Knocked up, by her best friend's dad.

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Knocked up, by her best friend's dad. Page 3

by Hazel Gower

  We stayed against the wall frozen for a moment before he eased me down. He looked me over, his gaze pausing on my stomach. I knew right then, Jamie had told his dad. Crap.

  “You okay? I didn’t hurt you?”

  “This didn’t hurt me.”

  He winced and took a step back like I’d struck him at my wording. “I’m an arsehole.”

  “Yes. Yes, you are.” The euphoria from my orgasm disappeared as what I’d just done and who was here with me hit me like a ton of bricks. How dare he just waltz in without talking or seeing me for two and half months? How dare he fuck me, and it was fucking, not making love, and then ask if I was okay. How dare he turn my world upside down again.


  I WATCHED HER SHUT DOWN. Her eyes went dead, no emotion showed in them. I’d seen that from her before, but it had always been for her parents, or anyone who hurt her. I remembered her coming home with Jamie from school after being bullied, with that exact same expression. Her lips were a straight line, and her whole body language screamed stay the fuck away. I should have backed away, gave her another day or so to cool down from the stupid thing I’d just done. But damn, I hadn’t intended to fuck her, I’d come into the house and called out for her and she hadn’t answered. When I found her in the shower I couldn’t resist, I'd been fantasizing about her for months now.

  Running my fingers through my short curly hair, I sighed hating what we had to do. I’d much rather go another round with her, maybe on the bed. “We need to talk. We’re a couple of months overdue.”

  Her nod was more of a jerk, her face still in the dead expression as she replied. “Yes. Out, so I can get dressed. I’ll meet you in the lounge room.”

  I wasn’t going to argue. I gave her a chin lift in acknowledgment and picked up my clothes that were by the door. My imagination of what she was doing in the shower had me stripping and joining her. I left the room and groaned when she shut the door once I was in the hall. I hated that she didn’t slam it in anger, I wished she would show anger more than the stoic, almost zombie woman.

  Leaning against the hallway wall, I hopped into my boxers and then shorts before standing and slipping my shirt over me. I walked down the hall to the lounge room and sat on the three-seater sofa. I closed my eyes, trying not to see the vision of Hannah in the shower, and focus on what needed to be discussed. I don’t know how long I rested with my eyes closed, but I knew it was a lot longer than Hannah needed to get dressed and get herself ready to come talk to me.

  She made no noise when she came out. I only knew she was in the room because I heard the leather sofa crinkle when she sat. I opened my eyes and saw she was on the two seater across from me. “How are you?”

  “That’s what you’re going to start with? God, do you know what I have on repeat in my head right now?” She raised her brow and I waited. “Pink’s Stupid Girl. Because, damn, I’m a stupid girl. I acted so out of character. Twice now. I told myself the first time was liquid courage, and I would finally get to know what it would be like to be with you.” She groaned and sagged back into the seat. Her stoic composure replaced with raw pain, her eyes were light green almost grey and her lips were down and her gaunt cheeks.

  “Ha. I hadn’t had much to drink the first time, so that went out the window, and this time just stuffed up any other excuse I could come up with for that night.” She brought her top lip in and bit it. “You know how I feel about you. You have to, I haven’t made it a secret. Jamie thinks it’s just a crush, but our friends know the truth. They comment on how I look at you all time. They think you know and are just being nice to me, and not making a big deal of it, but I don’t want you to be nice anymore if that's what you were doing. Did you let me seduce you because you were drunk? What was that before then?” Hannah was ranting and barley taking a breath now. “If you wanted me to get over you, avoiding me for two months sure will do it.” She raised her chin. “I’m sorry I seduced you, but I’m not sorry it was you I lost my virginity to. You haven’t talked to me for months, maybe you're ashamed of what we did. But I don't care. I don’t regret it. I don’t regret this baby.” It was the first time she'd mentioned the pregnancy. “Before you think it, I’m not trying to trap you or anything. This is my baby and I can have it and bring it up all by myself.” She now glared at me, her eyes had turned to a dark green, sparking with fire as she set her lips in a determined line.

