Knocked up, by her best friend's dad.

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Knocked up, by her best friend's dad. Page 8

by Hazel Gower

  His teeth scrapped over my clit and his fingers delved in deep. I let go and exploded as he nipped at my clit.

  “Adam. Yes. Yes, Adam.” I screamed and gripped his hair as waves of pleasure washed over me.

  Adam kissed his way up my body brushing his lips against my tingling skin. The tip of his cock lined up to my pussy and rubbed it along my sensitive lips before pushing his way home.

  “Yes. Oh. My God. You feel so good.” I arched into him and stared into his eyes as he eased out and thrust back in. “I love you. I love how you make me feel.”

  “I love you, Hannah, so damn much.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine. Tasting myself only heightened my building lust. Buried to the hilt, he rested his forehead on mine. “Every time I’m with you, I swear it gets better and better. You’re my little piece of heaven.”

  His mouth took mine again as he slid out. I wrapped my hands around his back and held on as he drove into me over and over. Starting to slide back with the power of each thrust, I gripped the end of the table with one hand, and held on for dear life with the other. Lifting my legs, I pushed up to meet him each time he pumped harder into me. Needing air, I tore my mouth from his and took deep, calming breaths as my passion continued to build.

  Adam grunted and I knew he was close. I was going to shatter soon. My body was tingling and I could feel the coil in my stomach ready to unroll. Adam gritted his teeth and his neck muscles strained. I loved watching the effect I had on him. It turned me on and had me rising to the edge faster, ready to explode.

  Circling his toned arse with my feet, I dug the heels in as I pushed up and moved my hand from his back and around to rub his chest. The feel of his hard chest had me letting go and breaking into a thousand tiny pieces.

  “Fuck yeah. Angel, you feel so good.” Adam yelled as he drove into me one more time on a moan and let himself go. He came to rest over me and stayed there for a moment before he groaned and moved off me. He gave me a lazy smile. “Come on, angel. I’m going to carry you to bed and get you some food.”

  I couldn’t help the cheesy grin that spread over my face. I loved that he cradled me in his embrace and could carry me anywhere I needed to go, even pregnant. As he lifted me I snuggled in to my man and let my safe euphoria settle over me.


  I STARED AT THE DISPLAY case in front of me and knew the woman next to me wasn’t happy. I turned to face her and waved my hand for her to tell me what she’d been holding back.

  Kate raised a brow. “You say you know Hannah, if you do, do you really think what’s before you is the one you want her to wear forever?”

  Scrubbing my hand over my face I knew she was right, the rings I was looking at were wrong. They weren’t Hannah’s style. “Okay. Don’t make a big deal, but you're right.”

  The cheeky smirk she sent me had a shiver going down my spine, I had a feeling my afternoon was going to get expensive. “I just knew you’d call me soon. I’ve found a really good custom jeweler.”

  I didn’t know this woman well, but it was obvious when it came to her friends, she would do anything to keep them happy. I knew Hannah was one of her best friends.

  An hour later, I sat at a table in a high-end jeweler and designed exactly what I wanted for Hannah.

  “Now that is Hannah.” Kate comment as she looked at the design. “She’s going to love this and with this one there is no way she’ll say no.”

  I was so happy with the engagement ring that I ordered matching necklace and earrings. I was surprised when they said it would be ready in two weeks. I’d thought going custom would have taken longer. When I walked out of the store with Kate, I turned to her and manned up. “You were right. The ring I designed is so perfect for Hannah. Thank you for coming with me and helping me. I’m glad Hannah has such a great friend to look out for her like you did.”

  I watched as a light pink reached her cheeks, and I had a feeling Kate didn’t blush very often. “No need to thank me. As long as I’m there to see Hannah’s face when you do this, that will be thanks enough. You make my girl happy and for that I would help you with anything.”

  I nod. “I have your number. I’ll call you when I’m going to do it. I want to do it at family dinner on a Sunday.”

  “Oh, that’s a great idea. Hannah loves those, she’s been so bummed she missed them when you were being an arsehole.”

