Knocked up, by her best friend's dad.

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Knocked up, by her best friend's dad. Page 5

by Hazel Gower

  What the hell was going on? Why was she wearing my shirt and why was she walking around the house in just it and pink underwear? The image I came in on with her arse sticking out of the fridge flashed before me and I groaned.

  I turned and studied Hannah to see if she had any idea of what she was doing to me, but she was standing in front of the stove singing. It was like she didn’t even realize I was in the room. Fuck, she had no idea. I watched as she made me, Jamie and herself bacon, eggs and hash browns for breakfast. She didn’t change her outfit for Jamie, and didn’t seem to act any different than she did any other time she was over.

  I excused myself as soon as I could, but I knew today had changed how I viewed Hannah. I just knew things would be different and not in a good way for me.

  I blinked as I came out of my memory, and Hannah squeezed my arm. “You okay? They just called my name, but you seemed off in space.”

  I nodded and she stood and offered her hand to me. “I’m good. Sorry I was just woolgathering.”

  She studied me for a moment and must have been good with what she saw because she gave a tilt of her head and turned around and walked towards a woman in a nurse's uniform. I stood for a moment and just watched her arse, in the tight black yoga pants and purple fitted tank top, she’d changed into before leaving work. Hannah had a great arse, and in the tight fabric it showed the globes perfectly and drew my gaze. When she paused to see if I followed, I smirked and got up. I chuckled at her eyeroll and shake of her head when she realized what I was doing.

  They placed us in a room, and the nurse asked some basic questions, to fact check the information Hannah had given them. The nurse then asked when Hannah’s last period was and told her going by that date, she was almost three months along. I was surprised when she said that they could do an ultrasound. I jumped at the chance, and Hannah agreed even after she found out she had to have a prop inserted so they could get a good look. The nurse left and told us the doctor would be in soon.

  Sitting quietly, while Hannah laid on the bed, I thought over what the nurse had told us. If she was almost three months along, that really only gave us six months to prepare. That wasn’t long, but I started to get excited because I knew this time, I wasn’t in the dark, I wasn’t broke like I had been at sixteen either. I was ready, or would be.

  A woman, who looked to be in her early fifties or so, came in holding an iPad. “Hello. I’m Dr. Laurant. You must be Hannah and this man is…?”

  Smiling, I held out my hand. “Adam. The baby’s father.”

  Dr. Laurant shook my hand. “Hi, Adam. It’s nice to meet you and Hannah.” She let go of my hand and smiled at Hannah.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you.” Hannah sat up.

  “Now, I see that you're almost three months along, going from your last menstrual cycle.” Hannah nodded. “Good.” The doctor retrieved a small machine and brought over. “I thought while we chat, you could have a listen to your baby. Would you like that?”

  Hannah’s head bounced up and down eagerly, and I practically shouted, “Yes.”

  The doctor’s eyes twinkled like she was holding back a laugh, but she got the machine ready and smiled at Hannah. “Can you lift up your shirt?”

  Hannah did as asked, tucking her shirt into her bra. Dr. Laurant concentrated for a moment and then we heard it. It sounded like a dog panting or more like a couple of dogs.

  “Sound great. This is a doppler. Could you just hold this here for a moment, Dad? I just want to measure Hannah.” I reached over to hold the doppler, but I dropped it.

  “I’m sorry.” My hands shook with either nervousness or excitement, perhaps a little of both as I grabbed the doppler.

  “It okay. Pick it up and see if you can find the heartbeat.”

  Giving what I hoped was a smile, and not a grimace, I moved the doppler to Hannah’s bottom stomach around where the doctor had it. I moved it over and found it, but not in the same spot as Dr. Laurant had it. The baby must have moved. Can they move that quickly? I wondered.

  “Oh.” Dr. Laurant said so softly I almost missed it. She took the doppler off me and moved it down and to the left. I heard static and then the dog pant again which was the heartbeat. The baby moved again? Dr. Laurant had her brows furrowed as she moved the doppler around and chased the baby.

