Boxset: Destiny Decides.. & Destiny Embraces..

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Boxset: Destiny Decides.. & Destiny Embraces.. Page 15

by P. G. Van

  “Nick, I am twenty-three, I think I have waited long enough. Thanks to my ex!!” I joked.

  Nick smiled and said, “The idiot definitely did not deserve you, and I am still wondering if I do.”

  “Stop it Nick,” I said and when I saw his quizzical expression, “putting me on the pedestal, I mean.”

  Nick reached down to plant a kiss on my lips and said, “I am the lucky one to have you in my arms.” I blushed and looked down at our unified chest. Nick relaxed his hold on me and with still one hand around me, he pulled the sheets back and in a quick movement swept me off my feet and lifted me into his arms.

  “Nick,” I said laughing as I clung to him, “You need to warn me about things like this.”

  Nick laughed and planted a kiss on my forehead before lowering me onto the cool mattress, and I flinched slightly as the cold sheets met my lower back, and I pulled Nick to me for warmth. Nick came down hot and heavy as he worshipped my body with his hands and my lips with his soft and firm lips. My body felt intertwined both inside and out with the constant thrills that it experienced with Nick’s expert moves. I moaned against his mouth complaining that I wasn’t getting enough and as if Nick read my body language, he gently released my lips, looked at me and said, “I will be right back, stay put please.”

  Nick walked to the closet and emerged from his closet a few minutes later with a very small glass bottle and regular glass jar. He set them down on the bedside table, climbed on to the bed, and sat down next to me.

  I sat up to put my arms around him and he gently whispered, “I am going to try my level best not to hurt you.”

  “Nick, I will be fine. Don’t worry about it,” I assured him.

  “I want you to be at ease before I do anything so I am going to massage your entire body first with this oil,” and he showed me the little glass container.

  “What is that and will it be enough?” I asked puzzled.

  “It’s all I have, but it is concentrated oil so we should be good,” he said looking into my eyes.

  I looked to see what the other bottle was, and I noticed it was coconut oil. He saw me look at the oil curiously and said, “I want to use that for lubrication so it eases the pain but the downside is that any protection I wear will rip though because of the oil.”

  I looked up at him and said, “You don’t need to wear anything.”

  “I don’t understand,” he said with a puzzled expression on his face.

  “I have been on birth control hormones for the past seven months to treat my irregular cycles,” I said almost whispering.

  “Meeera…” His voice was lost as he took his lips to my neck and planted a series of light kisses while his hand prepped my body for the massage. He gently removed my bra and got up to pull my jeans through my ankles. At that point, he came back up to start a trail of kisses starting with my forehead and as his lips made their way south, his palms gently cupped my most private area as his fingertips teased the delicate skin through the fabric of my undergarment.

  “Meera, are you ready baby?” he asked looking up at me from my navel. I nodded and smiled. He pulled himself up, took a drop of the oil from the small bottle, and rubbed it between his palms.

  I got a sudden whiff of jasmine and moaned as the intensely sweet and floral smell filled my nostrils. I lay on my back as Nick ran his oily palms along the length of my body and along my arms very slowly as his tongue caressed the sensitive skin behind my ear.

  He slowly got up, sat on me very lightly with his legs on either sides, and started rubbing my shoulders. The rubbing soon turned into stroking and then into spider crawls, his fingertips barely touching me as he ran them all over my torso.

  The smell of jasmine being a powerful aphrodisiac had simulated my sexual desire to a new height. Satisfied with his work, Nick moved south lowering his lips to the solid gold waist chain, and ran his tongue along the chain. He then very gently retraced the path with his tongue and stopped at the center and slowly but steadily moved closer to the center of my desire. He ran his tongue along the waistband of my stretchy lace underwear before nuzzling my clit. I grabbed on to his hair when I felt him take a deep breath against my moist darkness.

  He groaned and started to run his tongue around my clit through the thin lace material. I moaned throwing my head from side to side as he continued to flicker and nip through the translucent fabric as if to tease me to the edge.

  As he made the last bit of clothing fall off my body, I saw his body tighten and the blood rush to his pleasure zone through his well- fit jeans. He paused and looked straight at me as if to make sure I was still breathing. I looked back at him with my eyes clouded with desire.

  Nick came up to tease my ear lobe with his tongue and asked in a soft tone, “You still want me?”

  “Yes,” I begged clinging to him as I dug my nails into his arms.

  His body shuddered at the raging desire in my voice. He gently moved away from me to take off his jeans and was back in my arms in a flash.

  “This feels so good. I love it when you look at me like that,” he said running his lips along my cheeks.

  “Nick,” I moaned impatiently running my fingers through his hair and pulled him close to me.

  “I want you too baby,” he whispered in my ear making me quiver.

  Nick reached for the oil and started warming the oil by running his fingertips in a circular motion on his palm and just watching him make circles on his palms drove me insane. My body was starting to get tired of waiting for his touch and as if in response to my complaining body, he slid one hand between my thighs gently separating them. He started by applying the oil to the outer walls of my thighs and then got into the darker area with just two of his fingers. The sensation of someone touching a part that has never been touched by anyone else is an indescribable feeling of tension and thrill. His fingers were gentle yet steady as they drove deeper into my feminine being. My body stiffened as an initial reaction to the invasion but surrendered with the warm welcoming oil that eased the movement of his fingers into me.