  I rolled my eyes at the easy way Kate called me an arsehole over my freak out; for not talking or seeing Hannah for months after I’d first slept with her. I regretted taking so long and my behavior towards Hannah, and I understood Hannah calling me an arse, but I wasn’t keen on her friends calling me it too. “She could have still come. I told Hannah this.”

  Kate waved her hand. “Blah, you know how sweet Hannah is, she didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” She smirked over at me as we headed for our cars. “Do you know how long it took me to convince her to wear just your shirt to bed, and when she got up to tie it at her waist?”

  I knew it hadn’t been Hannah’s idea to dress like that, and it had driven me crazy. I’d had wet dreams like a teenage boy because of the image of her as she walked around my house in that outfit. She’d started the sexy outfit when she almost eighteen, I remember feeling even guiltier about my fantasy’s because she was only seventeen. “I don’t know if I really want to know.”

  Kate wiggled her eyebrows. “Just after she turned sixteen.”

  I shook my head to shake any thought entering. “No. say no more. She was already too young when she started just shy of eighteen. That was evil, Kate.”

  Her laugh was that of a villain. “If she’d listened to me in the first place, you’d probably have been together as soon as she turned eighteen.”

  “No. I love Hannah, but I already struggle with the age gap. I repeat over and over she’s at least a year older than my son at nineteen.”

  “Mr. Tupou, um, Adam. You forget you’re not that old. Most people are only just starting families at your age.” She flipped her hair. “I don’t plan to have kids for like, at least ten years. Thanks to you and Hannah, I’ll be able to get my fix and go.”

  I chuckled at her thanking of being able to get a kid fix, but groaned because again she was right. This girl was a wise one. I stopped at my truck and smiled at her as she stopped. “Thanks again for coming and helping me.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you later in the week. I’m picking Hannah up for a girl’s night Friday.”

  I nodded and got in my car, watching in my mirror as Kate got into her little car and zipped away.

  I STARED AT THE DOOR of my son’s house, for the first time conflicted over what I had to do. My focus lately had been so much on Hannah and the babies. I was grateful, because I knew if I really stopped and thought about Jamie and me, I would stress and make myself sick with worry over how everything’s played out. It didn’t help that I felt stupid. I was the father. I should have seen this coming, or something along the lines, but I guess it had been denial on my part too. Denial that I could betray my son the way I did. Denial at my feelings for Hannah and how it would affect the relationship we already had between the three of us.

  The door opened taking my choice away. “How much longer you gunna stand there for?” Jamie crossed his arms over his chest and puffed out his body. If I wasn’t feeling terrible already, his defensive body language made me feel like utter shit. I was his father. He shouldn’t feel the need to make himself bigger than me in order to fight. Running my hand over my head, I realized just how much I’d royally screwed this all up.

  “I’m sorry.” I let my hand fall and stared into a face so like my own. “You shouldn’t have had to have found out like you did. Damn, you shouldn’t have had to worry about this even happening."

  We stood in there for a while, Jamie not saying a word. I opened my mouth to say more. I needed to say more, but I wanted inside first. I didn’t want to say all I had come to say on the bottom step of my son’s house entrance.
r />   “No. I shouldn’t have, but what I did was worse.” He stepped back and turned leaving the door open. I knew this was my cue, that it was not only okay to follow him, but he was ready to talk.

  Jamie went to the kitchen and I watched as he got out two beers, passing me one before he went over to the lounge room and sat on the sofa. I followed suit, sitting on the sofa opposite him.