  I resisted the urge to smile at her rant and quick changes in emotions. I butted in before she got her second wind. “I know I was a douche. I should have called you or come and talked to you sooner.” I eased forward on the sofa. “I needed to think. This was a big step. I've noticed you, but had no idea you had any feelings for me other than friendship, and maybe a fatherly figure.”

  “Ew, I've never seen you as a father figure. Sure, you’re Jamie’s dad, but even then you’ve always been Jamie’s young, hot father, who’s been more like another one of the guys. There's only fifteen years difference between us. I’m older than Jamie too. Fifteen years is nothing really.” She shrugged.

  “Yeah, well, us being together will affect people, so I needed to think about whether or not I could deal with the fall out.” I was worried the most about Jamie, but I knew my parents would be shocked, and I was concerned about what my own friends would think of me with someone so young.

  “Oh, yeah, who?”

  I debated for a moment if I should tell her who, but if I was going to go through with this relationship with her I needed her to know the truth. “Jamie, my family, and I don’t know how my own friends will react.”

  “Why would Jamie care? He knows how I feel about you or at least thinks I have crush. I always thought your family liked me, I hope I’m not wrong, and as for your friends…” she crossed her arms over her chest pushing her breasts up and drawing my gaze to them. They were bigger. “I've had a lot of your ‘friends’ hit on me and two have even asked me out.”

  “What. The. Fuck. Who the hell asked you out, I’ll kill ‘em.” A red haze came over my gaze and anger I hadn’t felt in a long time reared its head. How dare my friends ask out my Hannah, er my son’s nineteen-year-old friend I corrected myself, but I knew I meant my Hannah.

  She waved her hand back and forth. “I’m not naming names for you to fight with. I’m telling you, so you know that I highly doubt they will have a problem with us being together. So tell me why you think your family and Jamie will?”

  How did she not know how my son felt for her? Was she as blind to Jamie's attraction as I was to hers? Should I tell her? Only a few minutes earlier, I thought it was best she knew, but now I didn’t know. How would this affect her friendship with my son? Maybe we could ease my son into Hannah and me being together. The same with my family, they had always thought Hannah and Jamie would end up together. Running my fingers through my curls, I stared at the woman that had driven me nuts. “I want you. I want this between us. I knew if anything started between us it would be long term. Forever. Are you ready for that? As much as I want to dive into this, I think we need to take it slow. It’s not just the two us now, there is a third little being to consider.” I stood and moved to her side, wrapping my arms around her as I kissed her forehead. “You are not alone. You will not be a single parent. I am here. I will always be here no matter what happens between us.” I tilted her chin up and leaned down to brush my lips over hers. “A date. Tomorrow I’ll pick you up and we can have dinner?”

  Her eyes had softened to a rainforest green. “What time?” she whispered.

  Grinning, I snuggled her to me. She stayed stiff for only a moment before she moaned and sank against me settling into my embrace. I loved it. She felt good. She felt right. Perfect even. “How about seven?”

  She shook her head. “Can we do lunch instead? From about five onwards I can’t eat anything. Trust me when I say it’s not pretty and it would be a waste of your money.” I stroked her back and she sighed, and I knew it was a good sigh as she wiggled closer to me.

p; “Lunch. Late lunch. Weekends are my busiest. Even though its Sunday tomorrow, and I usually have that off, I've been working lately as a guy quit on me, and another of my younger guys cut back his hours because he’s going to Uni this year. I can be here at one, I might be late, but it’ll be close to that, okay?”

  “Yep, I’ll be ready.” She eased away and gazed up at me. “You going to tell me why Jamie and your family will have a problem with us?”

  I had hoped she would have forgotten or thought I’d answered enough to let it go. “Let’s take this slow, and see how it goes. I could be wrong.”

  She glared at me and I didn’t think she would cave, but she growled and plopped back against me. “Fine I’ll leave it be for the moment, but you’ll have to tell me eventually.”

