ZetaTalk: Being Human

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ZetaTalk: Being Human Page 14

by Nancy Lieder

  backgrounds, including base lifeform and cultures, is represented. There is a lot of difference of opinion on how to proceed, and a lot of difference in what tasks are accepted. Some prefer to be in the background, in a support capacity.

  Some have specialties, and will only function in those, checking out to fall to the side on matters if the setting is not just right. Thus, for us to try to make statements as to what tasks a Star Child might assume, would be impossible, they are too varied! They are likely to be the garbage man as a CEO, a crippled child as an athlete, and poorly socialized

  and isolated as charming.

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  ZetaTalk: Aware

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  ZetaTalk: Aware

  Note: written during Feb 1, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  As we have stated repeatedly, a subconscious awareness is often far more effective than conscious awareness. Those

  who are consciously aware of the coming changes, as they will attest, routinely meet with arguments from family and

  friends and coworkers alike when they try to bring the subject up. It goes beyond argument, it goes to punishing

  isolation, divorce, employment termination, and suggestions that the messenger should perhaps be considered insane

  and treated that way, with rights removed. What happens to the human who is subconsciously aware, notes the weather

  changes, the increasing movements in the Earth not only due to quakes, the increasing illness in wildlife and domestic animals and humans alike. They raise these issues, with concern, noting the little details that are bypassed when a full-blown geological changes-in-the-past type discussion erupts. Those around them connect, listen, participate in the discussion, and things move on.

  The person who musters forth frozen mammoths, earthquake statistic graphs, and weather patterns and ZetaTalk

  prophecy accuracy has unloaded both guns, and everyone puts their hands over their ears and runs. Denial is a fragile matter, often the more evidence that is presented, the greater the wall of denial! This wall erodes when the press

  subsides, allowing cracks, allowing a subconscious pondering of the facts. Thus, most Star Children, while coming to

  Earth because of the Transformation, will assume an almost casual attitude toward what is coming. This may include

  keeping the human dumb, so that the soul is aware, the subconscious aware, but the human consciously unaware. This is a matter in play, constantly, so numbers cannot be given that will have any meaning. Suffice it to say that in dealing with Star Children, you can assume they are aware, but may present a human face that is in almost violent denial! This

  is all to plan.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/beinghum/b98.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:50 PM]

  ZetaTalk: Star Children Examples

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  ZetaTalk: Examples

  Note: writen during the July 13, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

  We have indicated that the Star Children starting the Earth's major religions - Christianity, Muslin, and Buddhist, were

  send to give message of love and the importance of looking beyond the material. We have indicated that Einstein was a Star Child, and what his mission was. But most Star Children who have influenced mankind were not known as

  such, nor even suspected as such. Many examples that could be given would be no surprise - Ghandi, Al Gore,

  Spielberg, and others who influence by their example.

  On the negative side, it is not the primary sadists and leaders of nations on atrocious mission of greed and savagery that are Star Children. Those in the Service-to-Self from higher densities are much too vicious to even function in a society such as human society. They instead respond to the Call, as was done for the Nazis, influencing humans who

  create a milder approach to the vicious practices. Thus, other than the Biblical descriptions of the Devil, a true

  incarnation in a reddish life form, we can point to no examples that mankind would relate to, of incarnated Star

  Children. Possessions, which are fleeting, being the only exception.

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  ZetaTalk: Possession

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  ZetaTalk: Possession

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  In possession a walk-in by a very high level entity in the Service-to-Self orientation has occurred, such that this is

  dramatically noticed by the other humans in the vicinity. They could not fail to take notice, as however aggressive and

  non-compliant the human was prior to the possession, the stance the possessed human now takes is a quantum leap

  higher. The human now challenges everyone, and any social exchange has become a war. Where the human formerly

  complied with some social norms, the possessed human now complies with none. They seem, thus, completely

  uncivilized and unsociable.

  Stories about levitation and physically impossible feats during possession are greatly exaggerated, but where the entity

  taking possession has learned how to do levitation they will on occasion employ this during a possession. The issue of

  lettering raised on the skin is quite within the range of possibilities for the human body, but requires skill not yet

  acquired by Earth entities now in the 3rd Density. These tricks are used by the possessing entity to deflect attention

  from do-gooders pouring forth concern, but usually only heighten the resolve and attract even more determined do-

  gooders. The possession becomes a challenge, a wrestling match, and the possessing entity finds itself without rest.

