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Boxset: Destiny Decides.. & Destiny Embraces..

Page 23

by P. G. Van

“Sameera, look at me please,” Nick said his voice soft and steady as he gently wiped the excess moisture around my eyes with his thumb.

  I slowly opened my eyes to look at him through my moisture-clustered eyelashes and sniffled from my outburst.

  Nick looked at me with his eyes looking bottomless and said in a firm voice, “I need you to stop bracing yourself for something that will not happen, and even if it did, I promise that I will never walk out of your life, no matter what.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Nick came to pick me up after work on a Thursday afternoon and told me on the way that we were headed to his parents’ place for the evening. I always needed to know all the plans well in advance so I sulked along the way that Nick wasn’t giving me any information. We reached the family residence around six and stopped by the main house to see his mom. Nick had requested after last weekend that he and I visit his mom more often so she feels happy, and I agreed happily.

  “Nick, if we are going to see your mom, why are you being so mysterious about this visit?” I asked as he pulled into the garage.

  “Yes, but that’s not the only reason why we are here,” Nick said smiling.

  “Nick, this is not fair,” I complained.

  “All is fair in love and war, baby,” Nick said winking at me.

  “I get it. I told you I enjoy the spooky things you do, but this is borderline scary Nick,” I said my voice rambling as it echoed in the closed garage.

  Nick walked towards the elevator taking me by my hand and said, “By the end of the night, you will have experienced various emotions and will have mixed feelings but the ultimate feeling would be happiness, I promise.”

  I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and said frowning, “I usually find this look on your face very sexy but not today.”

  Nick laughed totally enjoying the situation.

  “Ma, I am home,” Nick called out to his mom as he stepped into the foyer.

  I heard his mom in the family room say with utter excitement, “Nick, Is Sameera here too?”

  “Here she goes again,” Nick said softly turning back and looking at me.

  Nick’s mom was beaming and she walked past Nick, completely ignoring him approaching me, and gave me a tight hug and said, “I am so happy to see you Sameera. How was your day?”

  Nick rolled his eyes and said looking at me, “Great, I feel like a stepchild now.”

  “I am good Mrs. B. What have you been up to?” I asked as I followed her to the family room with Nick standing in the foyer feeling completely left out. As I walked behind his mom, I turned to look at him and gently stuck my tongue out and saw him smiling. My heart raced every time I saw him smile and show off his dimples.

  “Hi Ms. Meera, How are you?” Pammi asked as we sat down at the sectional in the family room.

  “I am good PammiMa. It’s good to see you,” I said smiling at her.

  “Would you like some Chai, Ms. Meera?” she asked, and I immediately responded grinning, “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Pammi laughed and excused herself to make the Chai for us.

  I saw Nick walk into the kitchen to greet Pammi and then walked back into the family room and sat next to his mom. I could feel his eyes on me as I chatted away with his mom about everything under the sun and moon. Nick’s mom and I shared a special love for classical dance and built all of our conversations around that topic.

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” Nick’s mom said mid conversation leaving the room and added, “I will be right back.”

  Nick smiled and mouthed ‘I love you’ and winked at me. I blushed and looked down at my hands. Nick’s mom came back to the family room holding a small navy blue rectangular box.

  “Sameera, this is for you for the lovely dance,” she said handing me the box.

  I clasped my hands together and shook my head and said, “Oh no. Mrs. B. Please no.”

  “Sameera, please this is for my satisfaction,” Nick’s mom said sitting next to me and holding my hand.

  I looked at Nick who was smiling at us and said, “Nick, please help me out here.”

  Nick’s mom looked at Nick and laughed and said, “It was his idea to get you a gift.”

  “Oh no, Mrs. B. Please,” I whined.

  “Sameera, don’t be a spoiled sport,” Nick teased.

  Nick’s mom put the small velvety box between my palms and said affectionately, “I hope you enjoy these for many years to come.”

  “What did you get me Mrs. B?” I asked curiously looking at her.

  “Open the box, Sameera,” Nick said smiling.