  We’d see. At the moment, I was just happy she seemed to have forgiven me for being an arsehole and not contacting her. I knew I really didn’t deserve the second chance she was giving me. I took her virginity. That was something that still blew my mind. It had also been something that had contributed to me figuring out my feelings for her. I knew without a doubt I wouldn’t like another man making love to her. I loved that I was the only man that had been between her legs and felt her tight pussy. I hated the idea of another man kissing her, even my own son. When I thought about that, I knew that I couldn’t stall any longer, that I needed to go and beg Hannah to forgive me and give me a chance. I hoped what we’d done wasn’t a one of and she felt something for me. Now, I knew she'd had feelings for me for years. I wished I'd came to her sooner and said to hell with all my other worries.

  Squeezing her tighter against me, I pressed my lips to her head. “I really am sorry for leaving this for so long. I should have maned up and come to you two months, no, I should have stayed and not left early in the morning. I’m happy you’ve agreed to go out with me, but do you forgive me?”

  She wiggled and snuggled until she fit more comfortably against me. Her finger came to my chest and she traced imaginary patterns. “You hurt me. I know I could have called or ended the avoidance sooner, but I felt with you sneaking out in the morning and leaving no note or message even later in the day, meant you were ashamed of what we’d done. I seduced you. Nothing else I’d done so far had worked, though. Having said that, I don’t have any experience.” She groaned. “Not even Jamie knows this, but the geeky guys he thought I dated, were just friends helping me out, so I returned the favor. Anders was tutoring me, and instead of paying him he said if I would go on a date and pretend to be his girlfriend he would tutor me for free. He wanted his dad off his back. He wasn’t a nice man. And Brent, well, everyone just assumed we were dating and I didn’t correct them, but no he was tutoring me too. So, I didn’t have much experience. Kate was the one who told me to wear your shirts, tie a knot to tighten them, and show my stomach with just my underwear, but that didn’t seem to work ei—”

  “So, Kate’s the one I have to thank for those walking fantasies. My God, woman, you drove me wild walking around before bed and in the morning in one of my shirts—unwashed too, so covered in my scent—and colorful cotton panties.” I pulled her so she straddled me as my cock became rock hard at the image. She wiggled and grinned up at me. “You have no fucking idea how on the one hand, I was bloody thankful Jamie was moving out so I wouldn’t have to see you like that every weekend, and annoyed that he was moving out because I wouldn’t get to see that every weekend.” I ground her down on my now aching cock, thankful I wore lose shorts. Her cheeky smirk had me diving for her lips and melding our mouths in a kiss that showed her just what I wanted to do to her.

  The grumble of Hannah’s stomach had me reluctantly easing away. “Let’s get you fed. If you’re sick at night, we need to get as many nutrients as we can into you during the day.” I moved to the edge of sofa and helped her up before standing myself, grabbing her hand and taking her to the kitchen.

  “Speaking of being sick, can you take me to my doctor for a noon appointment?”

  “Sure. Is this about the baby?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’ve decided to use my private health fund. I pay for it, so I’m using it instead of going public.”

  I brought her hand up and kissed her knuckles. “Sounds good. I can pay any excess.”

  She shrugged and turned her back on me. “We’ll see.”

  Oh, we would. I would help Hannah. She would learn very quickly that this was my baby too, and she wasn’t alone. She would never be alone again.


  I WAS SURPRISED TO FIND I didn't have any sickness, that night while spending time with Adam. I wondered if it had something to do with the sexy man I was currently snuggled against, rubbing soothing circles up and down my arm. We sat binge watching Marvel shows on Netflix. I liked that I could sit and relax with Adam, that we didn’t have to be talking or going out to dinner. I loved that we could just be.

  “You’re not sick tonight?” His quiet voice near my ear sent a shiver down my spine. His voice was so deep and masculine.

  Tilting my head, I met his curious gaze. “No. It’s a nice change to the last couple of weeks.” I laid my head back against his chest, and sighed in contentment.

  His hand moved to my back and I moaned as his soft touch had my body easing any lingering feeling of morning, er night time sickness. My eyes drifted shut, not only enjoying just being in his embrace, but feeling better.

  “You falling asleep on me?” A soft kiss was placed on my neck and then another.

  “Mmm, yes. Talk to me and I will. I love listening to you.”

