Huntsmen (The Better to Kiss You With Book 2)

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Huntsmen (The Better to Kiss You With Book 2) Page 19

by Michelle Osgood

  “Fuck,” Ryn breathed. Her pupils were blown wide; a flush burned her cheeks. She pressed the heel of her hand into Kiara with a sudden, relentless series of quick movements that tore another climax from Kiara and had her crying out soundlessly, unable to draw in enough breath to make a noise.

  Before Kiara had fully recovered from the back-to-back orgasms, Ryn slid two fingers into her. She curled them up and rubbed over Kiara’s g-spot. Kiara whimpered, half wanting to pull away from the intense sensation, but arching into it. Ryn slowed her movements, thrust her fingers in and out of Kiara with a gentle, soothing rhythm. She took one of Kiara’s nipples into her mouth; her tongue flicked against the peak in time with the press of her fingers inside Kiara.

  Kiara made a soft noise of disappointment when Ryn’s fingers withdrew. Pleasure simmered under the surface of her skin. Ryn rolled her eyes and dropped a quick kiss on Kiara’s lips as she reached for the lube. “I’m not done yet, love, don’t worry.”

  Kiara refused to dignify that with a response. Knowing her, Ryn laughed as she flicked open the cap on the lube and slicked her fingers.

  The first touch of the cold lube at her ass made Kiara shiver, and Ryn soothed her with an open-mouthed kiss to the jut of Kiara’s hip. Ryn’s fingers circled gently around Kiara’s entrance, her touch so light that Kiara rocked into it, asking for more. At the first slow press of Ryn’s finger into her, Kiara bit back a moan. Ryn pressed farther, easing in to the second knuckle. She stilled, allowed Kiara to adjust to the stretch, before she slowly pumped her finger in and out. Kiara closed her eyes as pleasure arrowed up her spine and down her limbs.

  When Ryn’s movements became easy, Ryn added more lube and gently eased a second finger alongside the first. She worked them into Kiara slowly, inch by inch, until the base of her palm rested against Kiara’s cunt. Kiara sucked in a shuddering breath. The sensation of being so filled made her squirm, brushing her labia against Ryn and sending sparks dancing along her skin.

  Ryn bent her head between Kiara’s legs. She flattened her tongue, laving it over Kiara’s clit with rough, hard strokes that made Kiara’s toes curl and her breath unsteady. As she pumped both fingers in and out of Kiara’s ass, Ryn slid lower and pushed her tongue into Kiara, fucking her in time with the fingers in her ass.

  Sweat broke out over Kiara’s forehead; her hips lifted off the bed as she arched into Ryn’s thrusts. Ryn twisted her fingers, pressed harder with her tongue, and Kiara’s entire body clenched and her vision went white as she came with a shuddering sob.

  Ryn eased out of Kiara slowly as Kiara came back down to earth. Ryn slid up Kiara’s body. Her hands were firm and soothing, pulling her back together when Kiara felt as though all of her had flown apart.

  Kiara curled into the touch and clasped Ryn’s hands to her chest as Ryn spooned behind her. Ryn’s breath was warm on the back of her neck; her skin was hot against Kiara’s bare back. Ryn kissed Kiara’s shoulder as her breathing finally returned to normal.

  Kiara lay there for a minute, five minutes, before she felt able to move. She twisted around so that she and Ryn were face to face.

  Ryn smiled and bent forward to nuzzle Kiara’s nose. Kiara breathed a laugh and skimmed her hands down Ryn’s back.

  “Can I taste you?” she asked Ryn as she slid her fingers over the thick band of the boxers Ryn wore.

  “Sure.” Ryn kissed Kiara, her tongue delving into Kiara’s mouth. Kiara could taste herself on Ryn’s lips, on her tongue, and she moaned, clutched Ryn’s shoulders, and drew her down to the bed.

  When they finally broke apart, Kiara gave Ryn’s shoulder a gentle shove. “And you know that’s not what I meant.”

  Ryn smiled, lazy and satisfied. “You can. Thanks for asking.”

  “Of course.” Kiara trailed kisses down Ryn’s torso, stopping to pull a dusky nipple into her mouth. Ryn’s flesh peaked under the attention, and she inhaled sharply when Kiara closed her teeth lightly around the delicate skin.