  I blushed and pulled on the clasp and gently opened the box. I stared blankly at the two circular objects inside the box, and my mouth went dry when I realized what was in the box.

  “Are these the anklets I wore the other day?” I asked in a shaky voice looking at Nick’s mom. She smiled and nodded.

  She put her palm on my cheek and said, “I take it that you like your gift?”

  “Thank you Mrs. B,” I said hugging her, and I looked at Nick as he smiled at me.

  “You are welcome, my dear,” Nick’s mom said comforting me.

  Nick’s phone rang a few minutes later, and he stepped into the kitchen to take the phone call. He came back a few seconds later and said, “Sameera, we need to go,” and looked at his mom and said, “Ma, we will be back in about thirty minutes.”

  “See you guys soon. Have fun,” Nick’s mom said as Nick took my hand and led me towards a grand staircase.

  “Nick, where are we going?” I asked as I tried to keep up with his long leaps on the staircase.

  At the top of the staircase was a huge landing area decorated with handicrafts and artwork from India. This artwork was usually handmade in the rural areas making them unique and hard to find. Nick took me through another wide foyer and finally stopped at a large door. He pulled out a key opening the door and stepped into the dark room taking me in by my hand.

  “Welcome back,” he said as he closed the door and locked it from the inside. He turned on the lights, and it was at that point I realized that we were in Nick’s part of the family house. The entrance from the house led to a small foyer and into the dining area. Nick walked towards the glass doors that led to the roof garden and stepped outside. I saw him check something for a few minutes, and then he turned on a switch that lit up the entire roof garden. I almost dropped the anklets box when I saw how beautiful the place looked. I placed the box with the anklets on the dining table and slowly walked towards the glass doors. Nick was to one side of the roof garden looking at the driveway.

  “Nick, I am officially freaking out now. What is going on?” I asked taking in a deep breath as I stepped into the fully decorated and lit up roof garden. I had not been to his portion of the house since the ceremony, and I stood in the roof garden on a Thursday for reasons that I was not entirely certain. I looked at him wondering if he was planning something major and started playing back everything he had said that evening, and confirmed that he was way too cool for a guy who may be about to pop the question. I wondered if he did plan to pop the question, eventually.

  “Sameera, they are here,” Nick whispered.

  I almost ran to Nick and gently leaned to look at the driveway that led to Nick’s garage. The limo was parked on the driveway and Mitch got out of the car and opened the passenger door. I looked to see who had arrived and a few seconds later Srini got out of the back seat wearing a very nice suit looking sharp.

  “Nick,” I whispered and added, “I am dying here. What is going on?”

  Nick smiled and said, “Wait one more second, and you will understand.” We continued to look as Srini helped Nate out of the car. Nate was wearing a beautiful teal cocktail dress and was blindfolded.

  “Oh my gosh, Srini is proposing to Nate?” I asked hugging Nick as I tried very hard to contain my excitement.

  “Yes, baby. I promised Srini that I would not tell you anything about it and hence the torture,” he said
planting a kiss on my lips.

  “They are going to come up through the service elevator,” Nick said pointing to the elevator doors on the side and added, “We should go inside and wait.”

  ‘Does Srini know we are going to be watching them?” I asked as Nick closed the glass doors and turned off the lights.

  “I am sure he won’t mind, and we won’t interrupt them,” Nick said sitting at the dining table.

  “How exciting. I wonder how Nate is doing. She has been expecting a proposal but not this soon,” I said as I stood behind Nick’s chair with my arms on his shoulder.

  “Here they come,” Nick said standing up and walking towards the glass window.

  “Can they see us?” I asked my voice quivering.

  “Nope. Enjoy the show my love,” Nick teased.

  “Nick, stop…” I said in a complaining tone and added “This is about my sister and to-be brother-in-law’s precious moment. Stop joking about it.”

