hands again, and every time she tried to zap Adele, the power flew into the ball.

  “Put that away,” she commanded.

  “No,” Adele raised her hands high into the air, still clutching the ball. “I c
all upon the powers of Hermana, of Lucy and the circle, to help me,” she cried out.

  The room pulsed with growing energy. Adele’s stomach tightened, and a wave of nausea flooded through her. She could almost feel Lucy beside her, could sense growing vibrations of energy coming to her aid.

  “Devin?” Adele called.

  Devin blinked and shook his head as his aura seeped toward the obsidian ball. Colored ribbons of energy circled around his aura, coaxing it into the ball.

  “No!” Rose cried.

  As Devin’s blackness seeped into the ball, it hummed loudly in Adele’s hand. All the magic in the room was accumulating into the ball. With every new absorption, the ball grew.

  “Maybe I don’t want to paint your picture,” Adele said. “Maybe I’ve had enough of Harmoni and everyone in it.”

  Rose tried one last time to silence Adele, but once more, her power flew directly into the ball. The blackness from Devin’s aura continued to pour into it.

  “Damn you!” Rose cried. Adele looked down at the ball in her hand and over at Rose. “Devin,” Rose said, “tell her she needs to paint.”

  Rose pulled Devin’s hair with her fist. He howled, and jerked away.

  “Adele, you do what you need to do,” Devin said, standing. His eyes were clear, and he looked at Rose with disgust.

  The ball glowed with many colors, burning brightly, a living sun in Adele’s palm.

  “Rose, let us go,” Devin said, turning to Rose.

  “Devin, you will address me as Mistress,” Rose said.

  “No. I don’t think so.” He walked over to Adele and put his arm around her, and she felt the power surge even higher through the ball and into her own body.

  Rose picked up a wand from one of the tables and pointed it at Adele. It sizzled as sparks shot through the air. Adele blocked the power with the ball, and once more, it was absorbed. The ball grew even bigger.


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