  Nick continued to engage my mouth with his as his oily fingers caressed and teased my clit. He stroked me slowly teasing my entire being as waves of delight swept me away. I called out his name as he continued to stroke me to an orgasm. I shuddered and felt like I was going to explode as he planted light kisses along my neck and jawline. My body inadvertently generated a moan from within and as if that was his cue, Nick lifted himself to place his weight partially over me. He gently slid his arm under me around my waist and slowly and steadily started to get his virility into my cave of pleasure. The initial sense of entry was tantalizing, and I arched my body further opening myself to Nick’s hardness. As he was half way in, he reached for my nipple with his lips and started to suck, and pleasure started undermining the burn that was building around Nick’s hardness way down. He switched from one nipple to another as if to distract my body from the sweet pain below. With my every body jerk, Nick inched into my being and the final shove sent a quick pang of pain, and I clung to Nick, gasping for air. Nick came down hot and tight on me without moving a millimeter inside me. We lay as a single organism connected by primitive desire. He continued to stroke my body and left a flurry of kisses all over my body to ease my discomfort.

  Nick lifted himself up again and this time very slowly started the rhythmic movement that caused immense pain and discomfort, but those sensations were overshadowed by the overbearing sense of desire ignited by his touch and the way his body moved. He slowly and gently picked up the pace that was required to release any confined pleasure that was not awakened by his tactility. I started to feel my body move to match Nick’s rhythmic movement and as the movements resonated, the cold waves of pain were subsided by the warmth of his pleasure inside me. We moaned in unison and as Nick collapsed putting his weight on me, I held him to me so tightly that I thought I was going to crack my rib cage.

  My body was still shuddering from the new experience as Nick propped up on
his elbows to look into my eyes with love.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked with concern in his voice.

  I nodded not being able to find my voice. He very gently slid to my side without separating himself from me and looked at me as he ran his finger along my cheek, and said, “I could just lie in your arms forever.”

  I inched in closer to him gently and said, “I love you, Nick.”

  He smiled and pulled me to him as I drowned into his arms overcome by sleep.


  I woke up in the middle of the night with the bay view in front of me, and I remembered where I was and smiled to myself. I moved to get a sense of my being, and I felt Nick’s bare chest on my back. My sudden movement jerked him awake, and his hand instantaneously wrapped around my waist turning me to face him. I looked into his desire-driven eyes, smiled, and said, “Sorry, I woke you.” I reached up to touch his lips with my fingers.

  He groaned with pleasure at the memory of our engagement and asked kissing my fingertips, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am,” I smiled back putting my arms around him.

  Nick was asleep in a few minutes with his breath fanning my face, and I lay awake in his arms getting a sense of where I was and what this meant for my future. The man in my arms was a caring person and an amazing lover but also a successful and ambitious businessman with the wealth from his family and his own accomplishments. I was ambitious too, but my idea of life was lot simpler than his, and I wasn’t sure how our match up was going to work out.

  I felt sick in my stomach just at the thought of not being with him. I was sure it was no coincidence that Nick came back into my life. I decided to let whatever brought us together after all these years keep us together. I snuggled closer to Nick and crawled back to sleep listening to his heart beating in my ear.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Hi Nani,” I beamed as I heard my grandma’s voice on the phone.

  “Hi Chinnu (little one). How are you?” my grandma asked her voice filled with affection.

  “I am super-duper good. How are you and Thatha (Grandpa)?” I asked with excitement, listening to her sweet voice.

  “I might know why you are super-duper good,” my grandma teased.

  “Who told you Nani? Was it Nate?” I asked annoyed.

  I heard my grandma laugh and said, “It was your mom, and I think she is right.”

  “Nani, I don’t believe this, they just would not let me be the one to tell you,” I said sounding angry.

  “It’s okay Meera; she wanted to share the happiness with us knowing that we would be happy as well,” she said softly.

  My mom and my grandma were still best friends in spite of the fact that the man who was the reason for their relation was no longer around.

  “I don’t know anything except for the fact that you like someone, so I can’t wait to hear all the details,” my grandma said with excitement in her voice.

  “Well, I am pretty sure you saw him when he was in Hyderabad but not sure if you remember him,” I said and added, “Nate met him at their high school reunion a few months ago, and that’s how we got back in touch.”

  At that point, I heard Nick come down the stairs, and he walked towards where I was sitting on the sectional and lay down on the sectional with his head in my lap. I smiled down at him and bent to give him a light kiss on his lips, completely tuning out my grandma on the phone.

  “Meera, are you still there?” I heard my grandma ask on the phone and jumped internally.

  “Yes Nani, I am here. I think there was a bad connection for a second there.” I lied looking at Nick smiling to himself.

  Nick closed his eyes with his head in my lap, and I continued to listen and respond to my grandma’s questions with monosyllable responses as all her questions were about Nick.