  “I know, I am sorry,” Nick said hugging me from behind, and we saw Srini lead Nate to where the bench was in the roof garden. He guided her to the bench and took off her blindfold, and I heard her faint squeak as she saw her beautiful surroundings through the soundproof glass. Srini looked a bit shaken as Nate walked around the roof garden admiring the surroundings wondering where they were. Srini gently took Nate’s hand taking her back to the bench and sat her down gently. I saw Nate’s face light up as Srini went down on one knee and pulled out a tiny box from his jacket pocket. Nate covered her mouth with her palms, and I saw her nod her head while tears rolled down her cheek.

  “Awww, my sister is engaged,” I said turning around to face Nick and said, “Thank you for making their special moment so beautiful, Nick.”

  I reached up on my toes to kiss him on his forehead.

  “You are welcome, baby,” Nick said smiling at me.

  I turned around to look at Nate and Srini, and they were both in tears and hugging each other. I saw Nate suddenly jump with joy as everything started to sink in, and she went back to the bench where she had left her clutch. She pulled her phone out of her clutch and started dialing.

  “She is calling my mom…” I said and realized that my phone and Nick’s phone had started ringing almost at the same time. We both looked at our phones and started laughing. Nate was calling me and Srini was calling Nick.

  “I think it’s time to show ourselves to them,” Nick said and opened the glass doors and stepped out into the covered patio area and said, “Srini and Nethra, over here.” I stepped out into the patio right behind Nick and as soon as I saw Nate and Srini walk towards us hand-in-hand, unable to contain my excitement, I left Nick’s side and ran to give Srini and Nate a hug.

  “Congratulations you guys, I am so happy for you,” I said looking at both of them teary eyed.

  “Nate, I thought you were calling mom.” I said hugging her.

  “C’mon Meera. I would tell you first before I tell anyone else,” Nate teased.

  “I am so happy for you guys, and Srini I am so glad you are going to be my brother-in-law,” I said in my excited and squeaky voice.

  “Congrats, man,” Nick said hugging Srini, and he looked at Nate and said with a smile, “Nethra, I can’t believe you said yes to this guy.”

  “Nick,” Srini and I said in unison sounding furious.

  “Easy, I am kidding,” he said hugging Nate and added, “I am very happy for you guys.”

  “Thanks Nick for making this happen,” Srini said patting Nick on the back.

  “Anything for you, Srini,” Nick said giving him a fist bump.

  “You know what this means right Nick?” Srini asked Nick smiling.

  “Yes, I do,” Nick said and added, “I have made all the plans already so no worries.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” I asked not understanding what was happening.

  Nick laughed and said, “I have to go on a day trip tomorrow as Srini will be taking the day off to spend time with his new fiancée.”

  “Awesome,” I said excited for Nate.

  “Srini and Nethra, you have the limo to yourselves all night and all day tomorrow. Enjoy,” Nick said smiling at them.

  “Okay, Meera, see you later. I will call mom and dad from the car,” Nate said hugging me as she got into the elevator with Srini.

  “Let’s go eat dinner and go home. I have a long day tomorrow,” Nick said stretching his arms out.

  I put my arms around his torso and whispered against his chest, “Thank you, Nick,” and added, “I am so excited for Nate and Srini.”


  “Sameera, I am heading out,” Nick said planting a kiss on my sleep soft lips on Friday morning.

  I put my arms around his neck pulling him on to me and said, “Please don’t go.”

  “Srini is going to pay for this dearly,” Nick said clenching his teeth.

  I laughed and sat up in bed as Nick picked up his computer bag.

  “Nick, it’s so dark. What time is it?” I asked reaching for my phone.

  “It’s almost four-thirty, and the jet leaves in an hour,” Nick said walking towards the bedroom entrance.

  “Nick, wait for me,” I said getting out of bed and reached for my robe.

  “When will you come back?” I asked walking towards him.

  “It will be pretty late by the time I get back. Mitch will take you to your Bollywood class and to Nethra’s place after,” Nick declared.

  “Will you come back here tonight?” I asked putting my arms around him.