  Kiara moved down from Ryn’s nipples. She laved her tongue across Ryn’s ribs and dipped into Ryn’s belly button just to hear Ryn yelp and push her away. Kiara eased Ryn’s underwear down over her hips and kissed each inch of new flesh as it was exposed, until she was able to pull Ryn’s underwear off.

  Kiara took her time exploring Ryn, nuzzling against the dark thatch of hair between her legs and breathing in the musky scent of her.

  Ryn’s head fell against Kiara’s pillows with a thump when Kiara reached out lightly with the tip of her tongue, brushing it over Ryn’s swollen clit. Ryn bucked into the touch, and Kiara complied, flattening her tongue and swirling it over Ryn. Ryn threw a forearm over her mouth to muffle a whimper. Her hips churned as she urged Kiara on. Kiara ran her hands over the undersides of Ryn’s legs, spreading them wider so that she could have easier access to Ryn’s clit, and sucked it into her mouth.

  Ryn tensed beneath her; her body was strung taut. Kiara kept the sucking pressure on Ryn’s clit, and added several quick, hard strokes with her tongue over the sensitive nub. Ryn’s thighs trembled, and she gave in with a shuddering cry. Kiara continued to lick until Ryn, too sensitive to take it anymore, squirmed and pushed her away.

  “Enough,” Ryn begged, laughing. “I’m not you—I can’t come six times and keep going.”

  “Mmm, more’s the pity.”

  “One’s more than enough for me.” Ryn pulled Kiara up beside her and rested her head on Kiara’s shoulder.

  Kiara stroked Ryn’s long hair. It was tangled now, not as terribly as Kiara’s, but still a mess. She made a mental note to ask Ryn if she could braid her hair first before they fucked the next time.

  “Where’s Cole?” Ryn asked, her words a little slurred.

  “He went to a movie with Nathan.”

  “You think he’ll be back tonight?”

  Kiara shrugged under Ryn’s head. “I don’t know, why?”

  “Because I’m hungry and he cooks. He’d cook for us, right?” Ryn sounded anxious and raised her head.

  “Probably.” Kiara pressed Ryn’s head down. “But I cook now. I can make us something.”

  Ryn sat up. “You don’t cook.”

  “I can!”

  “The last time you tried to cook for me you ruined a pot and the apartment smelled like burned cheese for weeks.”

  “Well, I can cook now.”

  Ryn’s eyes narrowed.

  “I can!” Kiara scowled. “I’ll show you.”

  “Please, don’t.”

  “Oh—” Kiara thought about pushing Ryn off the bed, but settled for just pushing Ryn off her. “Go shower. I’ll start prepping dinner.”

  Ryn looked exceedingly doubtful as she rolled off the bed. “We could get takeout. You don’t have to try and—”

  “I’m going to make you an eggplant parmesan so good you’ll drop down on one knee and propose.” Kiara swore.

  “What, you believe in marriage now, too?”

  “Well, no,” Kiara said crossly. “I’ll turn down your proposal. But the point is, you’ll be so awed by my eggplant parm that you’ll make it.”

  “Right.” Ryn hesitated in the doorway. “I mean, that pizza place that Jamie—”


  In the end, Ryn got down on one knee, but she didn’t propose. Kiara figured that the appreciative, enthusiastic, kitchen oral sex was probably better than a proposal anyway. And she resolved not to let Ryn find out that eggplant parm was the only thing she knew how to cook.

  Epilogue |

  “You’ve been using cheap shampoo,” Ryn accused. Her eyes were sharp in the mirror and she took an obvious sniff of Kiara’s hair. “I could smell that drugstore brand even if I wasn’t a werewolf.”

  Kiara sunk lower into the chair, avoiding Ryn’s scolding gaze. “I ran out of the other stuff,” she muttered. “Nathan keeps staying over and using it. Which
is crap, since he only lives like four blocks—”

  “Text me, Kiara! ‘Hey, Ryn, love and light of my life, can you please pick me up more shampoo and conditioner when you’re at the distributor’s?’” Ryn threw up her hands. “It’s not like it’s hard. Deanna remembers to do it!”

  “I do,” Deanna agreed. She was sprawled across Ryn’s bed with her chin propped up on her elbows as she watched.