  “Is he good looking and taller than you?” she asked.

  “Yes, Nani,” I responded running my fingers gently through Nick’s hair as he lay in my lap with his eyes closed.

  “Does he love you?” she asked giggling.

  “Yes, Nani,” I responded giggling, as all of my responses were the same. I finally interrupted her series of questions and said, “Why don’t we talk about something else, this is almost like an interrogation session.”

  As if she just remembered, my grandma said, “Oh I meant to tell you about this as soon as you called, and I almost forgot.”

  “What is it Nani?” I asked curiously.

  “Do you remember the family that lived next door from us in Vizag?” she asked.

  “I think I do Nani, but very vaguely,” I said trying to remember.

  “I met her a few weeks ago at our relative’s wedding, and she told me something rather odd,” my grandma said, and I could imagine the look she had on her face.

  “What do you mean odd?” I asked anticipation building up.

  “She told me that within the last six months, she had people inquiring about our family, especially about you and Nethra,” she said in a mysterious voice.

  “Ohh Nani, stop with the drama.” I teased and asked, “Who was inquiring about Nate and me, and why were they inquiring about us?”

  As soon as I said that, Nick’s eyes flew open and he looked at me with concern in his eyes. I looked at him and shook my head to indicate that everything was fine.

  “She had people inquiring about you guys back in August or September of last year, and they said it was for school records and the latest inquiry was maybe a month ago,” my grandma said sounding confused.

  “Nani, I get the school records piece. Many of the schools want to build their alumni database. It’s pretty surprising that a school would hunt down students after all these years,” I said and asked, “What was the second inquiry about?”

  “Well, the second one seemed very fishy as they made up some weird excuse as to why they needed the information so our neighbor said she didn’t know anything about us,” Grandma said sounding relieved.

  “It’s a good thing we had a sensible neighbor,” and asked, “What did she tell the people claiming to be from our school?”

  “She just knew that you girls were in U.S and no other details so she just gave them that piece of information,” Grandma said relieved.

  “Ohh that’s good then, even if was some kind of scam we are good,” I said keeping a calm voice.

  “I know Chinnu, I was worried too, but now that I have told you, I feel much better,” she said with a sign of relief.

  “I got it Nani, don’t worry,” I said comforting her and added, “I have to go now. Please tell Thatha (Grandpa) I love him and that I will call him in a few days.”

  “Bye, Meera. Take care,” she said with love in her voice.

  “I love you too Nani. Muaaah. Bye,” I said smiling and hung up.

  I looked down at the handsome face looking at me with worry in his eyes and said, “Good morning, sleepy head,” and put my arms around his well-shaped head.

  “Good morning, Sameera,” he said calmly and asked, “Who was that on the phone?”

  “My grandma,” I said and added, “You were still sleeping so I figured I could check on how they are doing.”

  Nick smiled and I asked, “Did our conversation wake you?”

  “If you walking around in the closet and taking a shower in the bathroom didn’t wake me how do you think you being on the phone down here would wake me up?” he asked mocking me.

  I laughed and said, “That’s because I just grabbed your clothes from the closet and got dressed in the guest bedroom,” and added, “You were sleeping so peacefully, how could I wake you up?”

  “You better not leave me by myself in bed next time,” he complained.

  “Aww, little baby doesn’t like to be alone in the crib,” I mocked and giggled as his eyes lit up with desire at my tone.

  “Yes, I always like to have this baby next to me,” and pulled me hungrily towards him wrapping his arms around me. His sleep soft lips expressed the longing a
nd desire for me in just that single kiss.

  “Are you doing okay?” Nick asked against my lips.

  “I am fine, Nick,” I said pulling back from him and asked, “Do you want coffee?”

  “I want you,” Nick teased pulling me back to him.

  I laughed pulling away from him and said, “I know, but you will get a cup of coffee for now.”

  A few minutes later, I handed him a steaming cup of coffee and sat at the dining table. Nick sat down with his coffee at the dining table next to me and asked, “Can I ask you something Sameera?”

  “Sure Nick,” I smiled giving him a suspicious look.

  “What was your grandma telling you about towards the end of your conversation?” Nick asked cautiously.

  “Eaves dropping huh Nick?” I teased.

  “It’s not eaves dropping if you are a few inches away,” he said smiling.

  “Ohh, it’s nothing, some random people trying to find out what Nate and I are up to from our old neighbor,” I said casually.

  “When was this?” Nick asked with a lot of intensity in his voice.

  “Nick, easy. I am pretty sure it’s nothing,” I said smiling and added when he kept looking at me in silence, “There was someone trying to get information about Nate and me sometime in August last year and then again a month ago.”

  Nick’s expression changed from concern to anger within seconds and asked, “Who was it that was trying to get the information most recently?”

  “That’s the weird part, it looks like they didn’t identify themselves and that’s what made the inquiry very skeptical,” I said scrunching my nose.

  “What details were they able to get from your neighbor?” Nick asked in a stern voice.

  “Easy there with the overly protective stuff,” I mocked and when I did not see his expression change, I added, “Our neighbor didn’t give them any info.”


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