  There thus ensues a great flurry of activity where various authority figures try to reason with the possessed human,

  thinking they are still speaking to the one they knew. In truth, the human is in part the one they knew, but at the core is someone very different, the possessing entity from another world. When reason fails, forms of magic or witchcraft are

  tried, and we are here including Catholic exorcism. This is where the faith or conviction of those in authority, their

  orientation to give Service-to-Others, comes into play. Where this is successful in driving out the possessing entity and securing a return of the original incarnating entity it is because of two things.

  One, the flood of concern and caring poured upon the strongly oriented Service-to-Self entity disturbs its

  concentration, tugging at its focus on self, and it departs in disgust.

  Two, the formerly incarnating entity hears the pleas of the humans it formerly knew, feels the love pouring

  toward it, and changes its mind about having left in the first place. The birthing envoys confer with all concerned

  and the possessing entity vacates in an exchange.

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  ZetaTalk: Body Senses

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  ZetaTalk: Body Senses

  Note: writen during the November 09, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

  As we have stated, a walk-in, or possession, occurs when the soul of incarnated in a human body wishes to leave. The

  soul is in fact departing, planning suicide, and thus it is not a matter of arguing with the soul. Where another spirit

  wishes to possess the body, whether this spirit is Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self, an immediate conference is

  called with all parties in attendance. This is a spiritual conference, so the human body, the brain and memory, is not a party. Where a suicidal human is incarnated with a spirit that wants out of the incarnation, there was no

  before, but as a result of the spiritual conference and agreement to allow a walk-in or possession, this changes. The

  human finds they suddenly have a change of heart, feel differently, see new solutions or avenues to address their

  problem that they had not considered before. Thus, rather than pick up the gun or jump off the bridge, they take long

  walks and mull matters over. To the human body, under the influence of its incarnated spirit for the duration of its

  existence, this may feel like a spiritual change that they can't explain. Some may call it a type of death bed conversion, where upon contemplating death, they saw how beautiful life was! Most find their ability to consider others, not just

  the self, in the case of a walk-in by a highly developed Service-to-Others, makes their relationships with other humans

  flourish! They thus have additional reasons to choose life, and ascribe their new relationships correctly to their new

  approach to dealing with others.

  In the case of a possession, the human agreed to allow a highly Service-to-Self spirit incarnate in the body they wished to leave. The soul incarnated in that human, closely allied with the human and influencing the human body

  during the lifetime, must have leaned toward the Service-to-Self orientation for this to develop. It does not happen that a human becomes Service-to-Self while the spirit is pulling toward Service-to-Others. Thus, the human in a possession

  by a Service-to-Self likewise finds they have renewed energy, but toward a different agenda. Where the walk-in found

  themselves more concerned about others, and less obsessed with problems in their personal life, the possessed human

  finds they have new ideas on how to torment and exact revenge against those resented in their life. They conclude

  little, taking no time to ponder the change, but proceed with the practice of horrifying the family concerned with

  ending the possession. Since possessions are always short lived, in that highly Service-to-Self spirits find 3rd Density

  living too restrictive, the human is shortly returned to the original spirit. Finding a lack of ideas, a lack of energy and determination to continue the games that had been enjoyed, all including the human recently possessed fall back into

  their familiar patterns.

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  ZetaTalk: Star Seeded

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  ZetaTalk: Star Seeded

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Mankind arose from a combination of sources, and the earth was one. As there is tremendous variation on the

  environments found through the Universe, in any genetic engineering project the engineers find it most profitable to

  use, as a base, a species native to the planet. The species in this case was a form of ape no longer in existence on

  Earth. Anthropologists searching for this missing link have not found it, as this ape was chosen not for its wide range

  but for its suitability.

  Having a suitable base, several experiments were tried. Through genetic engineering, the intelligence and dexterity of

  this ape was increased. The bi-pedal stance was encouraged. When we say experiments, we are speaking of the stage

  where the product was re-introduced to the Earth, having been residing in labs. The product of genetic engineering

  then either survived and flourished or died out for some reason. More often than not, the product expired. Some of the

  aggression and violence we now seek to diminish, for 4th Density existence, were necessary for the product to survive

  on Earth at that time. This step was repeated many times, on different places on Earth, and this formed the basis for the various races of mankind you see today.