  I squeaked when arms slipped down and hooked under my legs and he brought me to him in a cradle hold before moving to the edge of the sofa and easing off still holding me safely in his embrace. “Let’s get you to bed.”

  I didn’t bother arguing, I was already in my pajamas, which was one of his old shirts and boxer shorts. He took me to my room and gently laid me on the bed. I wasn’t ready for him leave yet, so I grabbed him and yanked him to me before he even had a chance to get away. “Stay.” I knew he couldn’t stay the night, not with Jamie still not knowing, but I wanted him to stay at least until I fell asleep. I wanted to breathe in his outdoorsy scent; knowing he was with me and it wasn’t a dream.

  “I really should go.” He darted a look at my bedroom door and back at me a couple of times, his lips set in a firm line. I could tell he didn’t want to go, but at the same time didn’t want to stay. He had a little under two hours or so before Jamie came home, and I wondered if he was indecisive because of that. Did he not want Jamie to see us together yet? Maybe I was overthinking it, and he wanted to just get home so he could get a good night’s sleep, and be up early for work. Telling Jamie was something I would ask him about tomorrow.

  I stared up at him and pouted my lips and put what I hoped looked like a pleading look in my gaze. I try begging first before I let him go. “Please. Just for an hour or so. Please.”

  The softening of his face, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes and the smirk he sent me, let me know I’d won. “Okay. What do you want to do, snuggle? Or do you want me to read to you?”

  Wiggling with excitement I beamed up at him. “Do you even need to ask? My book is in the top draw of my bedside." His deep, raspy chuckle settled over me and right then as I watched him get my book, reposition himself so I laid against him snuggling under the covers while he laid on the top, I knew that I’d found my home. When he started reading to me I remembered one of the reasons I fell for him. I loved his voice. It was amazing, deep and masculine and I could listen to him for hours. I drifted off to his soothing tones and knew it didn’t get any better than this.

  I SHOULD HAVE MADE ADAM sweat more yesterday. I gave in to him way too easily. He should have groveled a little. I blamed it on the sex, and my worry that he would be angry with me for being pregnant. His reading to me until I fell asleep was a huge get out of anything card. I loved his voice. I still worried, though, that he wasn’t happy. I didn't want him to think I'
d trapped him, just when he was getting his freedom back. He’d missed out on being a teenager because he became a parent. He was now starting over, but this time, when most men were winding down in life. He didn’t look like he was thirty-four, he looked much younger. His outdoor work, and the way he looked after himself added to his appeal. His sculpted body brought me to my knees, and it was what I blamed him getting away with me forgetting my anger at him, and fucking him in the shower. Well mostly, but really, I knew I just had no self-control around him. I always caved with Adam to even the tiniest things, like food, movies, who paid for things, coming to family nights and events like Christmas, New Year's Eve, and birthdays. The one and only thing he didn’t win on was teaching me how to drive. I had put my foot down on that. It was probably why I was still on my L (learners) because I didn’t have the money to pay for the sixty plus hours needed to pass my learners and go on to my P plates.

  I knew at some stage in the distant future, Adam would want to talk about driving lessons and a car. I hoped I'd be able to stand my ground with him on that like I'd previously done. Another thing I knew we would need to discuss, but I would be happy if we put it off for awhile, was living arrangements. Adam would be okay with me living in the cottage with Jamie for the time being I was sure, but I had a feeling when my belly grew, and he realized that a baby would be added to the small two-bedroom cottage, he’d want me to come and live with him. There were a lot of things we needed to discuss, but I hoped we could hold back on some until we were more settled in our relationship.

  Jamie had come home last night a wreck. Going pro, the training was a lot more brutal, the demand on the body sometimes a bit extreme. Luckily, I’d been feeling good and didn’t have my nightly sickness, so I massaged his body. I’d lost count of the amount of times Jamie told me he loved me and wanted to marry me while treating him to a massage. At one stage in my life, I had thought I wanted to be a massage therapist, but when I got a job at a nursing home, I fell in love with helping the elderly. I loved their wisdom and all their stories. I cherished the love they gave to me. I even got to apply some of the massage therapy I’d learned to a few of the residents.


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