  Ryn’s basement apartment was the second tiniest apartment Kiara had ever seen—Deanna’s old place had the dubious honor of being the tiniest. There were two small windows along one side, but as they looked out into the building next door, the apartment didn’t get much light. Ryn had made up for that by adding various lamps along the length of it. The apartment was like a long hallway, with a small kitchen at one end and a bed at the other, with the only other door leading to a small bathroom. The lamps added a warm glow to the room, though, and the large painting—an abstract swirl of red—that hung above her bed gave the space a cheerful, lived-in feel. A couple of fake plants added a hint of green, and the chaotic, colorful furniture Ryn had collected somehow all worked together.

  “Okay, okay,” Kiara surrendered. “I’ll text you next time.”

  “Good.” Ryn glared. Kiara fidgeted with the edge of the plastic cape Ryn had draped over her.

  Deanna snickered and picked up the wine glass she’d set on the floor. “This is fun. We should do this more often.”

  “Why are you here again?” Kiara shot back.

  Deanna blew her a kiss in the mirror. “Jamie is trying to pack for the trip. I’ve learned my lesson there—I’m not sticking around to watch the horror show. We went up to Whistler for the weekend last year, and she tore apart the bedroom trying to find her travel toothbrush—which she’d already packed two nights earlier. Watching her freak out is stressful, and then she snaps at you when you try to help.” She gestured with her wine glass. “So, I thoughtfully invited myself along.”

  “So thoughtful,” Kiara agreed sarcastically. The robe was itchy around her neck. Ryn bustled around her, fussing with her tools on her tray, and Kiara tried to suppress a shudder.

  “If you’re going to be a jerk, I won’t share my wine,” Deanna warned. “This is supposed to be fun. Stop being so jumpy.”

  “I’m not jumpy,” Kiara insisted. And then she yelped and jumped when Ryn sprayed the top of her head with her misting bottle.

  “Dude, calm down.” Ryn gave Kiara’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “I’ve cut your hair before. Why are you acting like I’m going to shave you bald?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” Kiara swallowed and gripped the edges of the chair. “It’s just… this AGM is a big thing. I don’t want to look silly, or too young, or show up with a rainbow streak.”

  “Aww,” Ryn kissed Kiara’s cheek. “That’s cute. You’ll be fine. And I’m not going to do anything wild, I promise. I’m just going to take about an inch off the ends and clean up your bangs.”

  “No streak?” Deanna pouted.

  Kiara ignored her.

  “You know you don’t have to go if you’re both this nervous,” Ryn reminded Kiara. “It’s the annual general meeting, right? So they’ll do one next year.”

  “I know.” Kiara took a couple deep breaths and forced herself to relax as Ryn combed through her hair. “It’s our first year as a pack, though. It’d be good to go. And I already took the time off work.”

  “And Jamie’s already probably packed and unpacked her suitcase three times by now,” Deanna added. “Plus, I bet they have great swag. Ooh, if there’s pins that say ‘GNAAW’ can you bring me some?”

  Kiara rolled her eyes. “I don’t think there’ll be pins. The whole idea behind GNAAW is to keep the werewolf thing hidden, so I doubt they really want to advertise.”

  “Oh.” Deanna deflated. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

  “And here I was picturing giant banners like Comic-Con.” Ryn flashed Kiara a grin in the mirror as she went to work with the scissors; her movements were quick and efficient.

  By the time Ryn had finished, Deanna was happily tipsy and dancing to the Chvrches album she’d found on Ryn’s laptop.

  Kiara studied her reflection in the mirror. Ryn had been right; Kiara didn’t look much different. Her sharp bangs brushed her eyebrows, and the rest of hair fell in a straight line to just past the tops of her shoulders. She reached a tentative hand up and fingered a few strands, admiring the softness.

  “Do you like it?”

  Kiara flicked her eyes to Ryn, who was standing behind her. She chewed on her bottom lip, and Kiara realized that now it was Ryn who was nervous. Kiara was tempted to make her sweat, but decided not to be cruel.

  “I do,” she said. “I look like me. But slightly more…” She curled her lip, flashed teeth that could have been fangs. “Badass.”

  “Cheers to that!” Deanna held up her glass and toasted them. “I never doubted you, Ryn. Not once.”

  “Thanks.” Ryn grabbed Deanna as she danced by and gave her a smacking kiss on the forehead as Deanna squealed in indignation at being lifted off the floor by someone who was practically half her size.