  “What do you mean, 'oh'? Why did you say oh? Is that a good or a bad oh?” Hannah’s voice got higher and higher showing how anxious and worried she’d became. She darted up to a sitting position and cuddled her stomach. As much as I wanted to worry myself, I kept my cool, knowing someone needed to be the calm one and get all the information. Hannah needed me and this was the perfect time to show her why.

  The doctor smiled, but I could tell it was forced. She put down the Doppler. “If you give me a moment I’m just going to bring in the ultrasound. I want to have a closer look.”

  We didn’t even get a chance to reply before she was out of the room.

  Hannah turned terrified, shining green eyes to me. Her lips trembled and I knew she was holding back tears. Leaning down, I hugged her to me. “I’m sure it’s nothing, angel. The baby had a strong heartbeat. You heard it. It’s probably nothing.”

  Dr. Laurant re-entered, wheeling in a huge machine. “I’m sorry about that. Everything is fine. I apologize for leaving so abruptly, but it looks like you get to have that ultrasound now. I have a routine I follow and you threw me. I haven’t been thrown in a very long time.” Dr. Laurant beamed at us like she'd just won the lottery. “If you could just hop off the table and go out next door to the change room, you’ll find a white gown that does up at the back for you to put on please, Hannah.”

  Hannah hurried to do as the doctor said. I stood to follow, but she shook her head. “You stay here. I’ll only be a moment.”

  I watched Hannah leave and she didn’t take long at all before she was back and on the bed again.

  “Sorry, the gel might be a little cold.” Dr. Laurant's hand and the big wand went under the blanket.

  My gaze darted to Hannah and she looked scared, but I couldn’t help but laugh when she said, “Thank God, you’re like three time the size of that thing, otherwise I’d freak about that going in.”

  The doctor cleared her throat loudly and I felt my cheeks heat. “If this feels uncomfortable at any time, please tell me.”

  “Okay.” Hannah held out her hand, and I threaded my fingers with hers.

  I watched the doctor, and not the screen, studying her expression. Her gaze was focused, but the huge smile that spread across her face told me everything was okay. “There.” She paused and pressed buttons on the machine and this time when she turned on the sound, she grinned. “Congratulations, Mum and Dad. You’re having triplets.”

  “Say what?” Hannah screeched.

  I stared at the screen and saw she had circled three little bubbles.

  “I’m sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you, but I could hear three heartbeats. Three strong heartbeats. I haven’t had triplets without any family history or assistance, like fertility drugs, IVF and so on for a long time, so I was a little shocked.”

  “Three babies,” Hannah yelled. “You knocked me up with three babies. How the hell will I be able to look after three?” The panic was evident in her voice.

  “There are help groups and I'm sure your husband—”

  “We’re not married. He’s my, my…” Hannah darted her gaze to me and I wished she didn’t doubt anything. She should just know how I felt, and that we were together.

  “Boyfriend. And I’m here for you and the babies. I always will be.” Holy crap, babies, more than one. Hannah was going to give me three babies in one go.

  The doctor was still smiling; a big Cheshire cat grin. “You were measuring big, but this explains it. With single and double births, I do monthly visits until about eight months, but with triplets, I'll keep a closer eye on you. You said you’ve been sick at night and have lost weight? No more weight loss for you. We will have a higher
weight goal for you with triplets. Since you’re almost three months now, I suggest one visit in a month so we can see how you’re progressing. After that, I think we might move you to at least a two and half week visits.” She nodded and looked at her iPad like she was confirming she was right. “Multiple birth are prone to coming early, so we may put you on bed rest at the end so you last as long as possible. We want to get you as close to nine months as we can with multiples.”

  I listened intently to Dr. Laurant's instructions, noticing that Hannah was too shocked to focus. When we left, my brain was on overloud.


  I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO back to work, but called them telling them I felt sick. They told me not to worry, and take what I needed off. I was still zoned out even half an hour after leaving the doctor’s office. The doctor’s appointment that I’d heard nothing of as soon as she said I was having triplets. My brain seemed to switch off and only have on repeat, triplets. Three babies. Triplets. Three. Over and over. I had no idea how I phoned my work and talked to them I was so out of it. I don’t remember the drive to Adam's house or even getting out of the car and into the house to lay on the sofa.