  We drink half a bottle before I sighed and knew I had to continue. “I feel so goddamn guilty. I’ve felt like that for years now.” I chuckled; a hollow sound. “The little tease wore my dirty shirts to bed and woke up with them tied in a knot, and her bloody panties showing. I know that’s not an excuse, but then she’d come around when you weren’t there just to watch TV and she’d snuggle against me. She’d listen to me drone on about work and help with what she could to make it easier on me. All that combined, it drove me mad.” I rested my head against the back of sofa, not looking at Jamie anymore and closed my eyes for a moment. “The party. The house-warming party where I couldn’t fight it any longer, I thought I was in your room and not hers. I don’t know if I can blame the alcohol because if I really think about it, I knew my resolve was crumbling. As much as I thought I would be relived she wouldn’t be around to torment and tease me, I knew deep down that I’d fallen for her and was going to miss the hell out her…” I sat up and opened my eyes. “Even more than I would miss you.” I studied Jamie’s face, he didn’t look angry or upset, his face, was blank, like he was a machine and just taking in everything I said. “I love her. I’m in love with her. I’m going to ask her to marry me. Can you forgive me?”

  I watched as he downed his beer, grabbed another, downed that and pulled a third out of the fridge before coming and sitting down again. “I realized after my epic fuck-up that I love Hannah, but I’m not in love with her. These last couple of days I’ve called myself a fool more times than I can remember. I was a blind idiot not to see how it is with the two of you. Christ, I knew she had a crush, that should have told me that there was more. What hurts the most I think is, I’m supposed to be Hannah’s best friend and she kept this from me. Hannah has always been there for me. I mean, come on, she moved in here for me, not her. She was perfectly content not paying rent and living between our place and her other friends. She took a massage course and no matter how many times she says it was to help her career, I know that it's bullshit, she did it to help me.” He scrubbed his face before he sighed and finished his third beer, got up and opened another. “I can, I will, um, er, do forgive you. Do you think Hannah will ever forgive me?”

  Hannah, wasn’t the type of person to hold a grudge or stay angry. She’d probably already forgiven Jamie, but was still angry at him. I wondered if she was a little upset with herself too for how this had all gone down. I didn’t hesitate in my reply. “Yeah. I bet you already are forgiven. She knows that you’d never really hurt her, she just might take some time. You going to be okay with that?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll have to be.” I nodded and stood to leave, glad that we’d sorted it out. “Dad.” I paused and turned to him. “I’m happy for you. To tell the truth, I couldn’t think of anyone better for you to marry. It may gross me out, but, I see why you two make sense.” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Um, er, Dad, I love you.”

  Going to him I whispered, “Fuck it.” And pulled him in for a big bear hug. “I love you too son. I love you too.”

  I knew then that it would all be okay.

  WE WERE GOING TO MY parents for the first time. Together. As a couple. Jamie was out of the way, he knew about Hannah and I, we’d talked and he’d comes to terms with it all. Now, it was time to tell the rest of family. Surprisingly, I wasn’t nervous about my family knowing about Hannah and me. I’d stressed about it enough and wanted everything to be out in the open. I was happy with Hannah; she was better than any of my fantasies I’d had. Now that Jamie knew of what I wanted with Hannah, I was eager to share the news with everyone else.

  Hannah’s grip on my hand was tight as we entered my parents dining room. “What if they're angry because I seduced you?” I couldn’t help the chuckle that turned into a full-blown laugh as she let go of my hand, puts them on her waist and raises her brow. “It’s not something to laugh at. If I hadn’t thrown myself at you, we wouldn’t be in this.”

  I stopped laughing and gathered her closer to me as I tilted her head up. “I don’t regret you coming to me at that party.” I placed my hands on her rounded stomach. “I definitely don’t regret these babies.” I leaned down and brushed my lips over hers.

  “Oh, gosh. Adam. Hannah.” I looked up to see my mother with her mouth flapping open.

  “Ma, Hannah and I have something to tell you all.”

  “Oh, son, I bet you two do.” She looked up and down and then her gaze stopped and I knew what it was focused on. “I think you two need come into the lounge room now.” The voice she used was one I remembered from my childhood, it was one I never disobeyed.

  “We’re right behind you, Ma.” I practically had to drag Hannah behind me.

  We entered the lounge room where my pa, Jamie, sister Pauline, brother-in-law Hank, niece Rebecca, nephew Bryce and grandparents were all waiting. As soon as we entered the room, all eyes turned to us. They smiled, but when they saw my hand entwined with Hannah’s, and then her pregnant belly, there were gasps, and gaping mouths, all except Jamie.