  “Quit it,” she scolded Ryn, though Kiara didn’t miss the pleased flush on her cheeks. Deanna tossed back the last of her wine and picked up her phone. She scrolled through her notifications and let out a groan. “I have a panicked text from Jamie asking where we keep the emergency fire blanket and five missed calls. We’d better get going.” She gave Kiara a pointed look, which Kiara took to mean that she was Deanna’s ride home.

  It was just as well; their flight left in a few hours, and Kiara could pick up Jamie—probably half of Deanna’s plan—and get her out of her house so she wouldn’t be tempted to upend the place again.

  “I’ll wait by the car.” Deanna winked cheekily. “Give you two a few minutes.” She grabbed her purse and sashayed out of the apartment.

  Ryn unfastened the plastic cape and shook it out. Kiara stretched, then stepped carefully over the pile of her cut hair on the hardwood floor.

  “You’ll hold down the fort while I’m gone?”

  “I think I can handle the pack, sure.” Ryn smirked. “How hard can it be?”

  “If you think riding herd on Nathan and Deanna is easy, oh boy, are you in for a rude awakening.” Kiara smirked when Ryn paled. “I’m kidding. Everyone’s an adult. There’s obviously nothing to worry about.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the first line in a horror movie,” Ryn said dryly.

  “You’ll be fine; you’re the monster, remember?” Kiara teased.

  “Speak for yourself.” Ryn slid her hands around Kiara’s waist and drew her in for a soft kiss. Kiara melted into it, swaying closer when Ryn deepened it.

  “I’m going to miss you,” Kiara admitted when they finally pulled apart. She rested her head on Ryn’s shoulder, listening to the steady beat of Ryn’s heart. They’d only been back together for a few months, but they fit together so seamlessly it seemed longer.

  “I’ll miss you too.” Ryn hugged Kiara tighter. “I know you’ll make a good impression.”

  “I hope so,” Kiara said fervently.

  Ryn pulled back, forcing Kiara to look up and meet her eyes. “Hey. In the last few months, you faced down the Huntsmen and a vigilante GNAAW rep and formed your own pack. You can handle a bunch of suits, no problem. And I’ll be here when you get back.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise,” Ryn said firmly. “You and me, Kiara. You and me. And, obviously, the rest of them, since I guess we’re all stuck together now.”

  “Our own pack.” Kiara couldn’t resist the glow of pride. “It’ll be a good thing to come home to.”

  “Now get going.” Ryn gave Kiara’s butt a light slap. “Deanna’s waiting.”

  Kiara stole one last kiss and went out the door.

  “All good?” Deanna asked from where she leaned against the passenger side of the car.

  “Yeah,” Kiara smiled. “All good.”

  The End.

  Acknowledgments |

  To everyone this year who has kept me writing, kept me reading, packed and unpacked my kitchen, brought me wine and candles and plants, read first drafts, read second drafts, made sure I ate vegetables, lent me their ears or their backs or their expertise: Thank you. Leita, Claire, Kaschelle, Celeste, Jayne, Kiara, Trever, Scott, Mom, Dad, Wendy, Lisa, Pene, Danica, Hanson, Eliot, Neal, Marcella, Katelyn, Lowell, Chelsey, Jen, Kayla, Devon, Kat, Quinn—you are all incredible and I am so grateful to have you in my life.

  Thank you to Interlude Press, to Annie, Candy, Choi, and Nicki, and Zoe, who brought this series to life, and to Monika, for the gorgeous art.

  Thank you, RALPH, for Something More.

  About the Author |

  Michelle Osgood writes queer, feminist romance from her tiny apartment in Vancouver, BC. She loves stories in all media, especially those created by Shonda Rhimes, and dreams of one day owning a wine cellar to rival Olivia Pope’s. She is active in Vancouver’s poly and LGBTQ communities, never turns down a debate about pop culture, and is trying to learn how to cook. Her first novel, The Better to Kiss You With, was published by Interlude Press in 2016.



  The Better to Kiss You With

  Deanna, the moderator for Wolf’s Run, an online werewolf role-playing game, wanders the local forest with her dog Arthur and daydreams about Jamie, the attractive, enigmatic woman who lives upstairs. When threats from an antagonistic player escalate, Deanna wonders if her job could be riskier than she’d ever imagined—and if her new girlfriend knows more about this community than she had realized.

  ISBN (print) 978-1-941530-74-0 | (eBook) 978-1-941530-75-7


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