  “Angel, you okay? You haven’t said a word since I told the doctor I was your boyfriend.”

  I should have answered Adam and told him it was when she said triplets. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Triplets. How was I going to deal with three babies? I’d only just gotten used to the fact that I have having one. I knew my life would change, and I would have to swap something around with one baby, so I could work and study, but three babies? I didn’t know if I could move things around so easily for three. I couldn’t live with Jamie with three babies, one was going to be crazy and unfair to a young single guy, but three would be just cruel. How would I survive with three? Where would I get the money for three of everything?

  Adam’s fingers caressing my cheek brought my attention back to him. “Hannah, I know what we just learned is overwhelming, but I’m here to support you in any way you need me.”

  “Three. Triplets,” was all that I could gasp out. I was sure I had a reason to be in my state. I’d had sex once and not only had I became pregnant, but I’d gotten knocked up with multiple babies.

  “Yes. We’ve been blessed.”

  I bolted to an upright position and growled, “Blessed. Are you joking? Blessed? Sure, triplets are a blessing, but for us, who are already on shaky ground with our relationship and what we both want, you think bringing three babies into it is good? I was stressing about one. Now I have three times the worry.” I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out as I felt myself get more and more worked up.

  “I know what I want. Do you?”

  My mind pulsed and I could feel a headache coming on. What the hell had I gotten myself into? I thought I knew what I wanted. Now that I had what I thought I wanted, I couldn’t stop questioning it. I worried that Adam was only with me now, and not ignoring me like he had been for months, because of the babies. Argh, that sounded weird to say, babies, more than one. “I’m scared. I’ve wanted you and me for as long as I can remember, but the babies are something I would never have even dreamed of.”

  Ha, a baby wasn’t, hadn’t, been on my radar at all. What did I know about raising a child? I’d had shitty examples. Sure, Adam had done this before, but did he even want to do this again, and not just with one, but three? Fucking hell, the one time I had sex, what are the odds, triplets. Surely, I was like a rarity or something. I mean one night really did change my world. Shit! I didn’t want to delve into what this would do to my world. Jamie didn’t even know, and if he didn’t accept this where did that leave me? What would I do? Would he forgive me? What would happen with his dad? Oh God, I didn’t want to come between them. Jamie and Adam had been everything to me for as long as I could remember. What if I ended up losing the both of them? I loved Kate, my best girlfriend, but she was no Jamie, and I sure wasn't in love with her.

  He circled my waist, and brought me onto his lap cradling me in his embrace. “I know you’re scared, but you don’t have to be scared about me being there for our children. No matter what happens with us, I will always be there.” His fingers ran soothingly up and down my back. “I want you. I wanted you before you were pregnant. I know I was a jerk and shouldn’t have stayed away, but you’re an adult now, and could have come to talk to me.” I rested my head against his chest enjoying his warmth. “I’m scared too, but not about this pregnancy or you, I’m scared of how people will react to our relationship.” His sigh was long and loud. “You know I've been battling my feelings for you, and if I should do anything about it for quite some time. You were seventeen when I first noticed you, and I felt like a dirty old man. You were too young for me to be honest about how I really felt about you. I know you’re nineteen now, but that’s still so young. People are going to see us together and think I’m your father.”

  “Ha,” I choked out on a giggle, and then burst into laughter. Adam didn’t look his age, he barely looked thirty, more like mid to late twenties not thirty-four. Turning, I straddled his lap and curled my lip up into what I hoped looked like a cheeky smirk. “I can tell you now, that isn’t what people will be thinking.” I cocked my head to the side. “I could call you Daddy if you like.”

  His answering growl had me squealing as his fingers came around and started tickling me. I was extremely ticklish. He did a gentle roll so I sat on the sofa and he hovered over me. His forehead rested on my own. “I love your laugh. Your giggle. I always have, but more so now that I’m the one making you laugh and know that I’ll get to hear it more.”