  “Hannah and I have some things to tell you all.” I squeezed Hannah’s hand reassuringly.

  “You’ve been busy, bro.” Pauline blurts out.

  “Yeah, Uncle Adam.” Bryce added.

  Hannah backed up, but I held onto her tight. “Hannah and I are together. She's pregnant with my children. Yes, you heard right. We’re having triplets.”

  Chaos ensued, as they all spoke at once. Hannah yanked her hand from mine and ran.

  Not caring about my family, I followed Hannah to make sure she was safe. I caught her at our car. “Angel.” I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Slow down, beautiful, before you fall and hurt yourself.” I gathered her into my arms. She broke down into sobs.

  “They all hate me now. I bet they think I’ve trapped you,” she moaned.

  “Angel, they don’t hate you, and I know you didn’t trap me.” Her face is buried against my chest, but I ease back and tilt her chin up and lean down. “They’re just shocked, Hannah.” I stroked her cheek. “Once they know everything and see how much we love each other, everything will be good again. I promise.” She hiccupped but leaned into my caress. “Let’s go back in there. They've had some time to processes this, and I promise it will be all alright.”

  The love and trust that shone from her eyes as she gazed up at me had me knowing I’d said and done the right thing. This time when we walked into the house, Hannah was snuggled into my side and my hand rested on her bulging stomach. There wasn’t any yelling and I knew that it would all work out oaky.


  ADAM’S FAMILY CAME AROUND QUICKLY. That first night was awkward, and I almost ran out at least three more time that night, but the last three Sunday nights at his parents' had been great. They’d even started asking about the babies.

  My school holidays had been amazing. When I hadn’t been at work, I’d been relaxing at home. Yes, home. Adam’s house was my home. It had always felt like it, but now that we were together, it felt even more like home.

  Living with Adam was fantastic, but I now knew he wasn’t perfect. Like, using a new dish or cup for every time and not washing it and placing it in the dishwasher, or not putting his dirty clothes in washing basket, he’d dump it beside the basket or at the laundry door, and then there was the damn driving lessons, let’s just say that I’ll be paying for lesson’s from now on. The day after his family learning of us, he took me in my new car for my first lesson…

  “Have you checked your review mirror and side ones?”

  He’d asked me this twice now and I was starting to get annoyed. I answered with the same answer I
gave him the first two time. “Yes, I’ve checked the mirrors and made sure the chair is enough forward to reach the peddles.”

  “Now that you’re sure, I want you to practice turning the engine off and on and learning where the indicators, lights and windscreen whippers are.” He gazed at me and I resisted the urge to snarl at him. I knew where all these things where. I been in the car and watched him drive and this wasn’t my first driving lesson. I’d driven before. Not wanting to start an argument when we’d just started, I did as he asked. I refamiliarized myself with everything, and when I thought he would be satisfied. I turned the car on and didn’t turn it off.

  “Can we start now?”

  “Yes. I want you to slowly ease out of this park and we’re going to cruise along the street and go in a circle.”

  I nodded. That sounded easy enough. “Okay.” I moved out of the park and onto the quiet street.

  “Why didn’t you look to see if there was anyone?”

  “I could see in my rearview and side mirror there wasn’t.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You always turn to look as well, just in case. You never know when something can pop out.”

  “But nothing was. We're on a street with no cars.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll make sure I look no matter what from now on.”

  “Good. Now at the end of this street turn left.” Again, I did as he tells me and when I turned, he blew up. “Why didn’t you stop and check both ways?”

  My hands tightened on the steering wheel. There wasn’t a stop light and the streets we were on were pretty much empty. “I looked and saw no car, there was no reason for me to stop.”

  “You’re only learning you should be more cautious.”

  "What’s there to be cautious of on empty streets? I’ve driven before on busy roads. Why the quiet one?”

  “You weren’t pregnant the other times.”

  “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I forget what I’ve leant and can’t drive with traffic.”


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