  “I will go to my parents’ place tonight from the airport, and I will see you tomorrow morning.” Nick said pushing my hair away from my face. I started to follow Nick towards the staircase, but he stopped me at the bedroom entrance and said smiling, “I know my way out. Go back to sleep, please.”

  “I will miss you, Nick,” I said reaching up to kiss him on his cheek.

  “Bye, Sameera. I will miss you too,” Nick said as he went down the stairs. As I saw Nick leave, I felt that ache in my chest, and I wondered why it was so hard to see him leave.

  I went back to bed but just could not go back to sleep. Nick was right when he said it was hard to sleep without your loved one next to you. The day dragged on with me hoping to see Nick that night. Mitch picked me up after work and waited outside the studio until my workout class finished and took me back to my old apartment. I had a salad for dinner and was chilling on the couch reading a book when Nate and Srini showed up.

  “Hey, lovey-doveys. How was your day?” I asked Nate and Srini as they walked through the apartment door hand-in-hand giggling at each other.

  “Aaamazing,” Nate said smiling at Srini.

  “Meera, check out my ring,” she said and held out her hand grinning.

  “Let me see,” I said and got off the couch to meet her half way.

  I looked at the simple solitaire beautifully cut diamond placed between six yellow gold prongs and smiled, and said to Srini, “I am proud of you Srini. You did good.”

  “Thank you, Meera,” Srini said smiling as he walked over to where Nate and I were standing admiring the engagement ring.

  “You better take good care of my sister,” I warned him and hugged him.

  “I will,” he said patting me on my shoulder.

  “For the record, I am mad at you for making Nick go on that trip today,” I said to Srini mocking him.

  “I know, but I had to for Nethra,” Srini said putting his arm around her.

  “Aww, you guys. You are so cute together,” I said and added smiling at Srini, “Oh Srini, I cannot thank you enough for inviting Nick to dinner at that tequila bar.”

  Srini’s smile faded a bit as he looked at Nate and said, “I have Nethra in my life because of you and Nick. There is no need to thank me.”

  “Srini, why do you keep saying that? You have it all wrong,” I said giggling at him as Srini looked at me in silence shaking his head.

  “What?” I asked confused and said,
“Say that again.”

  Srini walked over to where I was standing and said in a serious tone, “I am not allowed to talk about it. You will need to talk to Nick about it.”

  “Nate, do you know what this is about?” I asked looking at her with my head almost spinning.

  “I don’t know the details Meera, but Srini has told me more than once that you were the reason that he and I met,” Nate said casually.

  “Nate, something doesn’t add up and what is up with you and your guy secrets?” I asked looking at Srini.

  Srini had his poker face on as he took a sip of his beer.

  “What secrets?” Nate asked curiously.

  “Nick and Srini are good at keeping each other’s secrets Nate,” I said smiling and added, “and I had no clue that Srini was going to propose until I saw you get out of the limo last night.”

  Srini smiled with pride in his eyes as Nate looked at me in shock and he said winking at me, “Nick is my best friend, and I will do anything for him, including taking his secrets to my grave.”

  “Whatever,” I said rolling my eyes and added, “I will ask him as soon as he gets here tomorrow.”

  “Brace yourself girls,” Srini warned looking at me and said, “especially you Meera.”

  “Srini, you are killing me now,” I said annoyed and added, “and we will be family very soon. Please tell me.”

  “I am sorry, Meera. I love you guys, but I can’t let Nick down.” Srini said without being influenced.

  “What time does the jet land?” I asked Srini.

  Srini laughed and said, “I don’t know how to protect Nick.”

  “Stop it, Srini,” I said and asked, ‘Please, what time does he get to the airport?”

  “Meera, hang on I am going to ask my fiancée,” Nate intervened.

  “Okay, make it fast, Nate,” I said getting impatient.

  ‘Srini, what is the big secret? Is Nick going to propose to Meera?” she asked smiling.

  “Nate, that’s not what I want to know,” I screamed turning crimson.

  “Oh my, look at you blush,” Nate said getting distracted and added, “Looks like he already gave you the ring.”


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