  My heart melted. This was one of the many reasons I loved Adam. He was so sweet. I tilted my head back and covered his lips with my own in a kiss that I hoped showed him just how much I loved the things he said to me.

  He leaned in, and I opened my legs as he kneeled and settled between them. His hands slid up my body, lifted my tank top and hooked his fingers into the elastic of my yoga pants and my panties. “Up. I want these off.” I did as I was told, and lifted my waist as he eased my pants and underwear down to my joggers. He took them off before pulling my garments away and dropping them behind him. I was horny. Being around Adam always had my body coming alive and eager for even the slightest touch from him.

  I stared down at him as his hungry gaze roamed over my pussy. He still had all his clothes on and I wanted them off. I wanted to see his muscles flex with each movement he made. I wanted to lick each of his tattoos and watch as we connected. “I want you naked,” I moaned.

  His nod was quick before he stood and kicked off his boots, undressing in record time. I sat up and pointed to my top. “Yes, I want to watch those nipples of yours pucker, and your back arch as I devour your pussy.”

  I loved when he spoke dirty, telling me what he wanted and was going to do. I could practically feel my core pulse with need and become wet. I sat up and yanked my tank off and unhooked my bra and threw it, not caring where it landed. With my bra now gone, and us both naked, I drank in Adam’s large build. It amazed me how he hadn’t crushed me yet. It wasn’t fat it was muscle. He was big like a lot of Tongan men, and had some of what I would call tribal tattoos, that I sat up to touch as he knelt and settled between my thighs.

  “You’re beyond beautiful. I don’t know how I got so lucky,” he murmured against my lips before he kissed me with a passion that had slowly been building since he sat me on his lap. His hands cupped my breasts and with how sensitive they were, it felt like it had been years since I’d been touched. My body felt more responsive since becoming pregnant. I was horny a lot and had masturbated more in the last couple of months than I was sure I ever had.

  Adam’s mouth left mine and nibbled, licked and sucked his way down my body turning my building fire higher with each touch of his smooth, thick lips. He came to rest between my thighs, and I spread my legs further apart, leaning back on the sofa. I was glad he was big and had gotten a high, thickly padded sofa.

  On my elbows, I looked down and shivered as he blew on me, before his tongue came out to lick, and my body seemed to shake with need for more. His fingers spread me open, and I groaned, rolled my head back, and bucked as he buried his face and devoured me.

  His fingers brushed back and forth as his tongue delved in and out driving me wild. My breathing came out in gasps the more he explored. A thick callused finger entered me and moved in and out in time with his tongue. I tried to move with him, searching for the high I knew only Adam could give me. He added another digit and pumped them in as he sucked my clit. I wasn’t going to last much longer, I was ready to fall. Hissing as his teeth scraped over my clit and sent tiny sparks of pain through me, heightening my burning body, I arched up as he pushed his tongue and fingers in and let go. I closed my eyes and let all the sensations bombard me as I fell off the edge and my orgasm crashed over me.

  “Adam. Yes. Yes. Adam that's it.” I yelled as bliss flowed over me.

  Adam brushed his lips over my electrified skin, giving me feather light kisses, until he positioned the tip of his cock to my pussy entrance. He rubbed it along my sensitive nether lips, before pushing his way home and slamming his mouth on my own. My eyes snapped open as he captured my gasp with his mouth and I gazed into his dark, brown eyes.

  I’m felt so full and I wiggled as his dick pulsed inside me. He felt bigger. He seemed to grow every time we’re together. I could taste myself on him, and it only turned me on more.

  His mouth broke from mine and he growled out, “You’re so fucking tight. Damn, I’m a lucky man.” He brushed his lips over mine. He slid out and thrusts back in, once, twice and a third time before burying himself to the hilt and resting his forehead on mine. “You turn me into a randy teenage boy who can’t hold his own every time I’m with you.” His sigh was one of pure pleasure. “I swear every time I’m with you, I receive a little slice of heaven.”


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