  When mankind was genetically engineered, this was under the direction of the Council of Worlds at all times, and at

  no time was the intent for mankind to be slaves of another intelligent life form. Of course, having created mankind,

  various groups had as their agenda to do just that. We are saying that the mission was not slavery, but some who knew

  of the product came back to Earth to attempt to muscle in on new territory. This has occurred here and there, with one

  group or the other, but all were fleeting occurrences and all were stopped shortly after the campaign developed.

  Both the Koran and Bible attempted to explain this among other things to mankind, most of which was misunderstood.

  Therefore, dwell not on the Koran or the Bible when looking for the true history of mankind's birth.

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  ZetaTalk: Meditation

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  ZetaTalk: Meditation

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The Hindus are a very mystical people, in touch with their spiritual side, and trying all the time to move more in that

  direction. They study and practice methods to improved communications with the spirit world. Concentration, diet that

  will improve the ability of the body to concentrate and not be distracted, positions of the body that are helpful, and the right mental attitudes. All this effort brings them little, however, as the ability to communicate with spirits is strictly related to the desire to do so. A human following all the recommended practices religiously may be nowhere, another doing everything wrong, according to the recommended practices, is speaking regularly to the dead or spirits in higher

  dimensions. However, as would be the case with any group of people, some Hindus who follow the recommendations

  also have desire, and so connect. There is then a great flurry of enthusiasm for the practices, which had nothing to do

  with the success.

  The Hindu speak of a state, the goal of living, called Nirvana. They attempt to reach this via meditation, and correct living, during many incarnations. They attempt to reach high levels of communication with others, as an adjunct to this

  state. What they are seeking is termed living in light form, or the spirit only, not requiring incarnations. Incarnations are a learning experience, but spirits grow beyond the need for this, in both the Service-to-Others and Service-to-Self

  orientations. Incarnations are then used as a learning experience, or a tool, for these spirits.

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  ZetaTalk: Shamanism

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  ZetaTalk: Shamanism

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  All cultures have shamans, who go by different names. A shaman must be able to convince those he lives amongst that

  his experiences are real, and his guidance valid, or his stature quickly falls. Therefore, shamans in the main are having real experiences that are somewhat familiar, if only in part, to other humans. There are seldom fake shamans, and then

  not for long. What is a shaman? A shaman is a human who refuses to deny what his intuition is telling him, and thus

  communicates with entities he cannot see or hear or capture for exhibition, as in a cage. He communicates with the

  world of spirits, the dead, higher level entities that no longer need incarnate bodies, and as frequently as possible, he is having Out-Of-Body experiences. He may attempt to incarnate, briefly, into other humans, or animals of various types,

  but he seldom gets permission to do any of this. Imagination plays a great part in shamanism, but is bolstered by real

  experiences so the shaman's stories can be very compelling.

  Many who claim to be speaking to the wind, or animals, or rocks, and genuinely believe this is so, are simply giving a

  spirit they cannot see
a name and source. Humans sensing a spirit in the vicinity are often at a loss to explain what they are sensing. They refer to vibes, or a presence, or an intensity. Nothing can be captured on camera, or grabbed

  and put in a box for later examination. Spirits communicating with a group, such as an Indian tribe, will often go with

  the flow, and allow whomever is communicating to assume this presence. It is possible to influence the direction a bird flies, easily, as the reason for flying in this or that direction are few and can be staged for the benefit of the bird. Thus, a Shaman who thinks the bird has a spirit, and finds it flying in patterns that would indicate that, is none the wiser.

  All humans have the capacity to be shamans, but in the main lack the faith. They stop themselves. They feel insecure,

  not being grounded. They prefer to be a spectator. But the family of man, hearing the shaman weaving his spell,

  remember their tentative experiences along the same lines, and believe. A shaman's followers have gone to the edge

  with the shaman, and when he describes what was beyond, they recall what they caught a glint of.

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  ZetaTalk: Carlos Castaneda

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  ZetaTalk: Carlos Castaneda

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

  A widely misunderstood means of connecting to the reality known to the incarnated spirit involves forcing the human

  body to take a back seat so that the mind can communicate more fully with the spirit, the incarnating entity.

  In American Indian cultures, this takes the form of exposure and fatigue to the point of exhaustion, so the body has

  ceased to demand center stage and has in effect given up. Isolation from the normal social interaction demanded when

  others in the group are about is another technique used, a technique most humans intuitively understand. Another

  means of forcing the body to take a lesser role involves various hallucinogens, naturally occurring so that they are at


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